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Everything posted by Weldun

  1. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday, April 26)
  2. Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items The detailed edition would be out until the day after, at the earliest.
  3. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Actually, while I can see your points, I think that it's Spiderman's struggle to do whats right dispite the fact that his life continues to suck (although, in the end, he gets MJ! ), that makes him such a compelling hero. My problem with Supes (although, clearly I don't hate him that much, as I fanatically watch Smallville) is that he has all the advantages. Spiderman persists in spite of his shortcommings, ovecomming not only the obstacles in front of him, but those that he bring to the situation himself. Supes has few hang-ups. But now for some Supes-love. The thing I think keeps bringing me back to him, I believe, is that he continues to strive beyond what he has already done. He always looks to do more. He looks at the power he wields and wonders "Did I do enough. Did I try hard enough. I believe so, but I will endeavour do try harded in the future." He's introspective, constantly questioning his deeds, without getting to hung up about it, and brooding. (Okay, Clark does in Smallville, but hey, he's still young and will grow up one day.) I still prefer Spiderman, because he's the underdog. Where other supers have secret lairs and hidden fortresses, or mansions with freakin' jets parked under the basketball court, he has to make do with a hidden compartment in his bedroom closet. But I have to admit, Cable and Bishop never really grabbed me, although in Cable's case, it might be my hate of Liefeld art.
  4. Re: The Hero Forum's Hottest Man in Comics. Sorry, people. I'm going to have to count only one vote per account, for obvious reasons.
  5. Re: Mutant Detectors Damnit! I can't take this route, because if I do, the distinctive feature stops being distinctive.
  6. Re: Mutant Detectors Damn. Yet another book we don't have.
  7. Re: I need to brainstorm some anachronistic items A folder containing newspaper clippings describing a devestating meteor strike in 1999. The meteorite apparently struck a small island in the south pacific, and it's passage through the Earth's atmosphere apparently brought it directly over several cities, it's shockwave destroying them. What makes the folder interesting is the copy of a Global Cease-Fire agreement,, dated July, 1999, and a Copy of a calling for "Globilisation" of all the Earth's governments under the U.N., dated september 1999. A newpaper clipping dated September 14, 1999, detailing the disaster on the moon, shere the nuclear waste dump on the far side had apparently detonated in a massive thermonuclear explosion and has catapulted the moon out of Earth's orbit and into deep space at colossal speed. The article also talks about plans for memorials services for the 311 inhabitants of the moonbase that may have just become humanity's first interstellar explorers, if they survived at all. Unfortunately, a build-up of magnetic radiation, combined with the global communications disruption resulting from the catastrophe have made any attempts at contacting any survivors impossible. Sub-articles postulate the potential effects upon Earth's ecology, and discuss the possible extintion of mankind. Walt Mervin's "Certain Essays in History", including a detailed description of the 1975 war between the U.S. and China, that ended in the genocide of the Chinese. An unusual alloy sample (with micro-subspace pockets), with a report that it had been found in in the side of Mt. Saint Helens, under a layer of rock that had been laid down 4 million years ago. The Crown of King Kull of Atlantis. The cermonial blade used to kill Pharaoh Seti I in 1290 BC
  8. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Great! Now I've got the heavy metal "Kill The Wabbit" stuck in my head. Gweam of a Bwade. And the Deviw is paid.
  9. Weldun


    Look to the skies! Whoops, let's start again. For my champions game, I am planning on writing and printing out the occasional newsfax for my PCs, so that they have an idea of what's happening in the world around them. One article in the one I am writing now needs a statement from an alien who is resident on earth, and likely available for comment. Unfortunately, the only one that I can think of off-the-top-of-my-head is, Ironclad. So, are there any others out there? Include members from your own team if they're based in something resembling CU. This is why we need more info on some of the other heroes of the world.
  10. Weldun

    Sister Bliss

    Re: Sister Bliss You might also want to check out the UNTIL Superpowers Database books, if you have access.
  11. Re: Scientists discover mineral with chemical similarities to fiction Kryptonite Yeah, I pointed it out in another thread. Shiney!
  12. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. It's not even a particularly good one. About 2 minutes with MS Paint.
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... *sigh* Possitively Dewightfull. From my Star Wars game, the PC's were about to land their fighters in the secondary bay of a crippled pirate vessel when the Jedi "felt a distrubance, as if someone was waiting, waiting for him." So he radioed the tech's fighter. Jedi - "I’ve got a feeling." Tech - "Is this the sort of feeling where you need to talk to someone on the big ship? Or the sort of feeling where you needed to go to the toilet before the space battle."
  14. Re: Disturbing Character premises... Mimes are disturbing enough without superpowers.
  15. Re: The Hero Forum's Hottest Woman in Comics. As it was a response to a query, I'll let the double picture post slide this once. But only this once.
  16. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. And on the superman note...linky.
  17. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. Jubilee is probably my lingering adolenscence, but hey, at least with parkour (free running) these days, the acrobatics isn't as much of a stretch. But then, my hate for ret-cons would kick in. *sigh*
  18. Re: Grandiose Schemes Paint a dotted line across the Florida state-line, with the words, cut here. Oh,wait, it's been done. Uh, hang on, I think Drhoz needs to weigh in here, so I'll pm him.
  19. Re: TK ninja idea, help needed. Uh, just a thought. As the stated effect calls for the sword to be ocupying the same hex anyway... Extra Limbs, Fully Invisible (SFX Only; +1/2). 7 pts. Two-Weapon Fighting. 10 pts. Hell, throw in Full Ambidexterity, just to be sure. (The character's a Ninja, right?). 9 pts. And as for things from the Ninja Bag-o-Tricks? Regeneration, say 1 BODY/hour, with resurrection (Not If Killed By Another Ninja). 13 points. Only Ninja Can Kill Ninja. Determiner of who is a real ninja? Do they have this power? Yes? Then they're true Ninja.
  20. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. I think my problem with superman was that I never found him particularly compelling. I mean, yeah, there are actually things beyond kryptonite that can trip him up, but, I dunno, he just never grabbed me. I much preferred Spiderman, or the X-men. I think (despite Spiderman's small grab-bag) that over time, I've simply began to equate low power levels or single, high level power as being more conducive to compelling story writing. Okay, I really enjoyed Bloodstone and was more than a little sad with his demise. As for Power-girl, well, when I stopped reading DC, she was still Supergirl. I have to say though, all I've heard about her is how large her breasts are. Well, I've looked up some images on the net, and I've dated girls with bigger, so ). Hell, someone told me recently that a lot of mutants have lost their powers, including Jubilee. To that I say, No Jubilation? What? Never buying comics again. (I'll still read my friend's copies, though. I'm such a comic-slut.)
  21. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. Also, IQ is Inteligence Quotient. It's measure is intelligence compared to what someone felt your intelligence should be like at your age.
  22. Re: Calling All Heroes!
  23. Re: DEX levels in your campaign. I think that I'll just stick to the way it's published, allow role-playing decisions dictate where I’m going to spend my points, and trust my fellow gamers around the table to do the same. After all, the rules of the HERO system are simply the frame upon which we have chosen to hang the stories of the hero(ine)/s that we have created.
  24. Re: Mutant Detectors Yeah, I'm more for the Aberrant Biological Energy Detector also, so, that's what a mutant detector is probably going to be in my game. Unfortunately, it will also read anyone with a primary ability score over 20 as "aberrant" on an 7- with a +1 per +1 over 20. So, they do pick up false positives from highly trained individuals. So, it's mainly for isolating targets out of the population pool so that they can be investigated. At least, this is what I'm leaning towards, due to the input from this thread. Thanks all. If you have more ideas, keep them comming. And, yes, I've been going through my material for that other game recently, so the device name is ripped off from there.
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