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Posts posted by Ndreare

  1. Re: Force Wall


    I would go with 0-END and persistant or uncontroled either way ity works out to +1 so it is a litle pricy but then you put up the walls and turn your back on them and do what ever. I imagine in a fantasy setting this would be greate for an escape and evade power. In a dungean put up a couple of these while running for your life and you are bound to stall your opponent a bit.

  2. Re: "Fantasy HERO general comments & ?" pt.1


    Ah man i definitly would not think you would want to have the players know the "Exact" game mechanics or be allowed to follow their own progress out side of role play. However I would allow them to skim it to see if it is worth it to them.



    PS: I could also see allowing the characters limitation value go up to -1/2 if you felt the characters would be using magic more often in your game such as in high fantasy or high adventure.

  3. Re: "Fantasy HERO general comments & ?" pt.1


    Something I have done for currupting magic is allowed it to have a -1/4 limitation "Currupted". Then the system i used is as follows.


    The curruption of magic is a slow and insiious prosses taking from years to decades. Although many have studied it and tried to determain a rime or reason it seams all know ways of mesuring ar predidicting its effects have failed. (Imaine it like Cancer in real life we know it is there we know certain things are carcenagens we simply canot predict it.)


    Game mechanics


    The GM sets his curruption rate or number (I use 100 which is usualy 2-5 spells) on any given week the character uses this many cumalative active points of magic or more the GM secretly rolls an activation number of 3-or less. However its not quite that simple for every doubling of the curruption point the character suffers and increase in curruption probabilaty. The resulting chart is listed bellow. Every time the character "Makes" the activation roll the GM give him one point of Permament Cummalative Transform vs. EGO when the mind is finaly turned the character is removed from player status. It is important to note that players do not get to keep track of their curruption level and only the GM should know the current level of Curruption.


    Now for the Caotic twister... on any give time that the charater "Makes" his curruption roll the GM rolls a Second curruption roll. on a result of 4-or less the character is instantly struck with the curruption and will transform completly within the week. This has even been know to happen to new initiats before ever leaving the Guild halls although rare it surly puts the fright in those only casualy interested.



    The great secret to evasion.


    As a character that is being currupted it is said some have managed to wield these powers for centuries whithout falling to the plauge of curruption. Well a character with the characteristic of Luck bought at full cost (no breaks or cheating) has his activation roll reduced by one for every two full die of luck at the GM's option.



    001-100 . . . -3

    101-200 . . . -4

    201-401 . . . -5

    401-800 . . . -6

    and so on...


    Well what do you think?

  4. Re: Not wishing to offend


    A question for gamers out there about problems with a setting.

    Regarding use of certain settings ; like the Chronicles of Narnia,

    or Rome 100 AD, or anywhere in the BC era.

    I don't want my players and/or others thinking I'm stepping

    on their religious beliefs. So if I want to run a fantasy game

    in a setting like those mentioned above, how can it be done


    Rome 100 AD; Homosexuality, Persecuted Christians

    BC era; Judasim

    Narnia; Christian symbolism


    These look like setting that would be open to alot of

    interesting situations.






    A question like this is hard to answere as there are so many differnt types of people. I am a "Christian" but do not hold any (or many) very strong "Rite WIng" beliefs however I know others that do.


    A game bassed on Christian sybolagy would likly not offend me parsonaly as a player if it was done in good taste, were as I know people that believe any gamming at all is offensive. What you will have to do is propose the idea to your players as individuals and see what they think.


    I once had the dishoner of sitting around a game table with a bunch of people who spent as much time bashing Jews and Hypocrite Christians as they did gamming and did not understand why I found it offesive. (They wern't talking about me just most jews and christians... yeh riiiite Ok.)


    I think as long as you do not turn it into a bashing contest your players should be fine or at least not offended.



    PS: I did not find the narnia books offensive and although I do not think I would enjoy the authers world as a play base I would not be offended by a GM trying it out. Who knows I may be wrong and it could be fun.

  5. Re: Need help with magic system


    I have a basic magic system I use I will post here for you to look at. I posted it once but did not get a responce from the boards.



    I will not bother you with the Game spesific information like cahmpain rules and stuff but this is the whole system.


    this is the run down if you have questions let me know.


    (I feel this system helps with games balance because although it allows easy improv of spells it also restricts caution and stop powers by making them harder to cast.)



    Please tell me what you think


    The Known Domains of Magic Gaining access to the gift of magic is not as easy as one might think it is more than learning a simple spell and moving on. A character must purchase a different skill for each of the nine magic domains. A character may choice to buy the skills up directly or to buy skill levels for them. However there are some rules on how this works. A character may buy skill levels for magic skills as they are simply purchased as “Skillsâ€. A character may even purchase the familiarity level with his magic skills.


    Alteration: Used for spells that change the shape or nature of physical objects and/or beings.

    Awareness: Used to affect the mental and/or spiritual plane. Also used for all sensory powers except magic.

    Creation: Used for spells that summon energy into creation such a fire balls and Illusions.

    Dimensional: Used for spells that break physical laws of space or time.

    Enchantment: Used to perform enchantment and focus related magical feats.

    Essence: Used most “Adjustment†powers.

    Necromancy: Used touch the negative plane.

    Summoning: Used for summoning spells (does not confer control over the entity for that use Awareness.)

    Warding: Used for defensive and protective spells.



    What Domain Do I Use?


    Often a question that comes up is “what domain do I useâ€. The easiest way to determine what domain a power fits in is consider what exactly the power does. For example to create a fire ball you are basically wanting to create energy so that would be the Domain of Creation. Other times special FX would run into more than one Domain. An example of this would be if a character wanted to create “Dimension Blades†this is both a Creation and Dimensional power as the character would both need to create the dimensional energy and shape/control it. The answer then is that the character has to use the lowest of his skills that are required. This is one of the reasons most skilled wizards by up there skill in more than just one Domain.



    Basic Game Mechanics


    All magic as a default has the following limitations. Some of these may be over come but that will be covered latter. (RSR and Side Effects may never be overcome unless the character buys the power out rite.)


    All Powers Automatically have

    -1/2 : Concentration 0-DCV

    -3/4 : Extra Time; Full Phase, Delayed Phase

    -1/2 : Gestures Throughout

    -1/2 : Incantations Throughout

    -1/2 : Requires Skill Roll.

    -1/2 : Side Effects; (1D6 Normal Damage per every point skill is missed by. This Damage Explodes at -4DC)


    Over Coming the Limitations of Magic


    The limitations are actually not so much limitations as obstacles. A character who wants to overcome the limitations of magic such as casting with out gestures or casting in less time may do so by pushing their skill. For every -1/4 the character wants to ignore/overcome the character suffers a -1 to his/her skill roll.


    Example 1: Nero wants to Cast a Fire ball but because he wants it to go off before the knight attacks him he is going to push off the limitation of “Extra Time; Full Phase, Delayed this is a 3/4 However it also means the gestures and incantations no longer qualify for the throughout value so this is an additional -2/4 worth of limitations so to instant cast his spell he will have to roll at -5 (WOW). This is in addition to other limitations such as Active Points.



    Counter Spells & Magic


    Often in books and games one character begins casting a spell and an opponent hopes to interrupt him or shield him from the mystic flows he is attempting to wield. In game this is resolved as a contest of skills between the characters. In a contest of magic skills the caster uses the base Domain for the spell he desires to cast, the disruptor uses either his “Source Domain†or the Same Domain as the target spell disruptors choice. The disruptor is simply casting a “Dispel or Suppress†game mechanic depending on what effect he wants to create. A character who is being affected by a suppress may use ½ of whichever is higher of his “Source†or Warding skill as power defense vs. magic assaults in addition to any power defense he purchases in the normal manner. (Unless the character puts the variable effect advantages on his dispel/suppress magic he will have to know the exact spell being cast via a KS Magic roll at -4 or a KS Type Magic roll at -0.)



    Access To The Schools of Magic


    Not just anyone can use magic. Only someone born with the “Gift†may actually channel the forces of magic. Unfortunately not all people are born with the gift at its full power. The following is a summery of the different levels of “The Giftâ€.


    10 : The Lesser Gifted

    15 : The Greater Gift

    20 : The True Gift


    Definition of the different levels of “The Giftâ€.

    The Lesser Gift: An average weaver can cast spells from up to four “Domains†but they must all fit into a narrow category of special affect such as Air, Earth, Fire, Water or Animal Magic. Many Warlocks and Shamans fall in this category.

    The Greater Gift: A typical magic user these people have the Gift at such a level that they may cast from all but two of the known “Domainsâ€. They must select at the time of creation which Domain they are unable to cast from. (Remember to select two Domains that cannot be learned.) Most “Magesâ€, Necromancers, Alchemist, Technomancers ext… fall in this category.

    The True Gift: A true Arcane Lord in the traditional sense these people have the Gift at such a level that they may cast from all of the known “Domains†with full power. There are no restrictions as to which Domains this character may study and/or master.



    Arcane Talents


    Sometimes in addition to just being able to weave and use magic a person will be born with other more limited gifts such as a predisposition to one Domain or an Elemental inclination. These characteristics are always born into the character and never acquired later although it is not unheard of for a character to live out his life and die never having known of his magical gifts. The following are some samples of the known and most common of magical talents.



    Arcane Dedication: This character has devoted so much of his time and energy into his Arcane Gifts he has come to truly master them. The character with this “Talent†is actually just purchasing skill levels & as such follows all the rules for skill levels.(Note: The 5 point or higher related groupings include KS and PS that are magic related.) Cost: Varies.

    Elementalist: These characters are inherently inclined to a certain FX over another. Determine what fx they are inclined to the character is considered to have +3 to all his magic skills when working in that FX unfortunately the character is considered to be at -3 for all other spells and may not cast spells considered to be of opposite nature. Cost: 10 (Note may only be selected by characters with the 20 or 25 point Gifted levels.)

    Focused Study: Some characters are so good at casting their spells that they do not have to do the simple things most mages consider necessary. An example of this would be a character who gas spent months mastering his talents so he may cast without his hands or even without using power words. This character may ignore a single -1/4 worth of penalty to casting for each level purchased. A character purchasing this talent must name it in such a way as to clearly identify which limitations he is overcoming. Cost: 3 the cost of this talent is based on buying limited 5-point skill levels.

    Inherit Power: Some characters seem to have unexplained levels of power that exceed what should be their limits. These characters were born with the raw talent of magic well above the limits of their mind & will. For every level of this talent purchased the character may increase his AP limit by 5 AP. Cost: 2

    Mana-Blank: This character is completely immune to direct affect magic. They were born without any man at all and cannot be aided or attacked directly from magic. Although indirect effects still can have affects on the character such as a created wall of stone would still be seen as a stone wall and would still need climbed or overcome. Often times characters with this talent do not relies that indirect magic such as hurled objects can affect them until it is to late do not let players assume that their characters are experts on magic just because they know the rules. Cost: 50

    Trigger Master: This character has mastered the principle behind triggered powers like Enchantment and Spell Holding. This character may double the number of triggers active at any given time for every level or this talent purchased. Cost: 10/LVL. (Some GM’s may wish to limit this talent to one or two levels as it can be so easily abused.)

    * Others: Since no man can think of everything we must consider there are talents we have not covered. Cost: Unknown



    The Strength of Magic


    A caster with access to a domain of spells may try to weave anything he desires that fits within his skills. However some things are harder to do than others. To represent this we use the standard rule from 5th ED of -1 to your skill roll for every 10 AP of power however for both the flavor of the game world and for game balance certain elements of a powers construction may increase these penalties. The two biggest of these are that for each of the following in a power construct the skill penalties are increased by a multiplier of +½, Each Special Power, Each Caution Power, & Each Healing Element. (Such as the basic healing power, & can re-grow limbs.) Other Power Construction Elements Carry an even heavier multiplier penalty of +1 they are Stop Powers, & Sensory Powers. In All cases the multiplier penalties for a spell construct may not exceed +4 even if there are dozens of stop and caution elements in the power.


    A character may try any spell he knows however there are certain restrictions on the game mechanics to help maintain balance and represent the different “Strengths†of different weavers. First of these is “Minimum Base Point†restrictions, all powers have a minimum Base Point level of 10 Character Points. This means that if a character wants to create a “Wings of The Raven†spell with flight he must have a minimum of 5†in raw flight +/- adders before any advantages or limitations are applied. Second is “Maximum Base Points†the maximum Base Points in a power +/- adders before applying advantages or limitations is equal to the lower of the characters INT or EGO attribute times 2.5. Third, “Active Points†there is no hard AP limit for casting a spell. However the maximum a character may add to his Base Magic skill by any known means is equal to a bonus of his highest complimentary skill. So a character with a base skill of -18 & Circle Casting of -13 can not have an effective skill before penalties of higher than -31.



    What if You Want To Cast A Spell Beyond Your Skill?


    Some times a character will want to cast a spell that is so powerful that his skill roll would drop to unreasonable levels. Well the good news is there are ways to fix that. The character wishing to cast spells that are to powerful to be casually slung may choose one or more of the following options each of which will make the casting easier. Although there is still no guarantee that the spell will go off as desired it certainly help to use these tools.

    Extra Time: By using a PS: Ritual Caster skill a character may add +1 to his skill for every additional step down the time table beyond the base time of spell. This does not usually require a roll unless the character is distracted or otherwise disturbed. A spell cast using PS: Ritual Caster always requires gestures and incantations throughout.

    Extra End: AKA pushing your limits, for every +1 END multiplier the character may add +1 to his effective skill. This has the side effect of any failure while a character is pushing also has its Backfire DC pushed by the same multiplier as the END was pushed by. (This follows the normal rules for pushing.)

    Complimentary Skills: There are two different Power Skills that can be helpful to a spell caster they are Symbol/Rune Casting and Soul Casting, although not actually arcane skills these magic related skills can help a caster in very significant ways but each has its own limits. The limits of the two skills are as follows. Symbol/Rune Casting requires the character create physical marks focusing the magic involved. The minimum size of these marks are 1†square per active point in the spell cast, plus the character still has to roll his Symbol/Rune Casting skill in addition to making his normal roll to cast the spell. Soul Casting, this vile magic requires the character to spend 2 body for every 10 active points or portion their of in the spell. This magic drain on life cannot be restored in any magical or known way other than normal healing time. If the character does not want to use his own life energy he may choose to use the life energy of another by doing body damage to them in a ritual casting while they are prone with a contested Skill vs. Ego roll.

    Casting Circles: Casting circles are handled quite easily. The character leading the circle gets a +2 to his skill & strength for every doubling of casters with all the relevant skills. A character with only four domains in a circle can only add to the skill of others in those same skills. The only real requirement is that all caster involved must be with in 1†of another caster in the circle and no character may have more assistants in a circle than his skill in Circle Casting.

    Casting Aids: Such as a Wizards Staff or Crystal. (These are bought as Arcane Devotion with Limitations such as Focus, Charges and Extra Time.) All foci must be designed in such a way as to mentally represent the desired spell. In example a spell of fireballs could not use a glass of water but instead would need something like coal, ruby dust and/or maybe salt peter.

    Alchemy Aids: Such as a potion or scroll, these devices make it easier to use spells but each one typically only has one power. The benefit of this method is that it allows the character to make his magic roll in the safety of his laboratory. Alchemy Items count towards the standard Triggered powers limits. Items with charges count as one trigger slot for every 8 charges stored/created in the item or for every 5 minutes worth of continuous. (This system uses the 5th edition recommended Skill/5 limit for maximum number of triggered spells prepared.)

    Technomancy Constructs: A Technomancy Construct is fashioned in a laboratory were the character is safe and later provides the caster with the ability to use a predefined spell. The benefit of a Technomancy item is the character is allowed to use his Alchemy/Technomancy skill to activate the spell even when it is from a different Domain. (Example Darith has a Technomancy of -19 and a Fire Pistol, his Creation Skill is only -8 normally to use the Fire Bolt spell (5D6 EB) stored in the pistol he would have to roll vs. his Creation skill as fire ball is magically created energy however since he built it into a Technomancy item he may use his Enchantment skill of -19. Technomancy items count towards the characters triggered powers limits even though they technically do not use the triggered power advantage the way alchemy items do.

    True Enchanted Items: These are objects bought in the normal method of foci purchasing in the Hero system. Enchanted items built with the “Technomancy†fx do not count towards the characters triggered power limits. Although you do have to pay full points for them.


    In all cases the character still rolls on the Domain skill that the spell would come from when creating/using the item (Exception is Technomancy in which case the character only rolls in the base domain at object creation). He simply gains benefits from having the object focus his spell. It is not uncommon for an Enchanter/Alchemist/Technomancer to have a very high Enchantment skill and very low skill (-11 to -15) with the other Domains making it so that days or even weeks can be spent creating magic items. The character also need to have the appropriate PS skill for crafting whatever object he hopes to focus his powers through such as brewing, Armor Craft or Literacy. A rarely chosen exception is to have someone else craft the object in your presence as you cast the magic.



    Extraordinary Skill


    Characters with Extraordinary Skill may use their magic skills at passive levels. This is done by treating their skill as if were only half its full level. The advantage is it represents a mages passive ability to resist the spells of other wizards or sense magic casually. A Character never suffers spell back fire from passive skill he either innately resists/senses or casually creates or he does not. This is the effortless level of power a normal person uses breathing.



    Special Exceptions to General Rules


    Always Using The Lowest Skill

    Magical Defenses: A character may use either Essence or Warding his choice for determining inherent PowDef.

    Magic Perception: A character may use either Awareness or Essence his choice for magic perception.

    Necromancy: A character may use his skill in necromancy for the following powers that would fall in other Domains Animate Dead, Create Zombie, Control Dead, Repel Undead & Sense Necromantic Energy.

    Adjustment Powers that affect the Magic Skills or the “Gift†Talents Directly are automatically at X4 to skill penalty.


    Holy Ground & Other Places of Magic


    Mana Wells: Wells are treated as environmental conditions that provide bonuses to magic for either all magic skills or for limited magic skills based on the type. Common types of Mana wells are Elemental, Necromancy, Healing, Protection ext…


    Dark Magic Zones: These areas are treated as environmental penalties to limited magic or all magic similar to Mana Wells. It is possible to have the two different types over lapping such as Holy Ground that will have bonuses to all healing/divine fx spells and negatives to all necromantic spells.


    Wild magic zones are areas of such increased magical energy that channeling is at -8 to skill and all successes are critical with double power while all failures are critical with double the normal amount of backfire.



    Perceived Power Levels


    Something that should be addressed is how much power do I need to represent certain power levels. So I give this chart of perceived power levels from the perception of the Adinari Guild of Magic.

    Apprentice Skill of -8 through -15

    Wizard Skill of -16 through -20

    Master Wizard Skill of -21 through -25

    Arch Wizard Skill of -26 or higher

    Circle of Nine Seat Holder Skill of -20 in 6 Domains & -30 in Domain of Holding




    END NOTES: In games that use ER. Add (AP of ALL Extra Talents/5) + (Highest Magic Skill/2) + (Total Levels of all Magic Skills/10). So a character with INT 10, + True Gift (No other Talents) + 3 points in eight magic skills for an 11 + 13 points in Creation for a 16 would have 0+8.8+8=16.8 added to their ER.

  6. Re: Recamended Reading


    A book I forgot to mention is the "Rift War Saga" these books are awesom the are broken into two books (with about a dozen spins) "Magition: Aprentice" and "Magition: Master"



    Both very good in the lite reading.


    Now for heavy reading get the "Sword of Truth" series starting with "Wizards First Rule".

  7. Re: Recamended Reading


    Took me a while to respond it looks like others have betin me to posting the isbn but at least you have it.


    David Eddings also wrote a A,D & D book called "Return of The Arch Wizards" they are broken into "The Summoning", "The Siege" and "The Sorseror" they are also very good books. (Thats alot comming from me I do not normaly like AD&D books.)


    As I read this book and look at the date of first printing I can't help but think there are a lot of things that I find in other fantasy books (especialy Wheel of Time) that seems like blatent rip off. but hey maybe that is just me.


    The facts are the same in the end and that is that these are great books.






    PS: As for the other books I will definitly look into those after I clear my list but rite now I am only on book three and have to read the "Davinci Code" after I finish book 5. So give me a couple of weeks and I will be able to comment on the others.

  8. Re: Help: Sniper Syndrome


    Have I had to deal with this? Yep. We nicknamed the guy behind his back PussyMan. He ALWAYS does this crap. I want a character who can do damage and never gets hurt, and every one of them is built for that. When the villians get sick of it and jump him he cries foul and bitches and moans to high heaven, EVEN if he doesn't really get hurt. Did yours play a lot of D&D? Mine did and he sees every Body and Stun point as sacred cows never to be touched. He always buys up defense and then runs from every fight, leaving the other players to take the punches for him. Even when they bitched at him about it and I talked to him about it he only responded with "Well you guys should get away like me!" When it was pointed out that if all of them moved in different directions and the villians just ganged up on them one at a time, like happened to him several times, he would say "So?"


    He never got it and I am glad I don't play with him anymore. Good luck with yours, once they get it in their head that they should never get into actual combat, they are just the superbully "I hit them they don't hit me or I will cry" it's over.






    I have seen this on more than one occasion. The other players complain to me and I end up in the midle.


    I would also recamend putting some combat situations on Starships, Ships at see and other confined situations where he has to be closer so that after a few batles he can see that his character will indeed live. Although a propper mentalist will provide a quick example of a fix you will find he is building "Psi-Dahmners" next so he has MD. This player will not ever be happy. As for the experiance penalty it makes perfect sence while the players are in the heat testing and improving there skills he is doing an "Arcade" shootout not very skill developing at all.



    Something else to look for is taking powers that do not fit just because of the power they give him. (Seems you already have a handle on this one though.)



    I alctualy had a player who had minmaxing to such a siance that every power even characteristics would be purchased with at leasdt -1/2 in lim's. & whenever they came into play he would freek out start being pissy and tell me I was abusing his character.


    The thing I did that finaly put the Player in control was started useing the Efficiansy Rating from Digital Hero number 3. You can also find a greate Excel work sheet for is in the free section on this site. But you will need the Artical for it to make sense.



  9. Re: Drains of Doom? Check out these spells


    Spell three I would "Veto" instead making him construct the spell as a Force Field (invisable if he wants). I have found that persistant powers in frameworks get very abused.


    The other two spells seem very in line with magic of Luck and I would allow them as long as he stayed consistant. I mean after all like he said a 5 dex drain is farley close in effectiveness to a 10D6 Energy Blast or a 3D6+1 Killing Attack.


    Yes these spells are powerful but if you balance the chalenges with the power of the spells and other characters.



    Are you allowing the fighter to have 50 AP attacks or only mages can be powerful? That is were it realy boils down.

  10. Man I am reading a series called the Belgariad...


    I would definitly recamend every fantasy fan get a chance to read this. The usefull ness for insperation is out of this world. The magic system once they start getting in to it is done very well and much like the way I have been doing magic in my games for months.



    Well just thought I would like to share that with you guys. (Anyone else read these?)

  11. Re: Do all Gm's use the Skill roll for magic?


    I do have two magic systems that use the RSR however I have found that all it does is slow down gameplay.


    In exchange for that I created a rule that if after all modifiers your effective skill is still 16 or higher then no roll is necisary.


    This encurages players to create very skilled casters. (However they are also subject to Skill vs. Skill rollswhich means that even a very "Powerful" (skilled) caster can be biten while working the Great Path.)

  12. How do you have time to create all these forms/files? Comon man do you ever rest?


    It seems there is a new one every week.


    I like them to that is part of the problem one would think with mass production quality would go out the door but it stil seems to be here.



  13. Originally posted by CDad

    Any chance to change Megascale?


    1" = 1 KM @ +1/4 is a giant jump.


    I've seen the following in many house rules...

    1" = 10" @ +1/4

    1" = 100" @ +1/2

    1" = 1000" (2 KM) @ +3/4 [etc....]


    This is a squishy-grey area between NC-movement and mega-movement, but I like the consistancy here.


    If this has been covered before, my apologies up front!


    This would be so much better than the whole +1/4 times 1000 usefulness ration we have now.

  14. Well I have nothing to say that could be considered constructive feed back.



    But I must say that I do like the character. I think it is funny how much players overlook skills and you seem to have gone all the way on skills with 59 points. (Most players I see are trying to justify why the Rougue only needs five skills and the rest should be on stats.

  15. I trie to create an Energy Vampire once using an idea simmular to this what I did was spent 2 points to give him his VPP and then bought a large Succur that cost lots of END that was fed from a Absorbtion pool. In the end it cast me more to have this elaborate power than just buying the VPP out rite would have.


    So i decided to change the concept of the poweer around and replaced it with a gross version of Missle Deflection/Reflection.



    Fire Channeling: Missle Deflection; Any Attack, Reflection Any Target, Derlayed Effect +1/4 Persistant +1/2 (discuraged by the rules), Damagefield +1/2 and only vs. Fire/Heat Attacks -1.


    Now the problem with this construct is you are breaking two recmendations from the book but I as a GM would allow it. For crying out loud there are even characters from the old books like sanctuary that had Always on Damagefields.

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