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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: Adjustment Powers(Absorption) and Charges APG 55 has rules for using Adjustment Powers to affect a target power's Charges.
  2. http://blastr.com/2011/08/artist-creates-awesome-in.php This is pretty impressive... but for me it fails in at least one major respect. I would order one right now, most likely, if it used actual 1936 geography. IMO a map showing the adventures of Indiana Jones should show the world as it was in 1936, not modern countries and names.
  3. Re: Fan-made Mechanon trailer Agreed -- very impressive! He should rave about "organics" in the dialogue, that'd be my only suggestion for improving it. You don't really get a sense of Mechanon's motivations.
  4. Re: Normal Damage Weapons used at Range This doesn't seem to be a rules question but a "how to," so I've moved it to the Discussion forum.
  5. Re: Adjusting an Area Not under the standard rules. If a GM wants to allow it, that’s certainly within his power — but he needs to figure out how it works, and then deal with the implications.
  6. Re: CON: over-nerfed? This isn't a rules question, so I've moved it to the Discussion area.
  7. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come hang out in the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, find out what I'm working on these days, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  8. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come hang out in the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, find out what I'm working on these days, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  9. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come hang out in the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, find out what I'm working on these days, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  10. Re: Black Powder Arms in the Hero System. Gun Nuts and reenactors welcome! HSEG 48-49 has a bunch of information on this subject, and following pages go into nineteenth-century firearms.
  11. Re: Champions Beyond GC and CBY are definitely compatible, but as megaplayboy says, there's very little overlap between them because they focus on very different time periods. Though with CBY now in hand I could easily expand GC and bring it a bit more in line with what's in CBY, for the sake of consistency, if the opportunity ever arises. I considered reprinting a bunch of GC stuff in CBY, but CBY was already large enough on its own.
  12. Re: Range on Crippling Depression I'll check on that, but please don't report possible errata here. Just send me a private message with potential errata reports; that way I'm sure to notice it.
  13. Re: 'Cannot Recombine' Duplicants across dimensions The Transdimensional Advantage is required when a character wants a power (typically an attack) to be able to affect targets/beings in a dimension other than the one he currently occupies. It’s not required for characters to be able to travel to or exist in other dimensions (see, e.g., any dimension-hopping character in Champions Villains). This applies to Duplicates as to any other character — though of course, a duplicate meant to exist in another dimension needs a way to get to that dimension. He can’t simply appear there... unless the GM permits that.
  14. Re: Martial Arts and Weapon Multipower Pools Assuming the character’s able to add Martial Maneuver damage to sword strikes, he could add it to any of the three slots described here (and in the case of, say, Area Of Effect or Autofire, the increase in damage applies to all targets). However, as noted in the rules for adding damage to Advantages attacks (6E2 100, 102), the Advantaged slots will derive less additional damage from the Maneuvers than the first, un-Advantaged, slot.
  15. It's Thursday, so that means it's chat night! Come on out to the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to hear how things went for Hero at GenCon, what we're currently working on, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  16. It's Thursday, so that means it's chat night! Come on out to the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to hear how things went for Hero at GenCon, what we're currently working on, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  17. It's Thursday, so that means it's chat night! Come on out to the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to hear how things went for Hero at GenCon, what we're currently working on, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  18. Re: "Taking a Recovery" and Endurance Reserve You've interpreted the rules pertaining to Endurance Reserve correctly.
  19. Re: What blocks Mental Awareness Defining what blocks a Detect is a matter of common sense, dramatic sense, and game balance. It’s not mandatory to the same extent as, say, defining the ratio of an Adjustment Power that affects multiple Characteristics or the dimensions of a Barrier. But common sense and dramatic sense tell us that no sense, real or fictional, can “see” through every type of object or interference. What Mental Awareness cannot perceive through is up to the GM, since mental/psionic powers may work in very different ways in different campaigns. The same goes for abilities like your Force Sense (I’m not sufficiently knowledgeable about the Star Wars Universe to comment on what might be appropriate here — I’d suggest posting on the Discussion board to see what other fans who know that IP have to say).
  20. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? She already is -- that's touched on briefly in CV1 and will certainly be discussed further in BotE. V'han often improves life in many, many ways for her subjects. All she asks in return is obedience. If you're willing to give up your freedom she's great to have around. That's what makes her an interesting villain, IMO, rather than just some comic book multi-dimensional version of Sauron.* I think it's safe to say that many people welcome her for just this reason -- life is so bad for them they're happy to trade liberty for security and prosperity. As you will see, there are even people on Earth who are in favor of letting her take over. *: Not that there's anything wrong with Sauron. Everything in its place, and a place for every thing.
  21. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? No -- if they were I wouldn't have that "Random D-Soldier Generation Table" in CV1. (And probably in an expanded version in BotE! )
  22. Re: THE BOOK OF THE EMPRESS -- What Do *You* Want To See? As I have often said, "If I could understand how women think, I'd be making a million jillion dollars on Oprah and the talk show/book circuit, not doing this gaming thing."
  23. Re: Naked Autofire Advantage and Example Weapons from 6E2 204 The GM can use his common sense and dramatic sense to decide for himself how he wants to handle this.
  24. Re: UOO and Time Limit (in multipowers too!) You should look at the “Differing Modifiers” rules on 6E1 359 and decide whether the Time Limit affects the granting of the power or the use of the power (which may in turn affect how a character buys the power). If it affects the granting of the power, then the defined amount of time must pass before the character can grant the power again (assuming (a) the first recipient’s still using it, and ( the form of UBO used would allow him to grant it to multiple people in the first place). If Time Limit affects the use of the power, then it doesn’t restrict how long the recipient “keeps” the power, just what happens when he uses it.
  25. Re: Multiform-Extra Time and Personality Loss Typically the time limit for Personality Loss starts as soon as Multiform is used. In the case of Multiform that requires Extra Time to activate, this means after the Extra Time period has run. However a character could certainly define his Personality Loss as starting to run when the Extra Time period starts; this generally doesn’t qualify for any increase in the value of the Limitation, but the GM could increase it if he’s so inclined.
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