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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: Psionics (AGP II 49) and Mind Classes That's up to the GM and how strictly he wants to enforce the class of minds rules. In a campaign that emphasizes them, the Psionic Limitation would be subject to them; if they're not much of a factor in the campaign, having any mind around would probably satisfy the Limitation.
  2. Re: Versions of Based On Con that aren't as limiting 1. That's an issue for the GM to decide on. 2. I'm sorry, but I don't answer game design/philosophy questions.
  3. Re: AdvPlrGd2 - Based On CON questions 1. As is discussed elsewhere (e.g. 6E2 8), there are Sense-like aspects to Telepathy, Mind Link, telepathic Mind Control, and so on. These are all potentially subject to Sense-Affecting Powers. 2. See 6E1 226 and adapt the similar Limitation there.
  4. Re: APG II Commentary/Discussion thread But with coolness. Killing you with coolness.
  5. Re: APG II Commentary/Discussion thread Well, it's not a Character Pack per se, since there are no characters, vehicles, spells, gadgets, etc. for us to enter into HD and sell. In terms of integrating new rules into HD, that requires Dan to create an update, and we leave it up to him to decide when and how best to create updates.
  6. Re: Does not work with [targeting sense] Since this is a how-to rather than a rules question, I've moved it to the Discussion forum.
  7. Re: Minimal STR with combat manuevers No. A character must use a minimum of 1 STR (and thus spend 1 END for his STR) when using a Combat Maneuver, unless the GM rules otherwise.
  8. Re: What CSL can be used while in a vehicle. Since you're asking for input from GMs, you're clearly interested in a conversation rather than asking a rules question, so I've moved this to the Discussion board. My quick response: There are guidelines for the use of CSLs in vehicular combat on pages 17-18 and 220-21 of The Ultimate Vehicle (which of course will be reprinted, and updated to 6th Edition, in HERO System Vehicles in a few months). Generally the answer to what you're asking is "Yes," but there are more specifics and other info than I can go into here.
  9. It's a new month and a Thursday, so I say that's a good reason to have a chat! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to find out what's going on here in the world of Hero, ask questions, and discuss the HERO System!
  10. It's a new month and a Thursday, so I say that's a good reason to have a chat! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to find out what's going on here in the world of Hero, ask questions, and discuss the HERO System!
  11. It's a new month and a Thursday, so I say that's a good reason to have a chat! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to find out what's going on here in the world of Hero, ask questions, and discuss the HERO System!
  12. Re: 6e errata From the main page, click "HERO System Games And Products," then at the bottom of the list click "Errata," then on the page that appears click for the pop-up list of books and scroll down to the one you want. If a book's not listed, either no errata have been reported yet, or they've only been reported recently and I haven't entered them yet. (I save 'em up for a few months and then do a bunch at once; that's more efficient for me.)
  13. Re: The HERO System Resource Kit This isn't the appropriate forum to be holding rules discussions; if you want to do that, please carry the conversation to the Discussion board.
  14. Re: Simplified Healing Example on page 233 This is already listed in the Errata for 6E1; Simplified Healing is not an exception to the rule.
  15. Re: Why do people post power costs on their character sheets? This isn't a rules question, so I've moved it.
  16. Re: Entangle and Positvie Adjustment Powers The general rule is that characters can't apply positive Adjustment Powers to existing Barriers or Entangles, as discussed on pages 18-19 of the forthcoming APG2. (The rule you cite on 6E1 217 applies to negative Adjustment Powers only, and can be extended to Barrier unless the GM prefers otherwise.) If the GM wants to allow that anyway, he can, but he has to decide whether the cost cited on 6E1 217 should apply, or it should be a different cost.
  17. Re: 5th to 6th? Sure. At the top of the HERO System Discussion and Company Questions fora here on the boards there's a message thread called "5th to 6th Edition Character Conversion Summary," or something like that. It contains a PDF of pages 20-21 of 6E Vol. 1, which summarize the major rules changes.
  18. Re: Adjustment power affecting all powers of multiple special effects To Adjust all the powers of multiple special effects at once (rather than one special effect at a time as discussed on APG 55), buy an additional Variable Effect (+½) for each special effect the character wants to affect simultaneously. Thus, to affect, say, All Fire/Heat Powers and All Ice/Cold Powers at once a character must pay +4 for All Fire/Heat Powers, +4 for All Ice/Cold Powers, +½ for Variable Special Effects, and +½ for another Variable Effects, for a whopping +9 Advantage.
  19. Re: Two-way Transparent Barrier There are rules for two-way transparent Barriers in The HERO System Advanced Player's Guide II, which will be available very shortly in PDF and hopefully not too long thereafter in hardcopy.
  20. Re: Repeated Healing The maximum effect rules discussed on 6E1 136 specifically note that they don't apply to Healing. Healing has its own rules on this subject, on 6E1 232-33. However, to answer what I think you’re asking, I’m going to restate your question so that it’s clear to everyone. If I’ve misinterpreted your question and haven’t answered you, please post a follow-up and I’ll give it another shot. Q: The rules on 6E1 232-33 discuss the repeated use of Healing and the maximum effect of Healing. The rules state that the maximum effect a use of Healing can have equals the maximum that could be rolled on the dice, and that Healing rolls after the first must exceed the first (and only provide additional Healing to the extent they do). This seems to imply that a character could use a Healing power multiple times on a target during a day until he achieves the maximum result (if ever). However, the rules on 6E1 232 state that a Healing power can only be used on a given character once per day. Is it possible for a character to re-use a Healing power on a target multiple times per day until he achieves his maximum effect? A: If a character has a Healing power, the “one use per day” of that Healing per target does not mean “one use per day, regardless of the result rolled.” It means “only usable up to its maximum effect once per day.” As noted on 6E1 233, the maximum result can be achieved using one or more rolls (provided later rolls exceed the first roll(s), and only to that extent). By definition this means a character can use a Healing power on the same target more than once per day — he just can’t provide more than his maximum amount of Healing per day. On a related point, in the case of Healing applied to STUN, BODY, and other “defensive Characteristics” (see 6E1 141), the effect of the Healing is halved. The character using Healing can still Heal up to the maximum shown on the dice, but the halving effect still limits how much total STUN and BODY the target regains. However, the GM may choose to ignore this rule in the case of Healing STUN and/or BODY in the interest of streamlining game play. Example: The renowned philosopher Doctor Pellidarius is a wizard of some renown. Included in his repertoire of spells is one that provides Simplified Healing 6d6. That means he can provide up to 36 STUN, 12 BODY per day (though per the rule on 6E1 141, this effect is halved, to 18 STUN, 6 BODY total). When Doctor Pellidarius uses his spell to Heal his warrior friend Zerkon, he rolls 21 STUN, 6 BODY (halved to 11 STUN, 3 BODY). He can keep Healing Zerkon up to his maximum of 36 STUN and 12 BODY (halved to 18 and 6) with one or more additional rolls during the course of the day — the “once per day” rule on 6E1 232 doesn’t restrict him to just one roll per day regardless of the results, it restricts him to one maximum Healing per target per day.
  21. Re: How make make PD/ED from Growth resistant? Welcome back! Use the Resistant (+1/2) Advantage on 6E1 147. In the case of Growth you'd buy it as a naked Advantage on the relevant amount of PD and ED, not as an ordinary Advantage for Growth itself.
  22. Re: Powers w/ Trigger Advantage and Knocked Out Nothing in the rules prevents a character from defining "when I get Knocked Out" or "when so-and-so happens, regardless of whether I'm conscious" as Trigger conditions. Whether the GM will permit such a thing is fish of a different color, of course. I've certainly seen some abusive Triggered by KO powers, and I suspect I'm not the only one.
  23. Re: Adjustment Powers questions If a character has Absorption with the Defensive Absorption Advantage, they can, with the GM’s permission, purchase Defense Power-only Advantages such as Hardened or Impenetrable that apply to the defense the Absorption provides. On the other hand, whether the GM permits this or not, Defensive Absorption counts as a “Defense Power” for purposes such as the effect of Adjustment Powers on it, reducing its effect for Automatons with Takes No Stun, and so forth. If a character has an Adjustment Power with the Can Apply (or Remove) Adders, and the target power can have (or has) more than one Adder, the Adjustment Power can only add (or remove) one Adder at a time. The character using the Adjustment Power chooses which Adder to add (or remove). To add (or remove) more than one Adder requires two or more successful uses of the Adjustment Power. An Adder that a character has bought multiple times for a power (such as Improved Noncombat Movement for a Movement Power) only counts as a single Adder for purposes of removing it. For purposes of adding it, each purchase of the Adder counts as one Adder.
  24. Re: Doubt on Grant Wish spell build Technically, yes, the but the GM's granting a waiver there. The purpose is to represent the fact that the change is a permanent one, not something that needs to be maintained. There are certainly other ways to build such a spell, which you can use if you prefer.
  25. Re: Barrier Size, Shape, Configuration Confusion! 1. The dimensions purchased for a Barrier represent the maximum possible dimensions for that Barrier. It’s certainly possible for a character to create a Barrier that is smaller (in some dimension), has less BODY, or the like than the purchased maximum, just like it’s possible for him to buy Blast 12d6 but only fire a Blast 8d6 if he wants to for some reason. If a character creates a Barrier that’s less than his maximum in some respect, there’s no requirement that it be “proportional.” (The same applies when he uses Configurable to change an existing Barrier’s shape or size.) For example, suppose a character has Barrier 10 PD/10 ED, 10 BODY (up to 20m long, 6m high, 1m thick). That represents the maximum effect of his Barrier. If he wants he can create a Barrier that has only 6 PD/6 ED, 7 BODY, 14.5m long, 2m high, and 1m thick. He can’t exceed any of his defined maxima, but he doesn’t have to create a Barrier at full effect if he doesn’t want to. 2. I disagree that the rule you're citing is in any way unclear. It's quite specific: when a character creates a Barrier, not "when a character buys Barrier." The two are very different things. Anything that's "locked in" at the time of character creation is specified that way in the book, usually with language like, "a character must define thus-and-so when he buys it, and cannot change it thereafter." 3. The rules state that a character can define the shape of a Barrier when he creates it (6E1 170). However, I suspect that a player who tries to get extra effect out of his Barrier by "folding" it to, in effect, create multiple Barriers is likely to get slapped down by the GM -- or if not, the GM is going to have to live with the consequences of the nonsense he's allowing in play. I certainly wouldn't allow it if I were running the game, and I bet if you start a Discussion topic about it you'll find that most GMs agree.
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