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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I'm unsticking this thread so that future discussion will end up on the Company Questions thread of the same name. But before I do, I just wanted to say, on behalf of Hero Games, THANX! We deeply appreciate the support that our fans have shown to this project. We're looking forward both to finishing BotE and getting it out to everyone, and to doing more Kickstarter projects in the future.
  2. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I'm unsticking this thread so that future discussion will end up on the Company Questions thread of the same name. But before I do, I just wanted to say, on behalf of Hero Games, THANX! We deeply appreciate the support that our fans have shown to this project. We're looking forward both to finishing BotE and getting it out to everyone, and to doing more Kickstarter projects in the future.
  3. Re: Endurance Costs for Movement with Adders Followup... As noted on 6E1 316, even if a character doesn’t use an Adder, he still has to pay END for it (and allocate Power Framework reserve points to it). This applies to Movement Powers like any other — for example, as described on 6E1 156, a character with Flight 30m, x8 Noncombat (which costs a total of 40 points) spends 4 END when using his power at full effect. This applies even if he only flies at 30m, without using any Noncombat multiple. Also as noted on 6E1 156, a character using less than his full meters of movement only pay END proportionately. For example, a character with Flight 30m who only flies at 20m only pays 2 END, not 3 END. However, Adders still apply in this situation. So taking the example above, a character with Flight 30m, x8 Noncombat who only flies at 20m pays 3 END — 2 END for the meters moved, +1 END for the 10 Active Points’ worth of Adder he bought.
  4. Re: Blt Action Rifles There's no specific rule for bolt-action rifles that I can recall. The GM can certainly impose one if he wants. I think that might work well for "realistic" games, but I doubt most people would bother for more "cinematic" fare.
  5. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Just one, I think. No point bombarding people with multiples, and it's easier for Fred to lay all the material out at once.
  6. In case you haven't seen my posts about this in a couple other threads: For those of you who are interested in my STORMlords setting, which has been discussed here and there on the boards in the past couple years, I just updated my Hero blog with the latest info: Steve's STORMlords blog
  7. Re: Possible HERO System Supplement Kickstarters From Steve -- What Interests You? Update/slight thread hijacking: for those of you who are interested in my STORMlords setting, which has been discussed a little above, I just updated my Hero blog with the latest info: Steve's STORMlords blog
  8. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Just a few hours to go! Today is your last chance to get in on the fun and make a pledge to support The Book Of The Empress! Book Of The Empress Kickstarter Hero Games deeply appreciates the support of everyone who's pledged so far -- you're all Heroes!
  9. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Just a few hours to go! Today is your last chance to get in on the fun and make a pledge to support The Book Of The Empress! Book Of The Empress Kickstarter Hero Games deeply appreciates the support of everyone who's pledged so far -- you're all Heroes!
  10. Re: Steve Long, Thank you Well, regardless of what you think of it in retrospect, Ndreare, you should be proud of yourself for completing a major project like that. As you discovered, it's no easy task.
  11. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Indeed we did. In fact as of when I write this we're only $120 shy of $15,000, so I feel safe in declaring this Kickstarter a success.
  12. Re: Steve Long, Thank you Thanx! But credit where credit's due: Darren, Jason, Tina, et al. have always made a lot of that possible. By removing distractions (like getting print quotes or boxing up books to ship to a customer) they free me up to do nothing but write. In some ways I feel very unproductive these days because I no longer have that "safety net" and constantly find myself having to fuss with such details.
  13. Re: Steve Long, Thank you I'm really addicted to To Save The World. What devious plot will the Pharoah launch next? Can Justice Force Omega stop him in time? Is Shooting Star having Captain Thunder's baby... and if so what strange abilities will the human-alien hybrid child possess? Dunh dunh DUNH!....
  14. Re: Steve Long, Thank you There are reasons why so many professional RPG writers don't actually write RPGs for a full-time living. Not only is the money usually pretty iffy, but that sort of concentrated creativity can be tough. For example, by far the toughest books I've written for Hero are probably The Turakian Age and The Atlantean Age -- having to sit down and create dozens and dozens of kingdoms, each of which is somehow unique, interesting, and cool, really taxes my creativity. Coming up with lots and lots of NPCs (like in a villains book) is much easier.
  15. Re: Steve Long, Thank you Writing is definitely a learning process. The more ya do, the more ya learn. I've been writing professionally (part time or full time) for nearly 20 years, and I think I still learn something new with every book I write. One of the reasons I've been working on writing some fiction is to stretch my "writing muscles" even further and learn more.
  16. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter The suggested retail price on the back of the book is $39.99 US.
  17. Re: Steve Long, Thank you Agreed -- it's always good to see what someone comes up with when they power through all those roadblocks and get their first book done!
  18. Re: Steve Long, Thank you Glad to be of service.
  19. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter We've only got about two days to go, and it looks like we're coming down to the wire on our secondary goal of $14,000. There's less than $900 to go to unlock five new characters and other goodies that will be provided to everyone who backs the Kickstarter and won't be available any other way. If you've already made a pledge, thank you for your support! If you haven't yet, Hero would sure appreciate your support -- and so will your fellow backers. We still have two of our $150 "help Steve design a character" rewards and one of our superb $1,000 pledge rewards available -- get 'em while you can!! Book Of The Empress Kickstarter
  20. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter We've only got about two days to go, and it looks like we're coming down to the wire on our secondary goal of $14,000. There's less than $900 to go to unlock five new characters and other goodies that will be provided to everyone who backs the Kickstarter and won't be available any other way. If you've already made a pledge, thank you for your support! If you haven't yet, Hero would sure appreciate your support -- and so will your fellow backers. We still have two of our $150 "help Steve design a character" rewards and one of our superb $1,000 pledge rewards available -- get 'em while you can!! Book Of The Empress Kickstarter
  21. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter We've only got about two days to go, and it looks like we're coming down to the wire on our secondary goal of $14,000. There's less than $900 to go to unlock five new characters and other goodies that will be provided to everyone who backs the Kickstarter and won't be available any other way. If you've already made a pledge, thank you for your support! If you haven't yet, Hero would sure appreciate your support -- and so will your fellow backers. We still have two of our $150 "help Steve design a character" rewards and one of our superb $1,000 pledge rewards available -- get 'em while you can!! Book Of The Empress Kickstarter
  22. Re: HERO Dice App for Android - know one? Yup. I have it on my Droid Bionic, and on my Xoom tablet.
  23. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter We were planning on using whatever information Kickstarter provides us -- we've never done this before, so I'm not sure what the options are in terms of data retrieval. Please don't post messages here about what you do or don't want. The best bet is to send us a message through the Kickstarter page. The second best is to PM me here. There's no guarantee I'll see a post in a thread, and I'll definitely be less likely to remember it.
  24. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I can't make any promises, but if you'd prefer to get your name in there, PM me here or contact me through the Kickstarter page and we'll see what we can do.
  25. Re: HERO Dice App for Android - know one? I use one simply called "Dice Roller" that has a HERO System option. Its logo is 3d6 arranged in a sort of stack.
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