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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: Dispel KBr 1. No; see APG 54 and APG2 18. 2. See 6E1 272 re: Power Defense and Adjustment Powers, and extend that same logic to the situation you’re describing.
  2. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter I totally disagree with this. I bet you could come up with a great idea!
  3. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Thanx blues!
  4. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Thanx, bjh!
  5. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter I believe what I said was that I'd discuss how to integrate gods into your game, and "mythic" style roleplaying in general. I'm not sure how far I'll be able to go with that, but it is a bit of an expansion over my initial conception of the book. Similarly, I hadn't planned to discuss "creating your own pantheons" at much length, but the idea of letting Kickstarter backers help me create gods was such a cool one that I couldn't resist adding that section. Having BotE backers help me create Champions characters was such fun that I'm really looking forward to collaboratively creating an example pantheon... or hopefully two or three.
  6. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Kap -- the shorthand description is that it's a book covering world mythologies for roleplaying. In addition to character sheets for gods, heroes, and monsters from mythologies both well-known (Greek, Norse, Chinese...) and more obscure/unusual (Slavic, Etruscan, Armenian, Maori...), it will cover the various cosmologies, magic systems, and whatnot for each mythology. There will also be information on how to use gods in your game, how characters interact with gods, and mythic roleplaying in general. There are links in my post above that will lead you to the Kickstarter page (which has a more extensive description, and links to my own website where you can find out even more info).
  7. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Nev -- I extended the deadline to April 2 in part because I was thinking of people maybe using their tax refunds to fund their pledges. The maximum you're allowed is two months, though. To extend it to April 17 would have required me to wait another week or two, which I didn't want to. It would also bring the conclusion of the project too close to my trip to run a game for the BotE Kickstarter $2000 backer, and I definitely don't want to be out of town for an extended period right after the MH Kickstarter comes to a close. So I definitely grasp your logic, but I took it as far as I could.
  8. Howdy Herophiles! I'm proud to announce the launch of my first HERO System-based Kickstarter project: Mythic Hero! You can go to Kickstarter and pledge your support here: Mythic Hero Kickstarter. My goal is to raise $33,000 in pledges by April 2 to write, lay out, and publish the book. (You can visit my website [see link below] for a precise cost breakdown, if you're interested.) I'd really appreciate any support you can offer! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kickstarter, here's how it works. Kickstarter is a form of "crowdfunding," in which people such as yourselves offer their financial support for a creative project to see it completed. You can pledge as much as you want, from $1 up to any amount. At certain pledge levels (such as $10, $25, and $50), there are special "rewards" you get for backing the project. For example, for the MH Kickstarter, pledging $25 gets you a PDF of the book and thanks in the credits, while pledging $75 gets you all that and a copy of the hardcopy printed book. When you pledge to back a Kickstarter project, no money is taken from you unless the project reaches its full funding level. If it fails to reach its goal (in the case of MH, $33,000), then no money is taken from anyone and the project doesn't see the light of day. To find out more about Mythic Hero. please visit the Mythic Hero page on my website. Thanks!
  9. Howdy Herophiles! I'm proud to announce the launch of my first HERO System-based Kickstarter project: Mythic Hero! You can go to Kickstarter and pledge your support here: Mythic Hero Kickstarter. My goal is to raise $33,000 in pledges by April 2 to write, lay out, and publish the book. (You can visit my website [see link below] for a precise cost breakdown, if you're interested.) I'd really appreciate any support you can offer! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kickstarter, here's how it works. Kickstarter is a form of "crowdfunding," in which people such as yourselves offer their financial support for a creative project to see it completed. You can pledge as much as you want, from $1 up to any amount. At certain pledge levels (such as $10, $25, and $50), there are special "rewards" you get for backing the project. For example, for the MH Kickstarter, pledging $25 gets you a PDF of the book and thanks in the credits, while pledging $75 gets you all that and a copy of the hardcopy printed book. When you pledge to back a Kickstarter project, no money is taken from you unless the project reaches its full funding level. If it fails to reach its goal (in the case of MH, $33,000), then no money is taken from anyone and the project doesn't see the light of day. To find out more about Mythic Hero. please visit the Mythic Hero page on my website. Thanks!
  10. Howdy Herophiles! I'm proud to announce the launch of my first HERO System-based Kickstarter project: Mythic Hero! You can go to Kickstarter and pledge your support here: Mythic Hero Kickstarter. My goal is to raise $33,000 in pledges by April 2 to write, lay out, and publish the book. (You can visit my website [see link below] for a precise cost breakdown, if you're interested.) I'd really appreciate any support you can offer! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kickstarter, here's how it works. Kickstarter is a form of "crowdfunding," in which people such as yourselves offer their financial support for a creative project to see it completed. You can pledge as much as you want, from $1 up to any amount. At certain pledge levels (such as $10, $25, and $50), there are special "rewards" you get for backing the project. For example, for the MH Kickstarter, pledging $25 gets you a PDF of the book and thanks in the credits, while pledging $75 gets you all that and a copy of the hardcopy printed book. When you pledge to back a Kickstarter project, no money is taken from you unless the project reaches its full funding level. If it fails to reach its goal (in the case of MH, $33,000), then no money is taken from anyone and the project doesn't see the light of day. To find out more about Mythic Hero. please visit the Mythic Hero page on my website. Thanks!
  11. Howdy Herophiles! I'm proud to announce the launch of my first HERO System-based Kickstarter project: Mythic Hero! You can go to Kickstarter and pledge your support here: Mythic Hero Kickstarter. My goal is to raise $33,000 in pledges by April 2 to write, lay out, and publish the book. (You can visit my website [see link below] for a precise cost breakdown, if you're interested.) I'd really appreciate any support you can offer! For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kickstarter, here's how it works. Kickstarter is a form of "crowdfunding," in which people such as yourselves offer their financial support for a creative project to see it completed. You can pledge as much as you want, from $1 up to any amount. At certain pledge levels (such as $10, $25, and $50), there are special "rewards" you get for backing the project. For example, for the MH Kickstarter, pledging $25 gets you a PDF of the book and thanks in the credits, while pledging $75 gets you all that and a copy of the hardcopy printed book. When you pledge to back a Kickstarter project, no money is taken from you unless the project reaches its full funding level. If it fails to reach its goal (in the case of MH, $33,000), then no money is taken from anyone and the project doesn't see the light of day. To find out more about Mythic Hero. please visit the Mythic Hero page on my website. Thanks!
  12. This might be useful for some games -- undoubtedly bits of it are applicable to both Victorian and Pulp-era gaming: 1912 British policing guide
  13. Re: Regeneration in 6th I'm sorry, but I don't answer game design/philosophy questions. If you want to discuss this with other gamers, you could start a thread on the Discussion board -- here I'm the only person who can reply.
  14. Re: Unoficial Advance Players Guide 3 Survay. As the more or less official Keeper of the Rules, I can shed a little insight on this. It will be quite literally years and years before there could be an APG3. I used up all the material I had writing APG2, and I've only accumulated a few tidbits since then. Any APG3 I wrote now would be 95% fluff designed simply to pad out a book, and that's definitely something I have no interest in doing. I'm quite content to wait until there's enough actual useful new rules stuff to fill out APG3.
  15. Re: Mythic Hero Well, hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer. One by one the ducklings are forming a row....
  16. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? For those who are interested, you can now see a (slightly outdated) pic of my mythology, legends, and folklore library on the Mythic Hero page of my website: Steve's mythology library So obviously I already have a good bit of research material to work from.
  17. Re: Mythic Hero The latest update: a slightly-outdated picture of my mythology, legends, and folklore library so y'all can get some idea of how much research material I have to work with. And more books are arriving practically every week.
  18. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? AAMOF, when trying to get estimates on postage and suchlike, I used the HSB as my "test case." I don't necessarily think MH would be that big, but it never hurts to plan conservatively. If I were going to go that far, I think the ideal would be to make it exactly 666 pages.
  19. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? JmOz -- I actually have some other goodies in mind as potential secondary goal rewards. I want all the mythologies in one place, though, for the reader's/user's ease of reference. Hopefully my planned primary goal will be reached quickly so I can implement the secondary goals in short order.
  20. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? LL -- I've been considering Persian mythology, which I have some sources on. It's certainly a possible addition to the book, though it can be a pretty large and complex subject, so I'm concerned about the research burden. OTOH I've already done Armenian mythology, which has some similarities, so maybe that'd give me a good head start.
  21. I'm not quite ready to launch the MH Kickstarter, but I'm gettin' closer. I've set up a page describing/discussing the project on my website: Mythic Hero You're welcome to discuss it there, or here, or in the "What Do You Want To See?" thread still stickied up on this board. More updates as they occur!
  22. The supremely talented Patrick Rothfuss (author of the superb Kingkiller Chronicles) and I are teaming up for a charity event at StellarCon 36 (March 2-4, High Point, NC)! Pat's going to run a HERO System game set in the Kingkiller world at the con, and I will be one of the players. The rest of the seats at the table are being auctioned off to support Pat's excellent Worldbuilders charity; you can find 'em on eBay. So if you're attending StellarCon, or want to attend StellarCon, or just want to play in a really awesome game, get to biddin'! You can find out more here (scroll down the page a bit to the cartoon of Pat committing a TPK).
  23. The supremely talented Patrick Rothfuss (author of the superb Kingkiller Chronicles) and I are teaming up for a charity event at StellarCon 36 (March 2-4, High Point, NC)! Pat's going to run a HERO System game set in the Kingkiller world at the con, and I will be one of the players. The rest of the seats at the table are being auctioned off to support Pat's excellent Worldbuilders charity; you can find 'em on eBay. So if you're attending StellarCon, or want to attend StellarCon, or just want to play in a really awesome game, get to biddin'! You can find out more here (scroll down the page a bit to the cartoon of Pat committing a TPK).
  24. The supremely talented Patrick Rothfuss (author of the superb Kingkiller Chronicles) and I are teaming up for a charity event at StellarCon 36 (March 2-4, High Point, NC)! Pat's going to run a HERO System game set in the Kingkiller world at the con, and I will be one of the players. The rest of the seats at the table are being auctioned off to support Pat's excellent Worldbuilders charity; you can find 'em on eBay. So if you're attending StellarCon, or want to attend StellarCon, or just want to play in a really awesome game, get to biddin'! You can find out more here (scroll down the page a bit to the cartoon of Pat committing a TPK).
  25. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter I'm unsticking this thread so that future discussion will end up on the Company Questions thread of the same name. But before I do, I just wanted to say, on behalf of Hero Games, THANX! We deeply appreciate the support that our fans have shown to this project. We're looking forward both to finishing BotE and getting it out to everyone, and to doing more Kickstarter projects in the future.
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