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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: VPP: Allocatiing Points and Skill Roll Requirements If the Pool points in a VPP are "free floating" -- in other words, not specifically allocated to something -- then when a character wants to allocate them, he has to follow the rules for doing so (i.e., take a Full Phase and succeed with a Skill Roll, unless the VPP has Advantages to change that). It doesn't make any difference whether he's using pre-generated power write-ups or not; allocating points is done according to specific rules. Once those points are allocated, he can then in later Phases use the allocated powers freely according to the standard rules (e.g., most will require a Zero Phase Action to activate, and so on). If a character with a Power Framework allocates reserve/Pool points to a Persistent Power, unless some Limitation on the power indicates otherwise it’s immediately “activated” when the reserve/points are allocated to it. The character doesn’t have to take a separate Zero Phase Action to activate the Persistent Power.
  2. Re: STORMlords Update Well, just to be clear, there is no Kickstarter. There may never be one; I can't say at this point. Right now it's just a campaign I'm running for my friends. In terms of general Urban Fantasy feel STORMlords might be a bit overpowered, particularly if you want to simulate the Dresden Files books closely. You might want to pick up Urban Fantasy Hero instead, when your gaming budget allows; it has more general UF info and advice.
  3. Re: Continuing Charges and STR If a character buys a Characteristic which costs END to use (such as STR) with Continuing Charges, standard rules for Continuing Charges apply: the power (in this case, a Characteristic) does not cost END to use, and the value of the Limitation is as indicated in the table/rules on 6E1 369. The value isn’t reduced to -0 because by definition a Characteristic that does in fact cost END isn’t an “inherently Persistent Power” of the sort contemplated by the Continuing Charges rules.
  4. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Thanx Manic!
  5. For those of you who've expressed interest in my STORMlords Urban Fantasy/Dark Champions setting, I just updated the blog with a bit of news: Steve's STORMlords Blog
  6. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Generally I agree, and I think Kickstarter's statistics tend to as well. They seem to support sticking to around a 30-day period to maintain more of a feeling of immediacy. I would've done that for MH if there wasn't a good reason to extend it: hoping to take advantage of peoples' tax refunds. Ultimately I don't think the length of the pledge period negatively affected the MH Kickstarter.
  7. Re: Another Changing Speed Question! He loses the rest of his Phase in Segment 6.
  8. Astronomy news these days just keeps getting more and more fascinating. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17532470
  9. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter You're right on the first point, but MH has also run significantly longer. BotE only ran 36 days. On its 36th day, MH had 171 backers and a little under $15,000 in pledges -- both less than what BotE had. I think your latter point is, sadly, correct. There simply aren't enough interested consumers, or dollars among the consumers who are interested. But at least KS makes it possible to learn that in advance. This, too, is correct. I have not lost hope!
  10. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter I think that's true to some extent, Derek. Additionally, there are some people who are interested in the CU setting and would buy books describing it, but who have no interest in system-related supplements without CU info in 'em. I had hoped there'd be more "general" interest among the folx here on the Hero Games boards, but that may simply not be the case. Live and learn, I guess.
  11. Re: Dependencies with Multiple Effects I'll leave that one up to the GM.
  12. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter As an interesting little last-week tidbit, MH made the top of the "staff picks" page on Kickstarter yesterday! I wish that had happened a few weeks ago, but anytime is good.
  13. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter I'm sure you won't have any problem with that, culhwch.
  14. Re: Curses Yes, it's pretty much just a common sense/dramatic sense sort of thing. If you want to include Indirect that's easy enough, but I figure the cost of the MegaScaling and whatnot is sufficiently balancing.
  15. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter All right, folx, we've got just about a week to go -- and still a bit of a haul to get to the $33,000 goal. Let's make this happen! If you haven't backed Mythic Hero yet, we'd sure appreciate your support. If you have, thank you!, and please help us spread the word.
  16. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter All right, folx, we've got just about a week to go -- and still a bit of a haul to get to the $33,000 goal. Let's make this happen! If you haven't backed Mythic Hero yet, we'd sure appreciate your support. If you have, thank you!, and please help us spread the word.
  17. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter All right, folx, we've got just about a week to go -- and still a bit of a haul to get to the $33,000 goal. Let's make this happen! If you haven't backed Mythic Hero yet, we'd sure appreciate your support. If you have, thank you!, and please help us spread the word.
  18. Re: Change Environment: Radiation The non-damaging effects of Change Environment don't accumulate, round after round. If, for example, a character's in a field that imposes a -3 on PER Rolls, he suffers that -3 as long as he stays in the field -- not -3 the first round, -6 the second, and so on. (A CE field could require a character to make a new roll each Phase, of course, but the penalty wouldn't increase.) However, a CE that causes damage (or some similar effect) will, like any Constant Power, cause that damage again and again as long as the target stays in the affected area. So in the case of a radiation field, a person in that field will continue to suffer the "damage" -- 2d6 CON loss, in this case -- for the level of effect. But the level of effect (300 rads, in this case) won't "stack" or "increase" from Phase to Phase; it remains the same over time.
  19. Re: Multipower Resistant Protection Hmmm, another good one for the “I wonder why no one’s ever asked this before?” file. Yes, it’s legal to put Resistant Protection in a Power Framework, even if the Resistant Protection provides Flash Defense, Mental Defense, or Power Defense. (There are plenty of examples of this in published supplements, for instance.) Resistant Protection is classified as a Standard Power and a Defense Power; it is not considered a Special Power even when it provides exotic defenses.
  20. Re: Champions Live, Coming Soon From Silverback Press! Good luck!
  21. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Thanx for all the new and increased pledges in the past week, folx! We've only got about a week to go and a long way to get there, but we can do it!
  22. Re: Continuing Charges and multi powers You're reading the rules pertaining to Multipowers correctly. But the guidelines on 6E1 9 are the real key here. If you recognize that this is potentially unbalancing/detrimental in the context of the campaign you're playing in, you shouldn't do it regardless of what the rules say.
  23. Re: 61 Monsters Available For Download Coolness.
  24. Re: Ranged Trip and Disarm He does not. The assumption is that the attacker's using the force of the attack in some way to achieve the desired result (a Trip or a Disarm), not to harm. Just like a regular Disarm doesn't cause injury, a ranged one doesn't either.
  25. Re: Follow up about Possession That's really up to the GM, but given the way Possession works versus ordinary Desolidification, I suspect that most GMs would make you buy both powers. Beyond that your question seems to be getting into "how to" territory, and I don't answer those kinds of questions here. I'd suggest posting on the Discussion board, where anyone can respond and you're bound to get lots of useful input.
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