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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: 2 point CSL and Selective Area of Effect attacks That's entirely up to the GM. Typically if he were going to allow that I expect he'd allow it as to all targets of the Selective attack, but different GMs' mileage may vary.
  2. Re: Use of others' weapons He can use a "taken" weapon this way, but unless he has the appropriate Weapon Familiarity he'll suffer the standard Unfamiliar Weapon penalty to his OCV.
  3. Re: STORMlords Update The STORMlords updates just keep a-comin'! STORMlords Update: On The Road
  4. Re: Position Shift - how much Flight/Movement is needed and Endurance cost The minimum amount of movement a character has to use to use Position Shift is 1m, but he doesn't actually have to move -- that can simply represent the motion of changing his facing. Doing this costs END as normal for the Movement Power being used, including the Adder in the calculation of the Active Points involved as usual.
  5. Re: Proportional Followup Question: VVP The answer is the same as for Multipower: the "multiplied" points are irrelevant. What matters is, does the Active Cost of the power (as defined by the Advantage, not the "multiplier") fit within the VPP, per the rules? If so, all is well; if not, the power needs to be reduced in cost somehow until it does fit.
  6. Re: Second Try: Power Framworks and the Proportional Advantage. 1. If Proportional is an Advantage, when applied to the reserve it would be subject to the rules on 6E1 405, and thus affect all slots. However, as noted GMs should examine this carefully; I doubt many would allow it, and instead require a character to buy the Proportional Advantage for each slot individually. If Proportional is a Limitation, and somehow affects the Multipower as a whole (or its functioning in a distinct way from the slots), then it could be applied to the reserve, following the rules on 6E1 405. This would be similar to the way that, say, Charges are bought on the reserve to represent how many times the Multipower as a whole can be used, or Extra Time is bought on the reserve to change how quickly a character can change slots. However, offhand I expect that most uses of Proportional as a Limitation would make more sense when applied to each slot individually, and then also get to be applied to the reserve. 2. If Proportional is bought for a slot in a Power Framework, the cost of that slot is determined in the same as the cost of any other slot, which in turn dictates how big the reserve has to be. For example, if the Base Points in the power are 40, and the value of Proportional is +3 (and we assume for the sake of this example there are no other Advantages on the slot), then the slot has an Active Point cost of 120. The reserve would thus have to be at least 120 points. 3. Proportional cannot be bought for the Pool of a VPP, regardless of whether you think it “only” affects the Pool. As stated in the rules, Power Modifiers for VPPs apply only to the Control Cost portion of the Framework. Nor can a character buy Proportional (or any other Power Modifier) twice because he thinks it affects “both the Pool and the Control Cost.” 4. Re: Mimic Pools, see #2 above and apply the same logic.
  7. Re: VPP, Character Has No Choice Regarding When Or How Powers Change 1. Unless some other Limitation applies, the time to change the VPP is the same as always: a Full Phase. A Limitation like “Can Only Be Changed During A Full Moon” only affects when the character can change his Pool, not how long changing the Pool takes. 2. Let me rephrase this question for more general application: Q: If a character has a Power Framework that takes a long time to change slots (such as 1 Turn or 1 Minute), can he take any Actions while the Framework’s changing? A: Yes, but he cannot use the Framework at all, in any configuration. 3. If a VPP requires a Skill Roll to change, the character has to succeed with the Skill Roll to change it, period. Whether he’s in combat or not doesn’t matter.
  8. Re: Gremlins If the only difference between them is personality/Psychological Complications, there's no need for the Advantage that allows them to be different. As for how much they should cost -- sorry, I'm not going to run the math. Math scares me.
  9. Re: "If geography is prose, maps are iconography" -- Lennart Meri Some nice finds in there, MV. You may discover, as I have from time to time, that it's sometimes difficult to find Pulp-era maps online because people who buy/collect antique maps tend to prefer much older maps. That's partly why I began my Pulp-era map collection. However, there are some out there if you look around enough.
  10. Re: Some Strange Inventions The Nazi monowheel bike has little swastikas on the tires so they leave a track of evil wherever they go!
  11. Re: How to handle Aid Powers with differing maximums and return rates? Detailed examples you're not going to get, particularly not on a Friday night. As noted on 6E1 135, "f two different Adjustment Powers are applied to the same Characteristic or ability, record and track the fade/recovery of each one individually." So where I think you're getting tripped up here is that your impression isn't correct. Just track each one separately both in terms of its maximum effect and its fade rate. I think that should take care of your question in broad strokes. If you're still confused about some aspect of this -- and Adjustment Powers can definitely be confusing! -- please post a follow-up.
  12. Re: Multipower & Preportinal Advantage (From APG) I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you're asking at all. If you'd like you're welcome to try to rephrase the questions more clearly and I'll give it another shot.
  13. Re: STORMlords Update Amazingly enough, yet another STORMlords update! STORMlords Update: Supplemental Power Sets
  14. Most of the items in this list (complete with pictures!) are from the Twenties and Thirties, making them perfect fodder for Pulp-era gadgeteers and GMs: Strange Inventions
  15. Re: Mind Controll - Many small instead of one big effect If the GM wants to allow that (which I can see in some situations, particularly when all three mentalists have differing SPDs and/or aren't in the same location), I'm not going to tell him no. However, the more rules-accurate way to do this is use the rules for complementary Mental Powers (6E1 152) and go for the highest total (in this case, EGO +30). Personally I'd be much more reluctant to allow a single mentalist to "piggyback" his commands this way, but differing GMs conceive of psychic powers different ways and can allow whatever they want.
  16. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? Thanx, Goradin. I appreciate that.
  17. Re: CHAMPIONS LIVE ACTION Kickstarter from Darren and Silverback Press! Good luck!!
  18. Re: Pulp Hero Just to follow up on what IJ said, we had originally planned to do Victorian Hero as a release for GenCon 2012. But when we decided to shift our production model to use Kickstarter, the planned schedule pretty much fell by the wayside. Truth to tell, though, we probably would've ended up moving VH to some other part of the schedule. I have my doubts that I could've gotten it ready in time for GenCon; I'd rather have some more reliable book for the con and save VH for later in the year or something.
  19. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Now that the Kickstarter's ended, I'm locking this to keep the conversation focused in the "Company Questions" thread of the same name. Thanx!
  20. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Now that the Kickstarter's ended, I'm locking this to keep the conversation focused in the "Company Questions" thread of the same name. Thanx!
  21. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Now that the Kickstarter's ended, I'm locking this to keep the conversation focused in the "Company Questions" thread of the same name. Thanx!
  22. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Now that the Kickstarter's ended, I'm locking this to keep the conversation focused in the "Company Questions" thread of the same name. Thanx!
  23. Re: MYTHIC HERO Kickstarter Well, the preceding few hours were pretty darn good -- let's see how the last dozen or so go! Thanx everyone!
  24. Re: Using only part of shape shift A character with Shape Shift doesn’t necessarily have to use the Power to its fullest extent — he can change his shape only as to some Sense Groups. For example, suppose a character has Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing, and Touch Groups, any humanoid shape). He could choose to change his shape only as to the Sight Group, or only as to the Hearing Group.
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