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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: The Effect of Mind Link 1. See 6E1 400. 2. A Mind Link that’s Drained to 0 points of effect ceases to function; if a Link has been established between two or more characters, they all lose the Link.
  2. Re: The Ulronai Thread In fact they were mentioned in a couple of the Package Deals I submitted for that book -- my very first published work for Hero Games. Those campaign-specific references should've been taken out, either by me or the editor, but no harm done really.
  3. Re: The Ulronai Thread There's very little official information -- I deliberately kept things a bit vague about them. I may have some more information about them somewhere (they started as the people of one of my favorite PCs, Deltarion Bloodlock), but I'm not sure exactly where it is. If I run across it I'll see if there's anything worthwhile that can be done with it.
  4. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? Thanx, Joe! Glad you liked it. Lately I've been devoting my time to polishing off some Mythic Hero odds and ends I didn't want to leave undone, but no doubt I'll get back to the Northlands at some point.
  5. Re: Penetrating+ killing attack Question It's 2. As noted on 6E1 342, the amount of Penetrating effect depends on the "Normal Damage BODY" done, regardless of the type of attack.
  6. Re: grouping Characteristics for adjsutment powers ? There aren't any "categories" or "groups" of Characteristics within the HERO System rules per se. For purposes of Aid and other Adjustment Powers, the typical method is to define how many Characteristics you want to affect at once, then buy Expanded Effect (6E1 142) at the appropriate level. For example, if a character wanted Aid STR, DEX, CON, and STUN 4d6, he'd buy Expanded Effect at the +1.5 level, because he's affecting four Characteristics simultaneously. Beyond that, you're certainly free to define your own groups, subject to the GM's approval, for use with Variable Effect (6E1 142). For example you might have an Aid that affects "Physical Characteristics" (STR, DEX, CON, PD, ED, BODY, maybe some others), or one that affects "Mental Characteristics" (INT, EGO, PRE, OMCV, DMCV), one that affects "Combat Characteristics" (OCV, DCV, OMCV, DMCV, SPD), and so on. It's all a question of what the GM's willing to allow.
  7. Re: Damage Over Time What you need to do in this case is decide how much total damage you want to do, and how many increments. That tells you how much damage to buy for the power. Let's take your hypothetical. You want to do 6d6 damage overall, and you want three increments. 6/3 = 2, so you'd buy the power as Blast 2d6, Damage Over Time (3 damage increments, damage occurs every Turn).
  8. Re: Acquitaine [PDF] now available. Yup, he did a great job. I am kicking myself for not thinking of the possibilities of Creative Commons images in the first place. Will remember for future projects.
  9. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? A quick update! My friend Peter Corless, of Green Knight Publishing, saw Acquitaine and decided it could use a cover, so he very kindly whipped one up for me using a Creative Commons photo. So those of you who've already bought Acquitaine, if you want it with the cool new cover, just go download it again. Those of you who haven't bought it, get crackin'!
  10. Re: Acquitaine [PDF] now available. A quick update! My friend Peter Corless, of Green Knight Publishing, saw Acquitaine and decided it could use a cover, so he very kindly whipped one up for me using a Creative Commons photo. So those of you who've already bought Acquitaine, if you want it with the cool new cover, just go download it again. Those of you who haven't bought it, get crackin'!
  11. Re: Acquitaine [PDF] now available. All cats need some Acquitaine.
  12. Re: Acquitaine [PDF] now available. You're welcome, Dr. P -- glad to be able to do it.
  13. Re: Acquitaine [PDF] now available. Bosses are funny that way.
  14. Re: Acquitaine [PDF] now available. Thank you!
  15. Re: Acquitaine [PDF] now available. You can find it here: https://www.herogames.com/viewItem.htm?itemID=264423
  16. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? For those who are interested, Acquitaine is now available in the Hero Online Store! https://www.herogames.com/viewItem.htm?itemID=264423 39 pages of Fantasy Hero fun for just $4.99!
  17. Re: 5 points for twice as many pieces of equipment - are they additive? Well, to be precise, it gives you +40m of Flight (i.e., you have to have some Flight to begin with before these gadgets are of any use to you). It’s certainly possible for a character to buy multiple “additions” to a power separately, so in theory there’s no reason why the 5-point-doubling rule won’t let him do the same thing. But of course, that’s not to say the GM will allow it. I certainly wouldn’t.
  18. Re: One hand grabs As stated on 6E2 65, when a character chooses to perform a Grab one-handed, that “typically” means that both the Grabber and Grabee each still have one hand free. Nothing in the rules prohibits a character trying to make a Multiple Attack Grab one-handed to Grab more than one limb, though the -5 STR penalty still applies and the GM would certainly be well within his rights to forbid it based on his common sense interpretation of the circumstances. In light of the statement on 6E2 65, characters cannot perform Grab-based Martial Maneuvers that automatically target two or more limbs one-handed. They would have to Multiple Attack with the Maneuver to Grab two or more limbs, just as with a regular Grab.
  19. Re: TUALA MORN -- Interested In More Stuff? Update: my primary layout pass on Acquitaine is done! I still have to take care of a few chores and whip up a spell table, but it's nearly all finished.
  20. Re: Negative Object BODY and Knockback First off, just to make sure everyone’s clear, the rules for having to do twice the listed BODY to destroy an object (6E2 170) apply to devices. They don’t apply to all objects. A rock that reaches 0 BODY is destroyed; a clock reduced to 0 BODY doesn’t work anymore but is still more or less intact physically. Second, again to be clear, devices that have taken so much BODY damage they aren’t functioning, but which are not yet destroyed are not “at negative BODY.” That carries connotations that could cause problems or confusion. Think of it as a separate “pool” of BODY if you prefer, or conceptualize some other way if that makes it easier for you, but don’t treat it as akin to a character who’s bleeding to death. 1. Yes, of course it stops him. If the object isn’t yet destroyed, characters are still capable of physically interacting with it. 2-3. When a character takes Knockback into an object that is at less than its full BODY (whether that object is a device or not), use its current BODY for purposes of determining various effects of Knockback.
  21. Re: disad book or HD pack Moved to a more appropriate forum.
  22. Re: Starting a 6th ed campaign and was wondering... This seems like a discussion topic rather than a rules issue, so I've moved it to the Discussion board where anyone can answer.
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