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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: THE MONSTER HUNTER INTERNAIONAL EMPLOYEES' HANDBOOK & RPG Is Now Live! Just three days to go and we're close to some great stretch goals -- if you haven't pledged yet, please come help us reach 'em! And don't forget to pick up some MHI dice and a patch while you're there. MHI RPG Kickstarter
  2. Re: Aid & VPP 1. See 6E1 139. 2. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions pertaining to possible player behavior or abuse of the rules, though I think some of the discussion on 6E1 9 addresses this issue.
  3. Re: Old rule - Stunned characters taking damage - 5th edition (but open-ended questio Unless my memory is slipping (possible but unlikely ), there is no such rule. The rules provide that a character who is Surprised while out of combat takes 2 x STUN damage (6E2 50). Being Knocked Out counts as "out of combat," so an unconscious character automatically takes 2 x STUN from attacks (6E2 106). No such rule applies to being Stunned; if your friend insists there is such a rule, insist that he show it to you in the rulebook. A character who's Stunned does suffer 1/2 DCV (and 1/2 Placed Shot modifiers), but that's not the same thing. In re: how to apply the damage in a situation like this were Stun damage is multiplied, determine the STUN damage for the attack normally, then multiply it, then apply defenses.
  4. Re: I'm still not sure how to make a Gestalt character - 4th edition. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions about previous editions of the rules.
  5. Re: CV and MCV values - is it ok to actively increase them based on DEX and EGO? Long-time HERO players often default to having CV in the DEX/3 neighborhood and MCV in the EGO/3 neighborhood, because that's how things used to be calculated. However, that's in no way, shape, or form a hard-and-fast rule in 6E, as can be seen in many published character sheets. So you can buy your character's CV and MCV to whatever amounts you like (that the GM will permit ). If you want to tie them to DEX/EGO and increase them when those Characteristics increase, you certainly can, but if you don't want to you don't have to.
  6. Re: Move Through Question First off, my apologies for taking so long to answer. Somehow this didn't appear to me as a "new post"; glad I happened to catch it today. The answer to your question is "that's up to the GM." Generally speaking an Entangle stops a character from being able to move -- but depending on how your GM wants to look at things, that doesn't mean "stops him dead in his tracks if he's already moving" but rather "prevents him from starting to move." In that case Entangling the target would lead to uncontrolled movement (which you can read more about in The Ultimate Speedster, if you have a copy of that book), and he might or might not still end up impacting his intended target. There are too many variables in this situation (first and foremost among them how "realistic" a GM wants to be) for me to give a definitive answer.
  7. Re: Scorpion Wire - How to do? Since this is a how-to rather than a rules question, I've moved it to the Discussion board.
  8. Re: Russian Nazca-like Space Elk discovered I can see the elk there -- allowing for the fact that the primitive creators couldn't exactly see what they were doing. Four legs, a snout, some "horns." Close enough for gub'mint work. Thanx for posting! I hadn't heard about this. Definitely some adventure fodder here.
  9. Re: Mind Control Based on CON and Class of Mind It still applies normally — though of course the GM can come up with “class of body” rules or ignore the rule entirely if he prefers. (If I ever get to write an APG3, maybe I’ll tackle the concept myself, but that’s way too much fuss for this board for the time being.)
  10. Re: LEGIONS OF HELL Now Available! The Book Demon is definitely my favorite in the bunch. I hadn't thought about the idea of it infesting iPads and Kindles and such; that's a great idea for an Urban Fantasy Hero game! I'm currently working on the Mummies PDF. Since I'm going to start focusing on the MHI RPG now that the Kickstarter's funded, the PDFs will probably come out at a slower pace, but they'll continue to come out.
  11. Re: LEGIONS OF HELL Now Available! No, because the Succubus is in the HSB. These are all-new demons!
  12. Re: The Sky Caves of Nepal Thanx tstez! I'm having a lot of fun doing them, and am even planning on putting together a PDF along the same lines (though using different images, since I have to find rights-free ones or ultra-cheap ones). I'm trying to spread the word about the page without having to resort to sending out "Like" invites to people on my friends list, since that's usually just annoying. So I figured a li'l plug here couldn't hurt.
  13. Re: Adventure/Module Support Something like that might be possible. To make it work, though, I'd probably have to crib maps and such from other Hero Games products. I'll give it some thought, at least.
  14. Victory! We passed the $45,000 mark earlier this morning. Thanks so much to everyone who's supported this project so far -- and we hope the rest of you will come join us! Now we enter the "even more cool stuff" phase of the project. We've already announced our first stretch goals, so please check 'em out! And we have plenty more beyond that if we continue to get backers.
  15. Re: THE MONSTER HUNTER INTERNAIONAL EMPLOYEES' HANDBOOK & RPG Is Now Live! Victory! We passed the $45,000 mark earlier this morning. Now we enter the "even more cool stuff" phase of the project. We've already announced our first stretch goals, so please check 'em out! And we have plenty more beyond that if we continue to get backers.
  16. Re: THE MONSTER HUNTER INTERNAIONAL EMPLOYEES' HANDBOOK & RPG Is Now Live! Victory! We passed the $45,000 mark earlier this morning. Now we enter the "even more cool stuff" phase of the project. We've already announced our first stretch goals, so please check 'em out! And we have plenty more beyond that if we continue to get backers.
  17. Re: The Sky Caves of Nepal If you like cool pictures of wondrous, exotic places on Earth, check out my Facebook page, where I take these photos and add a fantasy or gaming-related caption to them to spur ideas: Wanderings In The Fantastic World
  18. Re: Adventure/Module Support That's going to depend entirely on how well the Kickstarter does. If it continues to bring in pledges at the relatively strong rate it has been, we have some ideas for stretch goals and extras that may involve scenarios (potentially quite a few of them). We also have some other ideas that would involve building more of an "MHI RPG line" than is currently envisioned. We'll just have to see if the demand -- and the community size -- is there. I can certainly understand your desire for published adventures, but the blunt truth is that they sell very, very poorly. To begin with they're only targeting approximately one-fifth of the audience (GMs), whereas most supplements target both players and GMs. Beyond that, many people simply prefer to create their own adventures. Hero Games's experience over the past decade is that modules simply aren't worth publishing. But as I say, we'll see. It sounds like a great plan, but it isn't. Hero Games does have a Free Stuff page, and the company's always willing to accept an adventure for inclusion on that page if someone wants to send one in. Over the past decade, though, the company's gotten almost no such submissions. Even if a lot of people wanted to write up scenarios for the MHI RPG, the fact remains that quality control is an issue. If Hero Games were to actually sell them, as you suggest, it would have to exercise some sort of quality control. It would also have to devote time and resources to laying them out and making them look sufficiently professional that it could justify charging money for them. And I can tell you from extensive personal experience as HERO System Line Developer for ten years that very, very few people, including most professional RPG writers and most long-time HERO fans, can write HERO System material well. It might be a little easier with the MHI RPG stuff, but even then I suspect a lot of editorial work would be required. Here's what I suggest: Hero Games now has a very generous licensing policy. If any of you are strongly in favor of there being modules for the MHI RPG, and you think there's enough consumer interest, write them and sell them yourself! That's the best of both worlds: customers get adventures, and you make some money.
  19. Re: LEGIONS OF HELL Now Available! Trencher -- no, it isn't. I barely make any money on these little PDFs as it is; if I paid for illustrations it would be cheaper for me just to give every customer $1 not to buy the PDF.
  20. Re: LEGIONS OF HELL Now Available! Oh, she knows most of these guys personally.
  21. Re: When Damage is first taken when using Advantage: Damage OverTime As discussed on 6E1 329, the first increment of a DoT attack occurs that long after the attack's used. So for example, if a character has a DoT with damage increments of 1 Turn, and he uses it on someone in Segment 5, the victim suffers the first effects 1 Turn later (in Segment 5 of the next Turn), not in the Segment in which the power's used. If the power has Extra Time defined as an "onset time," that period of time runs first. Then the increment runs, and then the target takes damage. (In the case of Extra Time which is significantly longer than the increment, as in the example you cite, most GMs will probably just let the DoT take effect as soon as the Extra Time ends, for ease of play.)
  22. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? Andy -- as I mentioned above, that's occurred to me, but I have too many concerns with it, including consistency -- I'd hate to realize halfway through that I've thought of a better way to do thus-and-such. With one big book I can at least prevent that from happening. But I appreciate the attempt to think of solutions! I often think about MH and ways I might get it out there, for my own satisfaction if no one else's. Unfortunately they all seem to involve a lot of money, and LL hasn't won the lottery yet.
  23. The latest PDF from Elvensong Street Press (i.e., me ) is now available! Legions Of Hell is a direct result of feedback from you, the HERO System fan. When I posted a couple months ago about PDFs of monsters I was considering creating, I got multiple suggestions to do a PDF of demons. Well, ask and ye shall receive. Legions Of Hell contains character sheets for nearly sixty demons. Within its pages you’ll find such terrors as the Barbtail Demon, Book Demon, Crowned Demon, Fell Assassin, Infernal Soldier, Prince of the Pit, Slime Demon, Worm Demon, and Demonticore! Each demon is ready for use in any game -- they could be minions of DEMON or the Demonologist in a Champions game, the summoned servitors of an evil wizard or priest in Fantasy Hero, or the fiend possessing a little girl in a Horror Hero scenario. The possibilities are infernally endless! And all five dozen demons can be yours for just $4.99! Legions Of Hell And also still available for Elvensong Street Press: Acquitaine Acid Magic Lightning Magic Ranger Magic Pestilence Magic Lava Magic Expanded Warrior-Magery Desert Magic Books Of The Undead, Vol. 1: Skeletons Books Of The Undead, Vol. 2: Zombies Books Of The Undead, Vol. 3: Ghosts
  24. The latest PDF from Elvensong Street Press (i.e., me ) is now available! Legions Of Hell is a direct result of feedback from you, the HERO System fan. When I posted a couple months ago about PDFs of monsters I was considering creating, I got multiple suggestions to do a PDF of demons. Well, ask and ye shall receive. Legions Of Hell contains character sheets for nearly sixty demons. Within its pages you’ll find such terrors as the Barbtail Demon, Book Demon, Crowned Demon, Fell Assassin, Infernal Soldier, Prince of the Pit, Slime Demon, Worm Demon, and Demonticore! Each demon is ready for use in any game -- they could be minions of DEMON or the Demonologist in a Champions game, the summoned servitors of an evil wizard or priest in Fantasy Hero, or the fiend possessing a little girl in a Horror Hero scenario. The possibilities are infernally endless! And all five dozen demons can be yours for just $4.99! Legions Of Hell And also still available for Elvensong Street Press: Acquitaine Acid Magic Lightning Magic Ranger Magic Pestilence Magic Lava Magic Expanded Warrior-Magery Desert Magic Books Of The Undead, Vol. 1: Skeletons Books Of The Undead, Vol. 2: Zombies Books Of The Undead, Vol. 3: Ghosts
  25. The latest PDF from Elvensong Street Press (i.e., me ) is now available! Legions Of Hell is a direct result of feedback from you, the HERO System fan. When I posted a couple months ago about PDFs of monsters I was considering creating, I got multiple suggestions to do a PDF of demons. Well, ask and ye shall receive. Legions Of Hell contains character sheets for nearly sixty demons. Within its pages you’ll find such terrors as the Barbtail Demon, Book Demon, Crowned Demon, Fell Assassin, Infernal Soldier, Prince of the Pit, Slime Demon, Worm Demon, and Demonticore! Each demon is ready for use in any game -- they could be minions of DEMON or the Demonologist in a Champions game, the summoned servitors of an evil wizard or priest in Fantasy Hero, or the fiend possessing a little girl in a Horror Hero scenario. The possibilities are infernally endless! And all five dozen demons can be yours for just $4.99! Legions Of Hell And also still available for Elvensong Street Press: Acquitaine Acid Magic Lightning Magic Ranger Magic Pestilence Magic Lava Magic Expanded Warrior-Magery Desert Magic Books Of The Undead, Vol. 1: Skeletons Books Of The Undead, Vol. 2: Zombies Books Of The Undead, Vol. 3: Ghosts
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