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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. I'm sorry, but I don't answer game design/philosophy questions. However, I can explain one thing where you're overlooking something in the rules. a 40-point power with a +1/2 Advantage isn't 40 + 1/2 = 40.5. As explained on 6E1 313, it's 40 x (1 + 1/2), = 60. The +1/2 is a form of notation, it's not a literal indication to add the value of the Advantage to the value of the power. If you have other general questions or concerns where the math's not making sense to you, I'd suggest posting on the Discussion board. Anyone can answer there (not just me) and you'll get a fast response.
  2. What g-a said. And he should know, since he's the one who created the MHI RPG Character Pack for us.
  3. The anthology with my first published story, The End Was Not The End from Seventh Star Press, is now available in both hardcopy and electronic forms! Try as I might, I can't get the board to post the links properly. But you can easily find it by searching Amazon (or B&N, if you want it for the Nook). Or you can go to my website, http://www.stevenslong.com, and go to the "Fiction" page for the links. I'd sure appreciate it if you'd pick up a copy, and I hope you enjoy it. If you feel inclined to write a glowing review of my story and/or the anthology in general, neither I nor the publisher will mind. Much thanx!
  4. The anthology with my first published story, The End Was Not The End from Seventh Star Press, is now available in both hardcopy and electronic forms! Try as I might, I can't get the board to post the links properly. But you can easily find it by searching Amazon (or B&N, if you want it for the Nook). Or you can go to my website, http://www.stevenslong.com, and go to the "Fiction" page for the links. I'd sure appreciate it if you'd pick up a copy, and I hope you enjoy it. If you feel inclined to write a glowing review of my story and/or the anthology in general, neither I nor the publisher will mind. Thanx!
  5. In which I abuse my forum administrative powers for personal benefit. The anthology with my first published story, The End Was Not The End from Seventh Star Press, is now available in both hardcopy and electronic forms! Try as I might, I can't get the board to post the links properly. But you can easily find it by searching Amazon (or B&N, if you want it for the Nook). Or you can go to my website, http://www.stevenslong.com, and go to the "Fiction" page for the links. I'd sure appreciate it if you'd pick up a copy, and I hope you enjoy it. If you feel inclined to write a glowing review of my story and/or the anthology in general, neither I nor the publisher will mind. Thanx!
  6. Not exactly. What you do here is what’s done with a number of published characters: you take Focus as a Limitation on the Control Cost, and define it as “all slots in VPP must have up to X value of this Limitation.” You set X at the minimum level desired (-½ in your example), but then take Focus at a higher level (-1, in your example) for slots that need it. That allows some variability, but doesn’t precisely allow what you’re suggesting. However, under the “special effects” principle, the GM might allow you to define the special effects of this rule as being what you describe. In the end you're getting most of what you want, but not double-dipping Focus on the Control Cost, which I suspect many GMs would object to regardless.
  7. Glad to hear some folx are picking it up, and I hope you enjoy it! I expect to have info on the hardcopy release any day now.
  8. Thanx Zen! I tried everything I could think of and it just wouldn't gimme a link.
  9. My friend Davey Beauchamp does a great Doctor Who videocast called Gallifrey Pirate Radio. During last month's StellarCon he filmed an episode in which yours truly appears and offers opinions and insight on various matters Whovian. If you like Who stuff, please take a look: [url= ] [/url= ] P.S.: sorry for the messy link; no matter what I try it keeps formatting it like that.
  10. What sort of interactions or actions a character must perform to reset a Trigger varies significantly based on the special effects of the power involved. Generally speaking no additional Limitation value is assigned based on this, but as always the GM can change things as he sees fit. Since Trigger already has rules for extending the time to reset, using Extra Time instead for that function isn't valid under the rules. But again, what the GM says, goes.
  11. For those of you who are on Facebook I'll put in another plug for my "Wanderings In The Fantastic World" page, which provides not only pics of real-world locations that should be Fantasy, but inspirational captions for them as well, each and every day! https://www.facebook.com/WanderingsInTheFantasticWorld?fref=ts
  12. Chris Helton of the Dorkland! Roundtable videocast interviewed me last week, and we talked about the HERO System and all sorts of other stuff. In case you'd like to take a look, you can find it here: http://dorkland.blogspot.com/2013/03/hero-games-steve-long-on-dorkland.html
  13. From Hero Games products, check out The Ultimate Base, which has a couple of warehouse maps. Beyond that, I'd suggest checking out the map offerings from Fabled Environments, which I've enjoyed using: http://fabledenvironments.com/wp/
  14. Here's a link to the cover and contents of The End Was Not The End, in which my story "Blade of Fire" appears: http://seventhstarpress.blogspot.com/2013/03/ssp-proudly-announces-cover-reveal-of_28.html It's supposed to go on sale the first week in April, so save up your shekels.
  15. Here's a link to the cover and contents of The End Was Not The End, in which my story "Blade of Fire" appears: http://seventhstarpress.blogspot.com/2013/03/ssp-proudly-announces-cover-reveal-of_28.html It's supposed to go on sale the first week in April, so save up your shekels.
  16. I’ve never elaborated on this issue because I’ve never seen any real need; in fact, providing too much detail could do more harm than good. I think the best approach is to leave the issue up to the GM’s and the player’s common and dramatic sense. “Any humanoid shape” is certainly the most commonly used form of Limited Group in published materials, I think, but it’s definitely not the only sort of Limited Group one could define.
  17. I don't think there's a need for a specific rule for this -- it's just something the GM has to agree to allow. I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it in my own games, provided the player kept a precise, written list of what rounds he has loaded in what order.
  18. kaze -- absolutely. If there's enough demand to justify the work and expense involved, MHI RPG supplements are definitely a possibility.
  19. I’m going to keep things simple on GMs everywhere and say “no.” If a GM wants to allow this sort of thing, I’ll leave it to him to figure out the answers — and deal with the consequences.
  20. Yes, MCB gets its own background, and a Template for agents in case you want to run an MCB campaign. The book also discusses the possibilities of running an all-orc campaign, a gnome campaign, and other possibilities. There are a couple of paragraphs on the Vatican hunters, but nothing beyond that -- it would be easy enough to run a campaign with them though, it would just be a matter of having to do some of the basic start-up work on your own. P.S.: Apologies for not answering this sooner; somehow I overlooked the original post.
  21. If there are no classes of minds, I don't see how that Complication would in any way be disadvantageous, so it wouldn't be worth any points.
  22. No one novel. The book covers all four novels currently available as well as a short story or two and some other tidbits. But it goes beyond them, providing secret information as yet unavailable to MHI fans anywhere else!
  23. There are reported errata for some (not all) of the defense costs of the robot on HSB 406. I'm not seeing any problem with the Clay Golem on HSB 141. Since your question was addressed to "all," I assume you're looking for general input. If you still have questions after this, post on the Discussion board (where anyone can answer), and I or someone else will be able to clarify things.
  24. On the first point, rather than establishing a hard and fast rule, I think this is something that can be left in the capable hands of the GM. Your 1d6 + 1/2d6 solution seems to work pretty well to me in this case, for example. On the second point, when a character makes a Reduced Penetration attack in a campaign that uses the Hit Location rule, the GM can do one of two things. First, he can ignore the Hit Location rules for that attack. Second, he can roll the two (or more) Hit Locations, then use the average of the two STUNx amounts to determine the STUN damage caused by the overall attack.
  25. That's entirely up to the GM as to whether he considers reducing KB a "defensive action." I might allow it as GM, but I'm sure there are some out there who wouldn't, since after all the extra KB a Shrunk character takes only adds to distance, not damage.
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