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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. The specific rule on 6E1 264 overrides the general one on 6E1 71.
  2. Since this is a "how to" question and not a rules question, I've moved it to the Discussion board where anyone can answer and you're sure to get lots of ideas and suggestions.
  3. A Damage Shield by definition is No Range (either inherently, or because you must take that Limitation for it). But as you observe, you could buy the same power in a Ranged attack form (perhaps in a Multipower with the Damage Shield).
  4. The latest update: I've completed the Japanese mythology chapter! Came in just short of 20,000 words. As long as I'm in the Japanese islands I think I'll stay and write the Ainu mythology chapter. After that, it's on to something different.
  5. That's up to the GM, for the most part. In most situations they're probably going to be Actions that take no time. The rules specify that making one with a Nontargeting Sense to perceive a target is a Half Phase Action; that same logic might extend to some situations where a character has to "peer" carefully at something to try to determine what it is.
  6. You're talking about the 5-point doubling rule, 6E2 181.
  7. That Advantage has no effect on the rules for using movement to enhance STR.
  8. 1. Sure you can. There are examples of things like that in various supplements. 2-3. Sorry, but I don't answer HD questions or, generally, "how to" sorts of questions. But I'm sure someone in Discussion can help with that.
  9. The optional Stunning form of CE remains in effect as long as the target continues to fail CON Rolls and the attacker maintains the power. There's no question of taking damage interfering with the target's ability to recover from being Stunned, since that rule is overridden by the specific rules pertaining to this power.
  10. If you want to affect a lot of targets in an Area with a Flash, you need to apply Area Of Effect. The Stink Bomb isn't intended to do that; it's intended to affect a single target only. The Shrieker Alarm really shouldn't've been built with Flash at all; it should be a Hearing Group Image.
  11. It's a reduction to DEX. That may or may not affect a character's DEX-based rolls, depending on what his DEX was in the first place.
  12. I have no clue. The reason I hired Jim Cambias to write those portions of SH is that I don't know much about any of the hard science stuff. I'll ask him if he has any insights.
  13. Just to make sure we're all clear here: this isn't correct. CC has all the rules from The HERO System Basic Rulebook, with some additions to make it more broadly applicable to the Superhero genre. If it had all the rules from 6E1-2 it'd be several hundred pages larger.
  14. Yes, Pete will be logging it and posting it to his YouTube channel, website, and other places, IIRC. I'll post links once I have 'em.
  15. I'm doing a Google+ Hangout this evening at 6:00 PM with Pete Figtree called "HERO System 101." While I doubt many of you on this board need an intro to HERO, I'm sure there'll be an opportunity for questions and general HERO discussion, so please stop by if you'd like. https://plus.google.com/events/ct5v9l0cl049n9pupdpv8gd8tfc?gpinv=AMIXal8OntAVAyyZ4M_WvtRxzQMVm1bk0x8EWlKOy6i_A9QMlQIC_lwVXdnvZh3pb0tQzCCOEsNZwL92UNfZQrL3DPh_gpqrtKMJkZ0loMdeR2DqpECGlis&cfem=1 Hope to see some of y'all there!
  16. No. As noted on 6E1 177, CE can't have "positive" effects such as that.
  17. I'm sorry, but I don't discuss game design/philosophy issues. If you want to make observations about the rules, I'd suggest that you post on the Discussion board, where anyone can respond.
  18. I'm sorry, but I don't discuss game design/philosophy issues, though I will say I see no contradiction here.
  19. Thanx folx! I know Greg really appreciates all the responses.
  20. Those of you who've been playing HERO for a good long time most likely remember Greg Smith, who did a lot of great artwork for Hero Games beginning in 1992. I met him when he illustrated my first book, the original Dark Champions, and we've been friends ever since. Greg is currently studying to get his Ph.D, and his dissertation topic involves RPGs. To that end, he's posted a survey for gamers: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/rpgsurvey Please help Greg out by taking the survey (it just takes a few minutes)!
  21. No. The surface of a spaceship is still a surface regardless of the lack of gravity.
  22. I'm sorry, but I don't answer game design/philosophy questions.
  23. Normal Damage Reduction does not apply against the STUN damage caused by Killing Attacks.
  24. Y'™know, that'™s a good question, a definite candidate for the "œwhy hasn'™t anyone asked this before now?" file. If a character has already taken his Phase in a Segment in which an attacker begins a Haymaker against him, but could Abort in the next Segment before the Haymaker takes effect, he'™s free to do so. The fact that he wasn'™t able to Abort when the Haymaker began doesn'™t prevent him from Aborting in the later Segment.
  25. It's not a new rule, it's an error; it should be BODY instead of STUN for the Vulnerability.
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