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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. No, unless the GM rules otherwise. There are some obvious concerns about allowing a character to assign Charges to a power via Variable Limitations, and I suspect many GMs simply wouldn’t allow it. But if the GM does, I can only assume he’s prepared to deal with the potential consequences.
  2. As stated on 6E1 400, if a character uses a Constant Power through a Power Framework, and he re-allocates the reserve/pool points used to create that power, that power immediately ceases to function (absent certain conditions not relevant to this question). Whether the power costs 0 END, half END, END only to activate, or full END doesn't matter -- the power's still a Constant Power, and thus ceases to function when (in this case) the character re-allocates his Multipower reserve.
  3. Thanx, LL! I definitely appreciate the support that you and all the other backers (and people who would've been backers had circumstances allowed) gave me. I am certainly considering a Kickstarter approach -- assuming KS is still around whenever I'm done writing. (In the unlikely event it isn't, I'm sure something similar will have taken its place.) I think greater knowledge of KS, and my having the vast majority of the work done, will count in my favor. OTOH I'll probably need to raise more money, unless I want to go for a low amount just to defray as many expenses as I can. I'll have to see how the odds balance out before deciding to roll the dice.
  4. Targeting doesn't improve the PER Roll a character makes with a Sense, it simply allows him to target whatever he can perceive without penalty. Thus Targeting Hearing doesn't negate Stealth, or make it easier to perceive someone who's stealthy -- it just allows the character to attack the stealthy target more easily once he does perceive him. Re: other Senses and Stealth, here's the relevant rule from HSS/TUS:
  5. Time for a quick "year in review" update. I just finished the Etruscan Mythology chapter (a short one at only a little over 5,000 words) and have now begun the major task of the Hindu Mythology chapter. That'll keep me busy for quite some time. Over the past year I've been able to devote a lot more time to Mythic Hero (though never as much as I'd like!), and in that time I added 162,000 words to the manuscript. That nearly doubled it from its length as of 01/01/2013. Currently it stands at approximately 338,000 words, with a long way yet to go. Unless I'm sadly mistaken I bet Hindu Mythology will add at least 40,000 words to the total. That will leave only one major mythology to go -- Celtic, which is so large I'm planning to split it into four chapters -- and about 20 smaller mythologies to research and write up. (Some of the latter may not support a whole chapter, in which case they'll get folded into another chapter or sent down to the "Miscellaneous" catch-all chapter at the end.) So there's still a long way to go. I've been at this over two years so far, and it could easily be another two years. But now that I'm devoting more than just spare time to it (much to the chagrin of my bank account ), I'm making enough progress to stave off any despair I might otherwise feel when I look at the remaining mountain of work. I hope those of you who've been waiting patiently for the book won't mind continuing to wait so I can get MH Just Right. Eventually I'm going to have something pretty awesome to show you. If anyone has any questions, comments, suggestions, or requests, as always feel free to post 'em.
  6. I honestly couldn't tell you yet. Adding up the points on the character sheets is the next to last step I perform when writing any book. Long experience has taught me that if I do it any sooner, I'll inevitably find something I want to change and have to go back and do the math all over again. However, most of the gods have Cosmic Power Pools of respectable size and no other Power Frameworks for their other abilities, so I suspect most of them will range from the high hundreds of points to several thousand points. There is some advice in Chapter One of the book for different approaches you can take to using/representing gods and mythic beings in your game, should you prefer to change something to suit your particular campaign.
  7. You should add them together. It would be a pretty useless attack otherwise, I’d imagine. Sounds like it would make for a great plot device to motivate the PCs, though! “Better hurry up and find the Orb of Oolathangar, heroes, or you’ll turn into toads and the world is doomed!”
  8. Time for another quasi-monthly update. Aside from reviewing maybe one or two more books that haven't arrived yet, the Chinese mythology chapter is done! It topped out at over 37,000 words, making it the second-largest chapter in Mythic Hero so far. Originally I intended to proceed straight to Hindu mythology, but I think I'm going to tackle a smaller subject, Etruscan mythology, as a palate-cleanser. Can't have too much of the exotic East at once!
  9. Sure, unless the GM says otherwise. I can think of situations where the GM, in the interest of "realism" (or perhaps the better term would be "verisimilitude") might not want to allow this. But I can also think of situations where allowing it would perfectly model some of the car chase (or what have you) action we see on the big screen.
  10. Yes, hiding the bodies is crucial! If a character has Charges of any sort, the unused ones aren't "lost" each day if not used. They remain, like the bullets in a gun or the charges in a magic wand, until used. Restricted Recovery just affects how a character can get them back once he uses them.
  11. Unfortunately I don't believe I ever created any.
  12. That's entirely up to the GM. Generally speaking I would suggest that as long as the slots meet the campaign's Active Point guidelines, the reserve doesn't have to; otherwise, using Flexible slots and other potentially fun power constructs becomes difficult or impossible.
  13. Officially, I don't believe any has ever been listed. Unofficially, I often use a cost of 12 points for a 1d6-1 KA (27 for 2d6-1, 42 for 3d6-1, etc.).
  14. Since this is a "how to" rather than an actual rules question, I've moved it to the Discussion board, where anyone can reply (and I'm sure many good ideas will be posted).
  15. No, that isn't really what I have in mind. If I do this the way I want to do it, I want to publish a big, quality book. I don't want to publish just a PDF, and I don't want to rely on the quality (or lack thereof) of PoD for the product. In the end, if I'm going to publish this book, I don't want to cut any corners. I don't want to have to compromise anything. I want to do it the way I think it should be done... if that's possible.
  16. I'd use the Cyberkinesis (mental control of machines and devices) rules from The Advanced Player's Guide. If those weren't appropriate for some reason, I'd just work out a cost with the GM -- since I'm assuming it's more of a "character flavor" power than a combat-effective ability in most circumstances, just assigning it a low appropriate cost should work fine.
  17. I'll leave that one in the capable hands of the GM. I can see arguments pro and con, and it might even depend on the specifics of the situation (e.g., charging into battle or riding hard, versus sitting still or gently cantering). Personally I think I probably wouldn't applly an OMCV penalty unless there's some strenuous riding action going on.
  18. First, by "UP" I am assuming you mean the Unified Power Limitation. If that's not your intent, it will affect my answer. A character may try to use a Drain of a specific Power (such as Blast, Resistant Protection, or Invisibility) against a character who has a Multipower with a slot built with that Power, or a VPP that could build a slot with that Power. If this occurs at a time when that Multipower slot hasn’t had any reserve points allotted to it, or when that VPP hasn’t used that Power to build a slot, the Drain has no effect at all. The fact that the Power Framework could or might be used for a slot built with that Power doesn’t mean it should always be considered to have that Power “active” for purposes of being Drained. As always, the GM is free to tweak this rule based on the nature of his campaign or his personal preferences. The issue of whether Unified Power should be a valid Limitation for Power Frameworks, or Power Framework slots, is a separate one. Given the way Adjustment Powers interact with Power Frameworks (see 6E1139-40), that’s an issue best left to the GM to resolve. As a default guideline Unified Power generally shouldn’t be applied to Frameworks or their slots, but if the GM wants to allow it because he believes it would be a legitimate Limitation, he certainly can. If so, he can determine how the rules interact.
  19. Penetrating Flash attacks aren't allowed under the rules, as stated on 6E1 342. If a GM wants to allow 'em anyway, it's up to him to figure out how they work.
  20. We promised the Kickstarter backers we wouldn't put them on sale for at least a year. So that still leaves about 8-9 months to go.
  21. Done and done! After a lot of research and writing I've finished the Slavic Mythology and Baltic Mythology chapters of Mythic Hero. Together they came to well over 20,000 words, longer than I expected. Monday I need to start working on a novella I've agreed to write, but in the meantime, though, that leaves me a few more days to play around with mythology. I think it's time to bite the bullet and tackle one of the remaining three "major" mythologies (Celtic, Chinese, Hindu). I think I'll pick Chinese. I may need to order some General Tso's Chicken and egg rolls for lunch to get myself in the mood.
  22. More fiction from me now available! I was very pleased to be asked to participate in the Writers For Relief project, whose proceeds go toward the Oklahoma tornado victims. In my contribution, "Letter Of Reprisal," the king tasks Vilkun the ranger with a seemingly impossible mission: stop a traitorous army of over a hundred men from meeting up with an invading force. How can one man stop an entire army? Vilkun finds his cleverness and resources taxed to the limit as he tries to keep the kingdom safe. Check it out! Great speculative fiction for a worthy cause! http://www.amazon.com/Writers-Relief-Volume-Davey-Beauchamp/dp/1492391344/ref=lh_ni_t?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
  23. Unless the GM has a problem with it, there's no reason you can't apply Area Of Effect twice to accomplish two distinct things. The Ignite spell (HSG 133) does this, for example.
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