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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. I think this is a "how to," so it's best suited for the Discussion board, where anyone can reply. I'll move it there.
  2. You are absolutely correct, and my previous answer was wrong. That's what I get for answering questions on too little sleep.
  3. My apologies; I did misread it as being -4 Damage Negation in each hypothetical. Mea culpa. Hold the phone! Someone has kindly pointed out that my previous answer was wrong based on the example given on 6E1 184. So follow that example instead, and please post a follow-up if you have one.
  4. You would also need the Increased Mass Adder, and would have to follow the rules pertaining to that Adder (e.g., you have to touch the additional mass). You might want to look at the Usable By Nearby Advantage -- that may offer some options more appropriate to the power you want to construct.
  5. Good questions; sorry the text confused you. 1. You've got a 6 DC attack, you subtract 4 DCs due to Damage Negation and end up rolling 2d6. 2. EDIT -- another board member pointed out the example on 6E1 184, which takes the Advantages into account. So you'd use the rules in 6E2 to determine which Advantages to take into account -- in this hypothetical, only the Armor Piercing -- and go from there.
  6. No. The rules for PSLs specifically state you can't buy them to offset the CV penalties imposed by Combat Maneuvers.
  7. I'm sorry, but I don't answer game design/philosophy questions, but I will point out that your suggested alternate approach violates the rules for PSLs.
  8. If the Side Effects only applies to part of the power, you'd use the Active Points in that part only to determine the Limitation's value.
  9. No, if that were the case UAA would have to be applied to many uses of Summon. Besides which, the evil twin may have ideas of his own about what he wants to do, mwah hah hah hah hah....
  10. I'm sorry, but I don't answer game design/philosophy questions.
  11. ...the presidential candidate... the "black-hearted nobleman" who cares for nothing but battle, slaughter, conquest, and cruelty... the Cthulhu Booster Club chairperson... the Satanic biker gang leader... the warrior who sold his soul to the Dark Powers for fighting prowess and victory... the network programming executive.... Anti-Paladin Prestige Classes: Nazi Scumbag; Baby's Candy-Stealer; Warlord of Hell; Crusading Evil Priest; Person Who Disagrees With Me; Soulstealer; Ravager of Hope; Scion of the Elder Horrors.
  12. Well, not until now. Now that you've put the idea in my head I'll give it some thought. I don't know if that would have the same sales legs, but the idea might take hold on me. Perhaps I could toss in a couple of generic example anti-paladin types for GMs to use.
  13. Glad you liked it, LL! I thought about that, but it seemed so easy to just grab something comparable from another book if you really need it that I figured it wasn't worth the fuss. If I get some clever idea for them maybe I'll go back and add 'em in sometime.
  14. Volume 2 is now available! Martial Enemies, Vol. 2: The Cult of the Red Banner
  15. That's right, folx -- not one, but two, new PDFs! Check 'em out: Paladin Magic: 20 spells for holy warriors, just the thing to set your paladin apart from the crowd! Martial Enemies, Vol. 2: The Cult of the Red Banner: Details about the infamous cult, and character sheets for seven villains! I hope you enjoy 'em!
  16. That's right, folx -- not one, but two, new PDFs! Check 'em out: Paladin Magic: 20 spells for holy warriors, just the thing to set your paladin apart from the crowd! Martial Enemies, Vol. 2: The Cult of the Red Banner: Details about the infamous cult, and character sheets for seven villains! I hope you enjoy 'em!
  17. I hate that when my lettered items get turned into emoji! When a character tries to Drain (or otherwise negatively Adjust) a defensive ability (see 6E1 141), and the target has Power Defense, apply the Power Defense to reduce the amount rolled on the dice before halving the effect. Example: Leech uses his Drain BODY 6d6 on Lord Liaden, who’s wielding a whiffle bat to try to stop Leech from attacking Polly Pureheart. Unfortunately for Leech, Lord Liaden knows what he’s about and has bought Power Defense (10 points). Leech gets an effect roll of 18. Lord Liaden’s Power Defense reduces that to 8, and since BODY is a “defensive ability” that final result is halved, so LL only loses 4 BODY.
  18. That's a good question -- surprised it's never come up before. The power ends as soon as he changes forms. Once he changes to a form that doesn’t have the Invisibility power, that power no longer “exists” and so can’t affect him. As noted on 6E1 268, “No other power or ability remains “active” when a character switches from one form to another — the abilities of the former form cease to function, and those of the new form have yet to be activated (unless they are Persistent, in which case they’d be considered to “turn on” as soon as the changing of form is complete unless the GM rules otherwise).” If both forms have the same Constant/Continuing Charges power, the GM might consider waiving the standard rules and letting the power continue to run for its regular duration. But that’s his call. (And of course, this doesn’t affect attacks. Changing forms doesn’t stop a Constant attack that’s affecting the character from continuing to hurt him.)
  19. The table is correct. You can think of it as rewarding the greater level of detail, or being "more realistic," that sort of thing. And of course if you don't like it you can just restrict it to a x3 multiplier. I hope y'all have a great campaign!
  20. Quick update, for those interested: I've finished the first draft of Volume 2! As I've mentioned before, it provides information about (and villains for) the Cult of the Red Banner. Comes to about 10,000 words. Hopefully I'll have time to give it an editing pass and then lay it out over the next couple of days and the weekend.
  21. Glad to hear it! I'm working hard to get it out into the light of day, and one way or another I'm going to succeed.
  22. For purposes of the rule I previously set forth (which I’ve quoted above for ease of reference), what a character buys a roll to doesn’t matter. Whether it’s a flat 11- or a Characteristic-based roll, assume KSs and SSs are INT-based and PSs are DEX-based (absent some other consideration or a GM’s ruling). Again, if he GM wants to adjust the costs somehow to suit his campaign, he can.
  23. I can't speak for Champions Complete, which I didn't write, but generally speaking the text should clearly state (at least in most instances) which is which. If it doesn't, here's the basic way to identify them: --an Adder is a defined amount of points added to a power, such as +5 points or +10 points. --an Advantage is a multiplier applied to a power, such as +1/2 or +1. Thus, an Advantage's value depends on how expensive the base Power is, but an Adder's cost is always the same. Hope that helps!
  24. A Skill Level with all KSs, PSs, or SSs costs 4 points if the Skills are primarily INT- or PRE-based, and 6 points if they’re primarily DEX-based. If the GM wants to adjust the costs somehow to suit his campaign, that’s well within his purview.
  25. 1. Since there seems to be some interest, I'll definitely consider doing an updated Death Dragon character sheet, if and when I get around to covering the Tournament. In the meantime, the Dragon Incarnate sheet makes for a fine stand-in. 2. For now I'm more or less saving each of those for other venues. The Thugs get a big, juicy sidebar in Mythic Hero, near Kali's character sheet of course. The Leopard Societies I have actually done a good bit of research on for a Pulp Hero adventure I'll write up and publish someday, called Attack of the Leopard-Men!. So I doubt I'll cover either in a Martial Enemies PDF in any form, but you never know when inspiration will strike as I create independent villains (which, as I've mentioned before, tend to be my favorite to create).
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