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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Using any amount of a mode of movement (up to half) counts as a Half Move, and thus requires a Half Phase (6E1 156). In the situation you describe, the character only gets the velocity for the mode of movement currently in use..
  2. See 6E1 399. It's expressly forbidden in no uncertain terms.
  3. The rules state, "Unless a Power’s description says otherwise, activating or “turning on” a Power is a Zero Phase Action, even if activating it causes or requires physical changes in the character, his powers, or his equipment." Whether Foci would "suddenly appear" in a character's hands as a result of this is entirely up to your judgment as GM. In the case of a character who transforms into a mystic warrior, maybe that would happen; in the case of a character who's "activating" a change into costume, maybe it wouldn't. I think that in most cases, most GMs would want a character to have to carry a Focus around with him to have access to it. Don Blake has his cane, which he taps to transform into Thor (and it into Mjolnir -- the hammer doesn't magically appear out of nowhere); Green Lantern keeps his ring handy at all times; and so on. But it's up to you to decide, in the final analysis.
  4. In this case, he’s -5 OCV, since he doesn’t have WF: Blades.
  5. I'd buy the basic Shockwave power as shown in, for example, Champions Powers. Then I would buy the power again (in whatever amount seemed appropriate) as extra dice that add to the base power, with the Limitation, Only Works In Enclosed Spaces.
  6. ...aaaand done! The Canaanite Mythology chapter of Mythic Hero is finished. It clocked in at a shade over 6,000 words. I had initially intended to move on to Incan Mythology next, but I think I have enough books out here in the RV to stay in the Near East and polish off the Hittite Mythology chapter. Or if not, at least I'll get the foundations laid before I head off to South America.
  7. No. Only real-world mythologies. That includes the mythology of the real-world kingdom of Edom, but that's as close as I get to the CU bad guys named after it.
  8. Woot! It took me awhile, but I finally found an affordable copy of that book. Looking forward to diving into it at some point.
  9. Sorry, but I'm afraid not. Even if it remains my primary work focus for the foreseeable future -- and I intend for it to -- there's still a lot of work left. But I'm going to finish it, come Hell* or high water. Fortunately, with the exception of Celtic, the "big" mythoi are all behind me. Most of what I have left is comparatively minor -- though that doesn't mean that I can skimp on the research for any of them. Sometimes even a small mythos requires a lot of reading. Here's what I have left to do, roughly speaking: 1. Research and write all the chapters for mythoi I haven't yet covered. 2. Read all my "general" books on mythology. In some cases this will mean skimming through a book, in others I will have to read through reference books one entry at a time looking for obscure gods I've missed somehow. So it'll take awhile. 3. Read all the mythology books I've acquired since I began work that I haven't yet read. This will serve as a way to go back through the book and "double-check" to make sure I've got things right (in a sense, #2 fulfills this purpose as well). 4. At this point, with the manuscript finished (including appendices), I can contemplate running a Kickstarter for the project. Preparing for that will require some work, of course. 5. Getting the artwork and layout done. Then I have to do the Index, which is going to be an absolute nightmare due to all the weird names and words used. 6. Getting the book printed, shipped to me, and then shipped out to KS backers and whatnot. So, like I said, a lot left to do. But I'm having an absolute ball working on this book, and do not intend to stop. *: Or other underworld of your choice.
  10. In this particular case I used Change Environment rather than Images because the intent of the power seemed to be to create real sunlight for whatever mystical benefits it provides (such as harming vampires and some other creatures). If the point were to provide illumination, then you're correct that Images, not CE, would be the power to use. If you want to include a combat effect, make it -1 Sight PER Rolls. But I think the intended combat effect is "hurts vampires." At least, that was my assumption. I think Dean Shomshak posts on these boards occasionally; since he created the character you could check with him to confirm (or not) my supposition. I don't remember exactly what cost I used, and I can't back-calculate it since it's a Multipower slot. I think it was 5 points -- that's the most logical total that would yield a final value of 1f for the slot. It's calculated as a GM's judgment sort of thing, like any non-standard CE effect. If you want to be more precise, derive a cost by looking at the cost of doing damage with CE, then "Limit" it (reduce its cost slightly) to reflect the fact that it only works against vampires and other such creatures.
  11. There are no rules for avoiding a Hit Location. I think this is just something to work out with the GM, particularly when what you're trying to avoid (as in your boxing example) are "high value" Locations. Personally I'd have no concern about letting you roll a High Shot as just 2d6 in that circumstance -- but other GMs may feel differently, or want to impose an OCV penalty, or what have you.
  12. First, welcome to the HERO System! I hope you're enjoying your Champions campaign. Second, just to be clear, only I can reply here. If you want to open up your question to anyone who posts here, you should post it on the Discussion board. Now to provide an actual answer. The rules on 6E1 316 state that Advantages are mandatory. With a very few exceptions, a character has to use them, and must use them at full effect. One example even notes that a character can't buy Drain STR 5d6, Area Of Effect (10m Radius) and use it at only a 4m Radius. However, on 6E1 126 there's an Adder, Alterable Size, that allows a Constant Area-affecting power to vary in size from Phase to Phase once it's established. If the GM wanted to, he could allow a character to buy this for a non-Constant AoE power, to vary its size from use to use (or he could make it an Advantage, if he preferred). And I'll certainly consider adding something like that as an option in the next Advanced Player's Guide.
  13. No (unless, of course, the GM rules otherwise). That sounds more like a Move Through to me (which “allows a character to attack at the end of a Full Move by running right into his opponent”), whereas a Move By “allows a character to attack while doing a Full Move past his target” (emphasis added). However, this is the HERO System, and the Combat Maneuvers are “generic” game elements to which special effects (visual descriptions of the action) are applied. If a Strike can be a punch, kick, sword blow, or countless other things, it’s possible that some GMs would be comfortable with a character performing a Move By the way that you describe.
  14. As noted under Linked, "if one of the attacks reduces or affects his defenses or CV (for example, a Drain PD or a Flash, or a Drain EGO Linked to a continuing-effect Mental Power), the other attack applies first." By analogy, that same rule applies here: if the Mental Illusion would make the Mind Control easier, the Mind Control applies first. (And vice-versa.) If for some reason either of them has that effect on the other, the GM should work something out to prevent it from being a game balance problem. The rulebook has a section on "Remembering The Illusion" in Mental Illusions's description. I believe that answers your question; if not, send me a PM clarifying things and I'll come back here and make changes.
  15. If I'm following you correctly, yes, you've followed the rules.
  16. No -- and furthermore, as of 6E, no Mental Power provides Mental Awareness for free.
  17. I don’t currently have access to all of my books and materials, which have been packed up as part of my home renovation project, so I reserve the right to edit or change this answer at a future time. For simplicity’s sake, I want to cut through all the explanation (which is helpful) and rephrase the first question generically: 1. Q: If one character Throws another character, what is the Thrown character’s DCV? A: If the character is Thrown voluntarily, this is typically known as a “fastball special,” and there are rules for it in Champions — basically, the “fastball” has a DCV based on the Combat Maneuver he’s performing. If the Throw is involuntarily — such as from a Throw Maneuver — then the character has to be Grabbed first, which puts him at ½ DCV. If the Attack Roll to perform the Throw succeeds, the Thrown character remains at ½ DCV (and usually ends up prone); if it fails, he’s restored to full DCV. 2. In this case you’d use the Relative Velocity rules (6E2 71) to determine the overall velocity that applies to the collision. I think that covers everything, but if I missed something please post a follow-up question.
  18. 1. Yes, the target has to Dive For Cover for a longer distance to get out of the Area. Arguably there’s a certain lack of common sense to this, which is why Accurate typically is only applied to 1m Radius attacks. But a GM can allow whatever he wants to allow. 2. If an Accurate attack misses, it misses entirely. Do not apply the normal rules for determining where the attack “lands.”
  19. I’m going to rephrase this question generically, to make sure everything is clear: Q: I know that if the target moves before a Haymaker lands, the Haymaker fails. What happens if the attacker is moved before the Haymaker lands? A: If a character performing a Haymaker is moved before the Haymaker lands (for example, by being Knocked Back, or being hit with Teleportation UAA), the Haymaker fails.
  20. The rules do not impose any OMCV or DMCV penalty on characters for performing a Strafe. However, the text describing the Maneuver generally contemplates its use with physical attacks. If confronted with a PC who wanted to Strafe-and-mental-attack frequently, I’m sure a lot of GMs (including myself) would impose the Strafe CV penalties on MCV in the interest of maintaining game balance.
  21. It's not listed as one that "typically" does in 6E2, so it's up to the GM.
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