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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  2. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  3. Re: 6th Ed distance/range measurement The correct way is in meters. One meter equals, well, one meter. Stop thinking about "hexes" and that may help you a little -- we haven't actually marked them on maps for years, well before 6E was published. If you're looking at an older product, then each 1" (one hex) of distance/range equals two meters. For example, a 5E character with Flight 20" converts to a 6E character with Flight 40m.
  4. Re: Resistant Protection and costumes I'll leave that one up to the GM to decide based on special effects. Check out the "layered defenses" rules in the APG for some guidelines that might help you decide.
  5. Re: 6E Champions Powers, Page 229, Combat Control Basically, that the power only works against targets that have minds the character could affect with his mental powers. It's explained in more detail in The Ultimate Mentalist.
  6. Re: Pushing a Multipower II Yes, he could do that. And I certainly agree that allowing Pushing (of any sort) is up to the GM. I expect we've all seen that rule abused a time or three.
  7. Re: Pushing a multi-power No. A character cannot Push a Multipower’s reserve or a Variable Power Pool’s Pool. He can Push the individual slots in that Framework (even if doing so would make them exceed the reserve/Pool), but not the Framework itself.
  8. Re: Shape Shift, Unusual Senses You have to pay for each individual Sense; that's why it says "Sense" (singular) rather than "Senses" (all the rest of 'em). That way you can, f'rex, tailor a spell to Shape Shift against Detect Magic but not Detect Illusion. If a GM wanted to allow a blanket Shape Shift against all non-grouped Unusual Senses, he certainly could, but that should probably cost more than 3 points. The cost would of course depend on how common such Senses are in the campaign.
  9. Re: Who is that guy? Could you give me a specific page reference, CC? I'll check it out and let you know.
  10. Re: Santa Is AWESOME I've never tried geocaching but I bet it'd be a lot of fun with kids.
  11. Re: One way Unified No, not under the official HERO System rules. What your GM will allow, OTOH, is up to him.
  12. Re: Hero Games books on Android I will check that out. I have a bare-bones PDF reader on my Android phone, but I've never tried to read Hero books on it, basically just small PDFs I've prepared for myself with lists of things I want to reference or remember.
  13. Re: Damage Negation behind Barrier That’s a good question; I’ll definitely have to remember to cover this in APG2. The “layered defense” rules on APG 61 provide that in this situation, generally the Barrier applies first (as typically being “outside of” and “away from” the character’s body), with at-the-body, worn, and innate defenses applying thereafter in order. (Obviously special effects may come into play here as well; most forms of Damage Reduction are “innate” defenses, for example, but not all are.) In the case of Damage Negation combined with a Barrier, typically what’s done is this: 1. The Barrier applies first to reduce the damage as usual. 2. If any damage gets through to the character, the GM then uses common and dramatic sense to apply the Damage Negation. This may be a simple matter of removing dice, or the GM may find it easier to divide the remaining damage by the attack’s number of DCs, then remove one “increment” of damage for each -1 DC. (For example, suppose that 35 points of damage are left from a 10 DC attack after it gets through a Barrier. 35/10 = 3.5. The target has -4 DCs Damage Negation, so he removes 3.5 x 4 = 14 points of damage, and takes the remaining 21 [to which his other defenses apply of course].)
  14. Re: The Dragon Mandarin It's for 5E. You'll find 6E versions of more or less the same material in Champions Villains, Vol. 1 (for the characters) and the forthcoming HERO System Grimoire (for the spells).
  15. Re: IM stumped on this one... This seems to be more of a conversation topic than an actual rules question, so I've moved it to the Discussion board. The literal way to do what you want would be a Drain with a Linked Aid, all appropriately Limited of course. It would get pretty expensive if you wanted to be able to extinguish entire burning buildings, but you are, after all, extinguishing an entire burning building.
  16. Re: Increasing Damage with a low active point limit This seems to be a request for general discussion and input, so I've moved it to the Fantasy Hero board. My suggestion: look at the Damage Over Time Power Modifier and some of the optional rules for changing the way the damage increments accrue.
  17. Re: A star hero movie list FYI, I created and stickied the reading list post because it's for ongoing Star Hero research. Once I'm done with the book it will be un-stickied; it's not intended as a permanent feature of the forum.
  18. Re: Mental Defense vs. Cumulative Telepathy 1. Yes, you have calculated things correctly. 2. No, the target doesn't get to "double dip" (as you correctly put it) on the Mental Defense. He's already gotten to apply it to each roll, as described on 6E1 328, which means he's gotten way more effect out of it than he would against an ordinary Mental attack. In your example, once the effect reaches 24 after 24 Phases, the Telepathy takes hold of the target's mind.
  19. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday, December 30) Yeah, I had the same problem unfortunately. Looks like some sort of temporary server hiccup; seems to be working fine now... and hopefully still will be next Thursday.
  20. Re: Any reviews coming for the various Champions Villains books? Absolutely not -- we've just run into some delays on the printing end. We'll have hardcopies available for ya just as soon as we can.
  21. The year's winding down, but there's time for one last Hero Chat! Come on by the Chat Room tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  22. The year's winding down, but there's time for one last Hero Chat! Come on by the Chat Room tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  23. The year's winding down, but there's time for one last Hero Chat! Come on by the Chat Room tonight at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  24. Re: silly question: 5ed bestiary pdf At this point we have no specific plans to prepare sellable PDFs of early books that predate our PDF sales program that we never got around to converting. I suppose it's possible we might find a way to convert them, but there's only so much time to take care of business each day, and we feel our time is better spent working on our current product lines rather than going back to older products.
  25. Re: Santa Is AWESOME Santa buys from us direct and passes the savings on to you! Glad you're enjoying the books!
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