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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Faith and begorrah, 'tis chat night! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to ask questions, talk Hero, arm wrestle our leprechaun pal Seamus to win fabulous prizes, and more!
  2. Faith and begorrah, 'tis chat night! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to ask questions, talk Hero, arm wrestle our leprechaun pal Seamus to win fabulous prizes, and more!
  3. Faith and begorrah, 'tis chat night! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to ask questions, talk Hero, arm wrestle our leprechaun pal Seamus to win fabulous prizes, and more!
  4. Re: The Ultimate Skill It's possible that we'll print HSS at some point, but it's not on any schedule right now. At the very least we want to sell out of our remaining stock of TUSs first. It's also more likely if we can find an affordable way to do a very small print run.
  5. Re: Variable Advantage (Follow-up) If a character uses Variable Advantage to choose an Advantage that has to be defined some way when purchased (such as defining the Source Point for a power that has Indirect, or the defense for a power with AVAD), the character does not have to definte that Advantage “in advance,” nor is he restricted to using that Advantage in just one way every time he chooses that Advantage. He can change the way the Advantage affects the power, or how its defined aspects are defined, each time he chooses that Advantage with Variable Advantage... unless, of course, the GM rules otherwise.
  6. Re: Ligtning Reflexes I'm not sure I can explain the chart any better than it is in the book. If you want +1 DEX to act first with All Actions, that costs 1 Character Point. If you want to buy +1 DEX that applies to something less than All Actions, you get more extra DEX for each 1 Character Point you spend, with how much more depending on how restricted the class of things the extra DEX applies to is.
  7. Re: Variable Advantage See 6E1 361, left-hand column, bottom paragraph expresses the general rule that with the GM’s permission, a character can use a Variable Advantage to expand or complement an existing Advantage, using the example of increasing Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) to Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) by “adding to it” +¼ worth of Variable Advantage. That logic holds true for most other Advantages, such as improving Indirect or Invisible Power Effects, making an Area Of Effect or MegaScale cover a greater/larger area, and so on. However, Variable Advantage can’t be used to “change” an existing Advantage (such as changing the defense on an AVAD) unless (a) the Variable Advantage is large enough to completely replace the existing Advantage, and ( the GM permits it (which is unlikely in the case of trying to devise a way to quickly and easily change an AVAD’s defined defense, for example).
  8. Re: reducing negation and martial arts Characters may buy the Reduced Negation Adder (6E1 144) for Martial Maneuvers. They must buy the Adder separately for each Maneuver; they cannot buy it once for “all of my Martial Arts Maneuvers.”
  9. Re: Naked Modifiers on Martial Arts See HSMA 106-07 for rules for applying Advantages to Martial Arts. If you have further questions after reviewing that material, please post another question.
  10. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday, March 3) Gaahhh! There are no tomatoes on a Foxbatburger! O.o Beef patty, bacon, three kinds of cheese.
  11. Time for another weekly chat! We'll get started at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific in the Chat Room, so come join the fun! We'll be catering in the new Foxbatburger from Monster Burger for taste-testing, and no doubt other hijinks will ensue.
  12. Time for another weekly chat! We'll get started at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific in the Chat Room, so come join the fun! We'll be catering in the new Foxbatburger from Monster Burger for taste-testing, and no doubt other hijinks will ensue.
  13. Time for another weekly chat! We'll get started at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific in the Chat Room, so come join the fun! We'll be catering in the new Foxbatburger from Monster Burger for taste-testing, and no doubt other hijinks will ensue.
  14. Re: 2 Planets found in same orbit Every day seems to bring more cool info for the new Star Hero.
  15. Re: ghost ship Definitely a scenario idea in there somewhere.
  16. Re: What if Steve Long is an agent of Empress Istvatha V’han? His title. At this particular moment, he's exercising his guardianship by having captured a nap and wrestled it into submission on his snuggaball so it can't get away.
  17. Re: What if Steve Long is an agent of Empress Istvatha V’han? I am certainly not an agent of any world-conquering power. I have my own schemes for conquering the world, thankyewveddymuch.
  18. Re: Unified Powers VS Expanded Effects If a character uses a Drain that has Expanded Effects to affect more than one Characteristic/power of a given special effect at once, and the target’s Characteristics/powers of that special effect are united by the Unified Power Limitation, the effects of the Drain are not “multiplied” or “cumulative.” Each targeted ability, and each ability united with any of them via Unified Power, is affected by the Drain in the amount rolled on the dice. Example: Captain Halon has Drain Fire Powers 4d6, Expanded Effect (four Fire Powers at a time). He attacks the insidious Fire Weasel, targeting his Blast, RKA, Resistant Protection, and Flight powers, which all have “Fire” as their special effect. Captain Halon hits and rolls his Drain dice, getting a 16. Each of those four powers loses 16 points’ worth of effect. In addition, Fire Weasel has several other Fire powers (including a Damage Shield, some Flash Defense, and various other attacks) that are united with all of those four powers as part of one big Unified Power. Each of those united abilities also lose 16 points’ worth of effect. They do not each lose 16 x X points, where X is the number of powers united by Unified Power.
  19. Re: MagaScale Stretching? It's not illegal, but I doubt most GMs would allow it.
  20. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Thursday, February 24) If there's sufficient interest, some week I could schedule a chat that'd be at a better time for European fans -- probably something early in the evening for them, but middle of the day for me.
  21. Re: Multiform in Heroic Genres In a campaign where characters get equipment for free (such as most Heroic genres, like Fantasy and Science Fiction), if a character has Multiform, when he changes form his equipment typically doesn’t change and remains available to him in the other form(s). However, as always the final call is up to the GM based on common and dramatic sense, special effects, and similar factors.
  22. It's chat night! Stop by the Chat Room between 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear how things went at DunDraCon, ask about upcoming books, and talk Hero!
  23. It's chat night! Stop by the Chat Room between 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear how things went at DunDraCon, ask about upcoming books, and talk Hero!
  24. It's chat night! Stop by the Chat Room between 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear how things went at DunDraCon, ask about upcoming books, and talk Hero!
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