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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. It's Thursday, so time for the weekly chat! Come to the chat room beginning at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the news, ask questions, talk Hero, and offer Osiris virtual cat treats. As usual, throwing badgers and other forms o' weaponry prohibited.
  2. It's Thursday, so time for the weekly chat! Come to the chat room beginning at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the news, ask questions, talk Hero, and offer Osiris virtual cat treats. As usual, throwing badgers and other forms o' weaponry prohibited.
  3. Re: usable as another form of movement If a Movement Power has the Usable As [second Form Of Movement] (+¼) Advantage, and while moving is hit with an attack that does Knockback, you calculate KB normally for whatever mode of movement he’s using at the time. Thus, if he’s Running, you’d roll 2d6; if he’s Flying, you’d roll 1d6. It doesn’t matter that you think of the power as “Running on air.” If he’s using Flight, he’s using Flight, and he suffers all the benefits and drawbacks of using Flight, except where a specific rule indicates otherwise.
  4. Re: Adjusting Compound Characteristic Powers See APG 53 re: Adjusting compound powers generally, APG 54 re: Adjusting Characteristics bought as powers generally, and 6E1 137 re: Adjusting powers with Advantages. If that information doesn't answer your question, please post a follow-up.
  5. Re: Extra Damage Classes through a Focus See 6E2 92.
  6. Re: Falling: magical armors and normal armors That’s up to the GM. Some GMs prefer to stress “realism” to some extent in their campaigns, and those GMs often rule that armor provides little or no protection against falling damage. In fact, the Real Armor (-¼) rules on 6E2 210 notes that this may be the case for armors built with that Limitation. Other GMs find it easier just to let armor protect against every type of Physical or Energy damage. The situation becomes more complicated in campaigns featuring magical armor, which often isn’t built with Real Armor (-¼) and may have other protective abilities (like Damage Negation or Damage Reduction). Here the GM’s judgment is even more important, since the GM defines how magic (and thus enchanted items) function in his campaign.
  7. Re: Tiki Dalek Awesome.
  8. Re: Using a D20 6E2 280 has a chart listing the percentage chance to roll any given number or less on 3d6. Since a 1d20 roll is an easy linear calculation of percentage, you can compare the two to determine relative effectiveness. For example: 8- on 3d6 = 25.93% chance 8- on 1d20 = 40% chance 10- on 3d6 = 50% 10- on 1d20 = 50% 11- on 3d6 = 62.5% chance 11- on 1d20 = 55% chance
  9. Re: STAR HERO Reading List I'm done, or nearly so, with my Star Hero reading, so I'm un-stickying this thread. Much thanks to everyone who offered suggestions on books to read! Predictably I haven't been able to get to nearly as many books as I'd like, but thanks to your advice I've come across a few enjoyable novels I'd otherwise have missed.
  10. Re: Healing: Two different healing powers Since the "maximum effect" rules for Healing apply even when a single character uses two separate Healing powers (6E1 233), the Field Surge power can only apply additional Healing to the extent its roll exceeds the Force Field Recharge roll (and its own prior rolls, of course). Since both powers use the Standard Effect Rule to define how much Healing they can apply, as soon as the Recharge is used it's going to prevent the use of the Surge, and using either power will effectively prevent further uses of that same power since they have no chance to exceed the prior "roll." As a perhaps deeper issue, or source of the problem, I at least would rule the Recharge illegal because you seem to be trying to build Regeneration -- the rules specifically state that Persistent can't be applied to Healing. If you rebuild the Recharge using Regeneration (perhaps using the rules for Regenerating Characteristics other than BODY from APG 114), I think you'll eliminate at least some of the problems described above.
  11. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? I've actually thought about including all those interaction rules in an APG (if not this one, then some theoretical later one, or similar book), though I think I would want to tweak 'em a bit. They're good but could be better I think. Anyhow it's something to ponder upon.
  12. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? Already exist in the HSB; have been available for years. If you want some odd-shaped thing that's not covered by what's in the HSB, I leave the creation of said table as an exercise for the student. Those tables don't really go into size or what have you, but I don't really think that's needed.
  13. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? For all those who keep asking for it: there are already rules for Segmented Movement in print. See APG 160. It's certainly possible there's more that could be said, or different ways things could be done, but that's all I intend to write about the subject.
  14. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? I've already said as much as I'm ever going to about this subject on 6E1 48-49 -- beyond that it's entirely up to the GM.
  15. Re: How compatable is GURPS to Hero? This is conversation topic rather than a rules question, so I've moved it to the Discussion board where everyone can participate. What's your opinion on this issue, Herodom?
  16. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? OK, hold on, let me try to put a stop to this. While I want everyone to have their fair share of input, please don't start lengthy discussions of other peoples' posts. Post your own ideas and move on. I don't want this to get clogged up with a lot of chatter and debate; that significantly reduces the thread's helpfulness to me.
  17. It's Thursday, so it's time for the weekly chat! As usual we're kicking off at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, so come join the fun!
  18. It's Thursday, so it's time for the weekly chat! As usual we're kicking off at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, so come join the fun!
  19. It's Thursday, so it's time for the weekly chat! As usual we're kicking off at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, so come join the fun!
  20. Re: Resource for Solar HERO Fun! The planets probably need labeling, and maybe pop-up boxes with useful data, but it's cool just to watch it.
  21. Re: Falling and 1" of flight usable by others Caveat: I think you mean Usable *As Attack.* Usable By Other can only grant the falling victim a power that he has to choose to use. For UAA, the answer is no, unless the GM rules otherwise; that would make Flight UAA in tiny amounts far too effective. Flight UAA used to stop a fall can subtract its meters of movement from the falling velocity per Phase to slow the falling person down (and hopefully stop them before they go splat). Example: AngelMan’s artificial wings have been torn off and he’s falling to his death. He’s reached terminal velocity of 60m per Segment. GravityMan has Flight 10m, Usable As Attack, and wants to try to save AngelMan (he could try to use his Telekinesis instead, but that could result in AngelMan getting hurt, as discussed on 6E2 140-41). The first Phase he uses the power, he reduces AngelMan’s velocity to (60 - 10 =) 50m per Segment. The next Phase he reduces him to 40m per Segment, and so on, until AngelMan is hovering in midair or hits the ground. In the case of Flight Usable By Other, assuming the falling person is conscious and can activate the power, standard rules for Flight and for pulling out of a dive would apply (see 6E2 28).
  22. Re: Characteristics and certain Powers with Always On As a default rule, Characteristics cannot be made Inherent. If a GM wants to allow it anyway, he certainly can, but I’ll leave it to him to handle the rules specifics and deal with the resulting headaches.
  23. Re: Entangle 2: the next generation Let’s take a step back from this question to a broader one, since I think your question is founded on an assumption that’s not necessarily accurate, or at the very least needs to be discussed first. That question is: If a character buys Entangle with Area Of Effect, and the Entangle has a physical special effect (such as a big net, a huge block of ice, or a field of goop from a glue grenade), does the physical material of the Entangle fill the entire Area? If so, what’s the effect of another character moving into or through that Area? The answer, of course, depends on special effects and thus is up to the GM, but as a default, the rule is this: yes, the physical material of the Entangle fills the entire Area. But unless the Entangle is Constant, it has no effect on characters moving into or through that Area. It doesn’t Entangle them, impede their movement, or the like. If it did, it would essentially re-introduce the “Entangle can create a barrier” rule from previous editions, and that rule was deliberately removed for good reason. Thus, the answer to your question is yes, the Entangled character would take damage from the Move Through you describe. The Entangle doesn’t stop the attacker from moving through the affected Area, and since the Entangle has Takes No Damage From Attack, it doesn’t “shield” the Entangled character in any way. In terms of your example -- I would argue that you're defining it incorrectly. What Spider-Man's doing in that case isn't creating a horizontal Barrier to catch falling people. You could define it that way, sure, but then the falling people could get hurt. I'd define it in some way that avoids that outcome, probably something like Telekinesis, Area Of Effect, Only To Catch Falling People/Objects. I'm sure if you post on the Discussion board you'll get lots of ideas for how to work that particular stunt.
  24. Re: Entangle Under the 6E rules Entangles can't be used to create barriers; for that you need the Barrier power. So as an abstract rules question I don't see that there'd be anything getting in the way of the Move Through.
  25. Re: The History of Science Fiction That's a fascinating and impressive piece of work! I'm sure there could be extensive discussion of the creator's choices and analyses, but it's an amazing graphic regardless.
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