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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. It's Thursday, so it's time for a chat! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific for news, announcements, Q&A, and fun of various sorts.
  2. It's Thursday, so it's time for a chat! Come on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific for news, announcements, Q&A, and fun of various sorts.
  3. Re: Defense to Killing Attack AVAD With Does Body The character's total Mental Defense (both normal Mental Defense and Resistant Mental Defense) apply to the STUN damage. Only the character's Resistant Mental Defense applies to the BODY damage. The character's ordinary defenses (such as his regular PD and ED) don't apply at all.
  4. Re: Conquerors, Killers, And Crooks Yes, that was my intention.
  5. Re: Summon Question 1. No, barring some sort of kindness on the part of the GM. 2. Sure -- you ask the Summonee to tell you what he's learned before he goes away. That would constitute a task, and could take awhile. If you mean you'd like the Summonee to do this instantaneously, you could build that as various abilities, but the odds are it's not worth what could potentially be a pretty high cost. I'd suggest talking to the GM about it and coming up with an equitable cost for the ability -- maybe a 5-point Adder, but that's up to the GM depending on the balance issues he perceives. Based on what you're describing I'd think you could better model it to get what you want using Duplication, but I've never seen this manga so I may be misunderstanding -- and in any event it's your character.
  6. Re: Mega Scale and Constant Powers That's a good question -- I'm glad you asked it before I write APG2. Unless the GM rules otherwise, if a character has a Constant or Persistent power that’s MegaScaled in some way, using it requires a Full Phase Action to maintain every Phase that it’s in use, and the character remains at ½ DCV as long as the power’s in use.
  7. Re: Require a [skill] Roll with two/more skills There are no rules for that anymore in 6E; if a GM wants to allow it, he just lets the character take the Limitation twice.
  8. Re: Martial Arts and Blast Martial Maneuvers cannot be applied to Ranged attacks. There are, however, rules for Ranged Martial Arts in HSMA; those rules can be used to create Martial Maneuvers that work only with Ranged attacks.
  9. Re: 6th ed hit locations and stun mod You do it whatever way the GM wants you to do it. If he wants you to roll a location, you roll a location; if he prefers generalized damage, you roll the standard 1/2d6 STUN Multiplier.
  10. Re: 5th Edition Multiform A 20-point sparrow Multiform costs 4 Character Points (20/5). The overall Total Cost of the character buying the Multiform isn't a factor; what matters is the cost of the alternate form being bought.
  11. Re: ADVANCED PLAYER'S GUIDE II -- What Do *You* Want To See? Yes, that's the whole point of what I'm talking about. Not sure whether I'll get up as high as +2 1/4, but you never know. Sorry, but if I ever go into something like that beyond what's already in FH, it'll have to happen in an "Ultimate Armor" sort of book, not an APG.
  12. Re: Crafting rules? FH 313-30 discusses magic items, and pages 317-20 specifically discuss creating enchanted items, but I'm not sure those are the sort of specific rules you're looking for. Generally speaking that sort of thing's an aspect of the magic system, which each GM creates for his own campaign.
  13. Re: His power is faster... See APG 13-15 for rules about Limited SPD and secondary SPD. I think those address your question; if you still have concerns after reading them, please post a follow-up.
  14. Re: AP v Resistant Protection The whole 20 PD. Welcome to HERO! We hope you're enjoying it. Feel free to ask any questions that come up, either here or in the Discussion forum.
  15. Re: delays and failed teamwork rolls Which attack is determined first is up to the GM. Standard Haymaker rules apply regardless, so yes, one character could accidentally ruin it for the others by, for example, Knocking the target Back.
  16. It's Thursday, so time for the weekly chat! Stop on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to hear the latest news, ask questions, find out about upcoming books, and talk Hero!
  17. It's Thursday, so time for the weekly chat! Stop on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to hear the latest news, ask questions, find out about upcoming books, and talk Hero!
  18. It's Thursday, so time for the weekly chat! Stop on by the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific, to hear the latest news, ask questions, find out about upcoming books, and talk Hero!
  19. Re: Order of multiple Haymakers in same segment If two or more characters make Haymaker attacks on their Phases in the same Segment, in the next Segment those attacks are resolved in the order in which they were begun. Thus, a character who Holds his Action and eventually decides to perform a Haymaker will resolve his attack after one who performed his own Haymaker as soon as possible. Of course, depending on the outcome of the individual Haymakers, the earliest ones resolved may ruin or invalidate the later ones. Example: Galaxia (DEX 25) and Grond (DEX 18) both have a Phase on Segment 6. They’re both fighting Tetsuronin. Both decide to Haymaker their attacks (their Blast and punch, respectively). Assuming they both take their Phases when they occur in the Segment, in Segment 7 Galaxia’s Haymakered Blast is resolved first, since she began performing hers first. However, suppose that Galaxia decided to Hold her Action for some reason and didn’t act until DEX 10. In that case Grond’s Haymaker is resolved first since it was performed first. The fact that Galaxia has a higher DEX doesn’t affect the situation.
  20. Re: Nonresistant DR and Killing Attacks The rules are correct as written.
  21. Re: Do Attack Powers imply that the power is considered an attack? This verges into philosophy and circumstance in some respects, so it's difficult for me to answer. While it's certainly possible to use some Attack Powers in ways that wouldn't necessarily fall under the definition of "attack" (such as using Telekinesis to rescue someone from a burning building), generally speaking it's safe to say a couple things: 1. Using Attack Powers generally requires an Attack Roll (with all that implies), unless the GM rules otherwise. 2. The use/effects of an Attack Power are Obvious, as defined in the rules (and allowing for common sense things like the fact that an attack may cause, say, an internal injury that isn't immediately visible). It's possible for an observer to mis-interpret an attack based on the circumstances, but in nearly all cases it's going to be readily apparent what's happening, and who's affecting whom. If a character wants to alter that -- if, for example, he wants to create an attack that's not Obvious to onlookers and/or the target -- he needs to buy the Invisible Power Effects Advantage to represent that.
  22. Re: Maximum Effect Limitation for Mind Controll/Mental Illusion There's no existing Limitation that does that, but that's why there's a Limited Power Limitation -- so you can "roll your own." Those seem like perfectly reasonable Limited Powers to me, assuming the GM doesn't object.
  23. Re: Time Limit and Linked Characters may take Time Limit on either the greater or lesser power in a Linked power, subject to the following rules: 1. Standard rules pertaining to the duration of the powers in a Linked power, discussed at various points on 6E1 383-85, still apply. Time Limit cannot be used to avoid or bypass those rules (unless, of course, the GM chooses to permit this anyway). 2. Ideally both the greater and lesser powers should have Time Limit, and it should be for the same period of time, but this is not required. A character could, for example, have a greater power with a long Time Limit and a lesser power with a short one, or a greater power that functions normally and a lesser power with Time Limit. If the greater power is subject to a Time Limit and the lesser power is not, the lesser power automatically stops functioning (or becomes unable to be used) when the specified time period ends. If the greater power is not subject to Time Limit and the lesser power is, the lesser power automatically stops functioning (or becomes unable to be used) when the character stops using the greater power.
  24. It's Thursday, so time for the weekly chat! Come to the chat room beginning at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the news, ask questions, talk Hero, and offer Osiris virtual cat treats. As usual, throwing badgers and other forms o' weaponry prohibited.
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