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Steve Long

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Everything posted by Steve Long

  1. Re: MA damage adding quetions The claws do HKA 1d6. Assuming the Martial Maneuver is a Killing Strike (I am unclear on this based on the way you wrote things), it adds nothing, as discussed on the bottom left of 6E2 99. STR adds +3 DCs based on the indicated STR Minimum and STR. So the attack does 2d6 Killing damage. If the Martial Maneuver were a Martial Strike (+2 DCs) with +2 Extra DCs, that would add another 4 DCs, making the attack do 3d6+1 Killing damage. If your GM caps it at doubling, that's irrelevant though, since STR already doubles it.
  2. Re: Shove and Double Knockback If a character has the Double Knockback (+½) Advantage for his STR or Telekinesis, that Advantage has no effect on how far he can Shove another character.
  3. Re: UBO Through Mind Link/Scan This question raises a couple of issues, actually, so I’m going to need to go a bit beyond its confines to answer: A character typically cannot grant a Usable On Others power to a character through a mental “connection” (such as Mind Scan, a Mind Link, or Telepathy contact). However, the GM can choose to permit this, provided that the following conditions apply: 1. The power to be granted is a Mental Power, or in the GM’s judgment “simulates” a mental power (through the use of ACV, AVAD, Line Of Sight, and similar Advantages). 2. The UOO power is bought with a +1 Range Modifier, “Recipient must be within Line Of Sight of grantor, or mentally connected to him, for power to be granted.”
  4. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come on over to the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  5. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come on over to the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  6. It's Thursday, so let's have a chat! Come on over to the Chat Room at 9:00 PM Eastern, 6:00 PM Pacific to hear the latest news, ask questions, and talk Hero!
  7. Re: Atari unloading Cryptic Studios 0%.
  8. Re: The Inventor Skill Given the way you've phrased your question, I'm assuming you want input from lots of people, so I've moved this to the "Discussion" board. My opinion, for what it's worth, is that: --the description of the Skill clearly specifies "new devices" --the very name of the Skill implies that it's used for inventing, which is a different thing from "crafting" in general --there are other Skills (including Professional Skills) that relate to creating/building/maintaining/altering existing devices of specific types Thus, Inventor is not a general crafting Skill. It's a Skill that, in conjunction with another Skill closely related to the subject at hand (e.g., Weaponsmith for weapons), allows a character to invent new devices. How a GM defines "new" is up to him; some may limit the Skill to entirely new creations, while others might allow a character to use it to create something he knows exists (or can exist) but has simply never seen or owned. As always, I think common sense and dramatic sense are the best touchstones.
  9. Re: A little confused about Defensive Absorption As you've noted, the text specifies that "the BODY of Absorption" applies as defense, so in your example that would give 30 PD (or ED, depending on what the Absorption works against).
  10. Re: Damage Negation and Vulnerability In general, the same way it’s determined in all other cases: the Vulnerability multiplier applies first to increase the damage, then defenses are applied to reduce the damage. Since in this case Damage Classes can’t be subtracted before the damage is rolled (as is usually done for Damage Negation), the GM has to decide how best to apply a Damage Negation defense. Some possibilities include: —subtracting a defined amount of damage (such 3-5 points of STUN) for each Damage Class that Damage Negation would remove —roll the full damage and leave the dice on the table; after applying the Vulnerability multiplier, subtract a number of dice equal to the number of DCs the Damage Negation removes (but do not “multiply” the amount on them when subtracting). To keep things fair, the first die subtracted should be the highest die, the second should be the lowest die, the third the highest remaining die, the fourth the lowest remaining die, and so on.
  11. Here's the back-cover text for CBY: Price: $34.99 ISBN: 978-1-58366-135-2 SKU: DOJHERO1106
  12. Here's the back-cover text for the HSG: Price: $34.99 ISBN: 978-1-58366-134-5 Stock Number: DOJHERO1201
  13. Here's the back-cover text for HSEG: Price: $34.99 ISBN: 1-978-58366-133-8 SKU: DOJHERO1007
  14. Here's the back-cover text for CV3: Price: $39.99 ISBN: 978-1-58366-132-1 Stock Number: DOJHERO1105
  15. Here's our back-cover text for CV2: Price: $37.99 ISBN: 978-1-58366-131-4 Stock Number: DOJHERO1104
  16. Re: Question about Transfer It means 30 maximum total, whether from a single source or multiple sources. See 6E1 166 for further discussion.
  17. Re: Question about Skill Roll Guidelines on page 35, vol 1. That's really up to the GM, since they are just guidelines after all. Personally I would probably allow a little flexibility to violate the guidelines by a point or two occasionally using Skill Levels, but might restrict how many could be applied to any one Skill Roll at a time, or something like that. It all depends on the GM's vision for the campaign and how he thinks things will work best with his players.
  18. Re: Absorption as Defense From the Rules FAQ:
  19. Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND Sneak Peek: The Cover! Yes, that's often true. It's also worth noting that the species in CBY are described as of 2011, not as of the 2500s-2700s as in various SH supplements. So some of the information in those supplements, particularly certain historical details and info about their technology, won't apply in a game set in the modern day.
  20. Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND Sneak Peek: The Cover! Yes, it does. It has a whole lot of all-new information about the Malvans and Malva generally, and that includes a section on their government and a couple paragraphs on Phazor Valzad XIII. A couple of his cousins also are important enough to warrant descriptions of their own (and in one case a character sheet).
  21. Re: Teleportation NND RKA and Focus damage This isn't really a rules question so much as it is a discussion topic, so I've moved it to the Discussion area to allow other posters to respond. From a rules standpoint it's certainly possible to build an RKA, NND, Does BODY that makes it relatively easy to damage/destroy Foci. Many other attacks could do the same thing. I think the issue here isn't a rules one so much as it is one of players and GMs both applying their common and dramatic sense. As it says in the rulebook, "just because you can do something doesn't mean you should." In my experience, if you have a player who insists on using a power like this so frequently that it negatively impacts the campaign, one of the easiest ways to deal with it is to start using the same sort of attack against him and the PCs just as frequently. Once the players get a taste of how annoying and disruptive it is a cease-fire often results. However, I'm sure other GMs have insights of their own and will be happy to post 'em here.
  22. Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND Sneak Peek: The Cover! True! To be fair, though, most (not all, but most) of them come from existing Star Hero supplements like TE and AW, so a fan who already has those won't get as much use out of that aspect of CBY (though of course the Templates have been updated to 6E, which is helpful). However, I know from sales figures that most Champions fans didn't buy TE or AW, so for many people every alien in this book will essentially be all-new.
  23. Re: Automatons and Equipment I'm going to restate the question more generically to make sure I don't cause any confusion: Q: If an Automaton with the Takes No STUN Power obtains defensive equipment (such as a suit of armor), does he have to divide the PD/ED that equipment provides by 3, the same way he does for a defensive ability he purchases with Character Points? A: Yes.
  24. Re: Megascale Sense Group You've pretty much answered your own question: there's no way to assign a cost to a Sense Group, therefore characters who want to MegaScale their Senses either have to (a) buy it as an Advantage (naked or otherwise, depending on the Sense) for each individual Sense, or ( get the GM's permission to buy a group naked Advantage for them. The latter approach is commonly taken with starships and similar vehicles that can have lots of sensors that by genre conventions are commonly used over vast distances, for example.
  25. Re: CHAMPIONS BEYOND Sneak Peek: The Cover! Mainly this is because I like to use the word "balkanized."
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