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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. What's the purpose here? Why do you need game stats? Also, what kind of ship? There's everything from a bulk freighter as mentioned above, to something like the Millenium Falcon which was never really a freighter in the first place. (And the cargo mass on that layout is actually probably just a fraction of the overall ship mass, at least as they portrayed it.)
  2. If you want something closer to real... http://yrc.com/trailer-dimensions/ A semi trailer is generally bigger than a school bus...altho they're pretty comparable. School bus is listed as 250 cubic meters...it's not even close. The 28' High Cube trailer has an internal volume of a touch over 2000 cubic feet...that's less than *60* cubic meters. And I believe this kind of trailer's rated for more than 12.5 tons. On the flip side...a 747 can't come *close* to lifting 3.2 kilotons; the max takeoff weight is given as about 400 tons. Work out the cargo size first. That's largely separate from the hull size, in large spacecraft because aerodynamics are meaningless. (I'm assuming interplanetary/interstellar ships, not orbit-to-surface shuttles.) Then figure they're designed to run 100% full, albeit not necessarily with exceptionally heavy stuff. So...average density of 5 or so. That's most rocks; iron is 8, copper and silver 9. But if it can handle 10,000 cubic meters...and that's only 100 meters by 10 by 10...density 5 says it's 50,000 tons. BTW, it's plausible there's no such thing as running light under most circumstances. There's no economic reason to do so.
  3. An easy way to shrink NYC would be to say there was another port of entry set up in the mid 19th century. We all know about Ellis Island of course, but there was a big immigration center on Manhattan before they built it. Perhaps Portsmouth, NH. That'll grow that region.
  4. Yes, this has the same restrictions as MegaScale for rules like MB/MT. OK, that suggests: a) leave the adders as is, for someone wanting high-speed move-by and move-through. b) probably drop the +1/4 level as overly duplicative, but it can be kept too. It's cheaper in many cases, it gives a fairly nice noncombat velo, and lots of chars don't do MB/MT c) the +1/2 and +3/4 are extensions on MegaScale, if you will. Can't be used with MB/MT.
  5. OHHH MY! Urban Meyer has been placed on administrative leave by OSU. Reported a couple hours ago by MANY outlets. I was checking for a bit more info before figuring whether he'd be gone or not...but this? It's a long shot he'll come back, at best. Will the team play well? This late in the game, with camp starting? I won't go so far as to predict an overall losing season, but I think it's gonna be a very rough year in Columbus. Bowl, yes; New Year's Day or BCS? Get really good odds if you want to bet. They kept the name because, remember back in the day they first went from 10 to 11...Penn State. They'd been indie before that. Big Eleven...ugh. Sounds like a craps bet. Then Nebraska...and they *couldn't* call it the Big 12. By the time they borged Rutgers and Maryland, the precedent was long established. These days, it's probably name recognition.
  6. 5. No, it's the year they realize Harbaugh's a total flake who'll never take a team to the top. Don't eat chicken because they're nervous birds??? OK, it's looking like Michigan might actually beat OSU because OSU potentially *implodes* with this scandal going on, and *maybe* causing Meyer to lose his job.
  7. It's because these are damage adders. If you were building this as a power, it'd be listed as +2d6...then apply the armor piercing, for example. So it'd cost 15 active, not 10. The martial maneuvers are adders that aren't being applied in the usual sequence...(base cost + adders) * Advantages, divided by Limitations. The adders are factored in before multiplying by the advantages. Since they're being applied after here...the level of this adder has to account for the existing advantages it will inherit. Consider a character with a 15 STR and an HKA. On a plain HKA, the STR adds 1d6. Give the HKA armor piercing. It can't *still* get a full +1d6.
  8. Why would the designer of this suit have *every* life support aspect be running off an END Bat? Sure, it's fine for a number of things, but if you want full-scale biohazard and chem suit protection, that's structural more than anything. Anything related to breathing is probably 1 continuing charge all by itself, not running off a common END Bat. The full 45 points includes things that make no sense on a tech suit...eating, sleeping, and longevity in particular. (And having these "cost END" makes absolutely no sense.) I'm seeing you want self breathing, safe in all environments, and immune to all poisons/diseases. That's 29. None of these fit all that well with costing END individually. Sure, they can draw power, but it's massively overstating things to say these cost 1 END per phase. It's just a corner case in the power price/END system that's working very badly against you. All 5 "safe in X environment" combined, cost the same as any 1 of them, in-game. Next aspect. If these are costing END, then how long can this suit operate in that environment? 1 END per phase...assume speed 3 to be nice, and assume a hero-level game. A space marine battlesuit. (Go higher speed, it's obviously worse.) That's 15 END per minute, per point in use. Is the END Bat on charges? That is to say, a real power cell? Then you can put a Linked (END Bat) on the life support that makes sense to need power, which is the safe environment ones and possibly the breathing. If the END Bat has no Recovery, then toss in a "1 END per minute" or even per 5 minutes, to say you want to shut them down. If the END Bat has a recovery, then have the LS cost END per turn. Another approach may be continuing charges. But if this is a combat suit, the combined "power draw" for all of this still feels like noise, relative to the power needs of the combat systems.
  9. This is primarily related to Running and Flight as the primary continuous-movement powers. The issue as I see it is the +5 adder to double non-combat makes building characters with a good but sane top speed extraordinarily expensive...and moreso if you have to add Reduced Endurance, because the adders create an Adjusted Base Price. (Buy 20" with x16 noncombat, that's 35 points. If you want 1/2 End, that's 9 more. Whereas, buy 20" with a +3/4 modifier for noncombat speed, that's 35...but 1/2 End only takes that to 40.) So what I'm toying with is: 1. There is no velocity adder. Basic noncombat velocity is 2x your combat move. 2. There's 3 new advantages, at +1/4, +1/2, and +3/4 that are noncombat multipliers. I'll propose 2 scales. 3. These advantages work analogously to MegaScale movement for acceleration, etc. Scale1: +1/4 == 5x +1/2 == 25x +3/4 == 100x Scale 2 +1/4 == 10x +1/2 == 50x +3/4 == 250x In scale 2, each +1/4 gives 5x noncombat velocity. Scale 1 is clearly less generous, but you can get some very good speeds: Combat Move 5 10 25 50 100 250 1000 5 30 60 150 300 600 1500 6000 mach 4.86 10 60 120 300 600 1200 3000 12000 mach 9.72 15 90 180 450 900 1800 4500 18000 mach 14.57 20 120 240 600 1200 2400 6000 24000 mach 19.43 25 150 300 750 1500 3000 7500 30000 mach 24.29 Noncom velocities were based on speed 4, and are in kph. Mach is the speed of sound, ~1200 kph. Note that x100 for a +3/4 still gets you about mach 2, for 35 points, with a nice combat half-move. The last column is the velocity for the +1 level MegaScale, translated to mach numbers. In either scaling, the full 1" = 1 km MegaScale can be reserved for rockets and starships and similar things where we're using fractions of the speed of *light*...not sound. Also to reiterate, this is NOT for teleport, at least for me. With teleport I'm not considering speed, I'm considering range. This way, you get to have combat move and noncombat velocity, which makes WAY more sense, and you don't have to play munchkin games with MP slots or the like. Thoughts? Stupid? Old hat? Maybe something worth a darn? Bed time....this is the kind of thing I think about too much, rather than go to sleep at a reasonable hour.
  10. I'd reject it in most cases. If we're talking something like Fantasy Hero and spells...might be different. You'd have to convince me you're not being cheesy...why is this in an MP? You'd probably have a better chance to argue for some cost reductions.
  11. You could have it replace Newark and everyone would thank you. It gets a different name because it's in a different state. You don't touch NYC proper. Or rename a secondary locale...for NY, that might be Albany or Binghamton. Syracuse and Buffalo are getting much further west and into the Lakes a bit too much. Or plop it into a relatively empty area...not that there is much of one in New York State, unless you want to trash the Lake Country. Druther not do that, for similar reasons why you don't want to trash NYC. But not too far west and north of NYC, there's Monticello. Google Maps suggests you could put something there. It's all gonna depend on what I need done.
  12. OHHH....ok. I had intended to search here for prior threads before posing this. Spaced. The costing has been brought up. The answer's in the book. 6E1, p. 447, Talent Creation. It's Animal Handler, all categories, +3. So basically, the intent would be, just take Animal Handler, Canines. With +3, that's 8 points.
  13. This is a 5E construction. One thing to note is that Damage Shield doesn't affect me if I stand right next to you and don't attack you, or you attack me. I might add, very, very few D&D critters have a drain-life kind of aura that I can recall, and anything that does, is VERY high level. Fear aura, more common. Ghasts have the stink. But an aura of negative levels would be a major, major problem. So I really don't have a problem if this comes out to 75-100 active even if the dice involved felt rather low.
  14. Yeah, the likely use is actually just to keep a guard dog quiet. And that may not work on a well-trained dog. Not worried about any attack potential.
  15. That detection is not built into Animal Friendship, and it's gonna have its own cost. Even if you can detect, you don't have any Summon or communications built in, either.
  16. How big a limitation would you call that? This'd be for a supers game, not for a Druid or somesuch in a fantasy campaign. The target's narrow by comparison, but also the one animal type that's likely to be meaningful with any kind of frequency. How many guard cats does one ever see?
  17. Some are narrow, some are broad.
  18. my bad. ok, then make it a bonus to Persuasion rather than Acting. Still not a great fit, as Persuasion is rather more broad, but skills granularity is an issue.
  19. Are you talking about the Callable power, or the Returning power? The Returning power...not really because it returns after it's been thrown. It can be taken away. The Callable power...maybe. One thing of note is, MegaScale teleport is non-combat teleport...so it takes an extra phase. So...couple options. #1, require it to be Breakable. Durable, sure, but Breakable. #2, the Teleport only has 1 charge, then the effect has to be restored on the item. #3, say the Trigger takes 5 minutes to recover, so the weapon can be taken away, and kept away, for the duration of the combat.
  20. Yeah, there might be different ways depending on the special effect of how you're detecting the lie...mental power, or via hearing nuances/stressors that change, as the OP does it. For the aural form, perhaps a major bonus to Acting and/or a penalty to Interrogation skill, as this is the skill intended to elucidate information. EDIT: there's no great match for this, which is something of an oversight IMO. In D&D it'd be Bluff and Sense Motive; in GURPS there's Fast-Talk and Detect Lie. I think Acting and Interrogation are as close as we've got, and neither is that great a fit.
  21. I decided to go with -1, because 6E allows a load of cheese with this anyway. You only need to by 1"...older rules required more. The cost was dropped to nothing. MegaScale is now max range...you can teleport anywhere up to that limit at no more cost. Even with how I built it...10m, at 1m == 1 km...that's only 20 points. (Or I could go for 6m, and 1m == 100 km...for 5 points less.) Given that there's already some rules 'abuse' going on...trying to wring every drop out is not something I like to do. I think there's good arguments for considering it a larger LImitation, but that also, in this interpretation, it's not appropriate. YMMV on that aspect, of course.
  22. Well, with Thor's hammer, you could say it never slows down. His range, even with Range Based on STR, is gonna be rather large. (And the hammer's range may actually be LOS.) You do point out that the teleport for Returning might need "must pass through intervening space" so in principle the weapon could be trapped. That obviously wouldn't make sense for the primary purpose.
  23. So you have some weapons. You don't want to carry them around, or at least not on your person...you have to go thru detectors, for example. But you want to be able to "call them" at need. How about this, as a custom Adder to that weapon: Teleport, 1 m Megascale, 1m = 1 km, +1 Reduced END (0 END) (because the weapon has no END) Trigger ("called by caster"), Zero Phase, a turn or more to reset. Trigger can expire. Net +1/4 Can Only Teleport to Fixed Locations (-1) Active: 3 Real: 1 Teleport, 1 Fixed Location (the person enabling the trigger) Active: 1 Real: 1 Total: 2 points I glanced through some of the earlier attempts to try to build a Summon Weapon, and I think this avoids the pitfalls. The impetus is on the item itself, it's not from the character. Thoughts? Also, this approach works to define the Returning property for a ranged weapon such as a spear or dagger...you throw it to make an attack, and it returns to your hand immediately thereafter. That's just a change to the Trigger.
  24. It's much cheaper than recombining at a distance. Plus, it's not clear to me, but I think the recombine can only happen at the original's location, so it's only duplicate "teleporting" to original. This power allows the original to go to the duplicate's location. There would be times when one can get in, but not both. (Present ID at the door, have it checked off.) But yes, it's not allowing access to any new area.
  25. I like the style of how the victim dies...slowly. Gives the demon time to enjoy it; why kill fast when you can play? Unable to Sleep, or Unable to Eat/Drink...the aging side would have to be awfully fast for it to matter. But whatever. The point is it's a vicious side effect no matter what. And yes, I always prefer that these don't happen immediately. Should be an "OH WOW THIS STUFF IS AWESOME".....then drop the hammer.
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