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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Well, one apparent qualifier is Sarco has somewhat better armor, but that might be just implicit anyway. If you're buying this as a multiform, then the Sarco form just uses the size template, but the lizard-like shape leads to some tweaks. For example, the legs are short, so not all the extra running should apply. (EDIT: but a Swimming bonus would probably fit.) 40' is 12 meters; that, and the mass slot the form into the Huge category. But that's +45 (!!!) Str, and as noted, that's probably an overstatement for the general Str. The bite, sure, but that's a whole lotta Str for everything else. So yeah, I'd drop that. Reach is weird because of the shape. I'd go an attack multi: a) Bite: HTH 2d6, BUT with martial maneuvers and DCs so there's bonuses to the Grab and Crush maneuvers. Pure HTH won't help retain the grab. b) Tail: HTH with, say, 3-4 meters of Stretching. So, NO reach based on size. Also, Dex is gonna be poor overall, but Lightning Reflexes would be appropriate. Crocs are also pretty good at holding their breath, so extended breathing might fit.
  2. And Gruden tosses a TO aside by throwing the challenge flag on a touchdown that isn't subject to a coach's review. EVER. Because it's an automatic booth review. The TO charge is the rule; essentially it's a delay of game kind of thing. May not matter, but cripes, it's a moronic move. Yeah, Keenum throws a pick. 2 more runs is fine, that'll burn Denver's timeouts and the clock will be below 5 minutes. No way Denver's offense can score that fast. EDIT: Case Keenum plays Santa for the Raider DBs. How nice of him. Gift-wrapped picks, but he forgot the bows.
  3. Given the head coach, are you surprised? I'm also glad replay didn't overturn it. THAT would've been a travesty. I get the rule. The end zone there is, apparently, treated the same as out of bounds. So if the Bronco guy had touched the line, while in contact with the ball...it's over. Druther that wasn't the case. Admittedly, this almost NEVER comes into play. Totally fitting first half. PATHETIC effort by the Broncos. If Joseph is coaching next week, it's only because there's no real reason to can him at this point. Let the last game play out. THEN, of course, the Raiders show why they're the Raiders. Kickoff OB after a nice late drive for a FG, gave Denver a shot at a long FG. It was a bit short, but it's still bad football that it came that close. And ok, it was talking heads but...I agree with Louis Riddick over...I think it was Witten? Witten's position is you can win with Keenum, but you have to give him help. Yeah, right. Riddick's comment, Keenum needed too much around him. I agree. It's bloody difficult to get that much general talent any more...and it's impossible to KEEP them all. Best you can hope for is a year, maybe two, of success, so you're talking a LOT of pure luck to have that all work out.
  4. No one's prepared to stop the run. Air Force used this to their advantage as well. Heck, even the Ravens are doing it in the pros to a degree. It's a copycat sport, and Passing Is In. So DBs are smaller, there's more DBs than linebackers, defenses play back a step...the focus is on stopping 3+ receivers. No team can switch on a dime to do something completely different.
  5. The last 3 weeks have dramatically shown that early season success means NOTHING. Final division "power rankings"...numbers relative to a .500 overall record. Nothing but division games left. AFC East -8 AFC West +4 AFC North +2 AFC South +6 (so AFC vs. NFC? AFC is +4...34-30) NFC East -2 NFC West -4 NFC North +2 NFC South even And ya talk about early results meaning nothing...on Oct. 15, AFC South was -4 at 10-14. Colts were 1-5; Houston and Tenn were only 3-3. Even with Jacksonville chasing the Raiders and Cards for the #1 pick, they went from -4 to +6 in 9 game weeks per.
  6. Oh man, sometimes I LOVE NBC's production guys. Janikowski BOINGS a short FG, hitting the outside of the right upright. No good. Going to commercial, NBC plays the opening from Mr. Grinch.
  7. And that's why, if I'm John Harbaugh, I'm bloody worried. The Browns will be loose, enthusiastic, and they have nothing to lose. That spells dangerous.
  8. Take that a step further. They have a VERY good shot at playing spoiler, and while they'll be an underdog, it won't be by all that much. You have to say they have a fair shot at the win. And crazy of crazies...the Steelers MUST have this happen or they're *done*. Tenn/Indy winner is in as WC at least, no matter what. Man...Steelers have to look at the Bronco and especially Raider games if they don't make the playoffs, and they're underdogs to pull it off. Granted, they bloody well should beat the Bungles, but I think the Ravens will probably take care of their business. Not that I'd *want* to play the Browns; they're gonna play, you figure. I can't believe I wrote that. Scared to play the Browns. Impossible. In other news, how much is Brees gonna play next week? I'll say a quarter. Nothing for them to play for, Carolina's completely out so there's no competitive reason to play. That said, I don't like sitting everyone, as they'll have the bye week anyway.
  9. There is no D in New York...... Giants offense does pretty good, but defense gives up 3 fairly long TD drives in the second half. Up 10 at halftine, socre 10 yourself, and lose. NOT good. Jets...wow. Unreal. Up 15 to open the 4th. Give up FG, TD, TD and 2 pointer. Green Bay botches kickoff coverage; not sure exactly, but the kickoff only went to the 11 and they gave up 50 on the return. So the Jets tie it. Only to have GB take the kickoff and ram it right into the end zone. Game over. Last 4 possessions, not counting getting the ball back after the tying FG when there was no time, all scores. FG and 3 TDs, and a crucial 2 pointer. Ugh. Not only are the stupid Cowboys in the playoffs, they'll have to be favorites, in Jerryland, to win the first one. Well, we can hope they live down to expectation.
  10. Only fools bet early bowl games or read anything into their outcomes. You *never* know in advance what teams are gonna play, and what teams checked out for Christmas break ahead of time. I also do believe in a steamroll effect...once things go south, they keep going south...and going, and going, and going. Just happens way too often. And when a team's closing out a season and there's no reason to play any more? Chances increase considerably. I only caught a couple highlights from this one, but I gotta think that was another big factor.
  11. Air Force, maybe 10 years ago, when they had some really good teams. They've got some physical restrictions that *don't* necessarily apply to Army or Navy, cuz their cadets have to fit into flight suits and they don't make those for 6'7" and 320. Haven't seen enough of Army to say which one was better; just offering them up as another strong ball-control team. IIRC Navy also had a good ground game, but in their good years, I think they were a bit more balanced. Perhaps not; it's not like the academies get on TV a lot and I don't go out of my way to follow them. And yes, there is a theme there.
  12. There's been a general upswing, as I understand, of right-wing lunacy. This...is just bloody PETTY.
  13. The more things change, the more they stay the same. So I'm watching Texans/Eagles. Watson darts left, makes a sweet move, and scores untouched. Texans kicker then misses the extra point. Now we get to things. OF COURSE, the announcer goes "yet another miss, it's an epidemic" or something like that. You know the tripe. Yes, well, fine. Let's go find out, shall we? Stats are easy to find. Kicking stats...copy, paste into spreadsheet, format, isolate. BOOM. Even the 2 worst? One's 26 of 30, one's 20 of 23. 3rd worst is 41 of 46, and that's a bit more troubling. But by and large? The percentage is over 94%. Field goals from 30-39? Almost identical. And historically, a couple years I've checked...30-39 FGs run right at that 94-95%. I dropped a handful of kickers with 15 or fewer attempts. Of those, 4 of em would RAISE the numbers...8,, 8, 10, and 15 attempts, no misses. There were 2 *bad* kickers...Caleb Sturgis was 9/15 (and only 9/13 on FGs) and Zane Gonzalez was only 7/9 on PATs and 5/9 on FGs. Bad combo. But they're both gone, and can easily be called "not NFL-quality kickers." Now, ok, when it was from the 2...the PAT rate ran over 99%. Moving it back has, I'd say, done the intended job...just that little bit of uncertainty. The perception that it's an epidemic is selective memory.
  14. The notion of what does, or does not, constitute a lie is separate from the method, be it sense/power or skill. IMO, they have no connection whatsoever.
  15. Ah, ok. Forgot; that was a LONG time ago.
  16. Well, here's the deal. 1d6 killing is 3.5 BODY, and is thus quite similar (for BODY purposes) to 3d6 normal. That's where the DC equivalence arises. When you go +1, +1/2 die, +1 die, the average BODY goes up by 1, 1, and 1.5. When you go +1, +die - 1, + die, the average BODY goes up by 1, 1.5, and 1. Either way you do it, there's one particular extra DC that's slightly better than the other 2. It can't be helped. So just pick whichever you prefer. Old Man: your system basically subdivides killing damage into 4 DC equivalents, but your average damage is increasing by 1, 1, 1/2, 1. Plus, you're making bonus DCs (usually martial arts) have a different value depending on whether they're applied to a normal or killing attack. And what about STR? Honestly, I'd LOVE to see killing dice simply *eliminated*. The rolls are just too swingy for my taste. I'd rather "Vs Resistant Defense only" become an Advantage just like AP, so you don't need a boatload of resistant defenses to avert a disastrous 3d6 or 4d6 KA roll. Mind, if you're playing a grittier game, then killing dice are probably fine, but in normal Supers I think they're inappropriate.
  17. And it can't be stopped. Congress adjourned. F'ing Trump. Whiny petulant child.
  18. Cool pic. Love what you did with the negative.
  19. I HATE!!!! that copyright is still so obscenely long. Yeah, copyright has its place, but even 75 years is a joke today. I'm a big Dorothy Sayers fan...but only 2 of her Peter Wimsey books are public domain, as they come from the 20s and 30s. Where ya get crucified quite often is actually when the artist dies...because the estate lawyers and beneficiaries almost always go for max revenues. Perhaps not against explicit wishes that the deceased's works go into the public domain, but barring that...they have no reason to budge. Remember the Traveling Wilburys? 2 collaboration albums. George Harrison, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison...these should need no intro. 3 can reasonably be asserted to belong on a Mount Rushmore of rock n' roll; I don't quite put Petty at that level, but he wasn't far from it! And Jeff Lynne of ELO, a great performer and one of the great album producers. Orbison died, IIRC soon after the 2nd album was released...and his estate basically forced the albums off the air by contesting the royalties, IIRC. David Eddings' stuff has been almost impossible to find as e-books after he died; I gotta think it's the estate again. There's no impetus to change things, and well, given everything else, there's no real chance this'll ever come up for reconsideration. Even if it does, who's gonna argue the consumers' side? Google probably would, and there probably would be others, but the writers/creators? The supporters of this will probably make their stuff public when they can, so overall...nope. The publishers? HA! They'll never release control 1 second before they have to.
  20. To start with, I seriously doubt it would make that much difference. The top programs will still be drawing from the top 1/10th of a percent of recruits. Next, it wouldn't surprise me if this caused more underclass churn...players leaving after 2 or 3 years. Probably 3. More transfers. Basically...I don't think this is a well-thought-out proposal. And last...Bama's dominance is gonna likely end fairly soon. It's highly unlikely they'll stay on top once Saban leaves, and every top coach that hangs on, eventually loses that touch. And it has zero chance of getting through. Optimistically. Starlord: I saw that last night and gagged too. My Buckeye Loathe will continue indefinitely.
  21. I saw that about the dates...but that was also when they were in high school. Go with the stable config date. And yes...yes, that still means OLD school. If you use '68 as the date...I entered 5th grade that year. Whether that counts as middle school or not depends on structure. It was middle school for that system. We're fossils, dude. It's ok.
  22. Was. OLD time band. As in, goes back to 1974. It can't be considered a surprise; the guys are in their mid 60s now. Physical problems accumulate; a touring lifestyle is also not easy to do in a healthy way. The wiki article on them mentions psoriatic arthritis for Lifeson and tendinitis for Peart. Plus the foot trouble (which makes me think complications from diabetes) for Peart. But yeah...another of the bands of my youth effectively gone. Can't say I was a huge Rush fan, but much of their repertoire wasn't exactly radio-friendly as I recall.
  23. If you'll let me switch that to "silent" rather than invisible...that's because Trump alone makes more noise than an entire fighter squadron taking off from a carrier. But the Mueller investigation is about campaign issues, not Trump's actions as President. The roots go back to before the nomination.
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