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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Lotta the answers are difficult, as we might be different things at different times. Even trying to be honest with oneself is tricky. Might re-do this with the extra-long version... But... Dr. Bashir from DS9 Doc Strange Bond's Q...the Desmond Llewellyn version. Yeah!!! A little lower, Mycroft Holmes and Dr. Mallard from NCIS. Not a surprising juxtaposition there....
  2. hmm... Then with "memory dependent on Telepathy effect" I suppose. Because if all you get is +20, the memory won't contain anything where a +30 was needed. Might work too, that way. Extra Time and Concentration tends to get shifted to the Telepathy side; you don't need the awkward-looking build you get with Clairsentience (I don't like buying an adder then tossing a honkin' big modifier when that's all you want...I understand WHY, I just don't much care for it structurally).
  3. You can't tell the difference between unconscious and dead. You can tell "collapsed in a heap and not moving." That said, you're also using the most damaging...if you've got one that's Red Pen and one that's not (but same damage otherwise) you're using the Red Pen. If you have 12D normal or 4D Killing, you're using the KA. Other factors can come into play, sure, but this is the default by RAW. Oh, there'd be an exception. You're berserk, you pummel the guy next to you. He drops. You fail your recovery; you move on. The first guy was faking; he attacks you from behind. SILLY BOY!!!!! If you're not dropped, you turn on him. NOW, after you knock him down, I'd probably toss in that your next action is a Haymaker...to the head or chest. THEN you get the Recovery roll.
  4. Depending on the movement power in question and the SFX: --Growth. For fun, tack on Clinging, Usable By Others (cling to you only). Growth's an expensive way to do it, but it's the most straightforward. Look at how to build a vehicle, and particularly the reference vehicles. --High STR lets you deal with 2; couple that with extra limbs (and stretching helps here) and you can carry a few. --TK All of these are basically carrying everyone else. --Usable Simultaneously (part of Usable By Others). Probably used the overwhelming majority of the time with teleport. Occasional with Extra Dim Movement, but that's a fairly unusual power in most genres. (Even in fantasy.) It's possible to use it with other powers; it's just fairly rare in the comics or supers lit that I can recall.
  5. Eidetic Memory applies to you. So, OK, you've got you Eidetic and Telepathy, so you have perfect recall of the other person's memory...which you (but no one else) can access. The trick here is turning that into a memory crystal.
  6. DOH! Yeah. Lessee... Clairsent for Sight and Hearing groups, Retrocognition. 0 END, Persistent, and Trigger...+1. Ouch, 100 active. --only through the senses of others --retrocog only --IIF --Concentration (0 DCV throughout) --Extra time (min 1 turn, often longer depending on the length/complexity of the memory...call it -1 1/2) 19 points. Don't think any of these limitations are specious, either, just trying to get the cost down.
  7. So, it's a mentalist. He's got telepathy; he can go into a subject's memories. The power in question is that he can read the memories, and while doing so, make a "copy" of them onto a medium of some sort that can be prepared in advance. (That part is likely just Charges that can only be recovered in a lab.) They can be played back later; a separate aspect of this would be a projector that can read the contents and create an image of the scene. But I can't offhand think of how to buy the power to make the copy in the first place. This power would not, in itself, alter the subject's memories at all.
  8. Yeah, it's fine. Potential vaccines require FAR more rigorous testing, because they'll be offered to...well...basically everyone. And most won't be sick at the start, and most wouldn't get the underlying disease, so adverse reactions are a major problem. Vaccine testing usually takes an age and a half because the approach *is* to be very cautious. The severity of Covid-19 is such that they're probably moving into clinical trials earlier than normal in the process, but this is going to happen often enough that there's a well-established protocol (as noted in the article) and things aren't stopped. Perhaps the vaccine recipient had an unknown condition that interacted badly; the vaccine candidate isn't automatically going to be scrapped. This is just good medical practice.
  9. Note that you can also buy STR as a "power" and it doesn't matter. A "power" doesn't need to have a source. For supers, I'll quite often buy STR, Running, and Leap to 0 on the Characteristics section, then include them in as "powers." With STR, generally it's not as important but it reads easier. With Running and Leap, I'm often including adders and advantages (Reduced End if nothing else), so again, it's cleaner to see what I'm doing, and what the final END cost will be. 6E calls what Amorcka is talking about, a Naked Advantage, since there's no implicit structure to put advantages and limitations on Characteristics.
  10. I use WorldOMeters; I think some others use OurWorldInData. Johns Hopkins also maintains a good site. That said, I'm not sure how independent any of these are from federal sources.
  11. And we'll probably argue that what you're trying to achieve isn't Berserk. You'd be well advised to not take it personally, which you seem to be doing. Understand that MUCH of this is what we understand Berserk to mean; and we're not sure your take is the same as ours. Berserk is an EXTREMELY dangerous Complication; you picked what I'd treat as a Common circumstance, and from the sound of it, it'll be decently common, probably 11-. Then there's the required consequences: So throw out CVKs, throw out social norms. It's Hulk SMASH!! time. Your notion of ritual combat is fine...but when it's an entire race, even 8- to go berserk is gonna happen in a battle they're losing, and it will be a mess. If nothing else, keep it at Enraged, but make it 14- to go Enraged, 8- to recover. That at least means he'll attack enemies, most of the time. That's still extremely problematic when it's too common in a race, as it'll lead to: a) no one wants them as allies b) their losses will be seriously high c) no one would hire someone of that race for anything where combat's too likely, such as mercenary work d) if they *are* hired as mercs, there's a really good chance it's to get thrown to the wolves...they'll get slaughtered but take a lot of people with them. You don't have to pay dead mercs, so for the employers? Win-win.
  12. Suppress makes more sense than drain. Leave the area, the movement comes back completely and immediately. Change Env is a nice power...and you can probably get a small limitation, because it wouldn't affect a movement with No Gravity Penalty.
  13. What do you call a race where all its warriors always go berserk? Extinct. Another side aspect is a suspension of disbelief issue. For a PC, why are the other PCs hanging out with this guy, if he berserks so much? A berserker is as much, if not MORE, of a danger to his friends, compared to his enemies, and the risk of collateral damage is also huge. The powers that be have no problem sending a berserker on a suicide mission; better in the other guys' territory, and hey, no matter what happens, one problem's covered, right? By and large, if I'm the ruler, the best places for a berserker, best to worst: --the graveyard --far, far away --a very, very secure jail Berserkers are far better as literary devices, where the rampage and recovery are completely in service to the story.
  14. Current temperatures (Monday, 4:30 Mountain) Yep, it's coming...
  15. This isn't Trumpian; he's taking it to extremes but it's been a part of the Republican party line for a long time now. "Law and order" is specifically played as racial fears. It's also not just racial. Republican campaigns have been heavily oriented to fear-mongering...you're gonna lose all your guns, the Democrats are Socialists, and on and on. Yes, you can definitely make a case that the Republican Party has pushed autocratic and plutocratic policies, AND if you want a real Deep State conspiracy...they've worked to ensure they maintain their lead in both areas. One can argue that Trump might be the worst thing to happen to the Republicans, if you buy this storyline; it may well split the Party. Because there are many conservative-minded people who would be appalled.
  16. Djokovic does have a history of some kinda bizarre stuff. This was just thoughtless. I totally believe him, that hitting the linesperson wasn't intentional...but intent there only factors into the second phase of the punishment. The first...DQ, loss of all points and all money won in the event...only checks to see if hitting the ball (or throwing a racket) was intentional. Had THAT been the case, much larger fines and suspensions come onto the table. Sorry, the Wayback Machine purged that info last year; their storage capacity is finite, after all, and no one had checked on that info for 15 years.... But if you look at the national temperature maps over at NWS...wow. You can REALLY see the change moving.
  17. Wow, are you showing your age.......... So am I cuz I didn't need the hint......
  18. Well, the damage can't be cumulative or he'd have another nickname: Pegleg.
  19. I did notice they were moving briskly. I do have to say, tho, that ignoring basic safety advice is a secondary pandemic, at least in the US.
  20. The next 72 hours are going to bring freak weather here. Monday: may set a record high. Tuesday: may set a record high. Tuesday: may see a 50 degree swing from the afternoon high and the overnight (early morning) low. Wednesday: earlier forecasts were called for as much as a 35 degree drop, but that was AccuWeather; their models frequently over-predict changes on the 5-7 day scale and back off from it later. Still, Weather Channel, NWS, and Weather Bug are all calling for upper 60s to low 70s. Wednesday: may see a record low for the date I questioned the forecasts, but the prediction is a massive shift in the jet stream. Instead of the usual west to east, up by the US-Canada border, it's expected to dip insanely. In front of it, that's where the extra heat comes from. Could be worse; Denver's forecast high is 93 for tomorrow; the forecast low is 31. Tuesday high...37, with snow. That's gonna do some hurt to plants; it's WAY too early for this kind of temp, and the change is going to be extremely sudden.
  21. There are a few games, not many. 2 Thursday; 6 yesterday, one Monday night. And if you want more reason why... https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/29818307/tennessee-jeremy-pruitt-scraps-saturday-scrimmage-44-players-out Fine, probably mostly from the contact tracing, but when you've got everyone contracted into a bubble, that's going to happen too.
  22. Trump loves turning a mountain into a mountain range. https://news.yahoo.com/trump-jennifer-griffin-donald-trump-atlantic-war-dead-011443562.html He really should remember the lessons of Joe McCarthy. Thou Shalt Not Attack (or diss) The US Military. It's unlikely that any single factor could be isolated, should he lose, but it would be very interesting to me to get exit poll numbers about "what led you to switch away from Trump?" Here's hoping this is the straw to break the camel's back.
  23. Is anyone else boycotting college football on TV?
  24. CBS story says the problem was because there were SO MANY boats in the water; it caused the large wakes. Ergo, it wasn't the natural world.
  25. I wish the sense of impending doom left while I slept....
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