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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Out of self defense, the camera will refuse to take the shirtless picture.
  2. 1. Mind Control. 2. Mind Control. 3. Mind Control. Mind Control. It's the overarching power that can do all of this.
  3. He lost Asgard altogether; I don't call that successful leadership. And he doesn't ever beat Hela; he concedes he can't on his own. It's why he brings Surtur back, but that's like dropping a dozen nukes on your city to take out King Kong. That isn't winning. Cool story idea, but the outcry against it would be deafening...and the boycott crippling.
  4. The answer itself is frequently less important than the reasoning behind it. And if I want a quick bite...lambsicles. (Frenched rib chops. 2" of bone with a couple ounces of meat at the end. YUM!!!!! Unfortunately VERY expensive and not commonly available.) FAR tastier than sound bites.
  5. If the intent is for it to be fearful, make it Mind Control. The effect is to impact emotions; it doesn't require a mental power. Look at things like Alternate Combat Value. I'd probably prefer AoE Cone, possibly with Explosion. Radius isn't wrong; it feels less right to me tho. Mental Entangle is an interesting notion too, altho IIRC it's got more requirements on it. These both feel fairly natural.
  6. That's been a concern several times, IIRC; fires mostly, volcanic ash/dust once I think. I went to get the (completely ignorable) mail at around 5:30. Sun was small and quite orange due to smoke; it hadn't been getting here as notably, altho some people have taken some stunning shots of blood-red moons. But the jet stream shift has, I think, brought it over. I remember being up in northern Cali during the...I think the Shasta fire. Red sun at noon, dirty brown-gray sky. And definitely remember some fire seasons as a kid in southern Cali...but that was the 70s and the smoke wasn't any worse than some of the bad smog days when you couldn't see the mountains from maybe 5 miles away.
  7. It's been on my mind off and on this week. Today is September 11th. It is hard to comprehend it's been 19 years now.
  8. I agree Thor was a fight hard, play hard type before...but with the events of the last 4 movies he was in, serious maturation is entirely plausible. I could see him taking the leadership role, OR a mentor role...declining to be the titular leader if there's someone else who can take it, because he feels he's not proven he can lead. And push comes to shove, when HAS he led, in MCU anyway? Side arguments...bring in a new leader who doesn't have the baggage from being part of the Infinity Wars debacle. (Hey, we know it was impossible to stop, but it was still a debacle. Tony's SNAP should honestly be as much of a shock as Thanos'. One point among MANY...suddenly almost 4 billion people need to be fed that weren't there 10 minutes ago.) Thor is terrible at the PR aspects of being the leader...and his image is likely worse with many leaders. So...could easily go either way.
  9. Dennis Miller can't even be called a talking head; more like a foolsh act of utter desperation because their ratings had dropped about 25-30% from 1994. "Oh we want a fan perspective!" And it wasn't anywhere near brief enough. Worst analyst...hands down, runaway, lapped the field 20 times. Bill Walton. Virtually guaranteed to make a game unwatchable in 30 minutes...usually less, especially if it's Pac-12 teams. Worst NFL analyst...limiting things to the national network guys...Booger's time on MNF was another epic fail, considering it's such a high-profile slot. Sporting News puts James Lofton down there among last year's announcers, but I can't remember him well enough. Bruce Arians dropped some good stuff every now and again but was mostly taking up the char, IIRC.
  10. AFAIK, Bayless has never done a game broadcast, with ESPN or Fox. He might have been a part of halftime analysts from time to time; Stephen A. is doing studio pre- and post-game for ESPN's NBA playoff coverage, and that often goes on-site...but Bayless was never high on the totem pole, that I can recall. Certainly, he totally lacks any analytical skills or sports knowledge to actually be in the booth. (Correction...he apparently did on-course golf analysis at the majors for a couple years...for the Golf Channel.)
  11. No, it's completely in his wheelhouse. It was on First Take; he made Stephen A. seem tolerable. IIRC, ESPN let him go because these kinds of comments were a regular weekly occurence. Embrace Debate goes only so far; his wildly absurd statements went well past it. Cancer, he's on Undisputed on....guess who. Fox. ESPN cleaned house of its muckrakers within a few months of each other, IIRC...Jason Whitlock always cast everything into a racism argument, Bayless is a total fanboi AND idiot, Colin Cowherd is the archetypal troll. I know Whitlock and Bayless got suspended while at ESPN, and my (now pretty vague) memory was they did the same kinds of things one too many times. They all went to Fox, specifically FS1 IIRC. Cowherd and Bayless have been 1A and 1B atop my Worst Talking Heads EVER list for some time. Michael...from the occasional seating shots I saw, there weren't that many and they seemed MOSTLY to be pretty spread out. Saw attendance was estimated at ounly about 16,000. That said, I saw some sections that seemed to be in violation, and who knows what was going on pregame; KC's tailgating apparently rivals SEC tailgating. EDIT: Bayless' comments here might be pushing him towards the door at Fox.
  12. True. Or, if not a distraction, another straw for his supporters to grasp at.
  13. Here's a thought. If someone could prove that the Norwegian politician was paid by Trump to make the nomination, would any of us be even slightly surprised? Is it coincidental that...gee, the guy gets on Fox News to make sure it's publicized??? Yeah, it's a stunt.
  14. That article does rather take the shine off simply getting the nomination. And please. He may not have started a war, but he supports violent groups regularly in his tweets. I've never used genocide (I don't think); it probably isn't technically correct, altho the aspect that blacks are more at risk may WELL be a part of his calculus. (And doesn't a half million constitute a substantial part? If most governors had not acted, how many Black-community deaths would there have been?) That does suggest a genocidal link. But that's also the weakest aspect...particularly as I *do* consider his failure to act as a crime against humanity.
  15. I'd tend to call it a sharp decline in critical thinking...and the patience to actually try to do it.
  16. I didn't watch...right now there's a lot more important sports events going on. (And I figure the first 3 weeks are likely to just be very poorly played too much of the time.) Scores are fine for now. Caught the highlights tho on SVP after Serena's loss. The part I'm interested in...they lined up after the anthem, and you could hear fans boo. But I really couldn't tell how extensive it was. If you DID see it, I'd be interested to know how extensive you thought it was.
  17. She may not have wanted to be remembered for Emma Peel, but if you think about it...there are far worse legacies. I remember them vaguely, but consider. Name the next competent, professional female action character...movies or TV...who wasn't at root just a foil or eye candy. Oh, and was NOT a villain. (I'm specifically thinking of Joan Collins as Alexis Harrington.) One could probably extend it to female non-action characters...I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but they were scarce in those days. My memory is that Steed was actually something of the distraction, so Peel could handle the hard stuff.
  18. As others have said...I can believe that. In addition, to strengthen big corporations by destroying small, local businesses. It's not hard to find critics saying that's all the Dow Jones represents...it's got nothing to do with the general economic picture and everything to do with the megacorps. Also, it need not be deliberately intended to cost lives. The loss of life was CLEARLY, BLATANTLY obvious; it's fundamentally implicit if you acknowledge the severity of the disease. So it becomes willful negligence leading to death; another spin could well be accessory before the fact. He is morally, ethically, and LEGALLY responsible for his inaction, IMO. The grounds for impeachment are unquestionable, IMO; he clearly and willfully failed to discharge his oath of office. Trump also has enormous insulation, and a practically unparalleled access to health care. The whole notion that he's in the same demographic group isn't even a surface analysis. On Beau...I'm not sure I buy the "he froze"...but I don't really think it matters, as any explanation I can construct is equally revolting. The major point...that Trump is about the last person on the planet who can claim an "I was trying to avoid a panic" argument...is absolutely dead-on. He's not the only fear-monger in the Republican camp; it goes back rather farther than that. But he's been more aggressive in using it than anyone at the national level, because he's never stopped using it even in office.
  19. It's not excessive verbiage; it's supplying a comprehensive analytical discourse, rather than the written equivalent of a sound byte.
  20. Yah, I had to do the same thing.
  21. As vile as this has been...and pushing policy *known* to be inadequate is prima facie impeachable, IMO, if not outright treason...I still don't think it will change that many peoples' minds. At this point, is anyone really listening?
  22. Guys, we're in Coronavirus, not Political.
  23. I don't feel like checking...does anyone know if the errata for V1 cover that omission? Yeah, the cost isn't listed. Oops. It's the flip side of fragile, tho, so given that it is mentioned in the text, I'd assume +1/4...or Durable makes no sense. Ninja: Normal Breakable == Durable. Durable is NOT Unbreakable. Basically...what's the logic in trying to take out someone's armor physical armor? Note that force field based, or reinforced, protection can be a target for a tech type or a wizard, cuz that's their thing anyway. But brute physical armor is extremely hard to remove. You want to capture the power suit operator? Drain the suit's power, screw up the control systems, shoot off a leg or two, see if you can throw the operator into shock. Shred the armor without taking the meat out...good luck. And if you give that option to the players to use against the villains, shouldn't some villains choose to use it against the PCs? If it's effective, anyway. One thing that I think can work...if the armor is IAF or OAF, some attacks might damage the armor, when thematically appropriate. If so, then perhaps it gets an activation roll...start it at 17-, drop it down as more attacks kick in.
  24. Believe you're reading it wrong, altho as written it's not altogether clear. In Hero Designer, Breakability is an optional aspect. It has 3 options: Fragile (-1/4), Durable (+0), and Unbreakable (+1/4). That says the intended default is Breakable, and the text on pages 378 and 379 (Vol 1 6E) all apply. I don't think most GMs use the rule that the armor gets blasted apart when the character's shot at...but that's GM discretion. Even with that, taking an action to specifically target someone's armor might be allowed...or might not, as a precedent the GM doesn't want to set.
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