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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. If you don't slap Trigger onto it, you can only do it when you have an action remaining, and that becomes your action. That's very much not the OP's intent as I read it.
  2. We had a big, long thread on OIAID not long ago. The relevant text from p. 387: Because, understand: this limitation ONLY applies in extremely narrow circumstances, and it's subject to serious abuse. There are workarounds, and in many cases I prefer their functionality. Costs END Only to Activate is -1/4 if the power normally doesn't cost END (Resistant Prot, Damage Negation, Damage Reduction); it's a +1/4 advantage if the power does...but it's 0 END after that, so it's still cheaper for Growth, Shrinking, DI, and Desolid (standard form or the very interesting APG version). Plus, you can get tack on Full Phase only to activate for another -1/4. The drawback? Even if the power was Persistent, it's now Constant, so it's subject to getting dropped by damage. BUT, now you have a -1/2 limitation...oh, and you can still dodge, with your full DCV. So it's quite possible, yes, that OIAID is overly harsh.
  3. It has to be Deflection on a Trigger, and in itself that's at least a caution sign. I almost certainly wouldn't allow it even against a ranged attack, unless it was a single-shot defense that took considerable time to reset.
  4. I think it'd be closer to Darren and Samantha than Ricky and Lucy, but otherwise.....
  5. Back in HS, one of our dogs started developing seizures. Things were OK for a while, but spiraled out of control in extremely short order. She had to be...yes, euthanized. The term for killing a horse after a broken leg (the legs are critical to a horse's circulation, I understand, so it's a much more serious injury than for most animals) is...euthanize. So, no, consent of the subject is definitely not implicit in the term. But hey, is it all that surprising? It is conservative as heck; it's cruel and unsympathetic. That's ok with me, in that I think it will do nothing but lead more people to leave the Church. It's not that I have objections to religion per se...but the institutions are far more problematic.
  6. Oh, so you're gonna run for office!!! Seems kinda late to get your name on the ballot....
  7. Not like they have much choice. Also not like it's gonna do much good. BTW your link's going to a diff article now. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29944475/source-denver-broncos-sign-qb-blake-bortles-drew-lock-injury
  8. Wait a sec...it can't be. California's become Gorgoroth...... Tennessee can be the Dead Marshes.
  9. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/22/climate/climate-change-future.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage Opening paragraph if it's paywalled for you: Which many of us recognize. It was interesting to see it today, tho, after our comments here yesterday.
  10. In HD, Drain just shows the characteristics because everyone has those. However, that field is editable; you can enter anything you want. BUT, remember it has to be specific. The advantage Resistant, applied to your normal PD, is different from Resistant Protection's PD, for this purpose. There's a quite recent thread on this; and IIRC you also can't target the rPD alone in the Resistant Protection because the PD isn't separate from the ED. When you combine that with the 1/2 effect on a defense power...yeah, the system is discouraging this VERY strongly.
  11. They'll think that no matter what. OR, they'd write it off as entrapment.
  12. With a big heaping helping of "they're scientists, what do they know?"
  13. Little confirmation WRT the injuries...Shefter during halftime. 7 ACLs wass the highest he could remember at least in some time. And a number of significant ones; Drew Lock is only expected to lose 2-6 weeks, but if it's closer to the 6, that'll be a lot of time to lose when the Broncos need to see if they might have something there. And the Niners got hammered.
  14. Instead, we have enormous swaths of rain forest...THE BEST carbon remover, because its byproduct is oxygen...getting cut down year after year, and being burned extensively this year. Which also argues that the projections are going to prove to be, not just conservative, but exceptionally so. There's also extensive evidence of ocean damage. The ocean's another carbon sink, but in doing so, it changes the pH harmfully. This is destroying the coral reefs, one of the other top, rich and diverse habitats we have. IIRC, jellyfish like it; tuna and the like, don't. (Altho here, of course, the refusal to slow down the overfishing is probably the bigger issue.) The other side of this is, as the planet really starts feeling the crunch, the contraction itself will become violent. Where are you gonna move 50 million or so people on the Gulf and Atlantic coasts? What will the impact on food production be, because where's the free space to put them? Farmland...???? Do we create our own boicatastrophe by the direct and indirect climate effects...more bad storms causing more crop losses, or continued loss of honey bees...critical to food production, and the like. Civil meltdown may finish even before glacial meltdown.
  15. This is why I think we're heading for a monumental crash. The pandemic has shattered the illusion that Truth Will Set Us Free; the willfully blind will deny, deny, deny, and/or seek to blame anyone but themselves. Nothing will get done until Florida is underwater...at which point it's far too late, of course...because it's inconvenient, expensive, reduces profit, costs jobs, etc. Then the screaming happens, as 10s, even probably 100s of millions of people lose much/all of their life's work, and gazillions of dollars get washed away. The second part of the crash is, where the HECK are you going to put all of them??? Not saying this will be in my lifetime...or the lifetime of anyone here for that matter. But I simply don't see adequate will to fix the core problems before we trash this planet.
  16. So has the governor ordered troops to lock up the schools, or something along those lines? Or is this going the lawsuit route?
  17. I'd probably put Michigan #2 behind ND for most over-inflated program. With a bullet...cuz they have Harebrain. This is true, tho, of the entire conference; they feel they're far more important nationally than they are. Big 10 typically fields quite a few very good teams, but they don't reach greatness often. It wasn't the admins' fault. Remember, at that point, no Div I team (much less a power 5) had lost to a Div II, which is what App State was at the time. I put more of the blame on the players and coaches for thinking all they had to do was show up.
  18. No. Notre Dame's had that delusion for about 6 decades; Nebraska's only at 2.
  19. Looked that way. Non-injury but out for a while...James White. My deep sympathies to him; his father was killed this afternoon in a car wreck. His mother was also in the car; she is in critical condition. He chose to fly home (New England...presumably tomorrow) with the team; I presume he'll fly to Miami from there. But his mind most likely won't be on football for several weeks. He's only 28, so figure his father's, what, around 50...so this is a TOTAL shock. I actually hope that either the Pats or the NFLPA sends someone down with him; the shock could easily last for a while.
  20. From WorldOMeters' numbers... The US passed 7 million cases today.
  21. They still think they're a pinnacle program...one of the top 5-10 in the country where the only step up is the NFL. Under Tom Osborne, yes. Since 2002, they've managed *1* top 15 finish in the polls. 16 straight seasons with at least 4 losses. Missed out on ANY bowl 5 times...with the insane number of games and seriously lax qualification. Right now they're just another also-ran Power 5 program. Did the conference punish them for their complaints? We'll never know. If so, well of course it was wrong, vicious, and petty. But hey, so was Nebraska's threat.
  22. I think the Sight and Hearing flash implements the disorientation. The nausea/vomiting generally doesn't have game impact; I probably would just say some form of Con roll.
  23. Saw this response coming. You're also looking at a 2 SPD normal there, not someone whose hands literally can't be seen, they're moving so fast. And NO, even if it's 1-2-3, it's not gonna be hit, damage shield, hit...or I might allow it with a sizable advantage on your damage shield. You're asking for your damage shield to react absolutely instantly. To get that? Pay for it. You're also giving the strong counterargument to those who want SFX to drive too much.
  24. Worse than that. Spain is only now starting to get a handle on a second wave that was overall worse than March.
  25. Daily data shows this. Mid July and before...30 and under per day average. End of July it started to skyrocket; mid-August through early September, over 200 a day, and usually WELL over 200 a day at that point. The potential failure to get a nomination through is going to depend on whether the Republicans now feel free enough to say No. That's possible; Trump's done enough that the lockstep is breaking down. LIndsay Graham is never going to take an insult to the military sitting down. But the election status...that cuts both ways. We know there's the large component of supporters who will never drift from Trump, almost no matter what. Any Republican Senator who doesn't help push an SC nominee through before the chance to do so evaporates, is going to face serious backlash from this group.
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