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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Obviously no one knows for sure, but... All it takes is 1. Who knows, MAYBE this will drive things home.
  2. As poor as things are here...it's worse further south. In terms of per capita total deaths, the US is 10th; Peru is 2, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador are 6-9, and Mexico is 12th. Worse, the current numbers are bad. Only Brazil is as bad on new cases, but on current deaths per million people, Peru and Chile are slightly below the US' 2.6 per million, but Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Mexico are all over 3 per million. Mexico is 3.34; Ecuador is 3.5. If we skip San Marino (tiny population, and very few cases since early June), Peru now has the highest per capita death rate. They're almost at 1000 per million...or 0.1% of their total population. Brazil and Bolivia have both passed Spain, so they're only behind Belgium. Chile and especially Ecuador are going to pass Spain very soon.
  3. Is the NFL season in jeopardy? More positive tests for the Titans...8 players, 16 total. New positives over several days, suggests that the week 5 game might be delayed, if it can be played. Pats and Chiefs both get positive tests, so their game's been delayed...and Cam's tested positive so he's out for the game no matter what. To answer the lead question...no, it's not in jeopardy *yet*. But ya gotta think the league and the NFLPA are doubling and tripling down on the message to Be Vewwwwy, Vewwwy Caweful!!! The NFL doesn't have the kind of scheduling flexibility that MLB had.
  4. Said it before...I believe Trump is a narcissist. Lead paragraph from MayoClinic.com: So Mr. Brooks' immoralist label is rather effect, not cause. One thing I want to see is whether the Republican leadership starts retreating from Trump. They may not, before the election anyway, because the timeline is so short at this point.
  5. When you get to these kinds of rankings, it's sometimes hard to separate the singer from the band, and/or from the style. For emoting, Roy Orbison. Huge bonus points for clarity and smoothness. Honorable mention to Eddie Vedder, even if his emotion is generally rather negative. For flair, Freddy. If ya wanna argue James Brown...perhaps, but I prefer Freddy's style, as well as the style of the period. Among the power singers, I'd have to go with Steve Perry. Edit: for breadth, power, style...Bono. LOVE Edge's guitar work but Bono's the one that caught me first...which is backwards from, say, Van Halen, where it's Eddie's guitar.
  6. Ohhh....how does one lose a game when you have a +3 TO margin? 6 personal foul penalties, huh? 3 roughing the passer... Yeah, that's a good way to do it. Aggression is one thing, stupidity is something else. Sporting News was calling for Gase to be gone NOW...and Robinson with him. Yeah...0 sacks, but 7 first downs allowed by penalty...not good.
  7. 2 more Titans players test positive...that makes 7 now.
  8. CNN is reporting: The chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee was also there, and has tested positive. It's what happens when you decide you're gonna play with fire.
  9. Didn't mean it as criticism. You aren't the type to post this if you didn't have legit sources. I figured I'd drop references. I didn't include Fox only because they didn't have it up just then. (They do now.) And, yes, I am at the point that I want to see confirmation about anything like this. Disillusioned, much? 'scuse me, my bedtime nip is demanding my attention.
  10. Whoa!!! Something like this requires confirmation. SO... https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/01/politics/hope-hicks-positive-coronavirus/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/US/president-trump-lady-test-positive-covid-19/story?id=73380448 And Trump himself tweeted it.
  11. Jets have just proven the gap between them and a real football team is enormous. No, I didn't watch, but caught some of the scores while watching baseball, and reviewing the box. How can you lose a game when you're +3 in turnover margin???? When your offense is abysmal. Darnold was below 6 yards per attempt; he ran 6 for 84, but he's not a running QB per se, so I tend to discount these as quasi-flukes. The real backs only managed 45 yards on *18* carries. Broncos ran the ball nicely. But, good grief. At home, facing a team's 3rd QB, you get the 3 TOs, and you still lose. It probably won't happen, but the 0-16 countdown clock sure has to be ticking for them.
  12. This should allow Biden to take a higher ground. If the people trying to set up the debate suggest rules changes, figure Biden will aprrove. If Trump rejects, Biden can pull out. Sure, Trump will say it's out of fear, but Biden can also say Trump refuses to debate. Seems a wash. But that's the way this entire campaign season has been. Pointless. SCREAMING. CONSTANT. Since there were so few primaries, everyone and their cousin has all their money to blow in the very narrow time window. I can't *begin* to describe how nauseated I am by both sides...yeah, both. The Republican ads are worse around here, but I'm also predisposed to detest them. But the Democratic ads have their fair share of slimery. I also figure I don't need to describe it, not to a lot of us here. If you want to know why I think there's no hope for this country, just listen to the ads. Reconciliation isn't going to happen when there is this degree of demonization.
  13. No, more like it's a ship, and he's the flogging captain.
  14. If they haven't figured that out by now, with Trump, they never will.
  15. I'm looking at the Judge Dredd wiki, and unless the comics or movies actually show it doing the Bugs Bunny stuff, I'd suggest doing it as a straight OCV bonus. It's far simpler mechanically, and I daresay it's actually a lot cheaper, if you model what's needed to do the multiple passes. But even in the comics, my handwavium has limits. This is WAY beyond that. And it breaks KISS. YMMV, of course.
  16. I'd say it's all but implicit. The destruction and rebuild both provide cover ; they're such wide-scale, overarching circumstances that the little stuff can go unnoticed. Which is why Trump thrives on creating chaos, and why he loves having people reacting to his moves...so he can sneak smaller stuff through the cracks, and so his opponents can't focus.
  17. And we know why now. Titans-Steelers has been postponed until......who knows? They don't share a bye week. This is a huge mess; in a 16 game season, the impact of missing even a single game is much more dramatic. And football doesn't allow the compression, the ability to play a bunch of games in a limited span, as baseball did. I think the NFL is terrified by this. The zero-tolerance, harsh punishment approach is saying, look, our entire *season* is still on a very tenuous basis, so TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!!!!
  18. That's not how a heat seeker works. The principle of a heat seeker is to identify a massive heat source and home in onto it. If there isn't anything that triggers its IR, the warhead actually doesn't arm. Once armed, if the target starts moving *away*...the missile blows the warhead. So it's more like a major bonus to OCV on a trigger, as eepjr noted. Second: 400m isn't "missile" range; for combat, that's way too short. A surface-to-surface missile doesn't have to be fast; the target speed is quite low. That can mean the missile's not terribly fast either, so the range isn't that long...but still. The Javelin top attack missile launched from a vehicle has a range of almost 5 km. Anything else...surface-to-air, air-to-surface, air-to-air...should have a longer range. Homing missiles are similar. The general principle: 1. Radar systems detect a target. This is a ground-based or vehicle-based target acquisition radar. 2. Missile is fired. The radar is used to guide the missile. 3. Once the missile starts to get close, its own built-in seeker kicks in for final approach, to support rapid, fine-scale maneuvers to defeat evasive actions by the target. Again, it'll detonate on contact, or if the target starts to move away. So again..."homing" isn't "multiple attempts to hit." It's "I got you now and you're not getting away from me." The "swing back around and try again next phase" is basically physically impossible. Missiles are FAST; even the Javelin is listed as doing 250 mph, or about 110 meters per second. That's per second...not per phase. So start thinking turn radius. Start thinking fuel capacity and flight time. Target reacquisition, and the risk of complete target loss, or worse, locking on to the wrong target. (The whole classic Iron Man stunt of dodging out of the way of the tracking missile, to get it to hit an enemy.)
  19. IPE means basically that it's not apparent that the power is active. So, for Desolid, yes, it's so that you can't tell the difference...i.e., the person appears solid. If the invisibility is completely separate from the Desolid...and note that Desolid has some disadvantages...then what I suggest is to buy the base Invis, ergo with a fringe. Then buy the No Fringe adder as linked to the Desolid. The powers complement each other in that regard.
  20. On top of not scoring... Game 1, first inning. Load the bases with 1 out, fail to score. 9th inning, commit the error with 2 outs, then give up a walk and a 2 run single. Game 2, first inning. Load the bases...ok, 2 outs. But fail to score again. 8th inning, 2 outs, down 1...a pinch runner gets picked off. Failures to execute in key moments. COMPLETE failure of the offense; granted that hitting is a lost art, but 7 hits total in 2 games? Granted that it's not indicative of every game, but these 2 games, and game 1 of Reds-Braves...37 Ks, Reds also failed to score when they should have, several times. A-Rod was losing his mind when poorer hitters weren't bunting, then failed to move runners. Can't blame him, altho the core problem with saying "bunt you idiot!!!" is the plain fact that practically no MLB player *can* bunt properly. Or so it seems.
  21. If those are required, then what's the point? Say you had a mute button. What's gonna happen? Trump is gonna bombast, blast, and/or lie. Biden is going to be forced to waste his time countering Trump's BS. The actual amount of policy elucidation will still be VERY small.
  22. So, today, 2 streaks collide. One of them must end!!! Astros-Twins. In this corner, we have Dusty Baker! His teams are 0-10 in postseason close-out games! In that corner, we have the Minnesota Twins, losers of their last 17 playoff games! It's a battle royale you don't want to miss!!! Twins really, really want to jump on top and never let the Astros feel like they're in the game. Not after yesterday, where Polanco just *botched* a simple throw by being way, way too casual. Never moved his feet, threw across his body, threw away what should've been the 3rd out. Yeah, fine, that didn't lead to a run, but it left the door WIDE open. So the Twins don't want to be in that position again.
  23. Maybe. I skipped it. I think my brain actively chose to reject that it was gonna happen because it figured it was going to be a horror. Looked at the recaps...a very common theme was, if it's going to be that kind of debacle, what's the point of having them?
  24. The most overused, pointless phrase for the last several years, has been "perfect storm." Not any more. Its replacement is "out of an abundance of caution" Yeah, right. You know BLOODY DARN WELL that you have to be proactive, or cases that you have found, can explode. And thinking about it a bit more...we bitch about, say, Trump's dismissiveness. But that whole phrase is actually dismissive. "Oh, it's not a big deal and we could go on...but we can't pass up an opportunity for virtue signaling! See what good citizens we are!!!" Grr.....
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