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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. My stomach is in knots...and I'm trying hard NOT to look. Not yet anyway, it's still much too early. Not entirely succeeding.
  2. Bradford started all 16 games of his rookie year in 2010. I think the year we're talking about was 2012. He did start every game; the team went 7-8-1. And that was the St. Louis Rams, so the division's right. Plus, according to wiki, this is the year after his first big, lasting injury, a high ankle sprain. (Hello, Jimmy G.) He wasn't right even when he was playing in 2011. 2013 is when things went totally south...torn ACL, aggravated in 2014. He played 14 and 15 games the next 2 years, so there weren't *major* injuries. Did you know...he got traded for...Nick Foles. My, my. But, that was about it. 2016, the injured knee pretty much had worn out, and he was gone before he turned 30. Mind, his last contract with the Cards had $15M guaranteed, so, ya can't feel too bad that he got released 5 days before his 30th birthday. How To LOSE Consistently...sign a seriously beat up, middle aged QB to a major contract that's mostly guaranteed. AFTER said QB only played 2 games the year before due to injury. Wiki says "considered one of the worst free agent signings of the 2010s."
  3. Also, for all we know, there may have already been as many poll workers at that location, as safe distancing would allow. I also note that the person WAS NOT wearing his mask. Had one around his neck, but that's all. And moving to imply this is systemic is...well...very Trumpian.
  4. https://www.timeanddate.com/time/dst/2020.html Bet ya'll didn't think that the southern hemisphere would be completely different, right? Cuz, well, how many of us live on the wrong side of the line? So, yeah...between erratic start/end times, and different time zones, it's a big mess. Remember that some of the time zones are half-hour offsets; a couple even include 45-minute offsets. https://24timezones.com/time-zones#gref
  5. I am of the opinion that anyone who plays fantasy sports, particularly in this insane year, is a masochist. Whether they're more of a masochist than someone who bets Unders regularly isn't clear; probably on par. (Yes, I love SVP's Bad Beats segment, especially with unders.) Then again, I liked playing the tournament challenge for a number of years, until it became almost the equivalent of Blindfold Darts. So I do understand dancing the Masochism Tango.
  6. If points isn't an issue, the other aspect of 'invulnerability' would be 50% or 75% damage reduction. Most systems say, no Body, little or no Stun; Hero's kind of the outlier there. It's probably fine to say it's Stun Only, and if you're not using hit locations, probably even non-resistant. DR. Alternately, you could drop the basic resistant defenses and go with damage negation; that has a similar effect. Side point..SPD 5, 20" move, megascale 1" = 1 km means 20 km/phase, 100 km per turn, 500 km per minute, 30,000 kph. It's ~ Mach 24. It's fast enough to get anywhere on Earth in about 40 minutes, if you take the right route; the Earth's circumference is about 25,000 miles, so no 2 points are more than 12,500 miles (20,000 km) apart. Life gets pretty absurd when you apply Megascale to a reasonable combat flight power. But this hopefully will assist you in figuring out what you need here.
  7. Please don't shatter my dreams.... One night, I just want one night......
  8. If you're a Niners fan...oops. Season's over, pretty much. Garoppolo is out a minimum of 6 weeks, Kittle at least 8. Next 4 weeks are Packers, Saints, Rams, Bills.
  9. I wonder if we get a break tonight on MNF. The ads yesterday were perhaps less numerous overall, but it felt like they were grouped, so we'd get 2, 3, 4 of em during the one break. That's part of the reason it's called optimism.
  10. Optimism... Setting out the miniature of Remy XO (got to love those Christmas-season packages) and the good cut-glass snifter for a late night celebration tomorrow...
  11. Seattle was 7-9 that year, IIRC. But 7 wins will be a runaway for the NFC East. And recognize, it's even worse; the 4 teams are a combined 2-15-1 outside their division. And one of em was the absurd Atlanta collapse against Dallas. Altho this year, it seemingly happens every week...Chargers blew a 21 point second half lead against Denver today. The other win was the Eagles over the Niners without Jimmy G...but they're unreliable with him. And if you watched that game...how was it a contest? We know the Cowboys are just flat-out bad right now, but what does that say about the Eagles? BARELY 200 yards against a horrific Cowboy defense that was giving up almost 35 a game. But when your passing attack has the 3rd worst YPA in the league, well, you make the Dallas defense almost look competent. This was one of the most inept attempts at offensive football...on a good field, let's just forget snow games or swamp games...I've ever seen. Dallas ran 79 plays...and only broke 250 yards due to that last drive that hadda make some Philly bettors worried. (The line was Eagles -10.5.) But it was otherwise meaningless. Dallas was last in the league in takeaways...the bumbling Eagles gave em 4. The 5 side is gonna probably be Saints, Bucs, Cards, Rams, Bears, or possibly Packers (but I think they'll win that division). And to get the 5 spot they'll have to probably raise their level in the second half of the season. At this point, with what we're seeing...any of the East teams is gonna be at least a 10 point dog at home to any of those, IMO.
  12. With 4 minutes left in the Sunday Night Farce, the teams have currently combined for exactly 400 yards. EDIT: well, that's a first. Cowboys have a 4th and 17 very deep in their own territory; they take an intentional safety....to try an onside kick. Interesting. It didn't work but it was pretty close. And it's not like you'll make a 4th and 17...with the Cowboys inoffensiveness especially. Note to self: check the line on the playoff game; whoever gets the 5 seed from the NFC is probably going to be pretty darn good, so whoever manages to be the home team is likely to be the biggest home playoff dog *ever*.
  13. You could do it, I'm sure, but it'd be horribly expensive. If nothing else: a WHOLE lot of stuff would have to be bought to 0 END, and that gets to be seriously expensive in this system. You'd be moving far, far outside the system's design targets.
  14. This might be paywalled, but usually you get a few free articles a month: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/31/us/kentucky-state-police-hitler.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage For those who can't, the first paragraph is: The slide was removed, but it's more telling to me that the slide's author was an assistant commander at the state police academy for *10 years*.
  15. Turned into kind of a one-sided shootout there. Air Force's pass defense looks to have been non-existent. Happen to have Alabama vs. Miss State. First half offensive futility par excellence...Miss State had 7 possessions. 6 times, 3 and out. 7th...4 and out. EDIT: I suppose it's college but still...Bama defensive back steals a loose ball from a receiver, 5 yards deep in his end zone. Gets bumped once...still 3 yards deep...and tries to run it out. DARN near doesn't get out of the end zone; instead of the 20, Bama gets the ball on the 1. Just stupid "oh, oh, I gotta go, I gotta make the play" without thinking about it. Thoughtless aggressiveness. Oh yeah, Michigan proves yet again they're one of the most consistently overrated teams in the country. Over 20 point favorites...and lose. Mind, the line was probably a joke; it's an educated guess at the best of times, and right now there's nothing but reputation to base it on, in the Big Flip Flop, with only 1 game under their belts.
  16. Jon Bostic only gets fined $12K for the Dalton hit? LAME. PFT offers a possible explanantion tho: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/10/31/jon-bostic-fined-only-12000-for-hit-that-knocked-out-andy-dalton/ Others are saying...if this was Mahomes or (God forbid) Brady, he'd be looking forward to training camp. OK, I exaggerate. A little.
  17. This is not the kind of news I needed before coffee.... <sigh> It's the first, last, and only time someone can say "Goodbye, Mr. Bond" and it will stick....
  18. ....well, here's another way!! Remember, Daylight Savings Time will end Sunday. No, I don't get an hour more sleep, I just get totally messed up for 2 weeks.
  19. Atlanta definitely looked a lot better overall. My takeaways... --Atlanta's best move all year was ditching Dan Quinn. --Carolina's best move will be to ditch at least their OC. Did they EVER make adjustments to what Atlanta was doing? The 4th down plays were like...hey, are we watching the Astros stealing signs??? Cuz the plays were dead in the water. You've got first-time NFL coaches at HC and OC; this isn't great. The OC also wasn't even an OC in college; he was LSU's passing game coordinator. I don't remember specifics, but I do vaguely recall a couple occasions where the Carolina coaching staff made rookie mistakes. Upcoming games of note...Pats have effectively a must-win against the Bills. If they can't win it, they'd be down 3 in the loss column, and 2-5 overall. Bills are slight favorites. Unlike KC...when's the last time you saw a 21 point favorite?? Some of the sports books have KC that big; smallest is 19 1/2. How bad are the Cowboys considered to be? Eagles are -11. Baltimore and Pitt...Seattle and Niners. Those are probably the most interesting matchups....
  20. My worst case scenario is that numerous elections are challenged on procedural grounds. Given the insanity of this year, it's all too possible those grounds do exist. So...not just the presidential race, but the *entire vote* from several states is rejected. Presidential, Senate, House, state offices...the whole bloody vote's tossed. So what happens THEN? The electoral votes are out the window. The House...who knows what it'd look like. It'd be a total Constitutional disaster. The encouraging aspect is, I don't see the Supreme Court overturning things THAT broadly because the disruption would be so major. But it's still a fear in the back of my brain.
  21. Not if there's no time needed to switch between them. Not if it's crafted into a multipower where you're getting OAF on all of em, and probably a Variable Limitation. So if each gets a -1 targeting, then every slot will be at -2, and the MP itself at -1 1/2. So let's stay it's 2d6 HKA, 1/2 END...37 active. The MP is 15, the slots are 12 so 1 each. PLUS, this feels like it makes the whole notion of OAF highly questionable...disarm one, he'll just grab another. If I had a VPP that was, let's say, Blasts only, 1/2 phase to switch, requires a skill roll to switch...would you be giving big limitations on the blasts I build for targeting, when it's so trivial to switch? Because what you'd be allowing me to do is a pool size of 20 (-1 targeting limit, -1/2 requires a skill roll) with a 50 point control size (+1/2 for half phase to switch, -1/2 for blasts only, -1/2 requires a skill roll as a common modifier, -1/2 for -1 Variable Limitations as a common modifier)...35 points for 10d6 Blast that maybe costs me a half phase every now and again. Plus I retain full flexibility to make it an AoE or an NND, whichever seems best against any given opponent. The context of how it fits into the ENTIRE powers set DOES matter.
  22. In the What the **** are they thinking department: https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/30225067/ontario-hockey-league-bans-bodychecking-prevent-spread-covid-19 That's like trying to play football without blocking or tackling. If it's THAT dangerous, DON'T PLAY AT ALL.
  23. It looks like today is going to be the day. 100,000 new cases. 3 hours to go; we're a bit under 90,000. Covid-19 is like the bad neighborhood kids who ring your doorbell, accept your candy...then TP your yard and smash your jack o'lantern.
  24. Look on the bright sides. --The neighbors were great. --There were only 10 of the idiots. I've had a fairly macabre, gruesome related 'thought'...if 1 person in 10,000,000 is a homicidal maniac who could go Mandalay Bay shooter at any time...then there's over 30 such people in the US right now. There will always be that fraction of a fraction of people who need to be sent through Karmic Recycling before they'll be able to even hear the whisper of a clue.
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