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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Speaking of Trump and poisoned pills... There's an article in the NYT today about Biden having climate change as a major issue. To achieve much, he's got to have China on board. And gee, just yesterday, Trump issues an order barring investment in companies believed to have too many ties to the Chinese military....
  2. Not outstanding. Extremely dangerous. Parler isn't just a few thousand people; the Wired article said their user base jumped from 4.5M to 8M...since the election. They'll be free to spout their line with no pushback whatsoever.. It creates its own positive feedback loop...but it won't be contained there. Non-members can see it too, and it'll get echoed on all the conservative media outlets...trumpeted loudly, we can expect, from past experience. And figure that groups like the Proud Boys and QAnon will have a field day there. In itself, that makes it a recruiting tool.
  3. Oh man, yes. That's a big reason why I don't do roasted chickens very often. I learned my tricks to minimize. LOTS of my dinners have everything baked at 275 for 25 minutes, in 1 or 2 pans. (The second pan is when it needs to be pre-heated...meats generally yes, veggies NO. The hot pan kinda auto-corrects the cooking time disparities.) The fact it's only 275 means nothing is sticking, so the cleanup is MUCH easier. Others will be the veggies in the oven, the meat pan-fried. If the meat pan's a bit of a mess, then add about 1/4" of water and put the pan into the oven as it pre-heats. Unless your saute was much too high, this'll loosen up anything still in the pan. (Alternately, let the pan cool, then add water and just heat it on the stove...it'll do the same thing.) You CAN crack a hot cast iron pan by trying to rinse/clean it out. I think that's been one of my biggest areas of improvement...figuring out ways to get good, EASY results.
  4. INTERESTING point on this from the TNF broadcast right now. Offensive holding and OPI calls are half what they were last year at the season midpoint. Mike Pereira said it's because the refs were instructed to only call the obvious ones.
  5. LOL. I could see it. But most of the problems are civil, and AFAIK the pardon mechanism only relates to criminal convictions.
  6. Reference? I saw "show support for" but Google isn't showing anything beyond Tuesday, which was when that was reported. Hope you're right but I'm thinking you may have overstated the point a touch.... Yeahhhh.....but...it's great for those who were able to break free, I just don't know how many, as a percentage of their followers, will manage it on their own. It's HARD to do. But good for him/them! (EDIT: I'm just saying don't expect a big broad shift out of this...but hey, a lot of personal scale wins is to be celebrated.) EDIT 2: Ugh. Fine, maybe we can shrink the monstrous boil that is QAnon, but...I'm sure most of us have heard that FB and Twitter have been calling out fake news, disinformation, etc. in various ways. Well...do a quick search on "parler app" and read the stories. Here's one: https://www.wired.com/story/parler-app-free-speech-influencers/ Unification requires some degree of communication.....
  7. Fed chairman on the economy down the road... https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/12/economy/economy-after-covid-powell/index.html
  8. Op piece today about how Trump's anti-protest attacks on sports and athletes fell apart, in the NYT. There's one paragraph that sums things up very nicely: Another op piece today equating Trump's post-election antics to the writer's 3 year old son's tantrums. Cute story but old hat here...
  9. This time of year, you can find fresh, sliced turkey breast fairly easily. I think it's actually available year-round but should be more common now. Alternately...Jennie-O has turkey breast tenderloins, generally 2 to a pack, 12 oz each. There's an unseasoned, an "applewood smoked" and a "savory roast". They're basically brined with seasonings. The salt content is a bit high from that, but still manageable, and it's such that I don't need to add any. I do toss on more spices; the applewood smoke flavor is a good start but it can use more. Otherwise, it's extremely lean, with no wastage at all. I often get it when it's on sale, which is...decently often. I can find it for $5 or $6...DIRT cheap, especially these days. But the usual price of $9 or so...for 1 1/2 pounds of extremely lean, that's quite reasonable, especially these days when beef prices are notably higher than last year. The tenderloins are relatively flat, too, so they cook quite smoothly.
  10. Threat assessment isn't logical, as a rule, and the impact of an event is much broader than the direct impact. You also have to consider the cumulative effects of both clearly terrorist attacks (OKC, 9/11, Boston Marathon, PULSE) and the shootings that don't seem to have an ideological basis...Mandalay Bay, school shootings, etc. NOW, also, combine that the potential perps are openly racist, so their targets form a much restricted subset. And that some of their targets fear that the local authorities will be...less than enthusiastic...about preventing something. Throw in that not quashing their threats, empowers others towards discrimination, so there's a kind of "hate force" multiplier effect. And those targeted won't stand quietly and take it...and the demonstrations this summer were believed to be a big factor with Trump voters.
  11. But there's an implicit contradiction. He is taking on that particular visual aspect for something, so he's taking some effort. Why? That doesn't jibe with no effort whatsoever to fool anyone. I mean, this could be just a Joker-esque villain, where the motivation might just be to mock or taunt the person whose face he's taking. Then it's not a disguise at all, for sure. But there are other constructions where, yes, it's meant to achieve *something*...but not to last. Besides, I never answer just one question when I can provide an approach for the general class of questions.
  12. Consider yourself fortunate. I was born in the late 50s...which means, as a kid, I was still stuck with the 'cooking' trends of the 50s. Frozen veggies...never fresh. Iceberg lettuce. "Casserole" implied canned cream of mushroom soup. French fried onions. Crushed potato chip toppings. The green bean casserole was bad...but far, far worse...tuna casserole. It took a long time before I could overcome that early disadvantage. And to start figuring out what I need in the way of pans, etc. to do the job. And let us never forget Alton Brown for the basics, and Emeril Live for inspiration...even if doing half the stuff was impractical down here. But it was fun to watch. I think I roasted a turkey once...a heritage bird that was about 8 pounds. Even that created rather a LOT of leftovers. Roasted chickens more often. I know I stuffed a few...but, IIRC, not with the greatest success. Did stovetop a few times, which was...ok, but ehhh. Eventually I switched to potatoes...canned new potatoes for quite a while, then new potatoes or fingerlings. Roasted in the pan with the bird, to soak up the juices. OR, just diced, tossed with olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic powder, and chopped fresh rosemary and thyme. Yummm. Or a rosti...bake the potato(es) in advance, let cool, grate, then proceed as before. Can also add bacon and mushrooms. Double yummm. (Simply Potatoes Hash Browns also served as a great, *easy* base for this.) So what were your Thanksgiving pies? We had pumpkin every year for sure, and IIRC apple most years.
  13. Is he recognizably not the person in question by sight alone? What's the villain's goal in assuming the appearance? How long does he expect it to last? Even if it's just getting past a single layer of security before he's called out...that's still an advantage. By the same token, you can also call this a situation of not needing a roll...it all depends on what the purpose is.
  14. Oof. La Canfora's not a screamer, either... https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-insider-notes-colts-should-bench-philip-rivers-before-its-too-late-texans-future-not-hopeless-and-more/ Their team QB rating is in the bottom third...and the teams below them are the Jets, Pats, Broncos, Eagles, Giants, WFT, Cowboys, and Bears. NBC Sports has him at 18th but with the comment that he's a rhythm QB and when things go south, they go WAY south. And again, the QBs ranked lower are Lock, Newton, Wentz, Foles, Minshew, Darnold, and Dalton, among others.
  15. One can hope...because this is also the path to, say, the Provisional Wing of the IRA. And it doesn't take a large-scale organization to plant bombs to do a LOT of damage. EDIT: I don't think the KKK ever had particularly large numbers either.
  16. Probably not. William Randolph Hearst wasn't exactly interested in fairness either. Then again, IIRC the Aussies are getting fed up with hiim too, so.....could be....
  17. This is actually old news now, but geeze. PURE character assassination by innuendo once they find they have absolutely nothing. Hey!!! I'm brilliant!!!! I just realized...the Fox News talking heads are all limbo dancers!!!! Yes!!! Each is always trying to go lower than the others!!! And with that, I must bid you all a good evening...
  18. Q: What's the difference right now between Cam Newton and Tom Brady? A: Newton's dealing with a sore neck; Brady's dealing with a pain in the neck. It's not clear which will disappear first....
  19. Well, just remember, you can fool some of the people all of the time.
  20. Oh, I see 1 or 2 OPI calls. A year. GOAT debates that span non-comparable eras are almost pointless. Who was the better 3 point shooter...Steph or Reggie? Motion rules are different; Steph has a somewhat easier time getting open. With QBs, everything is different. The QB position is FAR more the centerpiece, to be sure. The passing game has become the focus because, as Cancer points out, the rules changed to help the offense FAR more than the defense. No more bump and run. DPI is called, I think, more tightly. QBs are far more protected. Intentional grounding is now rare. I think you're also forgetting QBs like Starr, Jurgensen, Van Brocklin, etc. etc. These are the HOF QBs whose careers ended before 1985: George Blanda (Also PK) 1949-1958, 1960-1975 Terry Bradshaw 1970-1983 Len Dawson 1957-1975 Otto Graham 1946-1955 Bob Griese 1967-1980 Sonny Jurgensen 1957-1974 Bobby Layne 1948-1962 Joe Namath 1965-1977 Ken Stabler 1970-1984 Bart Starr 1956-1971 Roger Staubach 1969-1979 Fran Tarkenton 1961-1978 Y.A. Tittle 1948-1964 Johnny Unitas 1956-1973 Norm Van Brocklin 1949-1960 Bob Waterfield 1945-1952 And Dan Fouts isn't even on the list because he retired in 1987. If you threw most of these guys with the training of their day, into a game against a current defense and with the current rules? Yeah, I'll buy they would struggle. But that's a ridiculous comparison. Give them the time to adjust, and it's very likely a completely different story. Tarkenton? Russell Wilson. Fouts? Drew Brees. Plus, with the modern QBs, how would they fare having to play against the classic, CRUSHING defenses of the past, with all the rules that favored defenses, and battered around the QBs, if all they'd ever faced was the modern rules and defenses?
  21. Fine, but no one's made that statement in this thread for some time. Your post read to me as a response to such a post. I'm pretty sure no one who's posted in the last week has the slightest misconception about the seriousness.
  22. Which is a byproduct of the death/sickness rates, and infection rate. They're intertwined. But, I'm not sure what brought this on right now? I don't recall a recent post that would seem to lead to this...? Just curious, mind....
  23. The NBA situation is *massively* different. First: there's only, IIRC, 15 roster spots. So 450 players. With 300+ teams playing DIv I. If you reach around the top 9 on a team, you're probably set to have a roster spot for 7-9 years. You might get traded, sure, but that roster spot's still basically gone. So, for most teams, there's maybe 2 spots open with the big club; otherwise it's 10 day contracts and G League, as you mentioned. Baseball has 25 spots...but (well used to have) a robust minor league structure, and baseball draft picks have HUGE fail rates. So there's more slots and higher turnovers. Football has a huge rosters, and player longevity is something like 3 years on average. So turnover is huge. So from that standpoint alone...still having all nine is freakish. BUT...an alternate explanation is, the Jets have been terrible at player development. They're still there because *no one else really wants them.* That said...no way the 2000 draft has 9 players left. I doubt there are 9 players in the entire league from the 2000 draft. They did have 9 picks in 2020, but one appears to be not on the roster, and another is on IR. 6 picks only in '19 and '18. 9 picks in '17, but 3 of them have 4, 4, and 2 games played. I think a fair number of players in those later rounds do eventually make teams; the numbers game suggests that. Yeah, by and large, you're looking at practice squad quite a bit for a few years; that's just the way it is. Mind: if you can make it for the full 17 weeks, you won't be hurting. $8400 a week.
  24. I do not believe so. His last shows were taped just before Halloween, IIRC...I'm thinking they might not tape during the week of election day because it might be a bit of a mess. Anyway, they usually taped 5 shows in a row, on the same day; it was mentioned they didn't. 3 that day, the last 2 the next day. Seems like he wasn't doing well. But nothing else was said, that I can recall. Maybe a hint before the taping on that first day, but nothing after that. For those who don't know but care to know: the last taped episode will be aired Christmas Day. And as of right now, no, his replacement has not been picked.
  25. I'm used to doing solo dinner; it's been that way for 40 years. (Which is sad in its own way, but it is what it is, and I made my choices and decisions a long time ago.) I'll probably do the same dish I did last year...a chicken roulade. Ohhh fancy word.... It just means rolled. Take a mallet and work out your anger and frustration on some poor, innocent hunk of chicken breast. Whip up a filling...MOST likely, it'll be bacon, onions, and mushrooms, because that doubles as a great addition to the morning eggs. Bell pepper or poblano pepper (dark green, great earthy flavor, low heat) are possible too. It sounds hard, but it's not. I've been doing the filling in the oven...takes about an hour and a half but one only need stir it a bit every 15 minutes or so, and otherwise it's easy knife work. (Plus I'm lazy, I'll just use pre-sliced fresh shrooms.) That can be done several days in advance and kept in the fridge...as I say, I use it to make a frittata fairly regularly. Pounding the chicken flat takes some practice, actually, and a *flat* faced tool. And a heavy cutting board. But it doesn't take terribly long. Do that 1 or 2 days in advance; sprinkle on the tasty filling and some shredded cheese; roll it up, and wrap *tightly* with plastic wrap. I don't tie mine, but I rarely have kitchen twine. It'd help. Toothpicks are OK after you unwrap it; when cold, it's sticky enough. It'll tend to unravel during cooking. What I won't do is a bottle of wine. Did that Saturday night...first in a while. Wow, I can't drink any more. Screws up my sleep...screwed up sleep means I felt wasted all day Sunday. I might see about a Saison Dupont...Belgian farmhouse ale, IMO *the* beer with roasted chicken. Or perhaps simply some Sierra Nevada Celebration.
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