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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. The league has to be getting really worried. --Denver has no QBs who can play tomorrow; all 3 are on the Covid list for testing or contacts. If no one gets cleared tomorrow, you would think the game can't be played, at least Sunday. --AND, the league has directed all facilities to be closed Monday and Tuesday; the plan is to try to catch any cases picked up from Thanksgiving activities. Games don't count.
  2. I would also believe HD *is* being blocked by the Mac. I'm not a Mac wizard, but that's what it's sounding like. I presume you can use Finder to open the documents folder and see the file? And, have you checked that you see the full file name, and the Mac didn't impose itself and slap on its own extension somehow? AND last, in HD, you're making sure you're opening up the SAME document folder? Cuz in Windows, there's you, and there's also the All Users user. HD will ONLY show files with the hdc extension, so it won't show up in Applications or Downloads. And yeah, the trace log won't show anything wrong because not finding an HD file type is perfectly normal. Make a folder for YOURSELF. NOT ANY KIND OF SYSTEM FOLDER AT ALL. Make it from Finder. Then you're the owner, and that might matter. Play in THAT folder...make some documents and spreadsheets, and verify other files can read/write in that folder. NOW make up a character in HD and save it into that folder. Shut down WITHOUT CLOSING the file. Restart; it should reload. I'm fishing for issues related to who has ownership of the file, as that can bite you. (Variations on this have happened more and more as Windows' file security has gotten more anal, and It's possible it's the same here.)
  3. Yep. UAA is for powers that apply normally only to yourself.
  4. Not surprisingly, after getting taken behind the woodshed by another just mediocre team overall...at home, on a featured national broadcast no less...the Lions fired both HC and GM. FiveThirtyEight rates them as 5th worst team in the NFL, virtually tied with the Cowboys, with the Jags a bit behind, then the chasm before finally sinking all the way down to the Jets and Bengals. In that order; the Bengals are rated lower because Burrow is out. (Indicative: the Giants are -6 against them today. The *Giants*.) Looks like Dan Quinn is probably the most likely next coach to be fired before the end of the year, if anyone does. You could say Gase but if they haven't canned him before this, you have to think they won't do it during the season.
  5. Some would say apocalyptic, I'd say delightful. 10 point lead mid-4th, GO LIONS!!!! Interesting, LONG story on ESPN.com about how the Florida State football program has managed to pull a full-power nosedive straight into the ground. Worth the read for the look inside Big Time College Football more generally. https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/30331494/deep-deep-hole-6-year-unraveling-florida-state-football EDIT: 27-17 final. I'd give you a high five, Pariah, but...you know, social distancing and all that.... The pressure to ditch Harbaugh has to be getting really serious. The Minnesota win has lost all luster; losing to MSU is losing to your in-state rival; this loss is just embarassing; and getting taken to the woodshed by Wisconsin.
  6. Not bad...but I kinda wish you hadn't mentioned that, cuz it made me count...... 11........ Yeah. Just a little lack of control. With one more on the wish list, but the Citizen Caliber 0100's need to drop *a lot* to become reasonable.
  7. Big puppy there at 44 mm. If you've never had a solar watch, note that it may take a while to charge up enough to start running if it isn't right now. I did a "**** it, why not" watch buy late last night: https://www.hamiltonwatch.com/en-us/h69449861-khaki-field.html Don't need it; got plenty of watches, even have a field watch from a Kickstarter project that'll probably arrive in the next few weeks.
  8. Art is subjective, but those panels are *awful*. If you buy the reasoning about DC's imminent collapse, then this 'effort' by Marvel fits into that narrative too. Disney doesn't need new comics, just as AT&T doesn't. They can simply farm the storylines they own. And both are drowning in assumed debt...*especially* Disney when the theme parks are closed. So they may well just let the comics go down for the third time, and not care.
  9. This is an interesting article on the roots of all of this. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/26/opinion/republican-disinformation.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage Fundamentally, it's the cultural *and economic* schism between rural and urban America. There are secondary aspects, too; there was an article that the stock market gains have skipped over millenials...because they're still buying down debt, or saving for family, or what-have-you. So one can argue it's connected to the growing wealth disparities, and the perception that the mainstream media is tied to the privileged classes.
  10. Thought about several things, but...nahhh...I don't need em, even tho I'm going to use Amazon points.... BUT hey...I don't have a pressure cooker and I've kinda wanted one for a while. And it's still Black Friday. And the model I'd noted...yeah, it's on sale. OK, stop twisting my arm.........
  11. 3rd time's the charm? Ravens-Steelers NOW scheduled for Tuesday night. Which means Ravens-Cowboys gets dumped out of TNF to late Monday afternoon kick (5 ET). Lamar Jackson's clearly out against the Steelers; I think it's close if he might make it back for Dallas. But with, what, 8 starters out, the game against the Steelers is almost a lost cause...and if they can't get the starters back, the game against the Cowboys becomes something of a toss-up.
  12. Maybe not technically criminal, but it got them fired, which certainly is a punishment. https://www.espn.com/soccer/argentina-arg/story/4247006/maradona-funeral-workers-fired-for-taking-photos-with-open-coffin
  13. Well, specifically, their "Trending!" indicators are: https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-twitter-false-trends-section-230-national-security-conservative-discrimination-1550687 But it's delicious that he rants about the very vehicles he's used so heavily.
  14. So Lamar Jackson is out for the Ravens, which means 8 starters are out due to Covid. Their practice facility is closed until Monday as a result, according to Adam Schefter, and that of course would seem to mean the game can't be played. No statement so far. Whatever the league does, seems to be a mess. Play? Ravens will be massively undermanned and poorly prepared. My gut expects the league to say postponed, MAY be played in week 18 , but that's TBD. If there are several such games, then maybe they mess around with the week 18 games. If not, then perhaps the game's just declared a no-contest. THAT, tho, raises the specter that the game result might be very significant for making the playoffs. And if the Steelers have the #1 seed, and the Ravens are out, then the game can be cancelled with no real repercussions.
  15. Ah, but you see, I have the solution to save everything!! One look at my Mecha-Baster and they shall see the true nature of their futures and FLEE!!!!!
  16. So I saw the score in Turkey Bowl round 2...looked at the box. What...? Did they...??? Good googly moogly. Is McCarthy TRYING to get fired? 4th and 10 fake punt inside your OWN 25? With 13 minutes left and only down 4????? THEN run it as a freaking end around, putting the WR WAY in the backfield and giving the defense TONS of time to react. I'll concede win probability has issues, but still, it's useful in a broad sense. Figure that the 4th and 10...punting the ball back wouldn't change the win probability. Faking the punt and succeeding has to work BIG...like, midfield, probably...to seriously raise the winning chance. Not making it immediately dropped their win chance QUITE a bit...and obviously the touchdown (way, way too likely) pretty much ended it. TERRIBLE choice, worse execution. https://thespun.com/nfl/nfc-east/dallas-cowboys/look-jerry-jones-reaction-thanksgiving-loss Among MANY others.
  17. I'd also suggest a simpler test...well, somewhat simpler. First, create a Hero Characters folder somewhere NOT on the Desktop. Your user home folder, Documents, whatever. Open HD, create a new character. Don't care what. Fill in a few values, give it a name, Save Character to your Hero Characters folder. Now close the character and use Open Character...NOT the Recent Character short cut. If that works, it's still permissions...and on a Mac, it wouldn't surprise me the Desktop folder has its own special permissions anyway. (Try saving to the C drive root in Windows. Trivial 15 years ago or so, but I think 7 blocked that very hard, as a security measure.) HD just uses a very bog-stock class for saving/loading files; underneath that, Java's going to use straight calls to the file system. There's nothing custom here. It DOES use the system's security settings in the process, tho...so MacOS is saying "no, you can't, I won't let you read that folder" or if it's saying there's no files here" then you'll get what you see...nothing. This isn't a place where you want to force things to behave the way you want... Easiest is to just keep your personal files in "personal space" and not on the Desktop, which is at least partially in OS Space.
  18. The sub-head to the article is: I agree with the irony; if the conspiracy theorists boycott and that causes the Republicans to lose control of the Senate, then the boycotters sliced off their nose to spite their face. BIG time. (BUT, giving the Democrats control now might be the best way to take back BOTH chambers in 2022, as a stepping-stone to the WH in 2024. Let the Dems take ALL the heat for the tough times that will be with us. It might be betting on failure, on the hope that things DO go south, and the further the better, but I absolutely don't put that past Trump.) But I'm more worried that this is the kind of movement that feels, to me, like it can *easily* go violent. They want to oust the Republican secretary of state, they're willing to sacrifice 2 Senators AND control of the Senate...and this all came about in a couple of weeks. There's probably little to connect the Georgia people with the Michigan terrorists who threatened their governor, at least directly, but ideologically? They feel strongly connected. IMO, we are absolutely at risk for seeing the start of American home-grown terrorists.
  19. A side thought here. Move By is a freebie. Any moron can do it. That's also why it's statted out as it is...it's an improvised maneuver. If you plan to use it once every 4 gaming sessions, well, is it worth sticking points into? Probably not. If you plan to use it quite a bit, then...you train in it. Boom...Passing Strike. And you continue to train...Rapid Attack, Defensive Attack. So, someone who's self-trained might practice the Move By...but if he focuses on "man every time I do this, I feel like I'm gonna break my arm"...so he goes the Damage Negation route, or just buys the basic PD. If no one's training him...watching him, criticizing form, correcting sloppy and inattentive patterns...it can work. And by trainer, I don't mean a dojo. The 3 Passing maneuvers are very much a maneuver tree of their own, highly dependent on superpowers. They're probably not worth learning if v/10 means +1d6. It doesn't have to be about gis and tatami mats and HAI! It can be just you and your coach running drill after drill after drill, just like any athlete.
  20. Can't do Haymaker, no; but you can't do Haymaker in a multiple attack, either. You can do multiple Passing Strikes and use the DCs with that, or with Passing Disarm. So which do you envision doing more, deal with minions or the tough master villain? You can also go hybrid. Don't buy a ton of extra DCs; they do get to be somewhat expensive, because part of their costing is that they apply to many maneuvers. If you're not buying a lot of maneuvers...say, just Passing Strike and Flying Dodge...the DCs are potentially sub-optimal. For that multipower? HA can work too; the disadvantage is it can be tricky to really benefit from the HA limitation because you have to base it on active costs and common limitations. The HA limitation often doesn't fit in readily. OK, so maybe just buy a few DCs to keep the size of the HA down...or maybe just to avoid buying Reduced END on the HA. 3 MA DCs + 3 HA DCs is 6 dice at 1 END for 24 points. 6 HA DCs is 24 but it's 3 END, and that's before movement and STR. If you want it at 1 END, it's another 6. You need to separate some things out, as they are logically distinct. Buying certain maneuvers is not going all-in with martial arts. Passing Strike is replacing Move By. Move By is free. Passing Strike is 5 points. Move By is -2 / -2, and STR/2 + v/10, and you take 1/3 damage. Passing Strike is +1 / +0, STR + v/10. So if you're talking a 20 STR, Move By costs *5* CV and 2 DCs, AND you take some damage. The only downside to Passing Strike is, you must find 5 more points in maneuvers. Well, ok...Rapid Punch to replace Haymaker. Both add 4 dice. We all know Haymaker's limitations; it's a Brick Trick. Rapid Punch can't be used with Passing Strike....but it can be used in a multiple attack. CAREFULLY curated, too, your maneuvers can become a form of Multipower...with ultra slots no less. Make the 2nd maneuver Passing Disarm. You *can* mix Passing Strike and Passing Disarm; doing so might get to be tricky from OCV penalties, tho. That's one side. The other side is, how do you want to raise your damage output, and whatever other speedster tricks? That's when you start looking at a multipower versus more maneuvers and more MA DCs. A third side here: the entire notion of using Multiple Attack a lot is itself potentially expensive. You desperately need Rapid Attach (HTH); that's 5 points. You probably still need OCV levels...and definitely plural. If you can get them as 2 point levels, ok, that's not too bad, but it's very narrow. Last, you probably really want Defensive Attach (HTH) from APG or your DCV goes straight down the tubes. So committing to Multiple Attack as an expected combat tactic can easily require 20+ points.
  21. I'd worry less about that and worry more about how local culture will impact the prioritization. I mean, can you imagine Alabama officials NOT making sure the Crimson Tide football team is in the first wave to get the vaccine?
  22. I'd still look at Passing Strike; it's designed for speedsters. You need 10 points in maneuvers...Passing Strike, Passing Disarm. Those are the 2 absolute classic stunts, IMO. The Hypercombat martial arts template has Flying Dodge, Grab, Throw; Passing Disarm, Strike, Throw; and Rapid Punch. It's a nice way to go. Don't think of them as "martial artist" moves, they're speedster moves. You make him a martial artist if you start adding martial arts DCs to these, but all of these maneuvers, in and of themselves, are completely thematic.
  23. Chris, what's the power you're playing with? I just looked, on a TK specialist I'm kinda playing with. TK has UBO as by others, simultaneously, and nearby...but not as attack because it's fundamentally an attack-capable power. Conversely, Teleport has all 4 forms.
  24. Steelers were going to have fans at the game; a ban kicks in *Friday* on outdoor gatherings. Yeah, well, I call it karma. Ravens will have 7 players out. The offense isn't clicking that well to begin with, so...this is not encouraging for their chances. EDIT: oh, and I find it entirely apropos that NBC replaced the game tomorrow night with a dog show.
  25. To a degree that's true, but Alberta has about 60,000 total cases out of 4 million people...about 1.5%. Georgia has a bit over 450,000 cases out of 10.6 million...about 4.5%. Arizona is a bit better; they're closer to 4%. Utah is worse at close to 6%. It's also true tho, that from the sound of things, they're not doing enough to check this spike...and apparently their health system's running near capacity. That argues for strong measures so it doesn't explode, and the stories I'm reading say they didn't go far enough.
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