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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. It is possible that charges against the instigators may well be escalated because now a death has occurred. I'm not a lawyer, tho. And if the charge is sedition, well, it doesn't get a lot more serious than that. I just don't think a treason charge could hold up, *except* arguably against Trump himself.
  2. There is an answer. Call up the National Guard and have them at least moving, THEN make the declaration. Get a response coordinated and active first, instead of how things transpired earlier. Expect the worst. However, you do voice a legitimate issue. Overall tho? I think he can do more damage in the next 2 weeks if he's not removed, so I would prefer to see him out of office. Oh, and on a side note: inform every governor before you make the decision public. Because it won't be just DC. So, perhaps. make the declaration tomorrow.
  3. Ouch. Hadn't heard that. And now Trump is tweeting "this is what happens when an election is stolen." He's throwing gasoline onto the fire of his own impeachment. AND maybe an Article 25; honestly, I think even that's on the table, and removal through that mechanism might be a heckuva lot faster than impeachment. I won't say it's likely but I think it's possible. ABC reports Bush just called Trump out. EDIT: as the active event appears to be ending, I want to say...right now, I am torn between a sigh of relief that it's over, and tears that it ever happened.
  4. NOTE: Capitol Sergeant At Arms is declaring the Capitol Building is secure. Yay!!! Also: FB *took down* the President's video because it started with the false claims, and they say, on balance, they feel it's more likely to incite violence. The downside is, of course, the alt-right is going to seize on this as more censorship and blatant partisanship. NOT to defend the fraud accusations, or blow my own horn, but... I believe I pointed out earlier this year, that this was likely, as the pandemic was going to require or accelerate changes to voting procedures. And as such, there would be at least the *appearance* of grounds on which to challenge everything. I also think that any attempt to impose mask restrictions, or restrict personal and business activity, are conflating that with the election fraud claims. They want ANY restrictions totally gone as Unholy Infringements!!! and those who support that are clearly on The Side of the Righteous, and anything said by the Righteous Who Defend Their Freedoms!! is good with them.
  5. At least 2 Congressmen are working on drafting new articles of impeachment. My thought is, yes, I think it's necessary, but I am concerned that it will be a distraction in attempting to address other problems.
  6. The protest has accomplished one thing: I doubt the election will be certified tonight. If the police want to spend the night checking the building? Fine with me. Big building. 2 bombs found already by reports. It might be declared safe within a few hours, which could leave time. If so, AND if all the objections and anticipated objections are withdrawn or never entered, then it's possible. Just heard ABC talked to one of the senators planning to object, on the question of continuing...he said he was undecided. EDIT: some of the protesters...and some of the Congressmen have characterized that there are protesters and inciters...and the protesters are trying to get back in, saying they have a right to be there. Guess what, right now? You don't. Also, some of you might've missed that the DC mayor announced a 6 PM to 6 AM curfew.
  7. There is absolutely no way in **** that I would hold a public inauguration ceremony in 2 weeks. EDIT: CNN reports at least 2 explosive devices have been rendered safe.
  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG The bastard talks out of both sides of his mouth!!!!! And it's still freaking TWITTER!!! He calls on them to go home but absolutely asserts the whole thing was stolen. UPDATE: NY Times projects Ossoff to win!!!!!! Edit: so does Fox now. And the margin is growing so it *may not* go to a recount.
  9. Technically I believe it is sedition. But we are disagreeing only about the term. Biden is now calling out Trump VERY, VERY harshly. I think he's got no choice but to do it now; this has gone on for, what, 90 minutes or so now. My concern was that, him calling out Trump to come on national TV to tell them to go home (not quite a quote but what Biden called for...national TV, not a stupid lame tweet) may have the opposite effect. I feel now that...well, OK, the objections to accepting the vote were bad enough before. After this, if any Congressman continues to object once these anarchists are tossed out and the process starts back up, then they should be considered as accepting of the actions of the rioters. I would completely agree that every single one of them be subject to a recall action, if their state laws support it. EDIT: 2:17 Mountain, 4:17 Eastern. Fox News is reporting there is a taped message from the White House. It is expected to be released in the next 10 minutes.
  10. US criminal code chapter 115: §2383. Rebellion or insurrection Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. §2384. Seditious conspiracy If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
  11. Ivanka and Donald Jr are tweeting pretty strongly against this. But the core point is, ONLY Trump's words will stop these. That seems completely clear.
  12. I'm listening to Fox News for that reason. NONE of them are doing anything but condemning this. They're also reporting a serious counterswell calling on Trump to do more than just Tweet. They're calling on him to tell them to Go Home. Trump's chief of staff is telling him to do more. From the sound of things, Trump has all but cut his own throat politically, if he doesn't call on this insurrection to STOP, very soon. A scary thought is, Trump might be hoping it gets worse so he can declare martial law. EDIT: Chris Jenkins was in the mob outside the Capitol. Masks hide expressions a great deal, but man, he looks scared to me. And those are the more peaceful protesters.
  13. Fox News is talking to various Republicans. Caught 2 so far; right now it's the Senate Minority Leader. He is not holding back at all..."it's un-American, it's unacceptable." He also confirmed "shots fired." About 10-15 minutes ago. (It's 3:08 Eastern as I type.) It was overheard by him on the Capitol Police radio. It's not that simple to me. It's not just the race card here. EDIT: a FOX NEWS correspondent flat out said, "we have mob rule upending democracy here today." EDIT2: another one just said "this is the brink of anarchy."
  14. If they're *inside* the Capitol, and the report is, there's more protesters by far than cops inside, the police have to get sufficiently reinforced first.
  15. Apparently shots have been fired inside the Capitol. And it was pointed out that the entire complex will have to be searched once the protesters are cleared out...a freaking BOMB SWEEP. There is no doubt it has to be done; it's simply mind-boggling that it's possible. A point about the comparison with the BLM...why is it that the Capitol Police were not more prepared for this?
  16. IMO there is now no doubt that Donald Trump is committing crimes by encouraging the protesters who are absolutely trespassing on Federal property. Direct, serious crimes. I was ambivalent about impeaching him before; not now.
  17. Not bad... But we know who the top campaigner for Ossuff was. And be concerned that the margins are so narrow...despite all the BS that should've alienated more people, and the incumbents both saying they'd side with Trump. Even if Ossuff wins and the Republicans lose the Senate...for how long? As vile as Trump has been, this election season should never have been close. The conditions that led to it being so close, aren't going to vanish.
  18. And it's started. The count in Arizona is being disputed. I feel considerable sympathy for the Republicans who are going to help squish this move. It's going to be a long, miserable day in Congress.
  19. Looks like the second one won't be declared for a couple of days. It looks pretty good...with relatively few ballots left, Ossuff's margin *looks* to be enough...but it's also close enough that a full recount is sensible. (Unlike Warnock; Loeffler got *smacked down*. Which makes me quite happy.) EDIT: happy but tempered...I see no reasonable chance that the election results won't be certified, but serious violence seems much, much too likely. DC might be getting the focus but you have to be concerned there will be armed pro-Trump mobs elsewhere too.
  20. Larry Zimmer also had a face made for radio. I'm not sure he could get a TV gig if he was just starting out today. Early prediction for the weekend...take the Steelers to cover, and cover, and cover. If you can get odds on Steelers -13, I'd consider it. No Stefanski, some players out, Steelers are gonna be out to slap them down. Beating them last week did the Browns NO favors, and now all of this? Good chance this could be over before the 4th quarter.
  21. It's good to let it out, it's the first step towards recovery.... (Well, OK, Miller was less annoying that, say, Booger. Only because he said less, at least as best I can recall.) I grew up spoiled beyond belief...60s Los Angeles, then 70s and 80s Denver. LA: Dick Enberg (Rams), Chick Hearn (Lakers), the GOAT Vin Scully (Dodgers). Denver: Bob Martin and Larry Zimmer did Bronco radio. If you weren't in the area, you might never have heard them, but people consistently turned off the TV sound for the radio calls. We always did. Martin is in the Colorado Sports Hall of Fame. Zimmer was (I think he's retired) a total fixture for decades on Bronco and Buff broadcasts. The biggest problem, IMO, with the announcers today is that they grew up in TV, not radio. In radio you have to tell the story. That forces you to sharpen your game reading, and your narrative skill. With the analysts, half the problem is they've gone 100% to ex-coaches or ex-athletes, and they often lack the delivery. And yeah, I don't pay close attention either...but for me that's easier to do by sound. Maybe I was radio-trained, but that's what works better for me. All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio blah blah Radio, what's new? Radio, someone still loves you
  22. Yeahhhh...I can see that. KaPOWWWww..... Just proves football players are insane. Hit like that makes my toenails ache.... And on the flip side, the defense has to deal with the nasty cut blocks. At least the NFL's ditched the high-low double team blocks...
  23. I think there's no more than a wafer-thin chance that Trump's still in office come the 21st. That said, it's NOT zero chance, which is disturbing as heck. I do think he's going to continue the farce all the way to the end...well, ok, for the next 6 months, but as soon as Biden takes the oath of office, there will be no real recourse for Trump. That said, Trump can, and very likely will, continue to do damage, on multiple levels. Biden may well not achieve much of anything...partly because of overall gridlock (especially if the Republicans retain the Senate) but also because he'll have to work hard just to undo the damage Trump's done. And the social damage can't be undone quickly; I'm pessimistic saying I don't think it can be undone *at all* but at the very least, repairing the cultural chasm is going to take many years.
  24. So our city mayor and council decided that, to help prevent the spread of Covid-19, they'll have 2 disposable masks sent to everyone who gets a utility bill. 2. This was posted on Nextdoor, the community news app. Some people said, well, good, some people have a hard time affording them. Most were going, at this point it's pointless. THEN an anti-masker kicked in that we're all being conned...citing a congressman who, it turns out, signed onto the amicus brief. Citing an epidemiologist whose credentials are partially fake. Citing censorship when said person's claims, denied by the agency he was asserting chairmanship of, were pulled from YT and FB. Citing "statistics" that 70% of those who became infected wore masks 100% of the time so they obviously don't work. Oh, and clinched it in the end with a rant about the disaster that will result after the Dems take over after the fraudulent election. The whole alt-right drivel. I think that little exchange of posts probably led to a very weird dream that woke me up way too early this morning. But worse, it just drove home again just how deep and how basic the divide is, and the massive damage that's occurred, and will almost certainly continue IMO. This path leads nowhere good.
  25. Those passages are being taken out of context. The first 5 minutes of his rant before this...and the opening parts Pakman excerpted seem to be from the first 10 minutes...he lays out wild, WILD claims and assertions about multiple hundreds of thousands of votes that were lost, miscounted, multiply counted for Trump, etc. etc. etc. It is an easy argument to say, look, there's all these mistakes and all I need is 11,000 votes. And I'm completely against Trump, but Pakman's interpretation is questionable. My take is that Trump completely, utterly, unshakably believes he won the election...that it's impossible he lost. TAKE THAT AT FACE VALUE FOR TRUMP. The analysis of Trump's motive must start from that premise. It is an unquestionable Truth. He cannot be moved from it. For him it is Holy Writ. Does that make it true? Of course not. But it is, I think, sufficient to explain the entire 30 minutes I heard. Was he threatening the secretary of state, or trying to warn him because he Knows He Will Be Proven Right in the End. Mind, my interpretation suggests immediate removal from office on competency grounds, so it's not exactly an excuse or vindication. But, as utterly disturbing as it is, you have to start by digging into the Trump mindset. Pakman can't. That's not a criticism; arguably it's a compliment. It's allllll too easy to see Trump through blood-red glasses. I will buy that the "there are gonna be reprisals" could be construed as incitement. I think it's harder to call it a direct threat...or would be, if Trump had decent legal counsel. From what we've seen of his legal team, they'd manage to expose more facts and aggravating factors to turn a misdemeanor charge into a mid-level felony when all is said and done. I will also ABSOLUTELY accept that the call was dead wrong from the get-go, and prima facie intimidation.
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