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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Very interesting thoughts at halftime, based on the potential game-changer turnover when the Browns' receiver got hit at the 1, and the ball slid out the side of the end zone. --Esiason: the DB led with his helmet, into the receiver's shoulder...but leading with the helmet is a flag. But *that aspect* was not reviewable. I hate that. Whether or not the hit should be legal is a separate point, but it should be reviewable. Nothing new here, tho; the NFL's replay rules have been abysmal from the start. --Cowher: you have to move the ball to the 20, yes, because a scrimmage play can't start in the end zone. BUT, Cleveland should've kept the ball. The Chiefs did nothing to earn the ball, and it would effectlvely amount to a 19 yard penalty...quite significant.
  2. Pretty much. Wind was wreaking havoc. Ravens were proving the adage that it's hard to execute 12-15 play drives; quite a few good running plays, but then the Bills would create a negative play from which Lamar et al couldn't recover. And the red zone pick 6 put the game well out of reach, even if there was a ton of time left. But this is pretty cool: https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/bills-fans-donate-to-lamar-jacksons-favorite-charity-following-ravens-quarterbacks-in-game-concussion/
  3. Oh, for sure. A segment absolutely should be facing seditious conspiracy; I would think anyone who was actively involved in the breach of the building, or to the chambers. I'm kinda spitballing so this won't be comprehensive. Anyone threatening a Capitol Police officer while assisting the advance through the Capitol could count. I would also say that the felony murder charges could apply to any of them as well, whether seditious conspiracy holds up or not. If they came in later, or if it couldn't be shown that they were expressly violent, there should still be quite a few fairly significant, Federal felonies they can be charged with. Don't for a minute think that, let's say, 2 years in prison will be a mild sentence. In many, probably most, cases, this will wreck their egos, relationships, job (and job prospects), finances...the rest of their lives. I'm not saying that to engender sympathy for them; I'm saying it to calm the bloodlust. I don't think Trump will issue any pardons for this...but it is Trump, so who knows. If he does issue pardons to anyone looking at anything serious or noteworthy, or issues any large number of pardons...this might be the one somewhat foreseeable thing he could do, that's totally within his prerogatives, that'd ensure his impeachment, and by a huge margin. EDIT: these are the charges filed against the QAnon Shaman, and the max penalties. NOTE: The indictment is here: https://www.justice.gov/opa/page/file/1352916/download and I'm using the web to track the specific offenses --Civil Disorder, 5 years --obstruction of an official proceeding, 20 years (!!!!) --2 different counts of Entering and Remaining in a Restricted Building, 10 years (each because significant bodily injury resulted...doesn't even need to connect to felony murder) --2 different counts of violent entry into a Capitol building...if there's no weapons issues, these are 6 months each, but can be escalated to 5 years each. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10564 But we're looking at *45 years* potentially. For charges that the offenders basically incriminated themselves or others by their social media circus. Does that help, PG?
  4. And it fits the definition of sedition, and seditious conspiracy, perfectly. I also agree that this didn't come close to what I'd call "levying war." No one's going to be charged with treason. Trying to overthrow the government is NOT an act of war. It is an act of insurrection. That one's not even close. Besides, for the worst provocateurs, you've got seditious conspiracy and felony murder. Felony murder is itself a death penalty offense. Might sound like we're being pedantic but this is law. Words have very specific legal meanings, and tests for what qualifies for certain offenses. This is not treason.
  5. The utter thoughtlessness of so many of the rioters is simply stunning. NYT has another article on recent arrests...livestreamed on DLive (and boy, are they gonna have work to do to avoid being cut off from payment processing services) who used the nickname Baked Alaska. More like Half-Baked. Another was kind enough to proclaim "if you're looking for a realtor" and her name. Another posted numerous pics on IG, and numerous people who knew her sent tips. This was nothing but a big party to them. Mind-boggling.
  6. It's per charge so it could be 2 years, but yeah. OTOH as I said, proving something more serious might be deemed unlikely. Snyder didn't cause the problem; you can't even blame him legally for a decision made by someone he appointed, when that was to an independent position. Tney *have* filed more serious charges against others like the state medical officer, including involuntary manslaughter. Snyder's offense was inaction. Translating that to, let's say, some form of accessory charge, feels awkward. BP and Exxon Valdez were both bigger, but the Flint disaster stands alone for its apparent callousness. Or arguably it doesn't, if you buy the argument that Trump did nothing at first because the coronavirus was hitting blue areas.
  7. I am very much on board with Thor reeling from the impacts of his choices, grief, and the sense of failure. I can also buy that Fat Thor was taking an easy road and turned tragedy dangerously close (at least) to farce.
  8. Oh man.... Was just glancing over the WorldOMeters current numbers, and a 4-digit number stood out because it was so much different. UK's situation is extremely bad. Average number of new cases has been running around 55,000; average number of daily deaths is over 1000. Recognize: they have 1/5th the US population. So they're suffering maybe 10-20% more cases and 25-30% more deaths per capita than we are...and we know we're a mess. It hasn't been that bad for as long but still.....
  9. Yes, to the first; no, to the second, IMO. Because the roots predate Trump by many years. Trump co-opted them by making them believe he stood for what they stand for. Trump's support has dropped notably since the 6th, tearing the veil for many. They still want their narrow interpretation, I think; they finally recognize Trump is not the vehicle for it. EDIT: another aspect here is the long-term demonization of the Democrats and anything they might stand for. They stood with Trump because they can't *conceive* the possibility of supporting the Democrats. This aspect will be tested over the next 2 years, big time.
  10. And Cap is one of the most powerful, most recognizable exemplars of patriotism. They latch onto that word and apply their distorted understanding to it. No...not understanding. Wrong word. Their notion of "patriotism" is too often tied to their idea of the country as they want it to be...and anything in opposition is therefore "unpatriotic." So their notion of "patriotic" is fundamentally self-centered, when that is almost the diametric opposite of what it does mean.
  11. This was in relation to the Flint water crisis, and I'm seeing 2 misdemeanor counts. So, no, not 10 years or anything close. That's what I'm seeing anyway: https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/13/us/michigan-former-governor-snyder-flint-water-charges/index.html Which is also a slap on the wrist, but it might well be the only really provable charges.
  12. The question to me is, how long will it take to rein things back? If we discount right around Christmas, when testing was likely WAY down, the 7 day average has been 200K+ since Dec. 7th. Over 150K (including both Thanksgiving and Christmas periods) since Nov. 15th, so 2 full months. And note that 150K new cases a day is a million a week; a million cases means 15-20,000 dead. And 5 million cases since Christmas...3 weeks ago...so yeah, 500K dead by Valentine's is looking very possible. If it takes 8 more weeks to get back to even 150K new cases a day, that's another 125-150,000 dead by the equinox. A million by the 4th of July...I'm gonna take the under. Some is a much better organized vaccination effort. Some is that Biden's going to push basic measures, and therefore *hopefully* mask use improves. Some is that there isn't the "well we HAVE to see everyone at Christmas!!!!!" aspect, that people will isolate more. There's 24 weeks between now and then; to reach 1M, it'd have to stay at 25,000 deaths a week. I think there are enough factors that will start to help that we should see that start to drop...altho not for a while.
  13. never mind...

    1. archer


      I seriously don't appreciate you posting on my profile something which should instead have been addressed as part of a conversation in the thread where a headline literally said that they "didn't like women".


      As long as we're telling each other things which we seriously don't appreciate.

    2. unclevlad


      ahh...sorry, didn't think about it.  I meant it to be private, but it's not, is it?

    3. archer


      No, you have to use the message button in order for something to be private.

  14. Less than a week now, people.... Try to keep that in mind as you breathe in and out slowly..... (yes I'm talking to myself) EDIT: Joe Biden can act more presidential in an afternoon, before he ever takes office, than DJT managed in 4 years. (He's giving a speech right now about steps to improve the Covid-19 vaccination delivery.)
  15. Which was Pariah's point. And the net says yes...her estimated net worth is more than twice his. Mind, I would take 1/100th of his net worth in a heartbeat.
  16. Kyrie wasn't happy sharing with Lebron. Harden has shown he doesn't play well with other ball handlers...Westbrook or Paul. Or if you prefer, the team doesn't play consistently well together. Durant seems to be chasing some chimera of a perfect situation. He had it, I think, in Golden State, but he couldn't see it that way. Plus, this team's defense might make Mike D'Antonio look like a defensive guru by comparison. Of course, the whole situation might collapse before it can explode, with the Kyrie situation. We have no clue why he's gone but it's been, what, 5 games now? And it's a 72 game season, so that's a fair chunk of it already. Then to get spotted at a political virtual event...where *is* his head at right now?
  17. I'll accept a moral responsibility, but I do not believe a legal responsibility can be supported. It is clear that 2 deaths...the officer from the blunt force trauma, and the woman shot attempting to breach the barricade...can be considered as part of the results of the riot. The other 3 are listed as medical emergencies; looking...one is reported as a heart attack. Where it happened, I'm not sure. I'm not trying to trivialize these deaths, BTW, just thinking about the legal implications. The 2 deaths in the Capitol seem straightforward applications of the felony murder rule. Considering it's a crime on Federal property, they get jurisdiction, and felony murder is first degree murder under Federal law. Ergo, yes, the death penalty is probably in play...and life imprisonment almost certainly is. If the other deaths can be well-connected to the criminal breach...ok, we can consider more counts. If not, I'd rather the prosecutors take the win that's sitting there to be taken, because adding potentially shakier charges probably won't materially impact the potential sentences.
  18. I don't think we have to worry about that with Peyton or Romo. They're perfectly happy to make gazillions off the field. If Brady retires, do you think Gronk will follow? Seems pretty likely.
  19. Ehhh....I'm not convinced we aren't seeing the effects of age on both Brees and Brady, honestly.
  20. Not terribly often, but I do have one example: "GPS" as a talent. Bump of Direction is Detect Direction; GPS extends this to direction and position. So from "a single thing" to "a class of things." 4 points. But by the same token, yeah, the fact that every talent can be taken as a power, suggests there's no need for talents at all as a separate section. I will say it's cleaner overall; I take several of the talents reasonably often. And the talent names are easier to work with than the powers descriptions. Also, some don't fit cozily into the powers structure. Environmental Movement is defensive PSLs...but they apply to DCV *and* DC penalties. Normal PSLs wouldn't. Another is Combat Luck, if taken literally. rDef with Hardened and Impenetrable, with complex limitations. Reallly now.... 6E1 342, Penetrating...Targets with impenetrable defenses ignore the effects of Penetrating. Relative levels of attack and defense don't matter. 1 rPD + 1 rED Impenetrable negates 5 full DCs from a 10d6 Penetrating attack. Can you spell "munchkin"? It *does* spell out that it's hardened but that's less of an issue mechanically. So...i really hope they don't delete the Talents section.
  21. Heck, nothing I mentioned there requires Indirect. It's an *option*, sure, but the ear box shouldn't need it. Nah, I'll leave it as written. Unless Dan objects. Heh...re-doing a very nasty brawler concept in 5E and 6E terms. The tricks: Extra Limbs, Stretching (limited body parts, no noncombat stretching), and a bunch more STR, only with the extra limbs. Translation: poor man's TK, since a TK punch has a range mod and this *doesn't*. But Stretching gives a degree of Indirect too. Bear hug me???? Bwaaahahaahaaa.... It even works out very nastily in 5E where Stretching is expensive, because there's a totally natural EC for the stretching and STR. Power #3? Flight described as wings created like the extra limbs.
  22. I think it's by far the most legit counter. I'm not sure the ear box should get full damage, but there's a heckuva lot more leverage there than for a head butt, and you're striking with YOUR head which is clearly less than ideal.
  23. Yeah, these are cases where SFX can readily come into play. A bear hug is chest to chest with the attacker's arms wrapped around the victim's back, and squeezing. Head butt: always allowed. Question is, what should the damage be, and what risks are there to the head butt-er? Head butts are risky as heck. Ear box...always allowed unless the hugger has armor preventing it. And if they don't they deserve to take the damage their vic is about to dish back. (He gets to do his full damage, translated to an AVLD vs. hearing flash def if that helps.) On the flip side...some defenses would just suggest the ear box should just do normal damage, but it is a head shot so I might adjust for *that*. Ok, this is getting into TL;DR range, isn't it? I'd allow it and I'd have to think about how it'd work. Flexi-kick...sure, with contortionist check or the like. Foot smash...probably not in all cases. The hugger's feet tend to be hard to reach; the vic's body angle isn't great. And height comparisons could also come into play; if the hugger's 8 feet tall and is grabbing a 6 foot tall vic...forget it.
  24. By the same token, I also agree with LL that this should *not* become the norm in American jurisprudence. But like everything with Trump, this situation is unprecedented, and I believe warrants the move. I should put up the Gildor line to Frodo for my sig here... Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say No and Yes.
  25. And a change of venue wouldn't help unless it was to another planet.
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