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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Last point made in the article is that the lawyers filing this, may be subject to sanctions. Disbarment works for me. The Guardian article ties to the fantasyland aspect, but the assertions are even worse. This is the court filing: https://beta.documentcloud.org/documents/20459500-paul-davis-lawsuit-in-texas
  2. SportCenter's been spending a great deal of time tonight on a tribute to Hank Aaron, as you would expect. They just showed erudite tributes from Carter, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden. Apparently Trump didn't hear the story.............
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/CKPmtJgpg0z/?utm_source=ig_embed Just LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THE FREAKING WAVE, relative to the surfer!!!! EDIT: there's some videos that actually start a bit earlier in the ride https://www.tmz.com/2021/01/20/makua-rothman-wave-hawaii-100-foot-surf-video/
  4. Ugh. Hope things don't get too bad. My FB groups are all book-related. In one of em, a member noted that his father had passed away the day before, from Covid. He was a major fan of the series; the son asked if his dad's name could be used as a character. The author's done this before, several times; some of the older group members have had their names used. And sometimes other authors he knows. The author is active in that group, and he said "consider it done."
  5. I was like a lot of kids; not a big fan of a LOT of foods. Quite a few were based on how they were cooked; not that my mother wasn't a good cook, as she overall was (and a better baker) but hey, 50s, 60s, early 70s...lots of things were hard to find other than frozen or canned. And the style of the times led to tuna casserole with canned tuna, canned cream of mushroom soup, and potato chip topping. GAG!!!!!!!!!! I adore tuna. LOVE it. But we're talking fresh tuna, very lightly cooked. Or on sushi. But I've basically dropped almost anything canned or frozen, with a few exceptions: Hatch brand enchilada sauces, flash-frozen fruit for smoothies or maybe added to oatmeal, ground elk or venison, occasional flash-frozen shrimp or tilapia. Only the sauces have been cooked at all, tho, note. And I almost never even consider frozen veggies; I have done some frozen mushrooms, they worked out ok. But that's it. Frozen veggies become mush, most of the time; canned have been massively overcooked. And what's this GREEN color for New Mexico? Yeah, favorite comfort food being chili, that's fine; coulda been enchiladas or rellenos too. But GREEN??? Shoulda been half red and half green!! Some states split between blue and red, we split between green and red.
  6. And it's compounded because the grounds make the election fraud allegations look substantive. And just as Biden takes office? It makes the entire Republican Party look bad. Another aspect is, while the people in her district might approve, will her contributors? She's already in hot water for objecting to the electoral college vote. Moves like this will only lock down the feeling in corporate America that she's not one to support.
  7. For her district maybe, but this is a completely baseless stunt that is going to antagonize all the Democrats, and many Republicans I think *because* it's so ridiculous. Her prospects for building a record just went WAY down.
  8. So probably sometime Monday, the reported cases will hit the 100 million mark. That's a somber number. The US is accounting for over 25% of that; we broke 25 million earlier this week. By comparison, the 25 countries in Europe with the most cases, NOT counting Russia where systemic undercounting of at least deaths is strongly suspected, and therefore cases has to be in question...NOT counting them, there are 24 million and change cases. But a population base of 560 million versus 330 million. (BTW, counting the Russia numbers would make it look even worse.)
  9. I just saw this, and I have to think everyone here hadn't yet or they'd have posted... https://thehill.com/homenews/house/535317-rep-marjorie-taylor-greene-files-articles-of-impeachment-against-biden A stupid freshman, 2 weeks in office, pulling this???? Lady, are you TRYING to commit political suicide? This is so far beyond moronic it's breathtaking.
  10. Comments spring to mind but nothing that wouldn't draw the Wrath of Simon....
  11. He might have more luck arguing for new hearings on the election issues on that basis..... But I doubt it. The normal appeals processes don't apply.
  12. Winning the lottery is one of my favorite excuses for when I take Money, but not things like High Society. Not the only one; hitting the right tech and drug stocks yielded some insane returns too. Or being in early, with stock options, at Microsoft...quite a few Excel or Word project managers retired quite early. And in principle...if you mined Bitcoin from the get-go, you *could* do very, very well. (I'm talking before everyone and their cousin started to do it.)
  13. It *looks like* new cases might be starting to drop...but from obscene to just awful so far. And unfortunately, deaths overall probably haven't.
  14. And it's also being reported that another bank and law firm distanced themselves from Trump's business side today. And business is way down at 2 of his properties which both carry heavy debt loads. That was LAST year, before The Big Stupid. And ya gotta figure that hotel space for at least the next several months will be relatively easily available, so corporate travel offices will probably have little difficulty avoiding them. (Even if the company policy doesn't outright ban staying at them.)
  15. Wow. Just...wow. Quite a few have died on the young side, huh... It's been almost 25 years but still. Most of the actors weren't that old at the time...
  16. Not a fan of mayo as a rule; I use it in egg salad but that's it. Also, the usual suspects that I can recall, for chicken salad, are celery and apples. The combos never worked for me. I do like to take roasted chicken breast and shred it in my Ninja...the multiple blade heights work very well for this...while adding the spice-infused oil and juices into it, to help season everything and keep things moister. Then I'd rather zap this or quickly brown it on the stove as I do some pan-grilled bread (oil 1 side, grill that side, flip but do NOT oil the second side...it's a lot neater for eating than oiling both sides, and it won't dry out like normal toasting.) A weeee bit of extra oil can help brown the chicken, and a last shake of spices can be included. Obviously, tho, this is not intended to be wrapped for long, it's basically heat and eat.
  17. You're correct that with a mega villain writeup, you can absolutely adjust the numbers and no one's gonna care. But you would need to do so. Also, there's some unstated goals I see in the design (I'm looking at the Villains V1: Master Villains version): 1. He's +4 with his primary weapons array. 2. 3 weapons MPs allows taking out one of them to afford a sense of accomplishment but not crippling TOO much. 3. Enforce the notion that he's highly modular. But that's an argument for multiple frameworks. (BTW, I count 4....primary array, secondary array, missile/rocket array, bio-dissipator ray.) The primary array screams VPP, and it could be shortened greatly. Some of that is the writers' guidelines, tho, as is the long-winded Cyberkinetic section. I'd also bet a lot more is just carryover. His defenses...why not buy 0 PD, 0 ED, then Resistant Protection (or Armor, for 5E) with Hardened and Impenetrable? Probably because before 6E it was the norm overall to buy it this way, even if it's longer and more complex. Another issue is the desire to name EVERY attack or attack variant. But at least a half-page of the 2 page writeup is from Writer's Guidelines restrictions, and the textual redundancies they demand. And as to why some of those crazy special attacks? Because of the writeup. Any time you beat Mechanon, he rebuilds himself and corrects for the inadequacies that led to his past defeat. If it *was* needed before, it'll be there now and forevermore. So Mechanon is never going to get any LESS complex.
  18. Interesting insider article about Aaron Rodgers and the draft of 2005. https://www.nfl.com/news/the-inside-story-behind-aaron-rodgers-freefall-at-the-2005-nfl-draft
  19. Variable +1/2 advantage becomes a +1 advantage, or +3/4 advantage for limited options. That impacts the active points, and also the END cost in itself. And even then, you'd probably want to define what the options are. Also, if there's charges involved, this really doesn't work the same. One thing I've noticed is that Variable Advantage and Variable Special Effects are markers to consider a VPP instead. If it's on MP powers, it's a BIG marker. They're raising the AP ceiling for that MP. Additional damage from other sources have to take them into account, by the rules too...and for the hypothetical +1/2 variable advantage, it's on the full +1. So say you have a 40 STR, and +2d6 HA with a +1/2 variable advantage. It's always a 6d6 attack with a baseline cost of 2 END, plus whatever for the STR, rather than, in slots or a VPP, buying it as a 2d6 HA double KB. The HA would be 1 END; the net damage would be 7d6. I will grant: I may be wrong in those interpretations. However, the END cost increase is still there, and the AP cost increase. Plus, you could never do 10d6 because you can't turn the advantage off. In a VPP, you can...by building the VPP power without any. Obviously this is presuming a VPP that can be changed reasonably quickly. BUT if you do that with a master villain, you'll also get GMs who'll try to slice and dice and make even MORE complex...and sometimes extremely abusive...powers, and do so without any guidelines. The 5 page writeup is largely there no matter what; the major difference is whether it's written descriptively in text, or spelled out on the sheet. I go back to 1st Ed AD&D; one of the complaints was that there was no guidance for anything, and thus things ran off the rails too easily. I often spend a fair bit of time reformatting the text output from HD too. It's far too wordy, but different users have different requirements. Their baseline is to be verbose because overall it's easier to trim verbose than to pad lean, IMO.
  20. That's how the headline should've read.
  21. Her poem was wonderful, and her reading was brilliant. One bobble...just one. In a 5 minute recitation, on the most important stage she'll ever see. And I'm not a fan of rap in general but her use of rap's internal rhymes and rhythms was also incredible. https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/20/politics/amanda-gorman-inaugural-poem-transcript/index.html Absolutely worth watching.
  22. Jill Biden intends to keep teaching at her community college. That got me to thinking...if they're having in-person classes...it would be kinda weird to be in a classroom where an armed Secret Service agent is probably up front and close to the instructor, and one or more are stationed at the entrances. Mind...."our prof is the First Lady!!!!" would be awesome too, but having the Secret Service personnel around would be both comforting and uncomfortable at the same time.
  23. Been thinking about this, and the curious incident at the inauguration. But nothing happened at the inauguration, you say. That was the curious incident. There were 3 factors that combined, IMO, to the lack of anything notable in DC. 1. 25,000 cops and troops. 2. The reaction to what happened at the Capitol, and the reprisals against those involved. Legally and in terms of political support; the public declarations of the withdrawal of campaign support by so many big corps is a Big Deal to the longer-term incumbents; the rookies are likely to be in for a big surprise. 3. Trump caved. And I think Trump caving might overall be the most important of the three. He was effectively the head of the snake, and when he gave in, the head was cut off. I think it's been a "well now what can we do" moment. I also think it was important because I haven't seen any significant agitation reported this week. There aren't 25,000 troops in every state capital.
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