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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. I've also seen articles saying the hedge funds have been playing games like this extensively already. Their complaint boils down to, THEY aren't the ones manipulating the markets.
  2. From NYT: This is a big deal to me. They're #5 now (VW, Toyota, Daimler, Ford) but that's still big. What it does is push the core demand forward, meaning battery makers, charging stations, all the infrastructure can now point to this. R&D sees a market, so battery system improvements can be expected. Economics of scale will kick in; this should help prices for the consumer, and for expanding out the charging station network.
  3. Strangulation, yes...but with one hand, not sure how effective that would be. Choke...you can't lock in a good choke hold with just one arm, and it'd be very easy to pull the arm off. Nothing's blocking it from being pulled off the neck. Unless it's a weird, long, robotic arm, probably with another joint, so the hand can finish circling around and grabbing the upper part of the arm. And yeah, there's some other plausible attacks, like with claws if they're present. How much STR applies to the HKA (claws)? One advantage of the funky TK interpretation is that it does address any STR issues. How large of a Phys Complication is One Arm? If you're going with Duplication or Summon, a limitation might be Side Effect, can't use one arm.
  4. It's not Duplication to me as described, because the arm is in use...just not in the normal way. If the arms aren't independently sensing and acting, then Stretching, doesn't cross the space is a start. Might also include Can't do damage. TK with some sort of Lockout...maybe, I suppose, but it feels more tortured. TK SFX don't match up well; Stretching gives the sense that, yeah, that's that guy's arm 4 feet away from his body. Also, TK concepts would suggest you could, let's say, stir up the burning logs in the fireplace, which a detached arm *could* do...but not safely, presumably. Some of this could be, what do you want to do with this? Are there game mechanics that might be involved? This might not be worth any points at all.
  5. As far as toxins, in general it's just easier to say they're AVAD or NND, Does Body. Defenses should probably be Power Def, with appropriate LS being a complete defense. I'm talking here about the acute toxins, such as rattlesnake bites. The mechanisms vary, and arguably some could have very nasty effects beyond that, but those are case-by-case. For example, brown recluse venom can cause the tissue around the bite to die...and I believe, it doesn't regrow. I believe rattlesnake venom, which attacks muscles, can also lead to localized, permanent muscle loss. Both, tho, are kind of tricky to model; they take considerable time to develop. With drugs, strong psychotropics would probably be to build an Entangle that's a lot like a mental Entangle, but based on CON rather than EGO. A form of Mental Illusions is possible but needs a massive level of effect. For something like pot and alcohol, to start with: a penalty to PER rolls. It's not that your sight's bad, but that you're not processing the data. You don't recognize threats, and therefore you can't react to them. The more drunk or high you are, the larger the penalty. Instead of trying to implement it as multiple Drains, another approach might be to apply Negative Overall Levels...12 points, -1 to everything. No need to worry about what it does or doesn't apply to, which stats, etc.
  6. Margherita. THIN Crust, garlic, mozzarella, basil, olive oil.
  7. And pairing the right beer will work as well or better, much of the time. The hard part is getting people to move past the mass-market dreck on the one hand, and IPAs on the other. There is MUCH more out there.
  8. Bears are, IIRC, navy blue, not black. Black and gold == Steelers.
  9. Sure it can. As Brian Kenny likes to say, Small Sample Size Theater. Or did you meant that the Jazz having a 9 game win streak isn't right? People won both massive lotteries last week, so, random miracles do happen.....
  10. No Vacancy This Space for Rent Roommate Wanted, Inquire Below
  11. He doesn't have to worry about a shareholder revolt, fortunately for him. It's not publicly held. Turns out, too, this isn't new. QVC dropped him after he continued ads on Laura Ingraham's Fox News show, after Ingraham bashed a Parkland student. 9 big sponsors backed out...but not My Pillow. So QVC dropped them. Affirm also dropped them a week ago. Bed Bath & Beyond also argues it was based on sales numbers, which certainly is possible. They're expensive pillows and there are a LOT of options out there, even in the "deluxe, healthy" pillow market. A store doesn't need a marginal performer that *also* will irritate many of its shoppers. So the truth may well lie somewhere in the middle.
  12. For a love-it-or-hate-it... My sister ran a bit late getting the Xmas gifts ordered. Well, she is an MD. She probably had a few other things on her mind. She sent it, just...a little late. Got here the other day. Cheese and pears. Fancy, ridiculously overpriced, but fun. But in this case, the cheeses are largely worth it...Rogue Creamery in Oregon. This is a serious cheese outfit. On the love it or hate it...3 of the 4 wedges are blue cheeses. 2 are even smoked blues...I can't offhand ever remember seeing a smoked cheese turned into a blue cheese. Quite interesting stuff. Now, blues run the gamut. The smoked blue here is more smoky, not particularly blue...not much mold, or the funk that gives. The other kind of blue was more blue-funky, but not bad. Both of em only fell apart a bit; that's almost unavoidable, as the bacteria used to make it a blue, tend to compromise the structure. But it's nothing like a VERY funky, crumbling blue like Gorgonzola. So what's the verdict here among the chorale. Blues...love em or hate em, or somewhere in between and/or "it depends"? I like it occasionally; I do prefer something not TOO stinky, tho.
  13. Had that exact experience myself. The red sauce at one place was seemingly tomatoes and sugar only. My favorite local place for a while did great bread and wood-fired pizza. Their fennel sausage and mushroom was to die for. They brought in a pair of French-built bread ovens...big, fancy, pricy. But the founder developed health problems and had to step away. The founder's son ran the bakery side, but left a couple years ago. Place is NOT the same at all. I also remember a really nice soup and salad bar place. The soups were made from scratch; AFAIK that didn't change. The baked stuff was too...until they went to commercial mixes. The dressings dropped to Kraft stuff...very notably less appealing. For a couple years it was a nice place to go from time to time, but after those changes, no thanks. I'm a Cali kid at heart, so okra wasn't exactly in my wheelhouse.
  14. May I say, you start noting the *lack* of taste in the low-end commercial stuff in particular. A long fermentation and rise develops flavors in bread and pizza dough that will carry through baking, that just can't happen with "toss everything into the bread maker and let it mix it all up and you'll have bread in 3 hours" or most commercial breads. Cheap pasta sauce tends to cut back by using cheaper tomatoes...beefsteak tomatoes are almost as big a culinary crime, IMO, as iceberg lettuce...and not much in the way of herbs. Sugar? Yep. Salt? Yep. Basil, oregano, garlic? Not so much.
  15. I hear ya there. And the vinegar content runs high. I do use it for one thing tho: Carolina mustard sauce. Mustard, cider vinegar, a bit of hot sauce, some sugar but not, IIRC, all that much. It's meant to be tangy. Developed for pulled pork, but that extends to fatty meat generally. I use brown mustard for burgers and grilled Black Forest ham and/or turkey sandwiches a lot.
  16. On the seafood: https://www.seafoodwatch.org/ Go to their Recommendations section. Over 600 entries on their "avoid" list. Many of them are due to harvesting issues, but quite a few are for things like fish farms in very dubious rivers or other waters, like this: https://www.seafoodwatch.org/recommendation/shrimp/shrimp-whiteleg-viet-nam-intensive-pond?species=156
  17. Horseradish. Of any variety. There's no such thing as 'basic' chili; there are innumerable variations...but nothing I'd call chili comes from Cincinnati. Chili must first feature chiles and/or chili/chile powder. Cincinnati chili has far too many other spices to assert that. (Note: chili powder is a spice blend. Chile powder is ground, dried chiles.) The chiles you choose will make a huge difference. Not a fan of raw onion, like Bolo, but cooked? Love em. A favorite omelet or frittata filling is mushrooms and onions baked in the oven, just drizzled with salt (important...helps release the water) and oil, and tossed several times. Takes a while to get everything reduced. Also works with chicken...pound a chicken breast flat, add this as a filling with some cheese. Or cut the flattened breast in half, cover one half with the filling, cover that with the other. Flip once while it's in the oven. May's fine in egg salad, but it doesn't need much...and otherwise, I'll pass too. If you guys don't like sushi, that's ok, I'll eat yours for you. When I can get something decent anyway. Oh, we understand you perfectly, you poor, crippled, unwashed barbarians.
  18. UK just passed 100,000 deaths...25,000 of which have been this month. Their death rate has unfortunately passed Italy and Czechia, and among countries with at least 5 million people, their death rate is now 3rd highest. Their daily new case numbers are showing a decent decline, at least, as are the US's. Long ways to go but hopefully it's the start of a maintainable trend.
  19. Had a response to Lawnmower but thought better after posting it. Guys, this is the coronavirus thread, not the political thread, and we all need to be careful.
  20. To toss in a lighter note, how about We miss you
  21. Perhaps so, but to borrow from Joni Mitchell, the version I most remember.... Well, don't it always seem to goThat you don't know what you got 'til it's goneThey paved paradise to put up a parking lot Cemeteries are at least green space.
  22. Go back further. Pre-Fox, pre-Facebook...but not pre-Rush. He was the drum major, out in front. You can also connect Paul Harvey on a few aspects...he claimed he only reported facts but that's debatable, but even more, and I remember this quite well, his transition from delivering a story to a pitch was completely seamless. In that sense, I think he laid out the blueprint for mixing message taken up later by the truthbenders. And while Rush was frequently strident, Harvey was soooo, so smooth.
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