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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Oh yeah, the FP collector community is quite substantial. You've got be beat on numbers, Steve...I really don't know how many I have, but something over 100. Oh, and this is an example of pen porn...not the best, the OP for this has posted some group shots that make me *drool*....but I don't feel like digging em out. So I'll just post this link: https://www.watchuseek.com/threads/a-platinum-izumo-togi-yakumonuri.4088642/#post-39155346 Watches is an even worse bottomless pit......
  2. deleted...submitted a Z out of order...
  3. While I agree Texas is reopening MUCH too quickly and completely, well...we knew it was gonna happen, and their daily new case rates have dropped. It's NOT low enough to go anywhere near as far as they're going, IMO, but at least they waited until their rate was at least Not Too Bad...right now new cases are at about 1 per 4000 people. It had an uptick, but it also dropped back. By contrast, Georgia and Florida have no mask restrictions...and new cases around 1 person per 3000 population, per day. Yeah, it's going to be a disaster. It's going to set many states back 4-6 months, I suspect, over holding restrictions for, let's say, 1 more moth. But it was a given that they'd do this. The pressure to reopen now is extreme, given the enormous degree of Covid Fatigue.
  4. There's that, to a degree, plus IMO a huge factor: debt service, from debt taken on as part of a leveraged buyout, merger, etc. And then, of course, the buyers have to pay out, not just for the loans involved, but any and all shareholders, old and new, demand their ROI.
  5. Mmmm...probably right. I missed that part but, yeah, I think it's got that part too. Mind, that just makes it worse, as the stabilization gear is a ROYAL pain, and it's awkward and heavy and just as immobilizing..
  6. Ninja Farmers? How much for a half dozen...and are they selling those durn fast-to-market ninjas that barely know what part of the sword to hold, or fully mature, developed ninjas?
  7. From what I've heard, significantly worse. I'm not a doctor at all, mind, but I do pay attention to this sort of thing. Head of the medical center gave a few details I'd not heard. Leg fractures are comminuted...I hadda look it up. It means broken or splintered in more than one place. A "shattered" ankle is a mess to fix, because of all the small bones, and because it's weight-bearing. AND then the vascular issues. Smith's problem was an infection related to the damage, that itself nearly killed him...I think that's not overstating it. Here, I *think* a major concern will be actual necrosis due to blood flow issues, as well as infection. And...ohhh damn...I just realized, he's wheelchair-bound for at least 6 months, and probably longer because it's very likely that there will have to be several procedures to fully, properly set the breaks after the swelling goes down, then clean up the mess later...and that's not counting the ankle. Both bones in the one leg, that's a full leg cast. AND the ankle cast on the other leg. I could be wrong but I can't see crutches. The reason this concerns me is lack of activity, ON TOP OF the vascular damage. He is apparently now awake and responsive.
  8. Tiger update from ESPN: MASSIVE problems. One leg: compound fractures of BOTH tibia and fibula. Other leg: shattered ankle. Their word. As I thought, vascular issues are feared to make life just that much nastier. Today was about stabilizing things. Further surgery is going to be required. They're not giving any kind of timeline, as it's FAR too early, but I'm guessing 2 years...if things go well.
  9. Tiger Woods wrecked his SUV in a one-car accident; excessive speed, on potentially tricky roads, appears to be the reason. (Not booze or anything like that, but that is of course under investigation.) Serious leg injuries; the reports include compound fracture of the leg, plus extensive crush injuries. My understanding is, crush injuries are VERY slow to heal. Ever significantly bruise something? Takes quite a while to heal...and crush injuries are bruising on steroids. And, of course, a compound fracture is never good. On top of that, one has to think his back issues won't be helped by movement issues during the rehab from this. The good news for Tiger fans is, they aren't life-threatening at this point...altho a compound fracture risks Bad Things, and I gotta worry that crush injuries, which I think disrupt circulation locally, raise the risk of this...but the bad news is, I think his PGA career may well be over.
  10. Fountain pens (that actually is a thing, hunting yard/garage sales...not nearly so much since eBay but it was a Thing back in the day)
  11. Nothing good for now. The process to fill vacancies is...pick from names nominated by current members. Uhhh...huh. I rather suspect that all that's gonna happen is they'll pick new members in lockstep with the current "policies."
  12. Yes, that's likely to be the decision of some, but I don't think we can underestimate the level of sheer loathing that exists for the Democrats. How many Republicans were Never Trumpers...then voted for him in 2016? On the plus side...I felt in 2016 that if Trump was the Republican nominee, then the Dems would win easily. EXCEPT!!!! if the Dems nominated Hilary. For several reasons, but a big one was the absolute, *specific* hatred of Hilary as a Clinton. Her campaign style totally failed to galvanize her side...but it completely galvanized the Republicans, and not just the base. In 2022, we'll probably get a look if the same thing can happen in the off-year Congressionals, and I think it'd absolutely be a factor if Trump gets nominated for 2024. Also, and this is PURELY speculative, but...how many people who choose not to vote because they can't stand any of the candidates (and I think Hilary fit into that category too)...more generally vote Democratic?
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