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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. I have no idea about the publicity effort, so that can't be ignored, but...probably the anti-vax. https://www.limaohio.com/news/456937/ohio-coronavirus-vaccine-demand-has-slumped EDIT: and https://flaglerlive.com/162742/trump-republicans-vaccine/
  2. Xanadu ARGH the furball beat me to it... Yellowstone, then.
  3. IOW about one day every month? Valdemar
  4. Yes. When we see numbers like 25% positive test results, we're getting the glimpse of the true situation in India. And I'm worried that we're looking at a potential (even probable) collapse of their entire health care system, and deaths...both from Covid, and from non-Covid issues but which can't be treated due to their overload...that might well dwarf the entire world-wide deaths from Covid from the rest of the world. India's tests per million people is actually slightly below Brazil's...and we know how much of a <BLEEP><BLEEP> they're stuck in. (Pakistan's is even worse...so how many hidden cases do THEY have?)
  5. Talk about dominance. Zac Gallen throws a 7 inning, 1 hit shutout for the D'Backs in Atlanta. Then Bumgarner does one better. A no-hitter, the only base runner on an error, AND actually facing the min. So the Braves flail for 14 innings, and get *1* hit all day. First time there was a scheduled 7-inning game with no hits; didn't count as a no-hitter statistically because it was only 7. Granted, there've been bloody few of them, since we've not seen a 90-game section of the schedule. (Altho I suspect doubleheaders happened much more last year than normal.)
  6. For me, it's actually hilarious more than terrifying. And yes, it's photoshopped.
  7. Only you would think Humberdink was a copout. Heck, he'd be a respectable mention on the Old Folks Home thread.... G and H...not related as far as I know...Gary Lewis (and the Playboys), Huey Lewis (and the News)
  8. And for Z, of course, we'll do the father/son: Frank and Dweezil Zappa. So staying in this vein: vocalists, any genre, but must be lead/solo caliber. No one just credited as a backup or in a chorus only.
  9. There are truly no limits on human stupidity, are there?
  10. And after the tax evasion charges, sounds like Chauvin will have to deal with a divorce proceeding. Gloating is unbecoming and juvenile. Repeat after me: I will not gloat. I will not gloat. I will not gloat. Yeah, I'm failing there too.......
  11. <google><google><google> OK...what we forget is that Flutie had signed with the USFL, months before the NFL draft. 4 year deal. Also, his quality years were in the CFL, not the NFL. He had a year-plus run with Buffalo...10 games in 98, 15 in 99...17-8 in that period. Then Ralph Wilson forced the coaching staff to downgrade him, in favor of Ron Johnson (blank stares WRT that name are entirely appropriate, yes) DESPITE the fact that Flutie went 4-1 as a starter when Johnson was hurt (he went 4-7). BUT: a major factor was probably age. Flutie was 37 in '99. But outside of that, Flutie was not very good. Good enough to hang around, but 21-20 if you take out '98 and '99. And that tells you a lot right there: 41 games started in 10 NFL seasons (25 in the 2 good years in Buffalo). Passing yards per game was 160...and, sure, this wasn't the super-pass-happy offensive showcase of today, but Flutie was 15th in 1998 (at 208 y/g). So he overachieved for a very late-round pick...starting 60 games is nothing to sneeze at. But looking at the numbers? Journeyman in the NFL, at most.
  12. Unfortunately that makes perfect sense. Consistent, steady airflow...not too fast, to just blow it a long distance, but fast enough to give it a push. And it's at relatively low heights...as opposed to, let's say, a Wal Mart superstore, where the direct airflow is probably at the same level as the lights...20, 30 feet up. Plus: the joys and value of clearer, more complete contact tracing........
  13. Russell Wilson...3rd round. Ryan Leaf: #2 pick. We could probably keep that up for a week.... You forgot trolling, tho. As in, most "debate show" talking heads. I turned on the TV a couple days ago; it happened to be on FS1, which isn't all that common. Daytime...FS1. Ohhh...not good. And, yes indeed, it fell on one of the absolute worst...Bayless and Sharpe. Sharpe was refuting a Bayless position: that Trevor Lawrence will be a game changer on a par with how Steph Curry changed basketball. Quite thoroughly dumping a few flechette rounds through that dummy of a position. MAYBE Trevor Lawrence will work, but there's still a huge number of questions, starting with Urban Meyer's actual dedication to the job, and whether he'll be able to work with pros. The bigger question with Flutie was pure and simple: size. "Too short!"
  14. I just had to show insurance and ID, then they said "have a nice day!" No sitting around at all. First shot had 15 minutes...
  15. https://www.thedailystar.com/news/local_news/protests-over-officer-involved-shooting-continue/article_d05e34e1-1495-5cff-8284-a82a808d8fec.html Just google "dave grossman"; this particular link was in the News tab. In the main tab, most of the hits are for Killology or his academy or the like.
  16. Sure, but since it hasn't happened, the risk that it will happen is slight. This isn't something coming up out of the blue from a medical standpoint; we, the fans, are just learning about it but it's been in his history for some time. This isn't like, oh...the kid who played basketball for, IIRC, Baylor...big tall kid, big NBA prospect...but *poof*! Heart condition was diagnosed. Basketball career *over*. Or Hank Gathers, of course. Or the NCAA ref who collapsed on the court...blood clot in the lung. Treatable, but you can be sure he'll be monitored when he goes back onto the court. And, heck, every QB is one play away from following down the RG III path.
  17. The Bronco season ticket prices are about average, and won't go down. Even if they charged an extra 10% or so, that's MINOR. Broncos average $105 per season ticket. I don't know how much of that they keep; they don't own the stadium. Call it 80%, tho, for argument. Gross ticket sales are about $7.5M per game, or $60M per year. TV rights are $300M. Now, luxury suites are somewhat separate from this, and do help, but most of that is gravy for the owners. https://www.statista.com/statistics/193553/revenue-of-national-football-league-teams-in-2010/ Discount the Cowboys; their fan base is provably insane, and Jerry has them suckered. They're the massive outlier. The Pats are a mild outlier, but their success has been unprecedented. For the most part, the spread for the bulk of teams below that isn't that great. But he's been hit a ton, so if it's *likely* to have happened, it would have happened. I think you're exaggerating the risk greatly. Also, while one can reasonably be cynical about team doctors: if there was a plausible risk, would the high school and OSU doctors let him play? Maybe...to be sure, I'd never say NO, but if it's that clear-cut a risk, there has to be a reasonable chance they wouldn't let him play. OR, conversely, that he'd fail the physical. Due diligence *does* come into play, for sure; the teams should ensure Fields' issues don't come with a seriously increased risk. Now: CBS Sports' mock draft had the Pats trading up to 7 to grab Fields. I can see them potentially reconsidering that, because of the dual nature of the cost...there are some elevated risk issues, to be sure, and might deter the Pats from that strategy. Draft's in a week. We shall see. Or read about the next day.
  18. As terrible as that story was, on a human scale, what boggled my mind was this: The basic situations are pretty mind-boggling; the legal procedures seem to be nothing but confusion.
  19. Just watched the Reds game...it was clear and sunny. And man...that Reds bullpen is a total dumpster fire, at least the last few days....not like the D'backs pitch much better. 2-1 after 5. Final (in 10): 14-11. Reds hit 6 dingers and LOSE. Flip side, D'backs score 6 in the top of the 10th...and the Reds get the potential tying run to the plate in the bottom of the 10th. Another pattern I've seen *quite* often already this year: outfielders charging balls they've got no chance to catch. losing balance, and the ball getting by them as a result. At least 3 times already. Happened in the 10th today. To a degree, on at least 2 of the plays that I can recall, the ball dropping in at all would've been a very bad result; today, it was top 10, 2 outs, bases loaded with 1 run in already. So 1 run scores for sure, and 2 runs probably. But whiffing on the ball changed bad situations into disasters. I've also just seen a LOT of basically BAD defense. Not just errors ruled, but a ton of basic mistakes...outfielder diving for a ball, never touches it? Triple, most of the time, not single and error. A's beat the Twins because, with 2 outs: a) a simple grounder to 2nd gets fumbled b) next batter, a hard 2-hopper to 3rd. 3rd baseman has it, lines it up...and airmails the throw 5 feet wide and high. Winning run scores *easily* from 2nd. It doesn't help that the relief pitcher gets the first 2 batters...but walks the next 2. With a 2 run lead.
  20. It would only be discriminatory if Whole Foods didn't retain other payment records, yes. Heck, a hand scan probably *can't* be used as the only method, sensibly. Hand and wrist injuries are common enough, and would, one thinks, invalidate the scan quite often. If they need most of the hand...I don't want to think about the times I've seriously savaged a finger or thumb while cooking.
  21. So in all his time playing so far, he's never taken a real hit? The Broncos have sold out the stadium...every game...for 50 years. Not 50 games...50 YEARS. Including 2010...after 4 straight years of missing the playoffs, they went 4-12 and fixed the McDaniels mistake. Revenue stream #2 is, of course, the TV deals, and everyone gets paid from that. Even the Jets and Bengals. Denver's not an easy win according to Vegas. 7.5 wins projected right now...but remember that's, at best, going 1-3 against KC and the Chargers. There's 9 teams with lower, 2 with the same...so OK, it's below average but it's not disastrous. The 5 "easy wins" by their ratings: Jets, Bengals, Eagles, Lions, and Texans at the bottom. (The mess with DeShaun Watson, both football and non-football, is huge here.) Eagles have a pathetic division schedule, so for any decent team they should be an easy win. And so on. Granted, those numbers are about as accurate as Jalen Hurts' passing...
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