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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. I know the feeling. I frequently double check the details before I post because I've been messing up the little details WAY too often in the last few years.
  2. Yeah....if the Baez play rates a 100, that's a good 97 or so. Found the story...the catcher actually threw to first, and got the out, from the story (https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/mariners/mariners-find-some-offense-and-several-ways-to-lose-game-against-the-rangers/) but the key point to me is, either way...there's no error on the play, by the scoring rules. Players weren't allowed to skate on ability only before, but they are now, at least somewhat. I think *a lot* of this is roster construction...I doubt any team is using less than a 12 man pitching staff, and I'd bet 13 is more common this year. Combine that with slugging position players, and there's much less room for the smart, flexible utility player.
  3. Oh, please. That wasn't the dumbest play of the season. It was the dumbest play EVER. And quite possibly not simply in baseball, but in any high-end professional sports. Even had there been less than 2 outs, the play would be to just tag the first base bag ASAP and prepare to throw...not chase Baez down. One of the writer-types who's a regular on MLB Network said flat-out, some of the players on the Pirates needed to be sent down to AAA, as a form of message...if they're that unfocused, they don't belong. It also suggests the Pirates' minor league system is a bust...and suggesting that the minor league shutdown was responsible may be *partially* true but it feels to me to be too much of a cop-out. I think baseball in particular would've been MUCH better off using the soccer model of promotion and relegation. And, probably, it shows that the fundamentals need far more work than they're given, or perhaps that the failure to execute...how many times do you see, for example, pitchers standing and twiddling their thumbs rather than backing up...isn't criticized harshly enough?
  4. I'd argue Eaton didn't rewrite the book; Chamberain played that way with the Lakers, for example. (NOT in Philly, he was an offensive machine there.) And there've been others that weren't big offensive threats. How about Bill Russell? THE BEST rebounder and shot blocker probably in history; all his points were at the rim or at the line, principally off an offensive rebound. You're right. Eaton's last year was 92-93, and Bradley was drafted in 93. The problem of course, was Bradley was a skinny twig who couldn't hold his own in the post. And creepy! I'd missed, or forgotten...that Bradley was paralyzed earlier this year...while riding his bike...in Utah................
  5. Anesthesia (it used to be rare but not THAT rare...1 in 20,000...I remember a case where an Oklahoma alum blew out his knee playing in the spring game, alums vs. the team...and died on the table...but stat i saw was, still about 1 in 200,000)
  6. Oh, but it wasn't *Marvel's* FF cast. And from what the reviews say, well, for all we know the cast would *prefer* to be killed off. But heck, everyone's got to have a total stinker or two.
  7. Well, DUH. In 2019, comics and graphic novels combined for $1.2B in sales, according to Comics Wire. That's all companies, and the article says graphic novels are a major player. So the comics are little more than early advertising.
  8. OK, but...how much of this is just Very Bad Luck? Endgame was released in April, 2019. It is HUGE. It ends Phase 3. OK, so there's strategic planning to do Phase 4, and build its new direction. That takes a while, right? PLUS determine the mix of theatricals and streaming. So come early 2020 and......BOOM. And last...Chadwick Boseman's death. We don't know, for sure, how large this was, but most of us think it's had a huge effect on their plans. And when did production restart? April? So for the most part, they're still playing catch-up.
  9. For Q...Olympic Boxing. Silver medalist in 1960. Clement Quartey
  10. Other than the hint that they're gonna take the Avengers into a totally different course...which given the leadership gap, no Tony, no Cap, no T'Challa...might make sense. But otherwise, yeah. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  11. You might also consider increasing the memory available to HD. It's in the Preferences menu. 64 MB should be a seriously outdated/underpowered recommendation.
  12. Carl Lewis, long jump. Gold medals in 4 different Olympics.
  13. CNN gave a shout out to this opinion piece from WaPo: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/lets-just-say-it-the-republicans-are-the-problem/2012/04/27/gIQAxCVUlT_story.html Note the date.
  14. Mitch Gaylord (men's gymnastics...OMG from the '84 Olympics...dammmmn I'm getting OLD)
  15. Hockey is simply a dance prelude to a pathetic attempt at an MMA match.
  16. So some time last week, I drove back from the market, passing the local Olive Garden. Surprise!!!!! Cars in the parking lot!!! LOTS of them. Just made a short trip to get a few things. Same market. SURPRISE!!!!! "We recommend that you wear a mask if you are not vaccinated." MASKS NOT REQUIRED! Talked to one of the managers...that happened Friday. She also confirmed, restaurants allowed to open at 75%. YEE-HAW!!! Too late to do anything today, but I've got a chiropractor appointment Tuesday morning, and I'll get a few more days' worth after that. There's a Whataburger by the market, it'll be open...and I'll hit there at lunch time. Yeah...that's a plan...... The manager also noted that the restaurants are having problems recruiting enough staff, which isn't surprising...
  17. So is Mr. P a happy camper? For someone often discussed as one of the best players in the league, Anthony Davis has laid more eggs in playoff games than I can count....
  18. And that's just polio. Measles was a huge problem. https://www.cdc.gov/measles/about/history.html And now? In the US, it's considered *eliminated*. Why? Vaccinations.
  19. When's the last time some wacko came by to chop your head off?
  20. Besides, there are far better targets out there.
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