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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. My inner sadist refuses to make the obvious snark that your inner masochist is asking for......
  2. As written, it's up to the GM's discretion whether a helpless person would be willing, but the text suggests this is *not* normally the case. That's why I mention the rescue situation; unless the GM rules otherwise, to teleport an unconscious accident victim to help, you need UAA. And the option is based on "would the target be willing to have the power affect him?" The case of kidnapping a sleeping target is pretty clearly a No; an incapacitated target would almost *have* to be a NO, unless there is some manner where the unconscious person can recognize the teleporter as a friend. I'd limit that greatly; it certainly would NOT cover a teleporter who works with, say, the city's emergency services. Also, 6E1 p. 355: So, that requirement is already in place...but the problem is that we don't necessarily look *there*. The discussion of UAA is 3 pages later. The structure isn't very good...but it also doesn't help that 6E is trying to be everything to everyone and makes it *insanely* complicated.
  3. Hackers connecting up...."have your bots get in touch with my bots and we'll set this up..."
  4. Sorry if this sounds pedantic, but that statement strikes me as *seriously* wrong. DCV is different from a defense. There are 2 steps: 1. Is the target capable of being affected by the attack? Normally, this means "does the attack hit the target?" or "is the target within the attack's area of effect?" 2. Determine the degree: compute the attack strength, reduce by the target's defense. If DCV is the defense, then the presence of DCV means that the attack fails, or in some manner the DCV reduces the attack strength. The parallel that I think you have in mind is the +1 1/2 level of AVAD. This, I agree with. UAAs will rarely have any notion of scaling damage associated with them, so implicitly it becomes NND...with no scaling, the "how much impact does the power have?" becomes binary. It wouldn't have to be, per se; if KB resistance is the defense against a UAA movement power, then there's a decent contested scaling available. Whether this should be accepted as an adequate defense...might be a different story. But that's why UAA is a Stop Sign power.
  5. Oh, what I love is, LOTS of people feel the Cips tanked at the end of the season, and there's good reason to think so. So they go out and tank, then LOSE in the first round? Delicious. The other thing to watch will be how much churn this postseason will create. Stotts may be out after *another* first round exit, particularly with the complete inability to get any buy-in to play defense. If the Clips do get knocked out, the Kawhi/George situation fails. LOTS of money there. Lakers have a ton of free agents; not Davis or LBJ, but you don't make a deep playoff run very often with just those two. They did get the help in the bubble run; but on balance, nowhere near enough this year.
  6. I think the Laker medical staff is also going to have some questions to answer. OK, perhaps AD was just proving House's aphorism that patients always lie, but he wasn't moving worth a damn from the start. His inability to contribute on offense or especially defense likely fueled the Suns' start; when he left the court, the Lakers were seriously deflated, the Suns buoyant. 6 and a half left, Suns were up 7; end of the first quarter it was 22, and the first 4 minutes of the second was another 12-5 burst. And that was basically it. Lakers played better and made it respectable, but never got closer than, I believe, 11. Me, I'm glad LeBron's out. For several years now, he acts like he's larger than the game. That's 2 of the 3; Knicks were better but I think we saw how soft the East really was, below the top 3 teams. Now if the Clippers get knocked out, it'll be my dream trifecta. So, Nuggets vs. Suns. Game 1 is Monday night. Not sure Denver will make a real dent but I expect it'll be entertaining.
  7. Just make sure they don't have a MAGA sticker somewhere else. Or at least, don't get caught doing the coloring when that's the case....
  8. Suns come out hot. Davis' groin injury isn't close to healed; the pain forces him out. Suns stay hot. Lakers roll over and show their bellies. Mid 2nd, it's 48-19 Suns. Wonder what Shaq will have to say after this one, assuming things don't change *dramatically*.
  9. werewolves (in non-sparkly vampire movies)
  10. Not what I meant. Combat teleport is the teleport you use to maneuver around the battlefield...ergo, most likely lots of inches, no non-combat distance extensions because those require an extra phase. Non-combat teleport is arriving on-scene; Megascale becomes the norm, or you simply can't cover any real distance; your teleport might as well be Leap, really. It'll largely act like Leaping. So in 6E it might be: Multipower 40 points --Combat: Teleport, 32", 1/2 END --Traveler: Teleport, 12", 1" = 100 km (+1 1/2), No Range Mods, Safe Blind Teleport (39 active) Nice regional range, the no range mods and safe blind teleport should protect you from being TOO far off target. Now, of course, we can get into some more slots: --Rescue Time!: Teleport 10", 1" = 1 km, No Range Mods, Safe Blind Teleport, UAA (recipient must be close to grantor). I think you should probably be able to buy it with No Range, but HD is whining about that. It wouldn't help with the active cost anyway. 10 km is 6 miles; in a town/city, that should be good enough, and worst case, it should be plenty to get the victim to paramedics/healers. --Cavalry Charge!: Teleport 11", 1" = 10 km, No Range Mods, Safe Blind Teleport, Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people total, recipients must be close), 1/2 END Note that Rescue Time! is also Grab n Go...perfectly good for a kidnapping or to dump the target into a place he'd really not want to be. (Yes, I like teleporters. Yes, I like going to a VPP that's Teleport ONLY; the options and costing structure make it worthwhile to do this.) If you don't want to build a scaling power, then another avenue is something I add to my combat-type teleporters...either Blast (No Range), or HA, with NND (defense is having XDM or Teleport, or a phase-shifting form of Desolid (GM's discretion). My concept is that my teleporter can kinda use his teleport as an attack, phase-shifting you in a highly disorienting manner. Ergo, the stun damage, and the defense is, well if you can phase shift anyway, you just laugh at the attacker. The same argument holds for Teleport or XDM UAA; the defense is having something very similar. This might not entirely apply to OP's setup, but I think it could be adapted to fit reasonably well.
  11. Thought on the custom power: yeah, it's another way to do it, but the costing is way out of proportion. This *is* 5E, so yeah, ok, it matches the cost of Teleport, but this defense is *incredibly* narrow. Teleport is really king of the hill among movement powers (kinda discounting XDM, which is a weird power). It is also one that *screams* to be in a multipower, in 2+ slots...one for combat movement, one for non-combat. Once you've got that, then mechanically adding a UAA is nothing. OK, as a practical matter, it's quite possible that a UAA teleport won't be buying that many inches of base movement; quite often it'll also be picking up Megascale as well so the base inches need to stay relatively low. But that's hard to assume. And even then, 10" would seem to be the minimum practical level to buy, so we're talking 20 points. For such a rarely needed defense, that's a lot. BTW: if the notion that it shouldn't be terribly expensive because it won't come into play very often appeals, then as a secondary aspect: make it a Special Power. That way it can't be added to a framework.
  12. The tarantula of exceptional size, from the eponymous movie (I never did get into those 50's giant bugs flicks but they were very much a Thing...)
  13. Well, but there is a nasty rule...that you can't teleport someone who's unconscious without UAA. IOW, an unconscious person is considered implicitly unwilling, so Teleport usable simultaneously fails on that test. This is rather annoying; teleport is an *awesome* rescue power, and there's too much of a chance that a persone requiring an evac, won't be conscious. (And those that aren't can reasonably be presumed to be most *at need* of immediate evac to medical attention.) Sure, what you don't want is the ability to simply snatch someone sleeping straight from their bed into your hidden island stronghold, or prison cell, or 1000' over an erupting volcano. But that's the problem here. The evacuation scenario is one every DM would be willing to allow; the other scenarios are just as clearly creating massive holes in plot lines and world building, and that's true in every gaming system. So...options might be: --rewrite Teleport *greatly*. How often do comics teleporters actually teleport an entire team? I really don't know, because I can't remember that many teleporters. So are we basing off the fantasy, magical teleport? That might not be a great basis. --Eliminate UBO, *period*. In all forms. It's too damn easy to play games with advantages; it's a HECK of a lot harder with adders. The mass mult is an adder. Toss on that any sentients *must be willing*. Or alternately, must at least be incapable of resisting, to allow for rescue teleporting. Several aspects of Teleport seem to be designed to make it hard to use, which rather strongly suggests it's overpowered in the first place. Some of this is the non-scaling, no-defense nature. Well, OK...define a scaling and a defense. 5" of base Teleport == 1d6 of "teleport attack". Define a "negate teleport" defense...2 points maybe buys 3 points of defense. Count the pips on the "teleport attack dice" and reduce by the defense. If the attack still has a positive number, the teleport happens.
  14. I was watching other games until very late but...Damien Lillard was SMOKING at the end of regulation and through the overtimes. 5 crazy-hard 3's nailed in a row...one to tie the game at the end of regulation, the rest to keep them afloat. 6 for 8 total in OT, team's final 17 points. But the Blazers were done in by some careless play, and poor defense.
  15. However, some would have placed merchandise orders, and things like cancellation fees could easily apply. From an ordering standpoint, 4 months is not necessarily a lot of lead time. A lot of this would've been custom. But you're right in that most of the 'losses' were in sales that would have been made, and legally that's something quite different.
  16. There is something to the claim that Atlanta local businesses probably did sustain losses, but yeah, I don't believe for a second that has anything to do with this. It's also worth noting that the game itself is 6 weeks from today. There's no way this can make it onto a trial calendar within 6 weeks. I'm not sure you could even get a preliminary hearing in that time frame. From NBC News: So yeah, I can potentially see it being tossed because the plaintiffs have no standing...but I think I'll stop on that, as we're drifting into the politics of all of this....
  17. Was just thinking about that some more. Ernie Johnson commented that it's been a surprisingly large outbreak. USA Today's For the Win recounted 6, and this is just in the freaking first round...what, a bit over 20 games right now. Now maybe *some* of this is the extra attention implicit with playoff games, but it certainly feels like there's more to it. I suspect the racial slurs at Morant's parents happens more often than we might expect...which isn't condoning it by any means...but that's still 5 physical incidents in a very tiny window. But doing a bit of reading, perhaps some of this is the extra attention, as I've found several comments that bad fan behavior is a notable problem for the NBA. Related news...the Utah Jazz banned 2 spectators for heckling Russell Westbrook in 2019. The fans filed a $100M defamation and distress lawsuit against Westbrook and the Jazz. The suit got tossed out by a Utah judge last week.
  18. I thought it was the cast shot from Animal Kingdom....
  19. So yesterday, as the players were walking off after the Nets pretty much thrashed the Celtics, some stupid moron threw a non-empty bottle of water at Kyrie Irving of the Nets...formerly of the Celtics. Yeah, Irving's rep in Boston is only marginally better than LeBron's is in Cleveland. The whole thing was caught on video. The kid was cuffed and removed. So today, the kid, who's 21 and white, got charged with a felony-level assault and battery charge. Now, ok, I'm not gonna be surprised if this was a tactical move to drive a plea deal, and I'd be fine with that too. But I think it's a sign of a general shift where actions like this are not tolerated, in light of Black Lives Matter and Jan. 6th both.
  20. To be precise, Flynn's statement isn't treason; it may, however, be sedition. I have to leave it as "may" only because his phrasing doesn't necessarily rise to the level. From FindLaw: So was Flynn inciting revolt or just blowing smoke? That said, I think most of us agree with Pariah's overall sentiment, because Flynn's at the root of a faction that WOULD consider revolt, we believe.
  21. How do you know you're bigger than "superstar"? Roland Garros, the facility where the French Open is played, unveiled a statue of Rafael Nadal last week. He's not simply still playing, he's the favorite to win it...again. No one gets a statue at a major venue while their career is going reasonably strongly. He's slipped *some*...he lost in Monte Carlo and Madrid in the quarters, which is like...whoa, that never happened on clay before...but he's still the betting favorite at the French.
  22. Whereas we have to deal with each other. Wonder who has it worse....
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