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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Wow. Clay Helton gets the boot after losing at home in week 2. AD Mike Bohn made this comment: SO soon??? Wow. Anyone who follows things out there...was there rumbling of this going into the season? Cuz it's a big surprise to me. Mind, if a Florida State coach got canned for the BONEHEAD defense they were in, to throw that game away, I'd understand it. I'm sure it rings a bell with Pariah...Ravens and Broncos, and a certain Mile High Miracle.........
  2. Now...that's all 5E. 6E's mechanics are QUITE different. The basic approach, to me, largely stays the same. The time required is however long it takes based on the Regen you bought...if you buy APG regen per phase, well, it won't take very long. One difference: the Resurrection adder essentially triggers enough healing so you stabilize...at -BODY...and lets the regen kick in from that. So this lets you buy 1 BODY Regen per hour for 8 points; Resurrect for +20. Resurrection Only is perfectly sensible for -2, so the final cost would be 9 points. It would take you BODY hours. And flip side, you could define I Mend Quickly: Regen, 1 BODY per minute AND Phoenix Rebirth: Regen 2 BODY per phase (using APG rules), Resurrection, Resurrection Only for 20 points. Still takes several phases, tho, note. This is straightforward in 6E.
  3. 5E does not allow Regen faster than once per turn. It's expressly stated (5E 187). It makes no sense to me to allow resurrection faster. Plus, in one phase you're talking about healing HOW much BODY? To take the person from (say) -15 BODY to 1 BODY? No. Let's just start simple. Or, as simple as we can, because Regen is a mess in 5E, with the required adders and limitations. The adder is 20 points, but also gets 0 END and Persistent...so it's 40 active. It also has Extra Time and Self Only for -1 3/4, so the net additional cost, when being added to per-turn Regen, will be 15 points. Seems the simplest solution *to slow things down* for the Resurrection only is to treat it as a standalone power...then just modify the Extra Time (Regen Only) factor. So we start with, as I did, the base 40 points (0 BODY Healing, Resurrection adder, 0 END Persistent). Now apply Self Only as normal, and whatever Extra Time (Regen Only) you want...but it has to be at least 1 minute. At 1 minute resurrection, it's 13 points. At 1 day, it's 9. Leave it at that. The mechanics are being ignored anyway. Yes, I'm ignoring the Resurrection Only limitation. Yes, this absolutely requires Regen Healing to be bought separately. NOT ignoring the mechanics...the GM could require the player to buy enough normal Regen if the time for the resurrection seems too short. My comparison would be to apply the living regen rate AND the ongoing bleedout together. How long would that take to reach 1 BODY? 1 minute might be a bit fast, but 5 minutes should do it just fine. This feels to me like the simplest basic rule for the minimum time to be resurrected...each turn, you gain the points specified by the regen, but also lose 1 point for bleeding out. This continues until you reach 0+ BODY, at which point you stabilize. No more bleedout; your regen applies normally from here on. That's how it works when the Resurrection adder is incorporated with the rest of the Regen. If you want to take Resurrection separately as above, the minimum time *cannot* be quicker than that supported by the Regen. And in this approach, slowing it down isn't saving very much.
  4. NYT has an article pointing out how deeply ludicrous the anti-vax mandate criticisms are. So the "moral uproar" that "forced vaccination is tyranny" is absurd. Not that it matters; the article points out later that Biden may do the Republicans a favor by giving them something to rant about, while at the same time not forcing them to endorse vaccinations any more than some have. And unfortunately that may be true, but not creating the workforce mandates is 100% certain to be a failing strategy.
  5. Yes, but make hay while the sun shines. They had 7 should-be cupcake games, and that's 3 of em. (Later on, they get WFT, Dallas, Philly, and Detroit. And Dallas might yet prove to be...semi-competent. And the game's in Dallas...but hey, they won in New York. Never turn down a week 1 road win, for sure.
  6. Grant the prima donna, but 38-3 is 38-3. Continuing to play your starting QB is ridiculous. Game recaps are also puttling a good bit of the blame on Aaron for poor play. Mind, we do have to wonder where his head really *is* despite ending his holdout. OK. Time out. Coach says "it was an embarassing performance." Rodgers goes "it's just one game." Yeah...we'll have to see, but that isn't what I want to hear. It really makes me question where Rodgers' head is.
  7. Recognize why. It was 10 minutes left and the score was 38-3. Granted, that's cause for concern, but week 1 is week 1...The Packers weren't ready to play. They weren't the only team in that boat. Given the other teams in that division, they have time to improved. I hope they don't, personally, but even a terrible season for Rodgers won't decrease his free agent value that much, most likely.
  8. Methinks the tone of their outbursts may have changed somewhat.... Pats outgain Fins 390-260. 24 first downs to 16. Nothing horrible on penalties, did commit one more turnover. So who won? Fins, 17-16. Box score shows Pats had 3 drives...65, 67, 57...all ending in field goals. 2 of em got into the red zone, too. Inability to finish is one of the more common ways to show yards don't matter that much.
  9. The chase for history falls just short. Medvedev is VERY tight, trying to close it out, but takes out Djokovic 4, 4, and 4. Only broken once...at 5-2, 2 breaks up in the third. From what I saw throughout the tournament, Djokovic was feeling the pressure; too many first sets dropped. And I think he was tired; with the Olympics it's been a long year for him, and he actually had to play quite a bit more than one might've expected, through the early rounds. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he takes a long break...but the next few notable events, in Asia, have all been cancelled anyway. So he's got, IIRC, at least a month before Indian Wells, and then the Paris Masters. So Medvedev gets his first.
  10. We're getting the same game, but the local stations are El Paso here, and that slides us into Texas markets. That said, how regional-game assignments are made, are beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. Here, I suspect it's probably simple...2 also-rans last season, or 2 playoff teams last season? So Broncos-Giants would tend to be local markets only. What surprises me? Both CBS and Fox are doing doubleheaders today. Looks like this is a week 1 only policy...you can tell the doubleheader games because they kick off at the bottom of the hour, always. That gives room for the first game to end, with some time to cut back to the studio show for quickie scores and highlights. I note that ESPN only has 1 game tomorrow, but that also doesn't surprise me; I suspect kicking off that 2nd game so late, put a notable damper on ratings. EDIT: Just switched back to football as the US Open ended. The Saints-Packers game is being listed as Fox's game of the week...which means it's the national game for Fox. Which is also why it's got Buck and Aikman. So that almost certainly says no one outside the local markets would get any other game.
  11. Imitating John Sterling should be a capital offense. Gotta hand it to the Vikes. Inside 2 minutes, in position to try a long FG, they fumble on 3rd down. Cincy recovers. Then on 4th and 1, they let Cincy rip off a 32 yard gain. down to the Vikes' 20. Run a bit of clock, kick the FG, game over.
  12. 1. Say I'm buying it for Sight Group and Normal Hearing. What's the range...200m or 250m? Adders don't improve the range, but an extra sense or sense group is NOT listed as an adder in that section (6E1 page 180). 2. MegaScale obviously applies to the range of the power. If I purchase Mobile Perception Point, does it apply to the perception point movement rate?
  13. Who else thinks that nothing so clearly demonstrates the competence of the Washington ownership than the fact that they've had well over a year, and can't come up with a name.....
  14. Was watching football. Raducanu is the first qualifier to win a Grand Slam in the open era. Pretty darn good chance that she'll win Sportswoman of the Year. To go from #338 in the world, to #23 (!) literally in one calendar *season*...she was 338 in late June, the start of summer, and we haven't hit the equinox just yet...would be called impossible before this. And hooo boy, here's your time travel bet. Raducanu over Fernandez...Raducanu was 250-1 to win it, Fernandez 150-1, so figure you could get...let's call it 80-1. So the parlay would be just 20,000 to 1. Cha-CHING!!! As I mentioned before, tho, I hope she can handle the *overwhelming* attention and expectation that will now come *crashing* down onto her.
  15. It isn't that football doesn't pay for itself; it's that it costs far more than any other sport. So it's not so much that they lose money, it's how much. Plus, I'm principally arguing against this: If they can't hack it? Let them fold. I'll grant the NCAA is incompetent, but this isn't in their mandate. Switched over to the Iowa-Iowa State game just now. Those Iowa State jerseys are pretty bad. The jerseys are just sterile to me. The helmets...really, the best you can do is that?
  16. So...an El Paso furniture chain is running a promotion. Buy furniture from them in the next couple weeks, and if the Cowboys win the Super Bowl...you get your money back. Talk about a sucker bet....................
  17. Sure, but what I'm saying is, you were advocating for some means for the small schools to continue playing w/o the need for the paycheck games. If they can't afford the sport, then don't play it...or in a case like NMSU, play it at a level you *can* afford. It isn't about the athletes, it's about administrators' (and boosters') egos. Also of note: there are 96 schools that play Div I basketball, but NOT football. FCS sends more players to the pros than you might think, actually...and may offer more scholarships than you think. FBS is 85; FCS is 63. All FBS scholarships are full-ride; FCS can split them, but can't have more than 85. Division II actually allows 36. That said: the first round in particular is basically OWNED by the Power 5, to be sure, and the rest of the draft is heavily slanted. Found some numbers from the 2019 draft...254 total picks, 191 from the Power 5. And from the flip side, looking at the current ESPN 300 top rated high school players, looking at the top 140, not all are committed but many are...and only 4 are NOT going to a Power 5. 2 are going to SMU and 2 to Notre Dame...which gets special treatment by the bowls like a Power 5 school. Yeah. The Power 5 is a collection of football factories. And with NIL opportunities, hey, let's face it...the visibility of the Power 5 will generally open MANY more doors, only exacerbating these tendencies. Altho it might be interesting to see if it causes more transfers, too...because if you're not getting the playing time you want, you're probably not cashing in much NIL money. Grass is always greener elsewhere, right/
  18. Oregon 35, Ohio State 28 YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Start up the chant....OVER RATED!!! OVER RATED!!!! Unfortunately, it's likely Fox will show the Buffs embarrass themselves now...
  19. Yah. In 5E, Regen is built starting from Healing. Technically you can buy 0 dice of Healing, and slap on the 20 point adder, then apply the normal modifiers that change Healing to Regen. Or if that feels hokey, buy 1 pip of Healing. HD is saying it's 14 for Healing 1 pip, Resurrection, 0 END persistent, self only, resurrection only, and per turn (the base rate). Make it per 20 minutes, it's down to 11. You aren't applying a naked modifier, because the modifiers that apply to the "live body" healing are not being used with the "corpse" healing. EDIT: oops, naked adder. Not naked modifier.
  20. As a counterpoint...do those small schools need to play football, by FAR the most expensive sport? I did forget that, yeah, this is often the rivalry game week. CU isn't playing CSU this year; that game was most often week 2, sometimes week 1. NMSU actually pushed the UTEP game back to week 0...not like anyone noticed...and the UNM game is this week. Speaking of cupcakes, Saban is gonna have to go on a diet. NMSU travels to Tuscaloosa on Nov. 13th. #1 in the top 10 vs. #3 in the bottom 10. Will the spread break 60???
  21. I think this is the biggest Cupcake Week of the season. With Labor Day and kicking off the season, last week had more meaningful games. This week has Florida vs South Florida, Purdue vs UConn (Purdue -32), Georgia -29 vs. UAB, Wisconsin -32 over Eastern Mich, UNC -23 over Georgia State, Arizona State -30 over UNLV, Wake Forest -42 over Norfolk State...not a cupcake game, that barely manages to reach petit fours size...and others. Mercer takes $600K to be turned into Road Pizza in Tuscaloosa. West Virginia vs. LIU....? There's always a few of these; many teams include conference games a bit earlier in the season, so there are some non-conference cupcakes later on. Week 2 and week 3 are still, I think, MOSTLY non-conference, and for the power conferences, cupcake time to ensure they've got their 6 wins to be bowl-eligible.
  22. Thank you, thank you; we bask in the glow of your antagonism.............
  23. One of those misses was 59, and that's forgivable. Arguably shouldn't even have been kicked, as I think the combination of negative outcomes...kick gets blocked/bad snap, potentially with a defensive return might be low probability, but Brady maneuvering to a FG attempt back has a clear non-trivial probability...and the VERY low probability of making the kick lead me to think that the kick attempt has a negative expected value. But...yeah, missing the other 2 definitely is not the way to improve one's job security. He's not on the hot seat *yet* but it's a pretty big strike.
  24. I haven't looked at the world data much recently, but the US data...150K new cases, 1500 new deaths...prompted me to look at how the rates compared. That's when I saw the situation in Peru. There.......the death rate is currently at 1 person in 170. And Peru's population isn't that small...33M+. Yep...almost 200,000 dead. For contrast, the next worst is Hungary...1 person in 320.
  25. It is hard to believe...but... Tomorrow marks 20 years since planes were used as weapons of mass destruction. I still remember NPR's initial reports...confused and unclear. I vividly remember watching the only TV I could watch...a tiny thing, lousy reception OTA, but, yes, I watched tower 2 fall. It's still a jarring memory. I barely remember the rest of the week, I was that numb. To honor everyone...the passengers who thwarted another attack by forcing the plane down, the victims at the Penatgon, all the lives lost in the Towers, and last but by no means least, all the emergency responders who fell...do something that has meaning to you. Whatever it may be.
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