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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Can't recall any time I've seen anyone so thoroughly disgusted on air. Got to agree with almost the first thing he said...Fox Propaganda Network. Or perhaps we could call it Fox Strawman Network.
  2. If I have to sacrifice a season, it's worth it, because not firing him would be all kinds of wrong. The mandate itself would be called into question. It's also easier to do it because this is a firing for cause...which means the rest of the contract is voided. Even if the coach had guaranteed money or a buyout, *POOF*. On the conference merry-go-round...I think one conference is likely to simply collapse and leave some schools scrambling. Might not be C-USA...some of those are decent programs, altho I agree not big names. But one (or more) conferences is getting gutted, with little hope of being truly significant. There's only so many good football programs out there.
  3. Who says grand slams are rare in the postseason? Back to back innings for the Sox...then back to back *games*. Astros' pitcher gets the first out of the inning then walk, double, walk, single, tough hop scored an error, grand slam. 6-0 as the Sox bat around in the 2nd...and it's still going. 2 on with 2 out now, and the starter's getting yanked. This is a SEVERE!!!!! problem...because in the first 2 games, the starters didn't complete 4 innings, so the bullpen's had to suck up 23. And they're stuck for over 6 no matter what here. That's way, way too much work in a very short span. EDIT: Fox just flashed the Astros' starting pitcher stats. As noted, 5.1 innings total. ERA: 20.25. Ouch.....but hey, even if they can't come back, it's still only 2-1 Sox despite the starters' woes. EDIT 2: OK, things are completely falling aport. 3 more in the 3rd. I'll predict it now...Astros use a position player to pitch at least the 8th, possibly the 7th and 8th.
  4. https://wsvn.com/news/nikolas-cruz-pleads-guilty-to-assaulting-jail-guard-guilty-plea-for-massacre-to-come-wednesday/ If the name doesn't ring a bell, this is the Parkland shooter. I phrase it like this because his attorneys told the judge that he would plead guilty to the Parkland charges on Wednesday. In a related story, the families of the 17 people killed reached a settlement with the Broward County school district for negligence, for $25M to be divided. The details weren't announced. This isn't the entirety of the civil litigation; there are some families pursuing separate suits. EDIT: wow. This happened over 3 1/2 years ago. Early February 2018. it's disturbing to me that it's faded into the background SO much in just that period of time... Or maybe it's just me.
  5. They may well get burned by this policy. They're located in Miami. https://covidactnow.org/us/florida-fl/county/miami_dade_county/?s=24401354 Almost 75% fully vaccinated; approaching 90% has received at least one dose. The area apparently had a horrific summer; the peak on August 15th was nightmarishly high. But it's dropped down massively since. One of the local Miami TV stations had a story where they reported That said, there are no sound conclusions to be drawn just from that...biased sample? How many? Lying by omission...was it all the parents or just some? In a similar vein, they tried to talk to the owners/founders; a time was set, and the founders didn't show. Again...more than one interpretation possible. Lots of smoke there, tho.
  6. Which has to be giving anyone projected into that lofty a draft position nightmares....
  7. C'mon, Iuz, we know you moved your reliquary in there... Especially since Sporting News' projected rankings....Georgia, Oklahoma, Cincinnati, Bama, Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, Iowa. Iowa gets dinged, I think, because their overall strength of schedule is pretty poor. Mildly surprising that Ed Orgeron announced he was stepping down at the end of the season...after beating Florida. Not his departure...but that a) it happened after a win, and b) that he's being left as a lame duck for the rest of the season. I'd have expected an outright termination. Then again, contract language might come into play. LSU can start the coaching search now; the assistants can start brushing up resumes.
  8. I was thinking to post Seattle was done for the season during halftime. Well, that almost was a huge mistake. But they lost in the end, and now 4 games back of Arizona, and 3 back of the Rams. It's interesting to note that there are 5 NFC teams at 5-1 or better. Then you drop down to the Saints at 3-2, but does anyone think they're notably better than a .500 team? Right now, that last WC spot is a cluster of very flawed teams. AFC...important game tomorrow. If Buffalo wins, they join Baltimore at 5-1, and then a pack at 4-2 and 3-3. But I figure a couple teams may be about to stumble badly...Raiders, of course, but also the Browns if Mayfield is out for any period. Apparently he dislocated his left shoulder on a hard impact with the ground...and this one had a labrum tear. If it goes to surgery, he's out for the rest of the season.
  9. Sounds like....nothing I want to become familiar with. Doing goofball is HARD. I think you're trying scale a sheer wall in a sleet storm. It's soooo easy to screw it up. One aspect that is, I think, necessary, is some degree of connectivity to the character....he's gotta at least be a likable one. This? I didn't see *anything* to like. Characterization tends to be greatly compressed in a series...not as much as in a movie, but still quite a bit...and doing that with a schtick like this is almost certain to mean it's overdone.
  10. 6E has the Takes No Stun, but it's a huge influencer IIRC...not only expensive, but I believe it jacked up defenses costs quite a bit, because all you had to address was the BODY of an attack. You might be right that spirits generally have no BODY in a custom version for Horror.
  11. Even something Desolid still has a BODY score. It's not the "physical body'" it can be the effort needed to disrupt it. That said, I agree that thematically BODY damage isn't quite right. But that brings up a point: would an intelligent ghost, with an EGO score, be attackable by this means...even tho it's desolid? One could argue it either way. If you're not using a drain, then you're using an AVAD...which might be worse, as to do 'real' damage you'd need to add the equivalent of Does BODY. It makes no sense for your attack to target PD when it's targeting something insubstantial. I would probably define this as AVAD, versus Ego Def, Does BODY, with either OECV vs. DECV or OCV vs. DECV (which'd be another advantage). But, in addition to the recovery issues Duke mentioned (altho Healing that targets EGO is within the rules)...one thing this'd do would be to flash a honkin' big warning sign: NEED SOME EGO DEF!!! Which might make a mentalist even harder to play. Unless this "soul attack" is seriously rare.
  12. I wouldn't be surprised that the pandemic and Brexit have soured the NFL on putting a team in England. I agree the logistics would be brutal, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if a) the NFLPA screams...the travel is just sick. London to San Diego? Google says it's 11 hours. Each way. In some ways, I think the *@#$&@#$ London games might be *worse* than TNF. And imagine a London team as a #3 or 4 division winner, or as a wild card...with travel that's, say, London to Arizona, then London to Dallas. We hear about back-to-back cross-country being draining...this is several times worse. b) the immigration issues are tricky as heck. But worse? Who'd WANT to play there? With those logistics? With moving a family to England? What are the tax implications...other than a LOT messier? Toss all that in, and ya gotta figure free agents will rarely look there, and many players will flee as soon as their contracts allow. The London games now are, I think, less about getting a franchise into England, and more about trying to grow their market. The US market is probably largely saturated; there's few new fans to find and indoctrinate. Even if you only get a small percentage of the English market, it started at zero, or darn close.
  13. The problem with the Broncos isn't the coach. 2 sacks, but for only 1 yard. 1 tackle for loss. No turnovers. 6 different receivers with a 20+ yard completion. 4 consecutive possessions resulting in a punt (skipping the last one of the first half). Hard to tell entirely, with the Raiders...they've looked pretty good, and pretty bad. But Denver is showing they're very much a 3rd-tier team...just above the bottom feeders. Looks like 6 different games that weren't competitive...at least 20 point leads before some garbage time scores, in some cases. ARRRGHHHhhhh.....stupid Pats....
  14. From Newsweek: If that was the case, then they'd require teachers and staff to be vaccinated. This has nothing to do with the students.
  15. Tweet of the year in sports, from Purdue: We just beat the #2 out of Iowa.
  16. The SEC is continuing to show total chaos. Auburn beats Arkansas in Fayetteville; LSU takes down Florida, keeping the heat off Orgeron for a week. Definitely a Year of the Upset. And right now, Purdue's up 10, late 3rd, on Iowa...but just fumbled at the Iowa 1, so we'll see if that sparks a comeback. EDIT: doesn't look like it. 24-7 Purdue, and they just stopped Iowa on 4th and 1 at the Purdue 11. 11 minutes left but Iowa's offense has been stagnant.
  17. Do they ever get anything right? Just dropped today. The trailer may be misleading; they often are. But this looks like it's trying to make Dark Knight look optimistic.
  18. Whoa...for a small league, what's going on would seem to threaten its fundamental existence. There's a separate, MAJOR scandal about another coach, that's brought FIFA in to investigate, and led the league president and the general counsel was fired by the board of directors. I'm hearing experiences somewhat similar to USA Gymnastics.
  19. Tennis Channel. Been watching. The problem with Federer and Nadal getting back into the top 10 will be their physical condition. Neither has been able to play anything close to a regular schedule for several years, and not doing so means you've got to have VERY good results when you do play. What the kiddies have is POWER. They hit out almost all the time, and just *mash* the ball. Dimitrov played Basiashvili this afternoon; Bas blitzed through the first set because he just didn't miss. Jim Courier's comment even was, when playing him, you just had to endure that spell. His level would slip, he wouldn't make them all, and you can come back. That's exactly what happened. Fritz just beat Zherev...by pounding and pounding. And Zherev's second-serve yips. So we've got the semis of a men's Masters 1000...and all 4 players are seeded, but lower than 20. Fritz was 31. Some of this, Courier was noting, was fatigue and end-of-season wear and tear...the schedule this year ended up being compressed from the French on. Many of the big names are withdrawing from some of the European events; other than the ATP Masters, they're done for the year.
  20. Is it comforting or disturbing that we in the US aren't the only society unraveling?
  21. (my OCV - opp's DCV) + 11. That's the target number. Usually the OCV and DCV only differ by a couple, so that's pretty trivial, unless a whole bunch of adjustments come into play.
  22. Oh my...the league doesn't have egg on its face, it's getting the contents of ALL the castle's chamber pots for this one. NYT has been reviewing the WFT emails...that's the 650K, some of which caught out Gruden. This time...it's Jeff Pash. The League's general counsel, AKA, top legal advisor. They show an extremely chummy relationship with Bruce Allen, the WFT president. Chummy, far past the point of conflict of interest. They show, at least with respect to the WFT, serious collusion; they suggest that a) there may have been extensive cover-ups (not like the League's ever been known for transparency in anything), and b) if this was happening with WFT, then *who else* was it happening with? It calls into question the fundamental integrity of League operations. Might end up being paywalled but there's a free articles limit too, so... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/14/sports/football/nfl-washington-emails-jeff-pash.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20211015&instance_id=42926&nl=updates-from-the-newsroom&regi_id=113845647&segment_id=71734&te=1&user_id=28eb1fcc2379276d2188e9c54459de83
  23. Or on the flip side, that Schildt maybe wanted to move on from Molina and Wainwright and his bosses didn't. Especially Wainwright. I tend to prefer this a bit, but only because most organizations hang on to their vets too long. Not saying either is done, per se, but I generally prefer a team to let a player go a year too early, rather than a year too late.
  24. THIS is why I don't blame the disease; I blame the people who choose *ridiculous* actions like prohibiting local mask mandates. And this is her treatment regimen: So if we see that she dies, would that make her eligible for a Drawin Award?
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