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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. My GOSH, I just saw the WORST!!!! goal line call I can remember...like...EVER. Bama-Arkansas. Hogs have the ball at the half yard line, run it into the line. Back doesn't blow through but the penetration's plenty good. 1. The back's body *clearly* gets over the goal line. 2. The back is able to *reach out*, and the ball has to be a good YARD into the end zone. On-field call is no TD...marked at the 6 inch line. RIDICULOUS. Overturned on review in an eyeblink. Bama's only up 17-14, late 2nd. Bama bashers still have hope.
  2. Fox talking heads at halftime of their game, noted that Mich State's pass defense was ranked worst in the country. Yeah, the first half made sure they wouldn't have any challenengers. Lots of major blowouts in the early window. Georgia, Miss State, A&M all 40+. Notre Dame's up 24-0 after 1 quarter. Another pattern: #10 Wake Forest got manhandled through 3 quarters...38-13 down at Clemson. They tried to make a game of it, it's 41-27 now, but Clemson just recovered the onside kick inside 5 minutes left. Can't have a week without a top 10 team getting upset by an unranked team, after all...... OTOH, Iuz sweated bullets there at the end, but his Sooners didn't dud.
  3. good googly moogly... There are mismatches, and there are MISMATCHES. Ohio State is gonna have 3 receivers with 1000 yards. Michigan State's weakness on defense is the secondary. 23 minutes into the game...OSU has had 6 possessions. That's a red flag right there, one way or the other. Here...6 TDs. 23/25 passing for 330 yards. 42-0. It was 21-0 practically before the fans settled into their seats, and the Buckeyes haven't slowed down a bit. I think I'll switch games now....
  4. No. Didn't even think of it. CNN has a piece up about the Rittenhouse verdict. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/19/us/legal-experts-what-helped-rittenhouse-acquittal/index.html And this is CNN, not Fox, so we can't play the "conservatives reading the facts to their advantage" card. The article also points to prosecutorial tactical mistakes, as I noted over in the In Other News thread. So things aren't all that cut and dried.
  5. On Peng Shuai, CNN is reporting: a) UN Human Rights office is calling for a full, transparent investigation and proof of here whereabouts and wellbeing. Can be ignored by China easily, of course, but it clearly shows them that this is not going to disappear easily. b) The head of the WTA: EDIT: That was Friday. Today, Saturday, Chinese media releases 2 video clips. They are unverifiable and have details that are...unlikely. Even an IOC rep suggested that if this doesn't get resolved, it may spin out of control very quickly. I *cannot* believe, at least at this point, that the Winter Olympics will be called off; mind, I *can* believe that some women athletes, who don't rely pretty much strictly on the Olympics...skiers have the World Cup events, Winter X Games events have a reasonable schedule of paying events. Figure skating? Don't think so. Ice dance, speed skating, biathlon, sledding? Probably some I don't know about but by and large, this is their ONLY time in the spotlight. Also be interesting if the NHL players choose to pull out. I think that's the only sport in the Winter Games with that kind of large organization. I'm actually starting to get worried that this may turn VERY ugly. Even a serious threat to pull tennis out, or the *massive* embarrassment of a partial boycott or Heaven forbid, yanking the Games altogether, will lead to HUGE reprisals.
  6. But, was he charged under any of them?
  7. It's not the front office and coaches that'd worry me; it's the social media BS and the talking heads. Altho when you get no on-field time they do mostly ignore you. Ahhhh....no. Not even in the ballpark, if you're on the 53 man roster. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/cba/minimum/ And note how fast it escalates with service time for the first few years.
  8. I don't know about that, but there is this story: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/11/11/kyle-rittenhouse-trial-prosecutors-crash-and-burn-america-watches/6390215001/ Now, OK, the writer is a legal correspondent for Fox News, even if the story's in USA Today. But what he described also has some separate corroboration here: https://apnews.com/article/kenosha-wisconsin-fc43e68b77c27ece4c7af460b175705b My take is this. In modern America, it is fundamentally not possible to get a fair trial in a case like this, where race and politics are the real centerpiece. I'm not saying the kid deserved to be acquitted or convicted; I'm saying impartiality cannot be obtained. And once you get there, the trial cannot be fair.
  9. And the 3 way tie with Michigan, Mich State, and OSU. That just needs OSU to beat Mich State, then Michigan to beat OSU. And no upsets in the other games. Chaos is always fun. But let's face it. The reason you'd love this is because it means Bama loses twice...and thereby has NO shot at the playoffs.
  10. According to ESPN...2000. Last team to have 3 different *players* throw a pick...2009 Texans. One of these, tho, was by a running back. A corollary question...when's the last time you saw a team put in their #3 QB? That's very unusual. Also: you have to think Josh Rosen's days are numbered...not with the Falcons, but potentially in the league. He probably won't get cut; he's dirt cheap. But he's made it into 4 games in a mop-up role. No pass attempts in the first; 2-11 combined in the rest. And then they yank him for the emergency QB. Well, he's only on a 1 year, $850K contract. Not like he's hurting; his rookie contract was 4 years, $17M, all guaranteed, and I believe the Dolphins are on the hook for it. Arizona drafted and signed him, then traded him...remember that? They signed Kyler Murray, then traded Rosen to Miami. Miami cut him...which means they're on the hook for the guarantee, unless Arizona agreed to pay some of the contract as part of the trade. San Fran picked him up...and cut him. And getting yanked after 1 series, with the game over...yeah, gotta think he'll be trying to find another landing spot, but after Atlanta, that's gonna be tough. Then again...$17M means I don't have a whole lot of sympathy for him.
  11. Cruel. Very cruel. From what I saw, tho, pretty accurate.
  12. And their declaration has major flaws. First: the doctor-patient relationship is subject to gross media manipulation. WHY is the patient requesting ivermectin??? Second: If this is talking about the coronavirus "treatments"...they are not safe OR effective. Third: humanevents.com is just playing echo chamber for another site called American Greatness. They've got sections called Greatness Agenda, and Great America. Yeah, you can guess what their content is like. Heck, I'm not even sure the event as described *ever happened.* Yes, there was a Global Health Summit...in Rome. In MAY, not September. Yes, there was a Global Covid Summit in September. But it was virtual. Right now, I believe the entire declaration is manufactured.
  13. This is probably news to most of you...there's been quite a bit of tennis this week, with both the ATP finals (top 8 players) and Next Gen finals (top 8 under 21) in Europe, and the WTA finals in Mexico. So this story is getting considerable play. Peng Shuai is a Chinese tennis player, quite highly ranked. She posted an accusation of sexual assault....directed at a former member of the Politburo Standing Committee, effectively China's Cabinet. Oh my. The post was taken down quickly...not surprising. She has not been seen since. China has blocked searching on her name...and even on "tennis" generally. Then this tweet appeared: No one believes it's real, which has of course elevated concerns greatly. The tennis world is up in arms. The WTA head mentioned that they might stop doing business with China...there are 12 WTA events there, IIRC...including some top-tier ones. And this is right before the Winter Games. China's unlikely to pull this BS with a foreign national, but one DOES have to consider the threat to personal security.
  14. "Weeks" becomes confusing...that's a week 12 game in 10 days. Yuck. 4 games in the early block. The 2 Fox games are Falcons-Jags...ugh...and Panthers-Fins. Ugh. Fortunately, both CBS games are interesting.
  15. Which they continue to demonstrate. Had college hoops on...between games of one of the first (of MANY) early tournaments. Oh yeah...TNF. Switch. Pats up 10-0. Not surprising. Falcons get it to 3rd and 1 at the NE 14. Try a play fake, looking for some kind of pass...ok, they're gonna go for it on 4th if necessary. Nooooooo. By the time Ryan completes the play fake and gets back to his spot, 2 Pats have busted through. Back can only pick up one. 14 yard sack. So much for going for it on 4th. So they kick a 45 yard consolation prize. Kick's good. NOT SO FAST!!!! You know how the edge of the line often wants to be a bit off the line...that's normal. But this time...the lineman's too far back. Illegal formation. 5 yards. And they miss the 50 yarder. Y'all have my sympathy...but I do gotta suggest you take a bath and wash those Dirty Birds out of your system. Completely. Matt Ryan's getting pulverized. 3 sacks in the first half. Do have to give the Pats credit for some of this too; their pass rush has picked up. Back to basketball. Falcons don't deserve TV time.
  16. I dunno if this counts as a dumb criminal or just one very sick POS.
  17. MMM. Haven't seen heart in a while, altho I haven't really looked. Used to make chili with ground heart. Pretty sure the only things I've done with heart are stews.
  18. 50s of which century? BTW: I hadda look up where this piece of idiocy came from too. It's the Aaron Rodgers form of bashing.
  19. One can hope for it, but we have to see more pushback against Trumpism before I'll believe it has any real chance. Perhaps I've missed them? But I want to see more conservative denunciations of Cruz, of Hawley, of Boebert, of Greene. Instead, we get Cheney excoriated by her House leaders and by her state party leaders. Oh. I should put that in quotes. "Leaders." My bad.
  20. Except of course if they're female and want to have an abortion. Or if they're terminally ill and wish to end their pain.
  21. As opposed to Giuliani, who followed the Dark Side of the Farce..... But you may be onto something there. Wait...no. Can't be. Even the Sith practice control; the difference is in how they're willing to use it. And The Donald has never had any control.
  22. That link wasn't working for me, but a quick Google brings up a ton of stories. The allegations go far beyond just knowing about them...he was himself part of the problem. Rather ugly story, it would appear.
  23. https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/13/us/houston-doctor-suspended-covid-19/index.html
  24. So Trump was/is Sith? I mean, he has one absolute: himself.
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