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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. C'mon, man, seriously? Which part of $$$$$$$$ from ESPN to show this game when there's NO other game competing against it, and in prime time? Big 12 game gets the early slot, ABC. SEC gets the afternoon slot, CBS. C-USA has to compete against it. Big 10 and ACC get the early evening slot on Fox and ABC respectively. There's no doubt that these were scheduled to avoid clashes among the big games. It was only to be expected that the Pac 12 game was low priority...so ESPN gave em a sop of an standalone slot, with Fowler and Herbstreit doing the game, and on ABC. And of course, the way this is going...the Pac 12 is fulfilling Mr. P's point. They'll have a rep in the Rose Bowl only because it's contractually obligated, the way this game's going. Utes just made it 20-0 with the XP to come, 30 seconds left in the first half.....
  2. But that happened after they hired Addazio. Florida and OSU were before. Can't criticize CSU based on the Jacksonville stuff; that'd be like dissing Subway for using Jared Fogle...back in 2000. Speaking of that...State Farm showed the Aaron Rodgers Jeopardy spot several times last weekend. <sigh> I don't think he's a centerpiece for them, but I hope they're not just letting the uproar die down. (It may have done so already, fickle Americans that we are.)
  3. Short answer: never gonna happen, or almost never. For that to happen, it'd have to be a step up the ladder...and CSU is middle of the pack in conference, the conference is known ONLY because of Boise State, no one else appears on TV, and CSU is in a total media desert. The school has a couple great programs, I understand: forestry, and vet school, top notch. But Fort Collins is a HARD sell, especially trying to get an urban-raised, young black player. 80% non-Hispanic White. 1.5% black. (Back in the day, and even for a long time after I left, Boulder and CU had a similar problem...Boulder's suburban-yuppie white. It was acknowledged as a big problem.) With NIL, visibility matters, and...Fort Collins is buzzkill, not buzz-making. Mind, I don't think it's as bad as NMSU or UTEP. Even more remote, even less publicized for football. MUCH more likely to get a kid to leave the area...we do have some good HS football down here...than draw a kid in to play. AND we don't pay for squat. But hey, I'd rather deal with 105 and dry than 25 and windy. As for why he was hired...here's the real problem: Anyone who takes Meyer's word on anything is delusional. Meyer's got 2 pretty darn major charges on his record...creating toxic culture at Florida, where he skipped before he got fired (according to the accusations) and then the Zack Smith spousal abuse incident, and Meyer's complicity there, that got him axed from OSU.
  4. Just gonna go with the simplest. Same base cost as Teleport; if you want to buy it as an attack to move someone unwilling, you have to buy that separately, as a flat +1 (for 1 person). And you must have a targeting sense on the person or thing to be moved.
  5. Antonio Brown gets a 3 game suspension for the fake vaccination card. The suspension is for violating the protocols; they explicitly did NOT state he faked the card. Because, well...that's a federal offense. Considering things, and the league's inability to really drop the hammer on a first offense...this is OK. And suspension means no game checks, so that means it's costing him around $1M. On Seattle: Russell's been covering a multitude of sins. Their SB runs were a confluence of positive factors...a dirt-cheap, high-quality QB, the Legion of Boom wasn't, I don't think, getting paid kings' ransoms *each*. That team's been dismantled...but they've kept too many parts of it and Russell's now SERIOUSLY expensive. $32M against the cap this year. Arguably, a significant factor for the Pats was that Brady never demanded an insane salary a la, say, Dak...who's never won anything of note. Brady was tied for 14th highest paid...with Brees, Rivers, and Carr. That makes it just a bit harder to get the depth to make a deep run.
  6. In a sense, yeah, but the former, I'm thinking, he's just not really in touch with reality. It's not that he hates or dislikes anyone, he just...doesn't connect to anyone. I probably misused sociopath, actually. What I was getting it was a "oh hey this looks like fun!!"...that he knew what he was doing and *did not care*. Whereas the first was along the lines of "oh I'm late, oh I'm late" and the "oh there's people ahead" never registered.
  7. Yeah, as Old Man implies, resurrecting THAT memory deserves severe punishment. Therefore, I sentence you to watch 100 hours of PTL Club re-runs. If your sanity holds out that long. On the Waukesha guy, the only 2 options that seem to come to mind would be: a) he's seriously, seriously mentally ill. b) he's seriously sociopathic Coverage I've seen does suggest the former, but either one is too much for almost anyone to deal with. Even if it's their job, the way this guy presents, is seriously ugly, and if they're showing their aversion, well, I can't exactly blame them.
  8. I strongly suspect he's got strong buy-in from the players, which would help a great deal. There are some other factors, too; the pandemic forced cancellation of all the Chinese tournaments *this* year, as well as obviously last year. And many of them are fall events...it's an Asian swing leading up to the WTA year-end Finals, which are late October or early November. And a story in Al Jazeera points out: the WTA is a *women's* tennis organization. All the athletes are women. So this is almost an existential issue for them, far more on point than, say, the NBA no backing Kantor or Morey for their statements.
  9. I am very surprised, but glad to see it. https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/01/tennis/wta-suspend-tournaments-china-peng-shuai-spt-intl/index.html This is a huge step on their part...doing this is extremely bold, and there is no doubt there will be significant consequences.
  10. There's a very simple poll that would, I suspect, have very disturbing results. Has a mass shooting incident happened at either: a) a location you've been b) a location near to you that you haven't been to, but been reasonably close to, and could choose to go to c) a location you've passed by Yes, yes, and yes. Columbine High School...almost certain I'd have been there a couple times in HS The El Paso Wal-Mart shooting...never there specifically, but I have been in Cielo Vista Mall, which is nearby, and did shop occasionally in EP. Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas. It's WAY down south on the Strip, but I've passed it a few times taking the bus down to the outlet mall a bit further down the strip. My gut feeling is, way, way too many people could say Yes to...say...at least the 2nd. The 3rd is getting pretty nebulous. OH...#4 (!!!!) The Table Mesa King Soopers shooting in Boulder. Shopped there too; went to college in Boulder, worked at the NBS facility that was a mile, mile and a half away. That's....actually scary.
  11. I prefer this part of the story: It also sounds familiar because I think it's *frequently* true. GM: no, the coach is safe. HA! Coach: I'm not going anywhere. HA!
  12. My, my...I did say I could see Michigan vaulting to #2. Georgia, Michigan, Bama, Cincy, OK State, Notre Dame. With that lineup, I can't see Bama staying in the top 4 if they lose, unless *2* others lose. I loathe Notre Dame...have for years. BUT, it would be delicious irony if they made the CFP...because Kelly won't be coaching. Booted by the AD, which is, of course, no surprise. Oh, you wanna go somewhere to win a title...so you leave a team that makes the playoffs!!!! <2 paragraphs of derisive unprintable commentary omitted> Conversely, if push really came to shove, would Kelly's departure sway the committee to keep them out of the playoffs? They'll get a New Year's 6 bowl, that's a given. But it means they've got a significant hole, and major questions...how do the players feel? Perhaps Notre Dame will maintain discipline, but that's always an issue...a month off? And now, no head coach? On the cusp of the CFP. Got to believe some of the players will feel betrayed. If I were to bet, I'd take their opponent sight unseen, and give the points unless it really looks like that's already been factored into the line.
  13. The climate conspiracy video is interesting, but we shouldn't be at all surprised that Big Oil is behind it. Their playbook isn't new at all. It's Big Tobacco's playbook. And it was VERY successful for a very long time. Sure, it failed in the end, but tobacco smoke is an obvious problem with a core opposition that crosses most boundaries...non-smokers. The non-smokers have a fundamental argument: even before one proves that second hand smoke damages health, it's CLEARLY a nuisance. So the first steps were some local bans; the first major step was when in-flight smoking was banned on domestic flights less than 2 hours long. That was 1988. Of note: the first warnings were from Britain in 1951, then the Surgeon General's warning in 1964. And note that even then, the Surgeon General's warning was very weakly phrased. Ah...ok, arguably the first big success was banning smoking ads on TV. That was 1971. But considering NASCAR's title sponsor was Winston? And other similar ads, plus full back cover, or front inside cover, ads? The ban was not that effective. The video shows the rhetorical shift...it's no longer practical to try to deny the science. That corresponds to the proof that smokers have increased risks...the stronger wordings on the warnings moved to this, where "may" got changed to "are known to." So Big Tobacco switched to second-hand smoke...oh, it wasn't that bad, it didn't increase risk. And they held that line for a long time. Big Oil has a better 2nd string: the economic argument. That's a compellingly SCARY argument...and one that's inherently nebulous. It's too easy to cook the numbers to say whatever you want them to say, by controlling assumptions. And how often are the "studies" really challenged anyway? And now, of course, the technical disinformation gets married to the right-wing political echo chamber, where the goal isn't stasis per se, it's just denying the libs ANY successes. Climate change denial's anti-science tactics were lifted for coronavirus denial. And we know how successful that's been. They also reinforce each other, as a cornerstone of both is to discredit the science that doesn't serve the message. Just as the evidence of climate change benefits from a preponderance of evidence...so does science denial.
  14. And now we've got Brian Kelly going from Notre Dame to LSU. Yeah, schools throwing money at coaches is common, but NOT like this. The Napier hire is common: for the coach, it's an upgrade in programs, so it's climbing the ladder. With Riley and Kelly, it's not climbing the ladder. The schools are at basically the same levels. THAT is unusual, at least that I can recall. It's uncommon, I think, when the coach gets fired at the old school first, but that's not happening here. It was reported that it's Kelly wanting a better shot at the national title...but is that true? Found a story explaining how ND is going to stay independent in football...and that seems like an *easier* route to the playoffs than trying to smash through Alabama to even win your division, along with 3-4 other programs that are good to very good in most years. I think that's particularly true if the playoffs expand to 12; ND will very likely push hard for their special status WRT the New Year's 6 games (they qualify rather easily). Other than the money angle, or maybe not wanting to deal with the issues at ND. Catholic school. Tighter academics. But it hasn't hurt them that much, so...it goes back to the money, it seems.
  15. Extending the season can't plausibly be a factor at this point because we're still significantly short of last season's length. Mind, changing the number of preseason games...might be. And in the overall slower development. Or perhaps, we've got a self fulfilling prophecy: the *fear* of injury is causing more injuries. Preseason lighter workouts...players aren't as ready. Less work during...players aren't as ready. Or in shape. Holding players out of practice if there's anything potentially wrong...players aren't as ready. And a much, much greater concern that a small injury will blow up into a big injury. There's the classic distinction between playing hurt...everyone hurts in the NFL at this point...and playing injured. The latter is all but gone, which isn't unreasonable, but the reasoning to sit is clearly moving into the realm of the former. Because there's simply too much <bleeping> money tied up in players' contracts. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/contracts/sort-average/limit-100/ It's almost even worse if you take the top 200. #100 on the list makes $14.6M...#200 is at $10M. NOT a big drop. So pretty much, every team has 7 players making 8 figures a year. Missing one game is not great, but ok. Missing several gets REAL expensive, REAL fast. EDIT: and a flip side there is, no one has depth. That, arguably, has been the #1 impact of revenue sharing and free agency. The great teams of the past had bench players who could've started on at least 2/3 of the other teams, and often more than one such. No one can do that because the players will bail for more money, more time, more plays...to get better stats to make more money.
  16. Mayfielding. Or has everyone forgotten his college days? As for the Broncos...it's the new NFL. No one is consistently good; no one is solid. Seems there's a total head-scratcher *every* week. How does Carolina beat Arizona...then lose 2 weeks later to Miami? How can Buffalo POSSIBLY lose to Jacksonville? (Sorry, Logan, but it hadda be included.) Pittsburgh beats Cleveland...mild surprise...and Chicago...should win...but then ties Detroit, and they get *crushed* by the Bengals. You can also flip the story. How can the Chargers offense drop 41 on the Steelers then only 13 on the Broncos? Explain the last half dozen Cowboy games. It's completely unprovable, but I think the indirect effects of covid play a role. Not as much practice. Nowhere near as much time together. Team cohesion is what's lacking, first and foremost.
  17. Too late for that, I'm afraid. It's just going to be more liberal noise. The polarization is long since too firm for this to do anything but firm it even more. You can't tell people they're Not Cool when they've got a faction saying, hey, we think you're very cool!!! And how do you phrase this to separate the responsible owners from the others? How do you address the "if guns are criminalized, only the criminals will have guns" rhetoric that can influence even responsible gun owners? How do you rein in the hard-core progressives who make it clear that their goal is to get as many guns off the street as they can, and keep them on a message they don't subscribe to? The bump stock ban might be an overreach because it was imposed by ATF rather than passed via legislation through Congress. The 6th Circuit said that back in March, and in August 17 states filed a brief in support of overturning it. But here's the converse: you would think Congress could pass this. And there's a bill to close the "bump stock loophole": https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/5427/text?r=1&s=1 But why wasn't this done 4 years ago??? Trump even ordered the bump stock ban...not a Democratic president. Of course it meant that Congress didn't have to choose between voting with their President...and a ton of Democrats...or the gun lobby and their vocal, gun-loving constituents. BAD political calculus there, which Trump sidestepped for them.
  18. And the UAA form is a different specific power from the non-UAA. Apport's definition does not require it. I AM NOT building a specific power starting from Teleport. I'm defining a new Power.
  19. I don't have to buy it as UAA. My teammate's stuck in an Entangle...? He's willing. I see the maguffin across the room; the other side is closer to it than I am. *poof* Not any more. It doesn't require UAA. UAA is a separate issue, and something I'd apply normally. Apportation as a concept can readily be limited only to the willing...like, I sneak inside because I'm stealthy, then apport my buddy the tank. And the range is going to be No Range. "You can cause a willing person or object to move to a location adjacent to you. There must be sufficient vacant space for the target to arrive." That's still No Range, within the formal language of the system. And it's not worth a fixed-location limitation IMO. This power is "cause movement from point B to me at point A" instead of "cause movement from me at point A to point B." So it's exactly the same level of flexibility...1 point is anchored, the other is free.
  20. Back in the day, when I was more into Shadowrun, I'd pick up a gun magazine every so often if there was a story that interested me, for research. (I've never owned a gun. Never seriously considered buying one.) And sometimes they'd have the self-defense stories; there was, IIRC, even a regular column highlighting them. Are they still being written? Probably. How many of us go through mags like that any more? A related question *could* be...how often are these found on magazine racks? They used to be in every supermarket. I think, to a degree, the idolization of the gun culture is down. It may be similar to smoking, or public drunkenness. Both were fashionable...drinking being more tolerated than fashionable. Both have become far more stigmatized. So perhaps, broadly speaking, being a gun owner isn't something one flaunts nearly as much. Outsde of Texas, that is.
  21. I don't buy the Kingsbury angle. It's reported he's still got a year on his deal, and Arizona's got the best record in the NFL so the team's got to be extremely happy to have him. Figure that might just be a smokescreen. I can...sorta believe $12M. IIRC, that's MUCH more than even Saban's making...I think he's a touch under $10M. And well, with his track record, that's readily believable. But, I'd buy that USC is paying Riley that much because a) it's USC and they're desperate to get back to the national conversation for their on-field performance; b) Riley has put up the numbers at OU; and c) he's young and dynamic. That's valuable in SoCal. And, of course, d) he wasn't gonna leave OU, which arguably has a *better* football pedigree than even USC, for less than a few armored cars' worth of cash. Looking...Riley was...oh poooor boy....ONLY making $7.6M at OU. So yeah, I definitely believe the $12M.
  22. I don't see it, but hey, the committee could do that. But...with this win, where's Michigan? Bama probably *should* have lost, and they darn sure didn't gain votes despite the win. Cincy won't pass them, but Michigan beat OSU fairly soundly, particularly on offense. 41 carries for a tick under 300 yards is smashmouth at its finest. And the defense contained the Buckeyes...we can't count the Michigan State game entirely, as MSU's pass defense is non-existent. But the Buckeyes still did well; MSU let them elevate that to bonkers. So I think it's plausible that Michigan vaults to *2nd*...because did looked *great* and Bama didn't. I suspect it'll be Georgia, Bama, Michigan, Cincy tho. But if Cincy wins and Bama loses? How can you drop Cincy that low? I drop Bama. #5 is likely Notre Dame; #6 is likely Oklahoma State, and #7 is likely Baylor. (Ohio State might be in there as well, somewhere, but they can't advance.) If Oklahoma State wins, they have back-to-back wins against HIGH ranked opponents, and they're a 1-loss conference champ. Notre Dame is Notre Dame. *I* think they're grossly overvalued but that's me. Bama's best wins have lost a LOT of luster...Florida was #11, but wilted like lettuce under a heat lamp. LSU win wasn't terribly impressive. Today's was lackluster. Had Oklahoma beaten OSU then Baylor...well, ok, much the same argument might've been made. But OSU's been more solid in the second half of the season. Oh...had a side thought. Iowa had to be overjoyed with the Wisconsin loss. I believe that guarantees them Pasadena, win or lose. I can't see them vaulting into the playoffs with a win...ergo, Pasadena most likely. OR the playoffs. Nice option. If Michigan wins? They're in the playoffs so can't go to Pasadena, and Iowa is granted the Rose Bowl by being in the title game, I believe. Heck of a consolation prize. But hey, we're not committee members. We're AM talk show callers.
  23. I'll get back to this later...I'm trying to regrow my fuse for the rest of the night. HATE when the breaker trips at 4:30 in the morning...
  24. I was thinking that too, but.......I just realized something. If Georgia beats Bama, regardless of margin, then Georgia is the #1 seed. No question. Assume Michigan wins over Iowa (!). Not a guarantee but let's go with it. And Cincy beats Houston; they'll be a decent favorite, I'd think. They have to be 2 and 3, right? So if the committee wants Bama in there, it'd have to be as the 4 seed......to play Georgia again. Would they want that? When there are other potential, viable options? I'm not necessarily against a rematch, but not when the first matchup was the game before, and the conference title game. How can a game where Kansas football is playing be interesting? Speaking of Not Interesting...whoa!!!!! NMSU 44, UMass 27. Darn, we can't improve our ranking!!! EDIT: The coach, Doug Martin, at least gets to go out with a win. His contract expires at the end of the New Mexico fiscal year (end of June) and there were no talks about an extension, so it was expected. 25-74 in 9 years. The AD...who didn't hire him...pointed out, tho, that the Aggies have had 5 winning seasons in the last *50* years. El Paso local news also dropped his salary...as a state employee, it's public information...$437K. That in itself shows one of the problems: that's *poor* for an FBS head coach. https://www.boydsbets.com/highest-paid-college-football-coaches/ Shows 120 of the 127....and Martin was 3rd lowest. That was 2019 but it's not likely things changed that much since. The football budget will improve; we'll get a slice of C-USA's TV and bowl payouts. That should help some but for comparison, in that list Bob Davie was at UNM and making double. About 80 of the coaches on the list made over $1M. So if you get lucky and grab a rising star...even if he wins, you probably can't keep him.
  25. Quick update: pretty straightforward TDs in the first OT. Bama gets sack, sack to force a near-50 yard FG by a kid kicker...Auburn's first string kicker's hurt, apparently. He hits. Auburn forces a 38 yarder...IT'S good. So we go to nothing but 2 point conversion plays from the 3 yard line until one team succeeds and the other fails. Hey, Mr. P, how's your pulse rate? Or are you not watching? I'm rooting for there to be a toilet paper storm at Toomer's Corner. Maximal chaos!!! EDIT: <sigh> It goes to PKs and Bama wins 2-1. Oh, sorry, it was 2 point conversions.
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