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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Not nearly as much as they need a decent coffee bar. It's overrun by Starbucks, man!!!!
  2. True for incremental powers, not always true for unit-purchase powers. This is a unit purchase. For purposes of Drain, for example...say my Invis is sight group, no fringe, 1/2 END. 37 active. You roll a 9d6 Drain...get 30. Nothing appears to happen. If you drain my 9d6, 1/2 END blast...same 30 points of drain knocks it down to, what, about a 4d6 tickle attack. Flip side: standard Desolid is completely all-or-nothing without a MAJOR!!! advantage. In the middle is Shape Shift, where it specifically allows partial shifts. The rules are silent. That doesn't imply it's denied; it doesn't imply it's permitted. I'm *particularly* opposed to the "anything not expressly forbidden is permitted" school; I'll grant that the converse is also not optimal, but it's far better starting point. I'd much rather make specific rules to extend things. MUCH easier for the players to accept, in my experience. BTW, narrow, specific examples don't mean anything, as the comic writers are just doing whatever they want to do. There is no systemic underpinning, no accounting. IF!!! there's a predominant treatment, then that can be informative, but it's rarely definitive. Especially in the broader Hero context, as it covers different genres.
  3. Those are NOT lifeboats. They're small craft capable of significant independent action...and were, in ST, on several occasions. There's a potentially tricky issue of where to draw the line...a basic rowboat was the lifeboat in the days of sail, and yeah, OK, it was used to make landings because the ship itself had too much draft. Huh. That might be the line. You don't notionally use a lifeboat and the main ship at the same time...the boats get used only when the ship's highly compromised. If you can use the boat/shuttle and the ship fully, at the same time, then the boat should cost points.
  4. A clean definition is always better than one cobbled together from ill-fitting parts.
  5. 7-1 Phillies going into the 9th. Rockies get a lead-off triple early in the game...and strand him. They did bring up the Angel Hernandez incident in the 8th. The HORRIBLE!!!!! call was earlier in the game, apparently. Hernandez called a pitch a strike...when the machine measured it at over 6 inches out of the zone. Phillies might be back to .500...but they've played 13 home games and 7 road. They're 2-5 on the road. The Rockies...I think we need a "dead horse" rule. And it doesn't help that 3 other teams in the division have the 2nd, T-3rd, and T-6th best records in baseball right now. It's a group of death. And hey, it could be worse. The Reds are trying to be mathematically eliminated by the 4th of July.
  6. "Portable" as opposed to bolted down, or built in. https://www.brownsafe.com/estate-safes/model-7228.html Besides, a 1000 pound safe isn't a big deal for a 25 STR, altho keeping a good grip might be an issue. That safe is 29W by 26 deep, and approaching 1200 pounds; every now and again, writers note this kind of thing as awkward. $15K. Such a deal.... Doc Strange probably had 2.
  7. Oh, so YOU'RE Comic Relief!!
  8. But also figure the value of life boats in the overall scheme. A life boat is not like keeping, say, a swamp boat on the ship to go places the full-sized boat can't. I'd argue that life boats adding to the cost of the ship at all, is being rather nit-picky.
  9. If it's worth a limitation, it's no more than -1/4...partially because of the structure of limitations. Let's start by considering a simple Invis to Hearing Group. How often would the character be disadvantaged? Walk up quietly, shout at someone? No problem. Giving orders aloud? Blows the invis anyway...UNLESS you've got something like a headset. I mention it because a mic and earbud are things the GM may well say are free. If invis to sound means you can't speak *here*...then it becomes a problem if you want to give reports/updates as you infiltrate, for example. I'd be inclined to say no limitation, because too often limitations are simply attempts to shave points...and mild problems like not being able to be heard, can add flavor and depth.
  10. Ah. Well, I'm glad you found it. It does make clear, tho, that in core...the question is legit.
  11. XDM UAA is nasty, for sure. Just about as bad...and potentially cheaper, altho the build may be abusive...is Teleport UAA, with MegaScale and No Range Mod. END Drain is better than STUN drain, I'd think, because the halving rule doesn't particularly help...END is +5 for 1 CP, so even if you buy 100 END, it's only 16 points. Even the half-effect rule for a defensive Characteristic doesn't help that much when there's so little to drain. And buying up to 100 END is rather high. STUN Drain will be a bit less effective in that regard, but may combine better with other attacks like AVAD.
  12. Depends on the Flash. This is left open to SFX. Mental Entangle is expensive, but you may not need very much. 2d6 and +2 DEF gives you 4 DEF. That'll keep many heroes occupied for a phase or two, or he'll push...that's OK, that's burning END. The next step up would be 3d6 and +3 DEF...unfortunately a bit wasted, as the defense on a mental entangle is 3 points for 2 DEF, and there's the limit on the extra DEF you can buy. But, with 6 DEF...even 5 DEF, 3d6 and +2 DEF...not many heroes will have enough EGO to break out without pushing...or at least, not for quite a while.
  13. So those extra limbs can be used to punch with? Extra limbs is bad, IMO. IF you're going this way, then TK or Stretching is better IMO; fewer interactions. Stretching is straightforward enough; just built this: Stretching 1m, Transdimensional (single dimension), Reduced END (0 END). You can stop there, for all of 2 points. What you can include or remove from the 'bag' is limited by your STR at this point. There's no indirect impact; you're reaching into another dimension only. The downside is, the space is abstracted completely, and at this point, doesn't really match some of the notions of a bag of holding...max total weight of all objects, maximum object size, that sort of thing. That's not a big deal, but...as written, nothing says I couldn't stuff a portable safe weighing 1000 pounds (if I have the STR to move it), or a commercial-sized refrigerator that's several cubic feet. Hero System logic says that the small bag of holding should be cheaper...but that 'bag' is already dirt cheap. Extradimensional Space is better, cleaner, simpler for my money. The only potential drawbacks: there's no "small" XD space. 1 cubic meter is the smallest, as it's defined. Limited Power would be ok; I'm not crazy about doing it that way, but that's a personal philosophical issue. There's no associated weight limit; it's something you could define. (If you do, then I'd redefine the size factor as a two-way advantage/limitation, which impacts weight capacity too.)
  14. Where is that stated? When you make no sound, why can sound from your mouth pass? It's NOT restricted to sound when you move; your breathing, your heartbeat are inaudible. If your breathing can't be heard, why should another expulsion of breath be audible? Because in general we don't want it to work that way. Every argument is IMO reflecting a bias that invisibility to sound silencing you, is a PITA and we don't want to do it. Which is fine...but recognize it IS a bias towards that specific interpretation of the power. Nope. Far as I'm concerned, this argument is not worth pursuing any more. This horse got turned into dog food.
  15. Stealth isn't invisible. One is a skill, the other is a power. The power can have implications the skill doesn't. You can also drop the invis to hearing once you close, then call out. Nope. Doesn't hold up. You can't use RL examples because invisibility does not exist in the real world. You can only argue by analogy...and to a degree, by normal practice. But that doesn't answer the question from a RAW perspective; it goes to what you would expect and allow. By RAW, it is sensible to assert that Invis to hearing renders you mute for the duration...that sound simply does not escape from you. And yeah, I can accept the other way just as well, on the basis of running a smoother game rather than nitpicking.
  16. Well, no...for disseminating it, I agree. Keep them in separate files. I threw in the mid-levels on Growth before, but those changes got lost in a hard drive accident. Along with a bunch of other stuff. Oh yes, I was cursing at myself for HOURS. EDIT: oh yeah, Delayed END. Mmm...I'm not sure. I build for supers, with good to high SPDs. Once per turn at SPD 5 or higher is basically as good as 0 END, *except* that you can't make it persistent. I might toss it in, tho; figure, for example, as a replacement for Costs END only to activate, which for constant (but not persistent) powers is too cheap. it's largely a campaign style question. One place it might be nice, for me, is on movement powers. I have a High Scale advantage...like Mega Scale, but 3, 10, 30, or 100 meters scaling. And it works with the noncombat speed mult. It's *principally* for Flight, and occasionally Running...4 SPD, 20", x60 (x30 with standard NCM) is 400 m/s, which is just under 900 mph. I also prefer to say that a character *doesn't* have to use the advantage all the time...it's selectable. END per turn would help with this. The way to do it, both within the RAW and for END issues, is buy the baseline Flight with Reduced END if needed...1/2 END will work a lot of the time...then buy a Naked Advantage for the scaling, and buy 0 END for that. END per turn would fit better. One suggestion: add an exclusion for Increased END Cost. For Heroic, yeah, it's not likely anyone would take it; for supers, I think often it'd be too cheap.
  17. I've chosen to not wear a mask. At this point, assuming you're vaccinated, and preferably boosted at least once, I think mask wearing is a matter of personal choice, not so much a social policy concern. I'd say most masks I see now, are being worn by older folks...that's a high percentage down here. And sometimes on kids...independent of the parents' wearing one. They both make sense. Older folk are much more likely to have risk factors, and there's no such thing as a minor cold as you age. Caution is sensible. With the kids, fine, the risk of serious infection is low...but the consequences are sometimes VERY nasty. The cost to wear a mask? Mostly trivial. The risk/reward equation is HEAVILY tilted.
  18. So for them, it's a warning shot to bend towards Russia...or else. Or at least, don't even THINK about getting buddy-buddy with the West, or you're next.
  19. Quite a few, far more than you might realize. Plus, I should clarify: their significant trading partners like Syria, that are too vested to come out against the invasion. Quite a few of those in Africa, for example.
  20. I need to do this myself, but... Autofire skills shouldn't be Options, they should be 5 point adders, so you can select multiples at once. I was building a pulse-based blaster; he had some autofire built in, so I was giving him Rapid and Sprayfire. Why use 2 lines? Should be a simple tweak in the various templates...I just haven't done it since I thought about it. (Side note, I did that for multiple attack skills too, both the Rapid Attack and Defensive Attack (from APG). 4 adders, 5 points each.) Also note that if they're gonna be used all the time, you can simply adjust the templates, rather than extend. Save the original to revert if necessary, and a copy of the mods so if/when you upgrade HD, you can easily port your changes back in. I don't think there's been big changes to Heroic6E.hdt in some time. Small tweaks like languages, ok, but not big ones. NOTE: start by extending until you know it works the way you want, and you've got everything in it that you want. Adjusting Heroic6E.hdt is best done at the end, if at all. Delayed END, huh? I missed that one. Have to look it up...
  21. The cases aren't entirely similar, but it's also true that this is *predominately* a sight-only issue. And hey...one can argue that, no, invisible to sound means, you *can't* be heard when you try to speak. That you have to turn it off. Nor is it the same in many cases: a) stop moving, turn off hearing Invis b) speak c) turn hearing invis back on Technically not legal, I believe; you can't change a power's state twice in a single phase. But one that would likely be allowed...if nothing else, as a matter of convenience. We WANT hearing invis to work that way, so...it does. Sight invis, OTOH, is mostly all or nothing, in standard fantasy and in comics. I think everyone agrees that it's not a game breaker, no matter what. Free, or low cost at most. That choice comes down to some fundamental rules interpretation/evaluation differences where we can, and should now, just agree to disagree.
  22. Probably to some degree, but it's also a warning/threat to their "allies." Back us, or else!!!
  23. My father's the last left on his entire side...middle brother. Older brother died...oh, quite a few years ago, actually. Younger brother died last year. He's 94 now, and I believe, he's had to be moved to a full time care facility. (No, familial relations have never been our strong suit.) You also reminded me of my uncle. One of the earliest artificial heart valve recipients...in the 50's, mind. MAJOR deal. Around...oh...early 80's...story went that he went into the hospital for a persistent cold. Part of the problem was his artificial valve needed replacement, too...but with an infection? Can't do major surgery. He entered the hospital...right round Christmas. Never came out. Passed away in late spring. Which is a form of torture in itself. There's no good answer here.
  24. Just opened up NYT. Lead headline: Moscow Lashes Out, Accusing West of Proxy War Which side started this again????
  25. I realized: I don't have an ad blocker on this Chrome yet. This is still the new, Win 11 box; got it on my Win 10. But that also means having to go through the "turn off your ad blocker" on SO MANY web sites now. that I haven't been in a rush. May have to do that this afternoon. MANY years ago, I remember reading Ladislas Farago's Game of the Foxes. It was about Germany's intelligence services before and during WW II. TL;DR: spy services are a lot less competent than they make out to be. CIA has also had its share of...let's say, inglorious moments.
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