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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. SLOW!!!!!!!!! WAY back when, I remember getting a notification that I was included as a member of the class, in a class action lawsuit, because I'd purchased a DVD drive. Several, actually, probably. The suit goes back to 2010. Yeah. 2010. I got the first notice and a settlement opt-in. The monetary verdict was decided in 2016. I got the payment set up...an Amazon gift card number will get emailed in the next day or two...*today*. It's about $12, so...not like I can fly to the Bahamas on it..... 12 years to get a case resolved.... We know the only group to make anything of this was the lawyers, and the service firms that managed the distribution of all this..........
  2. IIRC it's the 2nd one for Poole in this playoff run. Free throw shooting killed the Celtics as much as anything. And they're in big trouble; Steph's way too likely to revert to his mean...which means an 8 for 13 kind of night is looming. A major X factor...in the last 2 games, Andrew Wiggins has grabbed 29 rebounds, 25 defensive. That's really clamped down on Boston getting 2nd shot opportunities, where you'd expect their size to dominate.
  3. Pulse. Mandalay Bay. Boulder King Soopers. El Paso Wal-Mart. Denver movie theater. That meme is, unfortunately, completely wrong.
  4. it is indeed the exemplar of a coach overthinking a play call. It will retain a place in history among the Bottom 10 plays of all time...very likely, due to the significance of the game and the play, #1...alongside such luminary plays as the Butt Fumble, the Miracle in the Meadowlands (Pisarcik fumbling the handoff to Csonka while trying to run the clock out), the immortal Garo Ypremian pass attempt, and of course, the Leon Lett.
  5. Not quite true. Not if you have a Common Modifier on the VPP, particularly if you have separate modifiers on the power. For example, a typical combat pool will have 1/2 phase to change, but will still require a skill roll to change the pool. (Because no skill roll required is expensive.) When you require a skill roll to modify the pool, it's very tempting to put Requires a Skill Roll as a common modifier on all the powers. Now, if you add, let's say, a Blast...Limited Range might apply. (It's rarely impeding.) If you build the Blast with Limited Range outside the VPP, the cost reduction for the RSR won't show. OK, you can manually add it...but it doesn't get removed from the power display when you move it into the VPP. So...what's easier? YMMV.
  6. Oh yeah, forgot why I came over here. NYT has a summary of day 2 testimony. The major take: Trump was told, repeatedly that any claim of election fraud was baseless; this included Barr. A characterization from Trump's campaign manager is also quite the zinger. There were 2 'teams' offering their points of view. Tean Normal was "no it wasn't stolen." The other team was Team Rudy. Potentially the biggest reveal...there was never an "election defense fund." The money went straight into a PAC. From there, it was used in whatever way they felt. Given that donations to a PAC are rather loosely regulated anyway...it's likely there's no crimes here. But some of those uses certainly looked like nest-feathering. Some Trump supporters might not appreciate that. (Granted, many may not care.)
  7. But only because they were careless, and were spotted getting into the truck. That's just stupidity on their part, to do that in the open, in a neighborhood. Let's make 1 tiny tweak: that they kept the gear at a storage facility, and loaded everything there. Odds are, they wouldn't have been spotted...or only by a security camera that wouldn't be able to interpret what was happening. The more grave concern is, this is another case where it wasn't local. 31 people from 11 states overall, only 1 of em from Idaho. So this is too close to Jan. 6th, in my book, with an organized rally with at least regional reach. Idaho only borders 6 states. Parts of Colorado and California aren't too far away. But after that...the Dakotas, Arizona, and New Mexico...and all of those are quite a ways. Coeur D'Alene is also well up the Idaho panhandle, not too far from the Canadian border, so even Salt Lake City to Coeur D'Alene is 700 miles. That is extremely disturbing to me, that they'd have that kind of draw. (NOTE: 2 of em were from St. Louis, MO...that's halfway across the country.) The charge filed at this point is conspiracy to riot. Rioting, under Idaho law, is a felony if more than $500 in damages. 5 years. That should be plausible to prove. Another provision says, if hostages are involved, it's 5 to 20 years. But that probably can't be proven. Under federal law, traveling to incite a riot is enough, and they may separate those from out of state because all they'd need to do, it looks like, is show combined with the interstate travel, and they're guilty. Looks a lot easier to prove. Same 5 year sentence. Not sure if any other charges will be possible. I don't think carrying riot gear or smoke grenades is illegal.
  8. Save the power. Now look in the powers list for the VPP. At the end, you'll get a Real Cost. What's going on here is, Flight uses the standard PowerDialog, which extends GenericDialog. The Real Cost displayed is realCostLbl.setText("Real Cost: " + Rounder.roundUp(object.getRealCost())); and that's cost in actual Character Points. In an MP, that's slot cost. In a VPP, it's 0. Also, GenericObject's getRealCost() returns a double, not a String. And that power definition dialog is used regardless of whether it's in a framework or not. Could it be changed? Yeah, I think so. It might not be too hard, if you only need to write a getRealCostString() in GenericObject, that mimics getRealCost() (which knows about being in a framework). But some power-specific dialogs might have to get tweaked too.
  9. An MP and a VPP are *entirely* different in a key respect. In an MP, pool size and max active points for a power are the same. In a VPP in 6E, max active points are defined by the control cost. If you require the active points for the VPP to fall within campaign rules, you're totally eviscerating VPPs. Let's start by setting the AP limit at 60. For the VPP, we want it to be an attack VPP mostly...Blast, Flash, Images, Change Environment. Light-based. Nothing fancy. Let's go with a control cost of 60. Attack VPP needs 1/2 phase to change slots, so that's +1/2. Light-based powers, let's call it -1/2. Those are both VPP mods. The *active points* of the control cost ALONE is 40 points...so my absolute max pool size, if I have to keep the AP of the VPP under 60...is 20. If I want it to be 0 phase? The control cost AP *alone* is 60 points. Forget that noise. That's not even close to reasonable or playable. To use that full 60 points, I gotta come up with -2 in limitations if I want to be able to use my pool in combat. Heck, even if I *can't* adjust my pool in combat, the largest pool size I could have is 30 here. How can that possibly be reasonable? AP guidelines do NOT!! apply to the overall AP of a framework. It is a bit odd, but it's basically for bookkeeping...in a totally different area. The contribution of the control cost is clear-cut. Well, clearly a pool size of 50 should have more AP than a pool size of 30. Go to left column, 6E1, page 140. Under improving a framework. Aid and Absorption can target the VPP. By the rules there, the points must be distributed. (TO BE TWEAKED, I think I wrote something improper.) The rules mention 30 pool + 60 control as an even split...30 + 30 CP for the control. Note that does NOT consider advantages on the control cost. It's based on something separate...character points. Not real points, not active. And that's strictly for partitioning the character points given by the adjustment power. The "active points" for the framework only come into play, I believe, for Linked. If I want to link a VPP to another power, I must know what the AP of the overall VPP is. It is kind of messed up; the word "points" is insanely overloaded in Hero, and distinguishing them is NOT!!! always simple. And again: go back to powers like Summon, Duplication, and Multiform. The campaign rule AP limits do NOT apply to everything. And frameworks are NOT even powers.
  10. You're not stumbling due to low END, tho. You're talking about a massive adrenaline burst getting you up and going...even if it's, say, hearing the phone or doorbell ring unexpectedly. Sure, you're disoriented, but I don't see any connection to END or STUN. I'd say that it's closer to a mental Flash, as your brain is suddenly overloaded. You can't think straight, your body isn't coordinated. Heck, if I know I have to get up, get moving, get out the door by a firm time point...that typically forces an adrenaline rush that I pay for later. Especially if I don't leave quite enough time.....or lolligag a bit too long so I feel like I'm running tight. I've forgotten key things a few times when this has happened.
  11. Yah. I could maybe buy just rolling the d12, with the accelerator feature. That's randomizing, and in itself, not adding too much bookkeeping, if you can trust the players to not cheat. (Altho let's be honest, there could still be bookkeeping because forgetting is understandable.) It might feel like higher SPD is overpriced, but an indirect point here is that double-digit SPD could arguably be *under* priced, if it really makes things THAT hard. But it's also plausible that it's not the SPD per se but the rigid nature of the SPD chart, which randomizing would avoid. Here's another randomization thought. Simply roll a d12. If your SPD says you'd act on that phase? You act. Granted, this still leaves the hole that a bad set of rolls can leave you on the sidelines for an uncomfortable period. It's faster, in that there's only 1 roll. It doesn't create the "effective SPD" problem. With a 4 SPD, you'd sit for 5 straight phases...occasionally, about 1 in 7. (2/3 chance you wouldn't act.) Could be crazy too, tho...back to back 12's!
  12. The amount is negligible, unless you leave it to boil for a considerable period. That's a bad idea anyway. OK...I'll qualify that. It may well depend on HOW you heat your water. I did find some advice along the lines you mention...they mention losing an ounce of water when boiling a cup, but I gotta ask how they boiled. If zapping in the micro, with a glass measuring cup? I never see anything like that. Or anywhere CLOSE. I use an induction burner now, with a steel gooseneck kettle.
  13. So your pool can only be used for one thing at a time, pretty much? The point of a VPP isn't about choices, it's flexibility. I can define a Blast that's single target, hit the hex, do autofire. I can set my defenses to be focused on PD or ED. I can go more offense with a bigger Blast, or more defense. Maybe my Flight is in my VPP...so I can fly and defend, or fly and blast, or blast and defend on the ground. Limiting my pool size to active point cost is crippling in 6E...OR, just says, tack on some required limitations (like RSR) on all the powers, so each individual power's real cost shrinks enough so I can fit multiple powers in. Control cost max == campaign cost max, sure. I can see a pool size cap, particularly if there's required limitations (like RSR)...but not necessarily just to the AP limit. I've sometimes designed my pool size to be X points for attacks, Y points for defense, Z points for movement, or possibly "miscellaneous" like Invis. Tywyll, the notion of the overall AP cost of the VPP comes into play for things like Linked. You can add a VPP only modifier, Linked, such that the entire VPP is only available when the prerequisite power is active. An example I've built...the "main power" is 3 levels of Shrinking, with Normal Mass, 0 END, Persistent. 3 levels of shrinking means 1/8th height, ergo 1/512th mass...so normal mass says your density is 500 or so. (For comparison, IIRC, the active fusion layer of the sun has a density of about 150.) So, OK, at that point the midget's a walking fusion reactor. VPP has blasts, flashes, force field style defenses, possibly resistant flash/power def. (You can't put standard flash def into a framework.) Plus flight. The Shrinking is still...pretty cheap. 40 points or so, IIRC. The VPP is much higher. So even saying Linked...the rule kicks in that you only get the -1/4 limitation, not the -1/2, cuz the VPP is the 'greater power' in this context. That might hold true even if you put the Shrinking into a Combined Power, where, say, you also gain 12/12 hardened, resistant defense. If the active points of the VPP are still higher? Only get the -1/4. Oh, another angle here. The AP limits don't apply to everything per se. Multiform, Duplication, and Summon will consistently require higher APs. If the campaign limit is 60 AP, with 500 point characters...Duplication is 100 active. So.......oops. The limit typically applies to attack powers.
  14. Why didn't you weigh the water BEFORE you heated it? And BTW, yeah, I always preheated the water, for siphon or moka pot. I played around with a siphon brewer. One issue was, once finished...the coffee was already just warm. Also note there's a fair bit of waste. Plus...I wonder if there's gonna be any metallic taste? The boil/serve chamber, the siphon tube gets used both ways. Cleanup...after a while, that siphon tube is gonna need cleaning. Not fun there. Last thought...betcha this pup's PRICEY. With all that brass? Amazon actually has several; they're around $150. Well, OK, the k-cup types aren't that much less, are they? But here, it's for awkward, slow, and (in my experience anyway) mediocre brew.
  15. But staying a Mariner fan proves you're a masochist. Almost on par with being a Lions fan. So it'd be just wasting the bone. Besides... https://www.statmuse.com/mlb/ask/worst-mlb-records-last-10-years The M's practically define mediocre...just under .500. Mr. P's Rocks, OTOH, very nearly define futility. And Logan's Jags *do* define it. https://www.statmuse.com/nfl/ask/worst-nfl-records-last-10-years Not only the worst, but by a *serious* margin. And that's beating out those well-known Bottom 10 stalwarts, the Browns, Jets, and Giants.
  16. Well, I have to commiserate with Logan a bit more. He was bemoaning the recent, short-term coach hire too. Granted, picking on you is pretty much low-hanging fruit, but hey...... And hey... a) it is impossible to root for a *hockey* team from water skiing country. It is Just Not Done. b) they've won the last 2, that's more than enough c) Avs haven't won in 20 years. Figure we gotta give you a bone *occasionally*....
  17. Logan, for the inexcusable, mortal sin of showing us that pic without hiding it via spoiler warning, and warning us of the utter VILENESS of that pic... We sentence you to eat a pint of that.
  18. Avalanche or Lightning....talk about yer Hobson's choice.... The Apocalypse must be fast approaching
  19. OK but in your method, it's possible that someone's going to be frozen out for MANY phases. Take SPD 4. I will hit my limit of 4 actions within 6 phases (+ indicates I get to act) ++++ (1/81) +++--+ (and ++--++, +--+++, --++++ same) (1/27 for 3 successes using base target; 8/12 * 7/12 * 1/2 for fail, fail, success. 56 / 7776 * 4 == 224/7776 --> 7 / 243) +++-+ (and ++-++, +-+++, -++++ same) (1/27 for 3 base, 8/12 * 5/12 for fail, success, *4 again for the diff patterns...160 / 3888 --> 5 / 243) ++-+-+ (and +-++-+, +-+-++, -+++-+, -++-++, -+-+++) (1/9 for 2 base; fail/success is still 40/144 --> 5/18. So 1/9 * 5/18 * 5/18 * 6 patterns...150/2916 --> 25/486) So 7 + 5 is 12, 12/243 --> 4/81. So we've got 5 / 81 --> 30 / 486, + 25 55 out of 486. If I may, 54/486 is 1/9. So it WILL happen. Somewhat regularly. And if I got to 7 phases...sitting idle for 5 straight...that would be much more common. All the complete in 6, and throwing in another fail roll makes the enumeration too much of a pain. Note that straight combinatorics doesn't work, because the success/fail probabilities vary depending on previous rolls. But I'd bet...something around 1 in 3.
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