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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. I expect it couldn't be stable, and would explode. "Spectacular" might depend on how much was involved..."utterly devastating" seems more likely. Pretty sure "explosive power" is the measure of how much, and how fast, the material expands. How much? Gazillions of times. How fast? Microseconds...? I doubt anyone could predict the nature of the byproducts because this is SO far beyond anything we can model. EDIT: over 200 buyers. About half are getting just the new set of 5. Still thinking about it myself. Campaign still has 5 weeks to run. Funding goal will get met; they're at about 8x that level already.
  2. I sit corrected. Officially listed as yellow, but that doesn't even come close to the listed team color. Current listing is a yellow, but it's (249, 160, 20) in RGB. Pure yellow is equal parts red and green, and no blue...altho some blue is basically just gonna lighten the color some. 249,160 is definitely closer to orange. That jersey is much closer to a Dayglo or neon yellow. Doesn't help that it's way too close to Oregon's or Baylor's yellow...2 of the most hideous basketball jerseys in all of college hoops.....
  3. The white looks OK. The black and gold look like AAU jerseys from the 50's. I could see getting a t-shirt version of the blue/purple one...but not with that badge on the right.
  4. that's not a fruit it's a list... icaco (also called paradise plum or cocoplum)
  5. OK, so I missed. They only got 61....but out of 103, that's still solid. And Green and Wiggins got 30. Tatum is going to get roundly criticized. 6-18, 5 turnovers. But the huge issue was the 3 bench players who got time when it mattered, White, Pritchard, and Williams. Just shy of 40 minutes total...2-10 (0-5 from 3), 3 rebounds. -26, -20, and -18. (The starters were actually +7 overall.) By contrast, Looney didn't score but grabbed 7 boards, Payton had 3 boards, 2 assists, and 3 steals and played physical defense, and Poole had a very nice first quarter (helping the tone of ball sharing) and 15 points overall. Yep. Steph took MVP.
  6. I saw that. Quite interesting approach to distribute things so much, but it also makes a lot of sense.
  7. Perhaps the single most unusual, impossible event happened last night. An immaculate inning for a pitcher is 9 pitches, 9 strikes, 3 strikeouts. RARE, as you might imagine. Tony Reali on PTI said about 1 inning in 40,000. So last night, Astros pitchers had not one, but 2 of em. First time on record....which go back to, apparently, 1902. There've apparently been 105...and since this is each inning, that's TINY. To add to it: it was the same 3 hitters in each inning. Well, they say it doesn't really matter HOW you get your name into the record books, right?
  8. Jon Rahm has a fair round going...even par through 17 at the Open is quite acceptable. Tees off on 18, hits a nice shot. Then 2 kids steal the ball. The landing spot was known; Rahm got a free relief and finished off a birdie. Seems quite possible that the kids will get ID'd, between cameras and spectators. They may be in for quite the lecture. But hey, one never knows; the parentals might've put em up to it. If so, then charges gonna get filed...
  9. If Curry has another big game on the road, he's MVP, since he dominated game 4 This also feels like a game setting up for 80 from the Dubs' back court (Steph, Klay, and Poole).
  10. 9:08 pm MDT, Mr. P faints from excessive joy. We can't blame him, folks; the last 90-odd minutes have been a blood pressure roller coaster ride for him................
  11. ah, so simply glacial, rather than tectonic.... I can buy that.... Half of this is, honestly, I never really expected to get *anything*, particularly when years went by without any kind of notice.
  12. True or not, a direct effect of this is to continue dragging American politics deeper and deeper into the cesspool.
  13. If Watson plays in a preseason game, first team vs. first team... How much ya wanna bet that some defensive lineman or blitzing linebacker figures 15 yards is nothing, and tries to take him OUT. Not SO obvious that it'll draw a suspension, but getting thrown out? No big deal, it's preseason. And during the regular season, they'll have to be a bit more circumspect, but given a chance...some will take it *with glee.* May not be a lot of em, but I expect there will be a fair number who'll, at least, delight in putting a little more POW into any hit they can take. Interesting point from Mike Florio on PFT today: Not entirely sure a third party is a good approach. Who hired the third party? Does the third party have incentive to favor one side or the other? But it's a point that plays better in a civil case...that he maneuvered to create reasonable doubt to avoid criminal issues. Side thought. I've seen some notions that maybe there's a way for the Browns to revoke the contract guarantees. It could be amusing to watch them try, as it seems like "you had ALL these allegations, and you were fine offering the deal you did...but you're trying to claim relief from the whole thing, for *just* this much more???" And the same thing if they try to claw back any draft picks yet to be made. Clearly, they can't get back the 2022 picks, altho maybe they could try to get compensatory picks...? Not even sure it's possible, but it DARN sure wouldn't be deserved.
  14. I had more drives, probably, that were eligible. And I'm just specialllllll..................................
  15. I'm thinking a multipower where the slots all have a Limited Power modifier. Multi, 140 points; common mods: Costs END only to activate Must be <prior size>; may only revert to <prior size> (I'm thinking -1/2) Extra Time (full phase), only to activate Where that notion of prior size is as per APG 1. So going to Gigantic...or back to normal from Gigantic...would cost 49 END, altho spread over 8 phases, so there's probably some post-12's in there. Does the power really have to go to those extremes, tho? Semi-garg is 175 active; and your attacks are, say, 17-18 dice with AoE radius, so over 20 DCs. Plus, the nominal complication from the size template, just does not *begin* to express the problems, and the costing is a total joke. Yes, I loathe Growth. EDIT: DOH!!! The MP build feels clean...but the slot costs kill ya. So Growth (up to semi-garg) (140 points) Costs END only to change size (same as Shape Shift's "only to change shape") +1/4 Full Phase, only to activate 1 size level shift (larger or smaller) at a time (Limited Power, -1/2) If it's only to grow larger? -1/4. To consider: what happens if Very VERY Big Guy gets KOd, if the "1 shift at a time" applies to getting smaller? Other than the fact that his falling over is a potentially serious disaster.... Should the reversion to normal size be fast....but if so, perhaps, ALL the END costs might have to be paid? Ewww.......
  16. $11.42 at Amazon now. Yeah, boy, we're rollin now!!
  17. Well, if catching is part of the requirement for that team name, the Phillies are disqualified... Phillies give up 4 in the 1st...but score 8 over the next 6 to go into the 7th up 8-4. Bullpen implodes....3 run homer, solo homer. Game tied. Phillies take the lead...9-8 going into the 9th. Leadoff man grounds to third. Throwing error...he's on. Pinch runner steals 2nd. Walk. Walk. Bases loaded, none out. Single to short left...everyone moves 90 feet. Tie ball game, bases still loaded. "Closer" Corey Knebel gets pulled. New pitcher gets a short fly out where no one can advance. Next guy up, the pitcher gets him to foul a pitch off, high foul pop, over by the dugout. NOT a hard play...but it DOINKs in and right out of the catcher's glove. Batter slaps a 2 run double a pitch or two later. Phillies lose 11-9. They had their run...they'd won 9 in a row. But this was exactly what was killing them. OTOH, the Braves slammed 5 more dingers tonight...after 5 last night. 13 straight wins. They've gone from 4 under, to the last WC slot...and chasing the 3rd best record. Also chasing the Mets; they were 10 back, now it's only 5. Best be careful there, Mr. P, or the Reds are gonna pass ya.
  18. I cannot even begin to contemplate the level of tension that will exist in faculty lounges when some of the teachers are packing. How many teachers...particularly women but certainly many men...will resign, because their stress level *from their fellow teachers* is now untenable? I don't care about money for wellness. IT WON'T HELP. Not when every time they step into a break room, they FREAK OUT because there's *#%@#$ GUNS in there. This is on top of bad pay, terrible hours, and immense stress from a zillion other aspects of the job. This isn't gonna just backfire, it's gonna bonfire.
  19. Almost certainly. The whole point of a class action suit is to consolidate things. I can vaguely remember getting the early notices...soooo long ago. I think it was before 2010, actually, but I might be hallucinating.
  20. That one's not on their site right now. looks like they rotate, presumably regularly. This one sounds, and looks, awesome. https://vanleeuwenicecream.com/product/raspberry-layer-cake/ The ingredients list is...oh my. Cream, milk, sugar, eggs, tapioca syrup, red raspberries. So it should definitely be GOOD STUFF. Everything they're showing looks yummy; no, that mustard abomination isn't there. They've got an Earl Grey Tea; even that's likely to be tasty, if the tea flavor's not too strong. I think I'm extremely glad there isn't one anywhere NEAR me....
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