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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Depends on whether reduced END is the exception. It often is.
  2. Flower Power like wow man.......................
  3. A point came up today, about AP limits. There are cases where even the control cost of a VPP might be allowed to exceed the nominal AP limit. Let's set 45 AP as the campaign limit. 1. Does that mean I can't buy 1/2 END on my 9d6 Blast? That limits my choices greatly. And note that as I go higher...say, to 60. Saying my control cost can't exceed 60 would mean my 12d6 Blast can't have 1/2 END...and that's potentially VERY constraining. 2. Does that mean I can't buy 5 PD, 5 ED damage negation implicitly? If that's my only defense, it shouldn't be excessive in a 9 DC game. Or do I have to buy each half as a separate power? That's just awkward. 3. Similarly, how about buying Resistant Protection...12 PD, 12 ED, and 8 Flash (sight)? You can't buy normal Flash defense in a framework. 4. Note that I *could* buy 50% resistant DR for both PD and ED, within a 45 point control cost...because they're completely separate.
  4. Interesting. 45 active means a relatively low-power game, to be sure, but still...to disallow a 23 DEX seems particularly harsh, since that's a breakpoint number. And I'd think a 5 SPD would be a plausible upper limit, but that's still too high...so I'd definitely be against AP caps, counting the base. I'd be against it even discounting the base, because AP caps are...odd. There's an old thread that goes into this: Another example would be that Resistant Protection combines PD and ED routinely...and possibly Flash and Mental, but those are expensive. Same with Damage Negation. But Damage Reduction isn't...you buy the physical and energy as separate powers. So...what's the active point limit apply to?
  5. Blood control (Morgana le Fay from Drew Hayes' Villains Code)
  6. That's been the, AFAIK, near-universal refrain. It was never going to be good, but the response made it much, much worse than it should have been. Which is what makes the efforts to suppress everything about this event, by the cops themselves, through a procedural piece of BS...DISGUSTING. But this is Texas. Disgust is the norm.
  7. Stupid play ticks me off. Today was PRIME. Marlins vs. Mets. Top of the first. Leadoff man hits a ground ball to third...kind of a tough hop, not handled, called an error. Then at 1-2 to the next batter, the lefty pitcher steps off, and snap-throws to first. Runner's picked off. IDIOT. Bottom of the 1st. Runners on 1st and 2nd, no outs. Lindor shatters the head of his bat. Weak ground ball. Pitcher breaks to the ball, deviating significantly from his line to 1st. It gets by him; first baseman fields, but the pitcher's in no position to make a play at first. Ball's tossed to him, but he's turned around and never gets close to the bag. Lindor's safe on what's technically called an infield hit...but it's a bad play by the pitcher. Bases loaded. Strikeout. Walk, forcing the run in. Flyout. Bottom of the 4th. Starts with a strikeout, then a walk. Defense shifts. Keith Hernandez for the Mets starts going...what??? Why? The batter's a lefty but with bat control. Sure enough, he pops one through the vacated spot. Coaching or scouting mistake...not a player mistake. (Or arguably, the pitcher missed his spot.) On the play, the outfielder misses the cutoff man completely, making the aggressive throw to the wrong place. STUPID. Runner gets 2nd, so no double play chance, and a second run in scoring position. Next batter lifts a fly ball to fairly shallow left. Outfilelder has *plenty of time* to line it up, get his feet set right and oriented to make the throw home. His body's turned wrong; he kinda sidearms the throw. It's nowhere near the cutoff man, it's WAY up the first base line. Runner only scores because it's so poor. Runner on 2nd goes to 3rd trivially. Perhaps not stupid but TERRIBLE outfield play. Finally, with 2 outs, pitcher bounces one. Ball only gets about 15 feet or so away from the catcher, who darts over. But the runner on 3rd, with 2 out, is alert...he's heading home. The pitcher is twiddling his thumbs; he's a good 3-4 steps late, and never has a chance to cover the plate. 3 runs scored that should never have been scored. The run in the first was technically unearned, as the 2nd batter got on due to an error...but that didn't lead to the run. It still should not have scored, save for the defensive failures. None were errors by the rules. But I think defensive metrics people would assign -3 defensive runs saved. Marlins lose 6-0.
  8. But don't blame Vasilevskiy, or over-praise Kuemper. Avs were 2 steps faster all night, and Vasilevskiy had no chance. Kuemper, OTOH, could've read a book; cuz that 2 steps applied on defense too.
  9. The first point makes me glad I'm not prone to ulcers. The second point is nauseating but expected....both that they'd use it, and that Texas would have it in the first place. I wonder if the Justice Department has jurisdiction to step in; I suspect, probably not. The third point isn't even nauseating, because anything *else* would be the shock.
  10. This has just gone from taken out behind the woodshed, to sliced, diced, folded, spindled, and mutilated. 5-0 Avalanche, late 2nd. And that's a very misleading score; the Avs have had another half dozen *excellent* scoring chances, while Logan's Locals have barely had a sniff at a scoring chance. EDIT: and to pour a barrel of salt water over the beatdown...2 minutes into the 3rd, the Avs score another goal....short-handed. So you can basically forget TB having a decent period to try to get some momentum for the next game. Switching to baseball.
  11. It's p. 399 in my version. Bold mine. That said...HD *does* allow applying Linked as a Common Modifier (to all slots), or as an MP-only modifier. Both reduce the framework cost. So what clause c) actually means, is not at all clear to me.
  12. Renewables have a long, long way to go before they can effectively bring this about. Right now, from https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=92&t=4#:~:text=How much of U.S. energy,about 20.1% of electricity generation. 12% of total, 20% of electrical is larger than I would've thought, but it's nowhere near enough to avoid issues. EIA also says US gasoline consumption is close to 9 million barrels......per day. Electric cars have *serious* limitations that make them ill-suited for a substantial fraction of people. As a side thought...what about electric semis? https://www.autoweek.com/news/green-cars/a36506185/electric-big-rig-semi-trucks/ HIGHLY recommend reading that story.
  13. I was gonna use quinoa, get out of my head!!! rasssberrriesssssss
  14. LIV Poster Boy Phil Mickelson misses the cut at the US Open. By, it appears, 8 shots.
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