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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Sorry, I stopped reading when the writer spewed "DC Comics has been in dire straits due to its SJW and woke agenda"...
  2. Anything we hear from a conspiracy podcast is worth the flick of the lighter needed to burn the paper the script is on...but when we get to the management failures, that's got a lot more concrete backing. I've never thought the problem was money...rather, the consistent misallocation. The Angels have the 10th highest payroll at $170M...but a lot of it is in some terrible contracts. Justin Upton was likely overpaid when he was signed, and his contributions fell off a cliff for the last 3 years. That's $27M they're eating this year. Pujols' contract was at least 5 years too long. Anthony Rendon had great numbers in 2019, but also had missed a fair amount of time. One can argue this is bad luck to a degree, cuz he's missed SO much time the last 2 years, but it's also a big risk of buying mega-pricey free agents. They're still paying $13M to Syndergaard. I'm not sure Moreno is the problem per se....rather, the people he's installed. EDIT: Over on MLB.com, there's an article about what might be the hot stories in the offseason. Part of the comments: according to MLB Pipeline, the Angels have the worst farm system in baseball. https://www.mlb.com/news/farm-system-rankings-2022-midseason?t=mlb-pipeline-coverage And this is AFTER San Diego raided theirs so heavily for their deals. It's also telling that their ranks have been going down...21, 25, 24, 28 (2020 midseason, 21 pre and mid, 22 pre), and now 30th. And it's not like some other teams who've dropped because those minor leaguers are now playing...or, at least, if it is, they're not helping.
  3. But this is an application of tunneling that is a form of attack. That's the problem. It's *not* costed right for that purpose. And yeah, I get where you're coming from, but a) all I need do is go to 6 PD and 12m...24 points instead of 22. b) the player goes back to my argument earlier...my 8 PD, 6m can't get through 6 BODY, 6 DEF??? It goes through 3x that much *as tunneling* so you're just making a bizarre translation. For that matter, your suggestion says "tunnel through ANYTHING" 20 PD, 6m wouldn't get through. So the mechanism of just having the movement rate relate to the BODY of the entangle is inadequate. Why shouldn't tunneling relate to how fast you can remove BODY? You can roughly translate "the BODY you can move through each phase" to meters. You can adapt...if your tunneling works on 10 PD and the material only has 5, perhaps it adds +3 (half) or +5 (full difference) to the BODY of material removed each phase. You should be able to move faster through chalk than through granite.
  4. That at least tries to connect things, but figure...if I have 4m of Tunneling through 8 PD, I can tunnel through 4 meters of reinforced concrete in a phase. If we equate reinforced concrete and stone? That's 15 BODY, extrapolating the Wall Body table out one step. (6E2 172.) The tunnelihg would get through cast metal plates...same hardness, 8. And 2m of *that* has 19 BODY. Mind, this is making a case that tunneling is defined very, very badly. By the same token, redefining it in terms of BODY per phase would add a fair bit of complexity, to a power that isn't taken very often, it seems to me. And there's still the huge cost mismatch. +1m movement is 1 point, and has no restrictions. +1 BODY (with no additional PD/ED) is still 5 points.
  5. These are your counters? Italy: possibly. I don't recall that aspect that well, but the Italians were turning against Mussolini, and overthrew him. Germany: ok, so all we have to worry about is ethnic genocide, and the solution is leaving the country a smoking wreck, with another 5 million or so dead from the conflict Russia: Stalin's "credited" with killing about 700,000 political opponents, and thousands more...artists, writers, etc....were sent to the gulags, with many thousand more dying. And...how have things changed? Stalin died in '52. The Hungarian Revolution was crushed in '56. Czechoslovakia, '68. The occupation of Afghanistan. Chechnia. Georgia. The current action in the Ukraine. Doesn't seem "gone" to me. China: Mao's Great Leap led to a famine that is estimated to have killed 30 million people. It doesn't look like there are particularly good estimates relating to deaths of politically unreliable people, but it's in the millions. And even post-Mao, again, it's rather difficult to say the Chinese have relaxed their grip on the people. RATHER the opposite, in fact. So far, you're batting .250 at best.
  6. But that's an ALL TIME starter-backup pair of QBs.....
  7. Tunneling works through material up to its PD limit...but it doesn't care about BODY. It's got a movement velocity instead. Attacking the Entangle is in the rules, 6E1 216. It's -3 OCV, but the entangle itself is DCV 0, so it doesn't matter much. SFX comes into play, tho, quite a bit, so specific entangles may be different. And that's before the different advantages you can tack on. Entangle gets to be pretty complicated.
  8. Not the same tactics. They've never had a Supreme Court that's not only stacked in their direction, but tied to a such an extreme literalist interpretation basis. There's never been as much effort, I think, to indoctrinate. Liberty University's stated goal is to build conservative leaders for the next generation...and do you realize they have 100,000 students? It's not just old men, either; DeSantis is 43. They've got 3 Supreme Court justices under 60. Boebert. Greene. OK, to a point these 2 might be the next Palin...loud, noisy, essentially meaningless in the long term, but they're SO extreme...and still got elected. Plus, we probably don't have the time to play through the cycle, even if it does change. I don't think we're at the bottom yet...I'm more worried we're not close. 2022 isn't looking great for Congress, the Republicans will have largely completed their purge, and whether it's Trump, DeSantis, or someone else, every 2024 Republican Presidential candidate looks to be another disaster...WITH Congressional control. How many environmental rollbacks will there be? Everything suggests we can't avoid serious damage *now*...and we have to move forward quickly to mitigate things because any such measures will take a long time to work. And as problems grow, societal pressures will do nothing but increase. Progress becomes far harder when simply getting by becomes much more difficult. And we've never had the media that creates, then reinforces, polarization. The reach has never been this great, this pervasive, this easy. No, the collapse is not inevitable.
  9. IMO it's REALLY hard to argue that Jimmy Haslem's actions haven't done extensive damage to the league...but he'll never be punished. Same with the Texans, from what's been reported. For those who don't remember: SMU football was completely barred from competing for 2 years due to repeated recruiting violations, and *massive* lying to investigators...including the AD and University President. IIRC from a 30 For 30 about it...no practices, no meetings, no NOTHING. Took them 20 years to get back to a bowl game. But hey, Mr. P, they didn't do it to the Bengals, when they had a BUNCH of players doing things that would draw extensive suspensions now, so they're not gonna touch Haslem. Fine with me, we ALL get a team we can hate on. And we can offer Cygnia our heartfelt condolences for being a victim of this atrocity.
  10. And these days, most are freelance...not employees. Ergo...no benefits. No leave, no insurance, no pension. You get stuck with both sides of the social security taxes. Knock *at least* 1/3 off your rate per page, I would think. There's a reason why consultants charge what look like obscene hourly rates, if you translate it to a yearly rate without thinking...because it doesn't work out that way. At all. And, yeah, the art is horrible SOOO much of the time.
  11. What individuals possess the knack you mention? Cuz to me, I don't see it being worth any points. I'll grant: my interest is in supers, and this might not be the case for agent-level games, but the vast majority of Random Scene Junk is useless by Hero rules. Unless you're a brick, of course, and we're talking steel safe doors, jail cell bars, cars, cubic feet of rocks or concrete, and the like.
  12. Yes. Grail was specifically speaking of tunneling from the outside of the entangle. And he's right. The only balancing factor for allowing tunneling from the outside, rather than from inside, is it is taking up another character's action, and actions are the currency of combat. I'll grant, it's quite likely to be a bargain...but using Tunneling against an entangle is an explicit *option.* So...? Just say no. Then symmetry is maintained. Or, just say yes, both sides can do it...but change the costs so it's not so bloody dirt cheap, and so, SO badly misaligned with the costs of Entangle. Honestly, Tunneling is the second most specialized form of movement in the game, IMO. FTL is more specialized. Tunneling is incredibly rare...even teleporting at least short distances is vastly more common. So another approach would be to allow it from inside or outside an entangle...but ONLY allow Tunneling when it darn well FITS. At least for supers games.
  13. I think regulators may look at that acquisition with a very jaundiced eye. It's bad enough to have WarnerDiscovery to be as big as it is. Plus, they're cutting costs in part because they've got such a massive debt problem, from the merger. https://the-media-leader.com/just-how-big-is-warner-bros-discoverys-debt-problem/#:~:text=originates from WarnerMedia.-,Warner Bros.,profit) — of 5.0x. This is NOT!!! the time to take on more debt to finance another acquisition, even if the prices look pretty good. Oh, and the Feds are looking to raise interest rates fairly sharply to try to get inflation down...which will make things worse for Warner.
  14. This was one of the angles why I said Zaslav's strategy of pushing theatrical releases might not work because the theaters might not cooperate...some of em by closing. Story notes that theater revenues are still down about 1/3 from 2019 levels. It's just HARD!!! to churn out popular films that often.
  15. Progress has never been under attack from every direction simultaneously before.
  16. Sam Darnold had best be putting away his windfall this year. It's the 5th year option, kicking $18M his way. He's an unrestricted free agent next year. And Baker Mayfield was named the game 1 starter for Carolina today. I daresay Darnold will hang around the league but it seems very unlikely he'll be considered as anything but a backup...or worse, just depth. 3rd string. With a SHARPLY!!! reduced salary. For those of you who are Panther fans? Better luck next year....... I absolutely don't trust Mayfield as a leader, and if he's your better choice............
  17. To take that further, Coric's career high rank was 12. He made the QF in Hamburg (an ATP 500) in July, so he's been making a comeback. Plus: he beat Nadal in the 2nd round...Nadal's first match since Wimbledon, where he had to withdraw. Rafa's health, conditioning, and game are all question marks. Now, to be sure, taking out Auger-Aliassime and Tsitsipas is great. But...no Fed, no Joker, no Zverev. The top of the men's game is not at all solid. We're seeing quite a few players vaulting well up the rankings. Cam Norrie's gone from 50ish to top 10 in just over a year. Taylor Fritz has gone from around 40 to #12. Carlos Alcaraz has SHOT!!! up...140 at the start of 2021, 30 at the start of 2022, now 4th. Some of this is just aging. Cilic is down to #17; Bautista Agut to 18. They were top 10. Some is injury, wear and tear, I think difficulties and uncertainty in scheduling due to Covid...many very good players have lost their usual spots in the rankings, so they're SERIOUSLY under-ranked. This is true on both sides. Garcia hit #4 back in 2018. And go back to the women's final at the US Open last year.
  18. I think anything I could say about the post above could only be made in the political thread.........
  19. Not DC, but anything relating to HBO Max is meaningful... https://variety.com/2022/digital/news/hbo-max-removes-sesame-street-episodes-1235345685/ So one has to wonder what they're going to keep.
  20. I don't know for sure, but I'd look at skill rolls. --You want basic skill rolls to succeed. It's a game, and failing simple checks half the time isn't fun. --Conversely, if 10- is the baseline for a 3 point skiil, then what do you get for 2 points or 1 point? This is particularly true for background skills, where +1 is 1 point. Drop a 1 pointer to 7-? That feels almost like fumbling in the dark, and a waste of a point. And the other area would be combat design: I think you want more hits than misses, both the try to keep combats a little shorter, and to keep the PCs on their toes.
  21. 3d6 is also easy to work out exactly. There are exactly 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 25, 27 ways to roll 3-10; flip side, reverse that to roll 11-18. 3: 1 in 216 (0.46%) 4-: 4 (1.85%) 5-: 10 (4.63%) 6-: 20 (9.26%) 7-: 35 (16.2%) 8-: 56 (25.93%) 9-: 81 (37.5%) 10-: 108 (50%) So 11- is 62.5%, 12- is 74%, etc. So one thing this will do...is draw combat out, because misses become notably more prevalent. 11- is 5 out of 8; 10- is 4 out of 8. If we use a SPD of 4, that's 1 strike every 2 turns. It'll matter. And as Derek notes, there are ripple effects. This would make, for example, AoE 1 Hex attacks a tad more attractive, because you're only hitting a DCV of 3. Even a -2 OCV Range Mod is getting VERY painful, as would multiple attack penalties. Autofire...multiple impacts is based on how well you make your roll, so you'd be consistently getting 1 less. LOTS of things change.
  22. 2 1/2 minutes in, and he can't even start an intro? Nope....
  23. Can I get an amen from the congregation???? https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/18/tech/auto-warranty-robocalls-case/index.html Hopefully the text spammers are next...........
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