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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. That's also 2003. As late as 2014 there were those arguing the stuff didn't exist...but there are lab tests in the last few years that have produced it. That wikipedia article is also dated; they're talking hardness 7-8, but that's based on natural stones that aren't representative of the pure material. It's a bizarre subject, to say the least. Carbon is amazing.
  2. It'll have to go quite a ways to be worse than that debacle of last night, and somehow the Broncos were credited with a win. Speaking of debacles...I forgot entirely it was Monday night til just now. Go Giants!!! (By far the least objectionable team in that division...)
  3. No, not a diamond. Crystal structure changes several things...including basic color, for example. And while there's some controversy? Diamond potentially isn't the hardest. IIRC, it's also MUCH more difficult to manufacture lonsdaleite than it is to create diamond.
  4. not so much cute, but gorgeous. Local gent posts these periodically on the neighborhood app.
  5. fortunately for our taste buds and sanity, no. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/oscar-mayer-offer-pumpkin-spice-bologna/
  6. At this point I'm not at all sure where Denver will end up, altho I don't think they'll make the playoffs. The offense is horrible, but the defense is better than I thought. How much of this evening was the Niners? Some, I gotta think. That safety was a marginal call at best, and Jimmy G basically panicked. I'll give Denver an A- on defense, with the Niner ineptness turning it into an A+. Oh, and let's give kudos to the punters and punt coverage, both ways. Can't recall the last time I saw that many punts burying the return team that deep. Kicking teams, too.
  7. Better than the odds of the Broncos playing well this year... For a game in good weather, on a good field, this might be the worst combined exhibition of offensive football I've seen in years. With 10 minutes left, the teams are a combined 3-23 on third down. 13 offensive points...the safety should count as -2 for offense, that was HORRIBLE...and 16 punts. Mr. P, I'd suggest 2 ounces of topical muscle relaxant of your preferred style. Repeat as needed...but not more than 3 doses per evening.
  8. Tirico: "Broncos are in field goal range from here..." Collinsworth: "Russ, don't take a sack here...." Kiss of death.............
  9. ASL seems to be able to convey knowledge rather broadly, and there's nothing mystic there. This works just fine when dealing with a group with common training. Developing a combat shorthand is clearly beneficial.
  10. Interesting article about conference realignment https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-realignment-is-changing-college-football-in-20-maps/ A point about the secondary sports: most often, teams would be taking buses to road games; flying is seriously expensive for a non-revenue sport. The compact conferences...not a real problem. The conferences as they are now...big problem.
  11. The Steelers have serious problems on offense. It's still very early, but Trubisky's got a track record...that's much more bad to VERY bad, than good. As long as he's in, it seems unlikely the problems will be solved. And Mike Tomlin is stubborn, so it seems unlikely he'll change soon.
  12. Looks like a very low-risk, grinder-style offense from the box score. Vikes have 28 first downs...but only 318 yards. Longest reception is 17 yards. Combine that with 2 missed FGs, and...things are not good. But the Lions just missed a FG, so the Vikes will get the ball in excellent field position, with decent time on the clock. EDIT: too much time. Vikes score way too easily to take the lead.
  13. I agree with IndianaJoe. This is well established in the military. One sheet with some signals: I also agree that you can use the language skill, and set up a couple different levels if you want to go that deep. For simplicity, 1 or possibly 2 point language would work just fine, I'd think.
  14. And repellant. Abhorrent. I'll even go with aberrant, heretical, and probably blasphemous. because it was in a house of worship and promoted by a nominally religious group.
  15. And even if it was just mud, it cannot be a good idea to store a weapon in that condition. Yeah, if that's at all representative, these new call-ups are just going to get slaughtered. As a complement to the WaPo story, here's one from Reuters describing...issues...with the mobilization. Is any of this a surprise? The extent of Russian incompetence appears boundless. Protests are also rising, but at this point it seems unlikely they'll get anywhere. EDIT: DOH!!! the link... https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/complaints-about-russias-chaotic-mobilisation-grow-louder-2022-09-24/
  16. True enough. Meanwhile, down the road a bit, NMSU went 8 runs for 60 yards and a TD to open the 2nd half, and it's been cruise control since. 45-20, under 7 minutes left. Over to the west...95 degrees at kickoff in Tempe. And I thought our summers were long... ......and that low whistling sound is the air leaking out of the Big 12's CFP balloon..........
  17. It's a necessary move, but also a very damning one. It's affirmation that even the front office is realizing that Hackett isn't ready to be a head coach. it also puts Hackett on notice: he's got rope left, but there's NO!!! guarantee he'll be the coach next year. I won't go so far as to predict he'll be fired during the season, but this is a clear "put up or shut up" move. Yuck. Games tomorrow: Chiefs at Colts...line's only 5 and a hook, but it feels like it should be more. Philly and Washington...no way. Late slot is the Battle of the Bays. There's only so much ring-kissing adoration I can take. That'll be exceeded after 1 possession per team....
  18. Purple rain, purple rain Purple rain, purple rain Purple rain, purple rain I only wanted to see you Underneath the purple rain Wait. The world is ending. Or Hawai'i is gonna fight it out with CSU for #1. NMSU 35-10 at halftime....and not only that, but all 5 TDs are on drives of 60+ yards. 4 plays once, 7 once, 8 for the other 3. Aggies are gashing them in the run game...27 carries for 268 in the first half. Pariah: recognize. Sac St is #6 in FCS. It's not quite as ugly as it looks at first glance. That said, losing by 31 at home, to a team you should at *least* compete with...and along with the rest of the start, that's a great way for a coach to get tossed to the curb. And...yeah...unless something changes, I expect Hawai'i to take the bottom spot, but CSU will likely be right there with em, then Colorado.
  19. Another L, because they deserve it. Lions...the Barbary lion was first described by Linnaeus in the 18th century. AKA the Egyptian lion. Extinct 1960. The Cape lion of South Africa, extinct 1935.
  20. Ibex...2 species, Pyrenean (2000) and Portuguese (late 19th century).
  21. Wow. Middle Tennessee St vs. Miami. Miami's defense has been GOUGED. Been loosely following the score line. It's 38-24 MTSU, but the bigger story is that MTSU has a total of 8 first downs...and over 400 yards of offense. OK, 9 now. Receptions of 69, 71, 89, and 98 yards for 3 TDs. After MTSU made it 38-17, Miami took the kickoff back to stay in it...but MTSU goes 75 yards in close to 6 minutes for another score. That likely slams the door...3 TD lead, it's now under 9 minutes to go. EDIT: and luscious result #2. Texas Tech 37, Texas 34 in OT. Texas' time in the top 25 is quite short, and all is right with the universe again.
  22. You're probably that guy who can eat just one Lays potato chip, too....
  23. One of the replies to this piece said it better than I ever could:
  24. Nor I. save for occasionally. Festival coffee...start with a nice dark roast (to stand up to the rest), a bit of spice atop the grounds before brewing, very lightly sweetened, a bit of half and half (first choice, cream too easily separates). On a cold, wet day, an afternoon mocha. Coffee's brewed EXTRA strong...maybe 2/3 the amount of water. Approx an equal amount of decadent hot choc...2 parts half and half to 1 part cream, heavy on the cocoa powder, good dollop of stevia (sugar is verboten these days), a heavy shake of cinnamon, maybe a dose of vanilla. Largely a holiday season indulgence. And the evening coffee drinks...strong coffee again, liqueur of choice, heavy cream (or whipped cream) on top and allowed to filter down. That said: those work better, IMO, as dessert rather than with dessert.
  25. Pujols pops not one, but 2 tonight to reach 700!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #699 was his 20th this season, marking the 18th time he's reached that level, behind only Aaron and Bonds.
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