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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. I think some of the issue here is, we're not on the same page. OP said "allow a druid to pass thru plant-based barriers and entangles." I think some are reading this as the specific powers, Barrier and Entangle...and their answer is directly connected to those powers. Some of us are reading it as D&D's Pass Without Trace, which includes ignoring a Wall of Thorns, a spell that, IIRC, has aspects of both Barrier and Entangle. Want a real-world example of why Teleport doesn't work? A classic hedge maze. Two pics of one in Spain, from Fodor's. The maze is said there to be one of the largest in Europe. This one shows the height. Teleport...not useful or safe. Desolid...makes it trivial. Size? It's given as 5625 square meters, which'd be a square 75 meters, or about 250 feet, on a side, or a touch under 1.4 acres.
  2. I think it's impossible to prove it unless the shifter gets caught. The defense's objective would be to show it could not be the defendant. A telepath with the ability to do a complete memory trace would be one solution. Another would be someone with the absolute power to detect lies. Wearing the Cape built one; his name was Veritas. His power was off the charts...he could detect lies over the phone, for example. The larger question is how shifters would impact alibi laws. Because the shifter could do just as well, impersonating the criminal in order to provide a "rock solid" alibi. Something of a similar issue arises with a duplicator, particularly if the duplication power is NOT known. That's been a theme in occasional mystery novels...the unknown twin.
  3. Ohhh man. Anyone else see these new ads from a group called Citizens for Sanity? Right-wing fearmongering, straw man arguments, sweeping generalizations. It might be that I'm watching the ball game on FS1; since equal time is no longer required, I believe the ads on there, or on Fox (the football games) have been heavily one-sided against the Democrats. It's possible I'm just blowing off the Democratic ads...they're basically forgettable, whereas the Republican ads grate like fingernails on a slate chalkboard. But I don't *think* so. And there's still 3 more weeks to go. Yeah....it's first Tuesday after first Monday, and Nov. 1st is a Tuesday. Ugh..............
  4. The rule's for safety. Hibernate now and you'll wake up around Ground Hog Day, and then where are you?
  5. Weird Al, maybe, but the other two are too mainstream. Tom Lehrer. Doctor Demento. One-hit wonder songs. Joe Bob Briggs. MST 3K. In my book, the name should evince blank stares from at least half the people, if it ever comes up. YMMV, of course. Another spot for Quirk Inspiration may simply be TV Tropes. Just remember you DO need to sleep some time...that site is the ultimate rabbit hole, I swear.
  6. I'll do everyone a favor: the cookbook is pointless and stupid. And it makes the case quite well.
  7. Sorry. Not allowed before Halloween.
  8. Can't speak for Mr. P, but I do. Normally, if severe lack of talent was the major issue, I wouldn't call for the coach to go...but Hackett's just not up to the job. Wilson may or may not be a bust...judging by his contract and the assets traded to get him...but the trade gutted the team, and will continue to do so. One has, then, to look at the GM. In terms of players, yes, you're stuck with Wilson. No one will take on that contract or give up assets similar to what Denver traded. For the rest? You can't fire the entire squad. Might want to...but it simply won't work. Broncos are listed as 1.5 point favorites Sunday?? Not sure I buy that. After that it's Jacksonville, in London. Then the bye, as the opinion piece notes. They lose both...then I would be surprised if Hackett and Paton remain.
  9. Ouch...reading NFL.com's latest rankings. Opening line for the Panthers at #32: The Panthers look very much like a team ready for the end of the season.
  10. The Bronco put himself into that position in the first place. When you get a chance, review it. The blocker ran all the way to the returner, which also may have messed him up, so he muffed it. The fault was the blocker, IMO, and no penalty should've been called. Broncos had 10 flags for 151. 4-14 on 3rd down. Wilson started 10-10, then reverted...5-18 the rest of the way. In the 2nd half, the Bronco FG was set up by the INT...they netted 0 yards even there. Otherwise, 6 punts. Quickly totalling...7 possessions in the 2nd half and OT. 72 yards total. And Troy went through the entire litany. No run game. Receivers not getting separation. Not a great O-line. It's no wonder they actually increased their PPG with 16. Game balls to the kicker for doing his job despite leg issues...and the punter for filling in quite decenly on the kickoffs. Props to Herbert for that bailout on 3rd down right before the final kick. 45 yards would've been a decsion; 39 was manageable. EDIT: another point being made during the postgame/SVP SportCenter. The Broncos had a mini-bye, their prior game was a TNF. And they STILL lay another egg. THAT speaks to bad coaching too. EDIT 2: just checking a few things, this caught my eye. How bad is the Lions defense? They've given up 7 more points than the Seahawks and Browns, who are tied for next-worst. Well, that wouldn't be so bad...but they've played 6 games. Lions...5. 170 points in 5 games. They've scored 140, so in PPG scored, they're 3rd. But that DPPG is a full touchdown worse than anyone else. Or, if you prefer...the Bills and Niners have given up the fewest. In 6 games each, they've allowed 170. BTW: one thing to give Denver. The defense is probably the best in the league...because the offense is so incredibly horrible, they're not giving the defense ANY support. So the numbers should be even better than they are, assuming a simply poor offense.
  11. I'd buy that for the first half, but the second half and OT are a total DISASTER. Speaking of disasters, the Broncos muffed the punt and just HANDED the Chargers a shot to win the game. The only problem is, there's still issues with the Chargers' kicker, and they can't move the ball either. Mr. P, don't worry. The aberration was the first half, so...no, there's still no hope. And yet, they may still pull this out.
  12. Rain in NY. Held out it'd end, but called at 9:40 Eastern. Better choice, IMO, at this point. First pitch is 4 Eastern Tuesday, weather permitting. Game 1 in Houston is still set for Wednesday, but at least it's the later game. Game 1 in San Diego is set for 8 Eastern tomorrow.
  13. That's because you're using a closed-effect power. The desolid doesn't care. To be sure: I'm assuming the basis for this is D&D's Pass Without Trace, so it's not just entangles and barriers. And there's plenty of cases where thick undergrowth will cover FAR!!!!! more than 10 meters. I get the sense you're thinking about a power, creating the issue. Swamps. Rain forests. In some cases, temperate forests. Teleporting requires assessing a destination point. In difficult visual conditions, this is much easier said than done...and any barrier, entangle, or overgrown area can *easily* reduce visibility greatly. It's not quite implied, but it's close.
  14. Considering the details of the 'plot' this group had, I don't see it rising above the comic interlude level. Just a few...little...gaps in the plan...like, you know, gaps in aged Swiss cheese. Not the baby stuff, the good stuff.
  15. Sounded like it was in the works before yesterday. Even with Arizona being pretty desperate, Anderson still wasn't worth anything, which shows how much the move was forced onto the Panthers.
  16. From the Pulse newsletter from The Athletic this morning: Honorable mention: Bailey Zappe, man. Sure, he helped the Patriots beat up on a lost Browns team, formatting mine...
  17. This is the same guy who thought Tim Tebow could play QB? I don't need to imagine anything. After the debacles against the Niners and Colts, it's proven beyond any possible doubt. I'd watch an NBA exhibition game over another Bronco mess.......well, OK, not if the Lakers or Nets were playing. Then I'd have to just turn the TV off, or try to catch up on the streaming stuff I *still* haven't gotten round to.
  18. And if you like, you can build your own power. Both versions allow you to pass through completely solid objects. If that's not desired, then I built a "diffuse body" power. Basically: +1d6 damage negation (PD and ED), and +2 to Contortionist rolls. Costs END to use. Side effect: mass is reduced. How much is open, because it has limited value...and I don't actually recall. It does NOT have increased KB; I figure this is a softer, squishier body so it's compressible. Desolid in Champions 3 is as per 6E, mostly. Near-perfect defense, pass through almost anything (maybe slowly), flat 40 point cost. Doesn't have any way to affect the physical world, tho. Champions the SRPG, 3rd Ed printing, p. 22.
  19. Bad news: Yankees win 4-2, forcing a game 5. Good news: now I have an alternative to a Donkey Game tomorrow.
  20. Welcome to the real NFL, Cooper Rush. First half: 5/16 for 36 yards and 2 picks. Rating: 1.0
  21. Kliff Kingsbury's seat has to be heating up. 2-4 is not going to sit well in the desert...and some of it is directly on him. 4th and 4 at the Seattle 20...go for the first, don't get it. 4th and 2 at the SEA 27...same. Scores were 3-3 and 9-3 Seattle, with 9 minutes left in the 3rd on the latter. Then 4th and 2 at the SEA 23, down 10, with 10 minutes left. Same thing. That's what he does, we know that. But those are at best questionable decisions, and IMO the first and last are bad decisions. This isn't a rookie head coach, either. One can also question the offense generally...as in, 4-16 on 3rd down, and 1-5 on 4th down. Could be several things, but one thing the stats show is, ok, Arizona ran for 144...but Murray was 100 of that. The backs were 18 carries for 44 yards...rather awful. Another telling point: Murray was sacked 6 times. Yeah, Kingsbury went 11-6 last year...BUT lost 4 of his last 5, then lost the WC game. There were rumblings at that point, and this is not the kind of start to silence them.
  22. No team in the AFC North, NFC South, and NFC West can be over .500 at the end of the afternoon games. Ravens, Bengals, Bucs, Falcons and Niners are 3-3; winner of Cards-Seahawks will be as well. The loser will join the Browns, Steelers, and Saints at 2-4. Detroit's the only 1-4; they have a bye. Rams are 2-3 and playing...and losing to the Panthers. That is a LOAD of mediocrity.
  23. But Trubisky pulled out the win. Or TB blew it...3 red zone field goals is NOT good. Pats are managing as best they can; I still don't see them in the playoffs. And yes, them losing is a nice-to-have, but Cleveland losing is just plain AWESOME. The Jets and Giants are 9-3 combined???? What's up with the Packers, cuz this was at Lambeau. And the Ravens...and IMO Lamar Jackson in particular...they're shooting themselves in the foot over, and over, and over again. And they did it last year too. Bad pick to set up the Giants' go-ahead score. Carries it around loosely in traffic...gets knocked away. Yeah, fine, that's a situation where he makes lots of good plays...but too many costly ones. We all know the old saw...1000 attaboys, promotion, raise. 999 attaboys, one Aww<BLEEP>...fired. Ravens also had too many flags. This is a relatively minority opinion, I'm sure, but Jackson is severely overrated...BECAUSE of the number of mistakes he makes.
  24. Padres made the WS back in '84 and '98. Phillies may have a puncher's chance against the Astros. It's not like the 'stros dominated; those games were nailbiters.
  25. Or just put that into a batch file, or a shortcut where that's what you put in the Target field.
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