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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Oh yeah. For a lot of things, hard drives still work just fine...a co-worker had a personal web site set up with his personal music collection. This was...15 years ago? And it was rather sizable. For that, hard drives are fine. I've got a terabyte SSD for the system drive, and a 4 TB hard drive for anything non-system. And for anything that's static...like my Hero PDFs...Google Drive.
  2. TCU-Colorado, I suspect the line's driven by 2 things. #1, Colorado's Pac-12 where 4-8 says you stink. TCU's Texas; got to think there's money going down on them just for that alone. I'd actually be tempted to take the points and the Buffs, at home, at night (a weird time tonight...it's the late ESPN game). The big thing is, of course, it's week 1 and no one knows what's gonna happen. Might see some rain, but chances aren't very high, and that probably means not much if it does. Folsom's a weird stadium to play in for visitors, too. Ohh...I see. The line's moved TCU's way the last 3 weeks, probably because Colorado's still not named a #1 QB.
  3. Eh, Wal Mart was getting scammed as well. They can't track everything across their marketplace. Both they and Amazon act simply as a promotional vehicle. And, yeah, I just got a 1 TB external SSD because my HP SSD had weird issues. IIRC it was about $50. Prices tend to go UP for extremely large drives, and 30 TB would be well up there. TechRadar has a story on this...the biggest they found is 100 TB. And it's $40,000. Not exactly a home unit; drives like this are for the seriously massive data centers where speed is also critical. Think Amazon...those pages aren't small with the amount of graphics involved, and there's *sooo many* products. Or Facebook...it's reported they generate 4 petabytes a day. A petabyte is 1000 terabytes.
  4. I agree with CRT, at least for starters. Some things, especially tactics, can come later. My big issue with going all the way back to 3rd is the funky way non-combat movement's computed. The skill selection's kinda sparse too, and horribly expensive. Might at least tweak the costs. Plus, I really dislike figured characteristics. But to avoid that, you gotta go to 6th...at which point, you're looking at stripping a LOT out. Many, if not most, limitations, all the complex advantages (charges, most UOO, damage over time), numerous powers. So that might be even more of a PITA....
  5. I dunno, it's not clear that he's even the worst owner of a New York-based NBA franchise... Oh, wait, the Russian guy got enough money laundering done and sold the team. But that was before the start of the '19 season, so we can put the Kyree debacle on the new guy's shoulders. The combined track record...might rival Dolan's, but the new guy hasn't had long enough to mess up to the same degree. Give him time. Oh wait...blame Mr. P. I gotta see your residency man...are u a New Yorker? Gonna haveta cancel this vote if you are....
  6. Wow. To amplify that last point...23 riders have had to pull out from positive tests. 17 riders were forced out of the Tour...and we thought that was high. 184 riders started; they're down to 147. 14 out from non-Covid...23 from Covid. Field's down 20% with a lot of riding to go. Got to figure this is a serious concern for all the grand tours. There's no reason to think Covid is going away any time soon.
  7. Slept in my Rolling Stones t-shirt, covered in moss. Returned it as defective.
  8. Business Insider also adds: a) his company criticized the invasion 6 months ago, and b) this is the second exec from that company to suffer a mysterious death
  9. Dare we hope then, that Boebert and Greene also get the boot?
  10. If I was offered a trip back in time to be at one thing, one event...purely as a spectator. Gibson Theater, 2006, for what became Real Live Roadrunning, would be WAY up there. Along with Live Aid at Wembley in '85 for Queen's set. Pretty sure those are 1 and 2. Not Woodstock so much, as that was far more spread out.
  11. I'll say it so Logan doesn't have to. Meyer was the symptom. The disease is Shad Khan. Which gets me thinking...it'd be amusing, to a degree, to do a broad poll...worst owner in US sports. With a few rules: --can't count the Seahawks, as the fact that the club's stuck in Probate Hell means they can't act --can't vote for a home town owner. Too biased there; everyone always thinks their disaster's the worst. --can't vote for Jerry Jones. He's too visible, too obvious. Well, unless we wanna make it ranked voting...pick your top 3. THEN you can. Of course, even trying to do a filter to keep the list of candidates to manageable size would be hard, as sooo many qualify..........
  12. AMAZING catch just now. No video YET...and in fact it's being reviewed... Seattle-Detroit, Seattle's making our rainbirds happy, 6-0. Fly ball going foul in medium left field. Shortstop is tracking, tracking, tracking...approaching the stands, reaching....INTO THE NET!!! and makes the catch. Or...ok, almost, it's overturned. The ball may have hit the net, and it did come out as he fell back. But: the guy was able to make a flying dive that would have planted him in the 3rd or 4th row of the seats...and THIS was prevented by the net. Fortunately. He was going to be laying out and VERY vulnerable.
  13. Apropos of the state of football outside the SEC and Bloated 10 So it's absolutely no surprise. The Mini 12 and Pac X are both hanging by a thread over the abyss of being folded in with the Group of 5... Yeah, in some ways, tonight's the real start of the season. Pitt-WVU is one of the old rivalry games that was a shame to lose. 16 games total, altho some are FBS vs. WHO? Fresno State's playing one of the Cal Poly's...San Luis Obispo. A school where the sports are scattered among multiple leagues...not meant as a dig, but schools in this position are rarely powerhouses, particularly in football. Minnesota's throwing NMSU a wad of cash...largely due to the fact that NMSU's coach used to be at Minnesota, but had to leave due to significant health issues. Oh, the joy of connections.
  14. That's because they love inflicting MAXIMUM torture on you. There's probably a pic of you decorating a dart board somewhere in the front office, or perhaps a voodoo doll, and meetings to decide what to do THIS year to you....
  15. Low BODY, low CON, higher EGO. The argument you're making here, to me, isn't about frailness, it's a different notion of toughness. High CON conceptually relates to things like resistance to drugs or poison, rarely gets sick/recovers faster from illness, maybe heals a little faster, generally recovers faster. An example can be the awesome (and insane) climbers in cycling. They're TINY...Nairo Quintana is one of the best in the world, and he's 5'6" and 130 pounds. Pretty clearly suggests a low-ish BODY score. But IMO no other type of athlete comes close to the resilience and rebound needed to be a Grand Tour rider. They are BRUTAL. So, OK, maybe Quintana has CON? Well...maybe, but a lot of things have been taken away. REC is its own characteristic. Faster healing can be slow Regen. Life Support handles *some* of the poison/illness issue...it's admittedly clunky. When figured characteristics are used, keeping CON and BODY separate has a much stronger case, because now raw CON is factoring into several of these things. RAW doesn't support CON as a defense against poisons or drugs...it's a logical extension, but it's a house rule. (And that's frequently one use for Power Def.) You mention the impairing/disabling rules...well, perhaps...when they're in use. I'd hate them with a passion. They're optional. The only time they call for a CON roll is at GM's discretion...and it's for permanent impairment. Generally...NOT something I'd want to do, and I'd absolutely want to know about in advance. If it's that kind of game, character building is simply *different* even compared to a more realistic "yes, sometimes the villains ARE out to kill you" campaign. And, we're talking optional handling within an optional rule in the first place.
  16. One thing that might be helpful is to lay out the ordering applied to each class of defensive powers, as it clearly matters. We have: Damage Negation Absorption 'standard' defenses (normal and resistant) Damage Reduction The one we do know is that DR is last. And procedurally, it's easier to apply negation before standard defenses. The most favorable route (and the one implied by Hugh): --Determine Absorption amount --Apply negation --apply standard defenses; include the amount absorbed above, if it's Defensive Absorption --apply reduction The least favorable would be Negation, Standard Defenses, Absorption, Reduction. There's also cases where I could see splitting things. For example, with power armor where there's resistant protection bought OIF, and the Absorption is NOT...then the armor's soaking up BODY and leaving less for the Absorption to chew on. BUT, this is clearly a major can of worms beyond what RAW can, or even should try to, handle. So, I'm fine with just dealing with the simplest case: where the powers are personal.
  17. It's 5 years with 2 option years, so...it's probably about right, if those option years aren't guaranteed. The Broncos gave him a massive signing bonus. Not sure how that'll play out over time, in terms of cap hit...but his 2022 cap number is a mostly-friendly $24M. That's 7th among QBs. Not cheap, no, but with the cap higher, it's not a crushing burden. Cap hit next year is listed as $27M at Sportrac, but they didn't have details beyond that at this point.
  18. That particular one, yes. I love Uncial fonts, but the corkscrew T is awful. And there are better laid-out, better proportioned ones.
  19. Bar code readers (as, for example, at checkout stations)
  20. BODY can at least loosely be connected to a physical aspect, but CON is a complete abstraction. I think the major reason they were separated is to keep the notions of "resilient" and "hard to kill" separate. That said, I suspect it was done more for figured characteristics than anything else...and that's gone. So I can see OP's point; they *are* redundant now, and no, they aren't all that different. The problem is that a great deal of stuff is tied to having "hard to stun" and "hard to kill" separate, so......the ripple effects are nasty. As for the others...EGO and PRE have seriously different uses, as do END and STUN, so this argument is specious, IMO.
  21. Realistically, whether one says they're eliminating CON or BODY, the point's the same...they're being merged. So from the labeling perspective, it comes down to, what's more understandable? I don't care about the point that objects have BODY but not CON, that's trivial for me to adapt. BUT, what is CON, what does it mean, if you're rolling BODY into it? It's harder to explain. Ruggedness, toughness? Isn't that PD? Whereas BODY is trivial. It's how much you have to bash into pieces before the whole thing falls apart. So, yeah, from that perspective, dropping CON feels like it'd be easier to teach.
  22. Extra Limb and Stretching is a simpler, likely MUCH cheaper combo, and fits the visuals I remember for Scorpion. Extra Limbs in 6E is cheap. Stretching gets a heckuva lot of cost shaving...Limited Body Parts (Only With Extra Limbs), no non-combat Stretching. One of my favorite concepts is the hybrid brick/martial artist...STR is the larger source of damage, not martial DCs, higher than usual defenses, lower than usual (for a martial artist) DCVs. My favorite execution is the multi-limbed...done, for example, 6 of em. 2 are principally for movement, 2 are strikers, the last 2 have much less Stretching and are used for blocking (I made these a DCV bonus.) The combat style is Doc Ock, given the indirect nature of stretching...highly erratic movement and attacks from strange angles. And it's not necessarily terribly expensive. The biggest problem with the TK approach is its cost, because the TK doesn't stack well with STR, and because it's obviously really expensive damage in the first place, at 7.5 points per d6. TK also retains the range mod; with stretching, the attacks are still HTH. This also greatly simplifies skill level considerations. It's also a WHOLE lot simpler to go with extra limbs and stretching; you don't need to construct ad hoc limitations to force a fit.
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