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Everything posted by unclevlad

  1. Yeah, I caught the fingers live, and on the replay it's REALLY obvious. Al's relaying their trainer's note...it's a neurological response to head trauma. So...yeah, concussion. And this is gonna make the NFLPA rise up in arms, and SERIOUSLY!!!! add fuel to the fire about last week. I have to think the Fins won't let him back onto the field, with that shot of the fingers. EDIT: at the hospital, which is already saying they're taking it a couple levels more seriously. Head and neck injuries. Just reported at halftime, he can move all his extremities. EDIT 2: showed the play again just now. The scariest part to me is the whiplash.
  2. I expect they're lumping in that DISASTROUS 2nd season in Denver. And for much the same reason: the belief back then was, he was over his head/not ready. Well, here we *should* be able to remove the "not ready" side, so we're left with........ Plus, the Broncos have 2 wins. Somehow. That deflects a lot of heat.
  3. Amazon's deal for TNF runs 11 years. After that, there's a decent chance there'll be more clarity on the future of cable vs. broadcast vs. streaming. And whether Amazon's approach is viable, versus a standalone approach like Disney+. BUT: Amazon Prime as 160+ million subscribers, which beats everyone but Netflix...and might be passing them, as Netflix has been losing subscribers. It's larger than Disney+. Given that ESPN has MNF, I can readily see Disney+ pushing for TNF...but streamed, as another magnet offering to their collection. I am not sure that the 4 OTA networks want TNF. It's a pain. It disrupts their fall scheduling to a considerable degree, and it's never had better than intermittent ratings. ESPN could; their live sports offerings are *sparse* these days. (ESPN2 did a Federer-Nadal marathon a couple days ago, for example; last night was mostly ESPN Films stuff.) But I don't think Disney wants to spend money...not as bad as Warner/Discovery, but bad enough. And the NFL's expensive.
  4. And the liver's in the torso, where armor MUST be located...except when there's basically none, as in martial sports. In part exactly to *avoid* the potential consequences. Hit the solar plexus, force the diaphragm and jangle all those nerves. Even square on the sternum with a blunt weapon can bruise the heart, which is potentially lethal. Lower down...blows to the stomach/intestines are NO fun. Even if it's a blunt weapon, and CLEARLY, if we're getting into pointed or edged, the situation is much worse. Building it as a nerve strike has a big drawback: STR doesn't apply.
  5. I dunno, I think 2 of em are complaining in this thread..... <....and teleporting into my scry-proof safe room...>
  6. All jokes aside...this is a masssssssive storm. 150 mph, storm surges in the worst spots (SE of the eye) predicted to be in the 12 to 18 FOOT range...that'll swamp a 2 story house. That's if it hits at high tide, but still... Rainfall, the heaviest forecast right now is Daytona Beach...10-15 inches. Stay safe, everyone.
  7. Speaking of pumpkin spice...brekkers was a pumpkin spice griddle cake. Mostly coconut and almond flours...the pumpkin spice blended quite nicely. With about 100 grams of blue/black/raspberries, zapped in the wave, with a bit of stevia and cinnamon added, in lieu of a high-sugar syrup. Yumm...
  8. The Onion. Altho, the point about a hurricane isn't funny when Ian's gunning for Cat 5 status.
  9. WEIRDNESS. And it ended up being 3...a runner on 1st, at the start, *scores*. I guess it's technically a balk, but the guy's pitched close to 300 innings in the majors, and this is the first time it's ever been called. That's the part that's insane. And the motion's not at all deceptive to me. Very, very bizarre. The ump's experienced, even if he looks fairly young. (In fact, he's 39.) He's been in the majors since 2016. Gonna be a meme now.....
  10. Yeah, if it's just a place he crashes, and it's by and large normal...even if it's reinforced and with cooking/bathroom facilities...I don't see any advantage worth spending points on. I'd probably even allow this even if the guy's got a 5 point Poor complication, as this is about the same (from what you're describing) as a crummy, tiny apartment.
  11. There are several. They're called personal seat licences. Wait...you mean a gofundme for the fans???? Never mind.......
  12. Ticket prices are obscene...but with only 8-9 home games, in-stadium capacity for one's team is sharply limited. I'm still not sure that what the teams have been doing, won't generate enough fan alienation to cause problems. There's complaints now, but they're still selling. It's very early, but only a handful of teams have sold less than 95% of the seats: --Dallas: cost --Vegas: COST$$ (believe most expensive in league), bad performance, bad track record --Detroit: extensive bad history? Local economy? Those 3 are just under 95%. Atlanta is 93%; bad team that needs a complete rebuild. Preseason win total was 4.5, tied for lowest in the league with the Texans. Washington is at 90.7%; bad team, bad owner, terrible off-season publicity. And Jacksonville's at 86%. Continuing fallout from Urban Meyer fiasco? Incompetent upper management? Conversely, 13 teams have been at 100% capacity or higher; 6 of those have had 2 home games, so it's not just, say, an opening day surge. Chicago and Baltimore are at 99.8%.
  13. Build it as a vehicle. Vehicles can have skills, labs, libraries, etc.
  14. The post-game drama may well be whether Kenny Golladay goes back to complaining about his usage...or lack thereof. 3 targets, no catches; a significant drop late. EDIT: Some Giants fans are less than thrilled. https://gmenhq.com/2022/09/26/ny-giants-fans-blasting-kenny-golladay-mnf-loss/ Can't blame them. His contract is huge...and weird. And done by the guys who got fired. Why it's not working is anyone's guess, but it's a disaster.
  15. That's also 2003. As late as 2014 there were those arguing the stuff didn't exist...but there are lab tests in the last few years that have produced it. That wikipedia article is also dated; they're talking hardness 7-8, but that's based on natural stones that aren't representative of the pure material. It's a bizarre subject, to say the least. Carbon is amazing.
  16. It'll have to go quite a ways to be worse than that debacle of last night, and somehow the Broncos were credited with a win. Speaking of debacles...I forgot entirely it was Monday night til just now. Go Giants!!! (By far the least objectionable team in that division...)
  17. No, not a diamond. Crystal structure changes several things...including basic color, for example. And while there's some controversy? Diamond potentially isn't the hardest. IIRC, it's also MUCH more difficult to manufacture lonsdaleite than it is to create diamond.
  18. not so much cute, but gorgeous. Local gent posts these periodically on the neighborhood app.
  19. fortunately for our taste buds and sanity, no. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/oscar-mayer-offer-pumpkin-spice-bologna/
  20. At this point I'm not at all sure where Denver will end up, altho I don't think they'll make the playoffs. The offense is horrible, but the defense is better than I thought. How much of this evening was the Niners? Some, I gotta think. That safety was a marginal call at best, and Jimmy G basically panicked. I'll give Denver an A- on defense, with the Niner ineptness turning it into an A+. Oh, and let's give kudos to the punters and punt coverage, both ways. Can't recall the last time I saw that many punts burying the return team that deep. Kicking teams, too.
  21. Better than the odds of the Broncos playing well this year... For a game in good weather, on a good field, this might be the worst combined exhibition of offensive football I've seen in years. With 10 minutes left, the teams are a combined 3-23 on third down. 13 offensive points...the safety should count as -2 for offense, that was HORRIBLE...and 16 punts. Mr. P, I'd suggest 2 ounces of topical muscle relaxant of your preferred style. Repeat as needed...but not more than 3 doses per evening.
  22. Tirico: "Broncos are in field goal range from here..." Collinsworth: "Russ, don't take a sack here...." Kiss of death.............
  23. ASL seems to be able to convey knowledge rather broadly, and there's nothing mystic there. This works just fine when dealing with a group with common training. Developing a combat shorthand is clearly beneficial.
  24. Interesting article about conference realignment https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-realignment-is-changing-college-football-in-20-maps/ A point about the secondary sports: most often, teams would be taking buses to road games; flying is seriously expensive for a non-revenue sport. The compact conferences...not a real problem. The conferences as they are now...big problem.
  25. The Steelers have serious problems on offense. It's still very early, but Trubisky's got a track record...that's much more bad to VERY bad, than good. As long as he's in, it seems unlikely the problems will be solved. And Mike Tomlin is stubborn, so it seems unlikely he'll change soon.
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